after losing heart

Chapter 125 [145] Can't sleep

Chapter 125 [145] Can't sleep

Qiancheng obviously felt the people around him freeze suddenly, "Where are you now?"

"Back Mountain!"

As soon as Yang Hen's words fell, Qiancheng only felt Ziying flicker in front of his eyes, and Su Mochen had disappeared.

Her hand was hanging there, the heat from being covered on the back of the hand was still there, and the faint breath of sandalwood was still there, but the person...
Yang Hen stood there looking at her, frowning slightly, eyes full of worry.

She raised her head high, looked at the two bright stars in the sky, bent her lips and smiled, "Yang Hen, tell me, after hundreds of years, will the sky still be hung with these stars tonight?"

Yang Hen was startled, a little dazed, and didn't understand how she would ask such a strange question.

Seeing that he didn't know how to answer, she smiled again, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if they are the same? It's late at night, let's rest early!"

After speaking, he turned and went back to the room.

She tried not to let herself think about the man's mess just now and the urgency when he left.However, these things always got into her brain.


Xiao Qi!
Xiao Qi has an old disease?
Shouldn't you seek an imperial physician if you have an old disease?Moreover, the identities of the two, one is a younger sister and the other is an elder brother, they can meet in their own courtyard openly, why do they have to go to the back mountain?
It seems that the disease is not serious enough.

Thinking of this, she was suddenly startled.

Ran Qiancheng, are you jealous?Are you ready to leave?

Disturbed in her heart, she sat up and fell asleep, but couldn't fall asleep, and kept thinking about what it would be like when the two met in the back mountain?
Will you hug?Will you kiss?meeting……

She felt like she was going crazy.

Getting up again, she put a handful of incense into the incense burner and lit it.

Immediately, the dark fragrance lingered, she took a deep breath, and after a while, sleepiness hit her...

Back mountain
The moonlight is dim, and the shadows of the trees are whirling.

Under the Cangwu tree, a woman wearing a black cloak stood gracefully, her watery eyes looked around from time to time.

Su Mo fell lightly behind her, looking at her quietly.

The woman seemed to feel the gaze behind her, she turned around suddenly, and when she saw him, she galloped over like a light butterfly, and said angrily, "Shen, how long have you been here? Don't say anything, it's the middle of the night Are you trying to scare me to death?"

Su Mo hugged her lightly, and curled the corners of his lips, "Just come!"

Suddenly remembering something, he raised her shoulders with both hands, "Your illness?"

The woman smiled sweetly, her eyes sparkling and sparkling, "It's all right! I just want to see you!"

After speaking, he buried his head in his generous chest.

Su Mo's deep eyes turned cold, and his big hand pulled her up from his arms again, and said in a deep voice, "Is this kind of thing a joke?"

The woman was startled, unexpectedly he would be like this, her beautiful eyes stared at him blankly for a while, "Are you angry?"

Su Mo pursed his lips, but did not speak.

The woman's beautiful eyes immediately filled with water, she bit her lip, and said: "I just want to see you, I thought you were the same..."

"But you can't make fun of your own illness! Besides, there are so many people around now, so many pairs of eyes, how dangerous!"

Su Mo's face was gloomy, his voice was still cold.

The woman looked at him earnestly, and after a while, she threw herself into his arms. Although tears were streaming down her face, the corners of her lips curled up, "I know, I know you are worried about me. It's my fault. Later, later, I will talk to you again." Not anymore. I know, I know what you did for me. "

When Su Mochen walked into the courtyard, he suddenly thought of Qiancheng, and remembered that he was going to go with her to listen to some girl's love story under the melon and fruit shelf, but it was delayed.

Pursing his lips, he came to the door of Qiancheng's wing.

The candles in the room have been extinguished, presumably he has already fallen asleep, and wanted to turn around and leave, but pushed the door open again by some strange circumstance.

A dark fragrance came to his nostrils, he quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, he recognized this fragrance, is it a fragrance?

Dazed, he strode into the room and extinguished the burning spices in the incense burner. Beside the incense burner, there was a piece of leftover incense.

In the hazy moonlight, one can vaguely see the word "city" printed on the top of Mi Xiang.

Because some time ago he secretly sent people to buy a large amount of spices made by her, so he knew that the city characters on it indicated that they were made by her Qiancheng.

This woman, this woman actually uses fanciness on herself!
Can't sleep?
His chest trembled slightly, and he walked to the bed. The woman was sleeping peacefully under a thin quilt, with thick and curly eyelashes, slightly pouty red lips, breathing evenly and blowing like blue.

