after losing heart

Chapter 124 [144] Seven Nights Night

Chapter 124 [144] Night of the Chinese Valentine's Day

With a flick of her heart, she looked up, and saw that handsome face that was so familiar.

Su Mo Shen!
She was dazed, and the man spoke first, "You and Su Qing are in the same car."

She was dazed again, bent down and got into the carriage. She didn't understand what he meant until the curtain of the carriage was lowered to isolate him from the curtain.

One car per person?
Is it because she is afraid that she will feel uncomfortable?

She curled her lips and smiled bitterly. What's more uncomfortable about her?
The carriage finally moved slowly, Su Mochen and Xilingxue were in the same carriage, she and Tong Suqing were in the same carriage, and the accompanying maid sat on the carriage with the driver.

It wasn't until the voice of Chunlan and Yang Hen's conversation came through the curtain that she realized that Yang Hen was driving her car.

She doesn't know what that man means?I don't even bother to take care of it.

The seventh day of July in the 28th year of Emperor Wen of Xi Cang is the annual Tianlun Festival.

The so-called family relationship refers to the love of husband and wife, the respect of brothers and friends, and the joy of children around their knees.

Although, the royal family is for the Tian family, involving too many heavy things, and the family relationship is very weak, but after all, the Tian family is also a family, and the more scarce things are, the rarer they are, so the emperors of all dynasties paid special attention to this year. Once a happy family.

It is the same this year.

Over the years, the grand ceremonies of the Tianlun Festival were held in the palace. Emperor Wen saw that the country was peaceful and the people were safe, so he proposed to move his family this year to Cangling Mountain outside the capital city.

There are mountains, water, and palaces there, so it is a good place to escape the summer heat.

Ming and yellow ceremonial guards, BMW incense cars, stretching for several miles, the Sangong and Six Courtyards, all kinds of concubines, princes and princesses, and the female family members of the palace, all of them are all together, and they are in a hurry.

Qiancheng doesn't like to be busy, and Yang Hen's carriage is very stable, so except for getting up at noon and having a lunch, she sleeps the rest of the time.

When we arrived at Cangling Mountain, the sun had already set to the west.

Qiancheng opened the window curtains, only to find that they had already entered the mountain, green bamboos everywhere, deep and melancholy, above the head, the sky was wide and cloudy, misty and misty, and the sky was full of red clouds, like bright clouds woven, Splendid heaps.

With the beautiful scenery on a good day, Qiancheng's mood couldn't help but improve.

The Xinggong was built on the hillside of Cangling Mountain. By the time everyone arrived at the Xinggong and everything was settled, it was already dark.

Although it is a palace, there are quite a few nuns and maidservants who can do things, and they are busy, but they are arranged in an orderly manner.

The people of the Four Princes' Mansion were arranged in a courtyard to the west. The architecture of the courtyard was somewhat similar to the courtyard house in contemporary Beijing, with a courtyard in the middle and houses around it.

There are four rooms in total, one for Xilingxue and Su Mochen, one for Tong Suqing, one for Qiancheng, and one for servants.

Chunlan tidied up in the room, and Qiancheng thought about getting some fresh air outside. As soon as she walked into the yard, she saw Su Mochen and Tong Suqing standing in the pavilion talking from a distance, she suddenly felt uninterested, and Turned around and went back to the room.

Emperor Wen decreed that because everyone was tired from traveling and traveling, the dinner was cooked in the imperial dining room and delivered to the courtyards of each mansion, and they had their own meals. They also asked everyone to have a good rest and recharge their batteries so that they would have the energy to participate in tomorrow's wonderful show.

The night is cold as water.

Qiancheng stood leaning against the window, maybe she slept too much during the day, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, she didn't like going to the yard, it's not that she didn't dare, it's just that the yard is too small, some people look down and don't look up, She really didn't want to see it.

She looked up at the first quarter moon in the sky, and lost her mind.

The seventh day of July is the Tianlun Festival here, but in her time and space it is Qixi Festival.

On such a day and such a cool night, she thought of Xiao Han again, and the Qixi Festival of that year.

That night, the stars were shining brightly, and the sky was full of fireworks that night.

Xiao Han put the ring he designed by himself on her finger, whispering the most moving oath in her ear.

Now Qixi Festival is coming again, but there are no more people.

The memory was so clear, as clear as if it happened yesterday, and it was so clear that she could feel the pain in her heart.

She closed her eyes, and warm liquid overflowed her eye sockets. She raised her face slightly and remained motionless.