He stood for a long time, just stood in the dark and looked at her.

After a long time, he suddenly leaned over and gently kissed her smooth forehead. He wanted to leave, but felt reluctant to give up. He kissed her nose and lips lightly, then straightened up, turned and walked out of the room.

The next morning.

Qiancheng was awakened by Chunlan's shaking, and the sky was already bright.

"Master Qian, hurry up, many people have already gathered in front, I heard that today's program is very important, it's not good for us to be late."

Qiancheng rubbed his sleepy eyes, feeling dizzy, and had the illusion of not knowing where he was.

After a while, he woke up with a jerk, "It's over, so you didn't know to call me earlier?"

"The slaves are going to shout, but the fourth master said it's still early, so let the master sleep a little longer."

Su Mochen?
What happened last night came into his mind bit by bit, and Qian Cheng panicked again, "Has he been here?"


He got up and got out of bed, quickly washed, dressed, and had breakfast. When Qiancheng walked out of the room, Su Mochen was already waiting in the yard, standing under a hypericum tree with his hands up and down, looking up slightly at the The golden flowers on it, I don't know what I'm thinking.

It was only then that Qiancheng remembered that this kind of flower was also grown in Sikongwei's yard.

Xu Shi felt something strange behind him, Su Mochen suddenly turned around and looked at her.

Today, she is wearing a long purple brocade dress with tiny magnolia flowers embroidered on the hem and sleeves with ruffled leaves. As people walk, the sleeves rise and fall, and the hem of the skirt flutters. fairy.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly.

Qiancheng suddenly realized that he seemed to be wearing the wrong clothes.

The colors of the two, the colors of the two are exactly the same.

From a modern point of view, it is a couple outfit.

"I... oh, I heard that there is a competition today, this skirt is too long, it's inconvenient to move around, I'll change it." Qian Cheng was just about to turn around, but the man grabbed his hand.

"No, this suit is fine!"

The man carried her away, the corners of his lips curved slightly, with little arcs.

"Yes, but..."

"No but, no more but, you will be disqualified, everyone is here, only the two of us are missing!"

Helpless, Qiancheng had no choice but to bite the bullet and was led out of the courtyard by him.

There was an open space in front of the palace, and sure enough, it was already crowded with people, those who knew and those who didn't, and it was noisy.

Under the attention of everyone, Su Mochen led her all the way to the place where the Fourth Prince's Mansion was standing. Xi Lingxue and Tong Suqing had already been waiting there, and when they saw him coming, they greeted him.

Qiancheng felt the venomous eyes of the two.

Not far away, Xiao Qi was standing, fighting with other princes, and when he saw her, he smiled brightly at her.

Showing two small canine teeth, his smile was as bright as the morning sun at dawn, but Qiancheng still had goosebumps for no reason.

There is another gaze that is deeply focused, who is it?
She searched and found nothing.

Sudden anger in my heart, not being favored, why should I become the target of public criticism?
She angrily shook off the man's hand. The man looked at her, and just as he was about to speak, he heard his father-in-law's shrill voice, "The emperor is here, and the empress is here!"

Everyone knelt down.

At this time, Qiancheng discovered that Tianlun is indeed Tianlun. Not only the emperor and empress, but also all kinds of concubines came, and even Concubine Mei who seldom went out.

It's not easy. It's not easy.

Emperor Wen walked in the front in bright yellow, followed by the empress in phoenix robes, behind was the third prince's concubine Li Concubine and the fourteenth prince's concubine Mei Concubine, and behind them were concubines and nobles. of.

When Concubine Mei passed by them, Qiancheng took a sneak peek at Su Mochen, but saw that his brows and eyes were drooping, and his face was watery, without any meaning.

A group of people sat down on the seats that had been arranged beforehand, and Emperor Wen's sharp eyes swept over everyone one by one, "Get up!"

At the end, he waved to Eunuch Li who was next to him, "Tell me about today's show in detail!"

After the third shift~ Suzi is right to everyone, the competition has not yet started, Suzi will speed up the pace~~~~ In addition, many relatives are concerned about when they can see Qiancheng's true face, Suzi tells everyone responsibly, Kuaiiao , this big competition, followed by a big abuse, Ran Qiancheng made a stunning appearance~
Thank you [Cecile2007] for your magical brush and special liking~~Thank you for [Milk Chocolate Sorbet] and [Xiaobaiguaiguai 1211] for your flowers~~
Thank you [bigthree] for your big purse and monthly pass~~Thank you [Lan Xiaoxing] for your monthly pass~~ I love you all! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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