There were soft footsteps coming from behind, she thought it was Chunlan, she ignored it, and still maintained that posture.

She didn't open her eyes slowly until there was no movement after a while, her heart beating slightly.

Without looking back, she already knew who it was.

She looked out the window quietly, and the man looked at her quietly.

"Su Mochen, do you know? In my hometown, today is Qixi Festival and Valentine's Day."

She turned around, leaned lightly on the window lintel, and looked back at the person who came.

The visitor turned his back to the moonlight, his tall figure was hidden in the darkness, he couldn't see his face clearly, only a pair of eyes as black as stones, shining like stars.

"Where is your hometown?" In the darkness, the man opened his mouth. I don't know if it was because he knew it was him when he saw her without turning around, or because he didn't ignore him with a cold face, but there seemed to be a hint of excitement in his voice. .

her hometown?

Qiancheng suddenly remembered that Sikong Wei once asked her such a question, she said that she was in the far east, but at this moment, she didn't even have that kind of state of mind.

She didn't answer, because the minds of the two were not on the same interface.

What she said was that today is Valentine's Day, but what he listened to was in her hometown.

"Have you heard the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?" she asked again.

In the darkness, the man shook his head.

Qiancheng was a little shocked. It stands to reason that China has been around for 5000 years. This folk tale has been passed down for a long time. How could he not know?
Then I thought about it again, yes, I don’t know what time and space this time and space is?Xi Cang did not have this dynasty in Chinese history at all.

Turning around slowly, she looked out of the window again and said quietly, "It is said that the Weaver Girl is a beautiful, intelligent and ingenious fairy in the sky, while the Cowherd is a mortal man who herds cattle on the earth, but they fell in love. And privately worshiped heaven and earth and got married. Later, when the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother found out, they were furious and ordered the gods to capture the Weaver Girl. When the Cowherd found out at home, he took two children to chase her. Wanting to catch up, the Queen Mother was anxious, pulled out the golden hairpin on her head and swiped towards the Milky Way. The Milky Way, which used to be clear and shallow, suddenly became turbid and turbulent. , Forever and ever, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother couldn't hold back their sincere feelings, and allowed them to meet once a year. Every seventh day of the seventh month, magpies in the world will fly to the sky and build a magpie bridge for the Cowherd and Weaver Girl to meet in the Milky Way."

Before she finished telling her story, there was a sudden warmth on her back, and the man hugged her gently behind him.

She froze slightly, but she didn't refuse, and let him hold her, slowly raised her hand and stretched out her slender fingers, pointing to the stars outside the window, "Look, the two brightest stars, one is the Altair, and the other is Vega, tonight is the day they meet."

It turns out that although time and space are different, the stars are still the same.

The man didn't speak, but rested his chin lightly on her shoulder, tilted his head, and looked in the direction of her finger.

The night is so quiet, so quiet that people feel unreal, like dreaming.

"It is said that in the dead of night, people can still hear the Cowherd and Weaver Girl's tender words of love in the sky under the grape trellis or other melon and fruit trellises."

"Grape rack?" The man suddenly raised his head and looked at her solemnly, "There is a rack in your Tsinghua Garden in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, here..."

Suddenly, he seemed to suddenly remember something, took her hand and left, "By the way, when I came here, I saw a gourd somewhere."

Qiancheng was a little confused, she just said that, could it be that he took it seriously?

Seeing her hesitation, the man frowned slightly, "Why? Should gourds be considered fruits, too?"

"Are you really going to listen?"

"Don't you want to hear it?" A touching smile bloomed on the thin lips of the man, his eyes sparkled, he took her hand and left.

Qiancheng's mood moved, and he went out with him.

But as soon as he left the door, he ran into Yang Hen who was in a hurry. He wanted to say something, but when he saw Qiancheng next to him, he hesitated to speak.

Su Mo frowned, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Yang Hen pursed his lips, but did not speak.

Qiancheng smiled, isn't it convenient?she understands.

"Tell me, I'm going back to my room."

She was about to turn around, but her hand was wrapped by Su Mochen again, "It's okay!" At the end, he looked at Yang Hen again, "Say it!"

Yang Hen sighed, and said after a while: "The girl has an old illness, and she wants to see the master!"

Qiancheng obviously felt the people around him freeze suddenly, "Where are you now?"

In the next chapter, the competition begins, and everyone makes their debut~
Suzi continues the third update, but there is no such coffee~~ %&gt_<%

(End of this chapter)

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