after losing heart

Chapter 132 [152] Don't leave

Chapter 132 [152] Don't leave

For a moment, the four eyes met, breathing could be heard, Qiancheng's heart trembled, and he hurriedly turned his head back.

"Don't go, okay?"

A hoarse and dull voice rang in his ears.

Qiancheng's breath was stagnant, thinking that he had heard wrong.

However, those few words really hit her heart, every word was sound and clear.

Slowly turning her head, she stared at him blankly.

He also stared at her, not for a moment, his black eyes were rippling with a brilliance like a stone, and they were so soft that they seemed to be dripping water, he repeated, "Don't leave again, okay?"

Qiancheng was startled, stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked away.

It must be an illusion, it must be an illusion.

This kind of tenderness does not belong to him, not to this man, at least, it does not belong to him to her.

Seeing that she was silent, the man was not in a hurry, he slowly pulled her over, hugged her face to him, stroked her cheeks and eyelashes with his big bandage-wrapped hands, as if he wanted to see his own eyes in her clear eyes. reflection.

She held his wrist to keep him from moving, with a bewildered expression on her face, and she asked, "You don't love me, don't you? If you don't love me, why do you still do this?"

Su Mochen was slightly startled, he didn't know whether he loved him or not, if he loved him, then what was the person in his heart?If he didn't love her, why was he so afraid of losing her?

Slightly raised the corners of his lips, he did not answer, but bowed his head and kissed her.

Maybe it's because the night in the deep mountains is really too cold, or maybe it's because of the blood loss from the back and hands today, his lips are very cold, sticking to hers, it makes her tremble.

She came to her senses and wanted to struggle, but he was holding her face, she couldn't avoid it, she could only look at his handsome face with wide eyes, trying to see his expression clearly.

She wants answers.


He closed his eyes slightly, his lips trembled slightly, and he pressed against her lips tightly, extremely gentle.

Unlike ever before, there was no wildness, no roughness, no urgency.

It seemed to be full of too many emotions that couldn't be wiped away or melted away, and it seemed to be telling her something silently.

what is it then?

Is this the way to tell her the answer?

She didn't know, and she would never believe it.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly let her go.

She looked at him, and he looked at her.

The four looked at each other, and neither spoke.

She stared into his deep pupils, hoping to catch something from those dark, ink-like pupils, but there was nothing, except for the dancing flames...

Jumping flames!
She was startled.

Sure enough, the man's hand moved out from her skirt, and he tightened her clothes tightly. His black eyes slowly moved away from her face, and the corners of his eyes lifted slightly to look behind her.

She also turned her head and followed his gaze.

Not far behind her, a row of torches.

It turned out that the flower seedlings dancing in his pupils came from these torches.

The people holding the torches all stood there motionless, staring at the two of them in a daze, as if petrified.

Fourteen was the first to react, and said with a smile: "I said, why do some people wait so long! It turns out that I have a private meeting with my fourth brother here! It seems that we shouldn't have found it, so it's broken It's a good thing for people."

Someone laughed, but I don't know who it was.

Qiancheng's face was red up to the ears, but fortunately it was dark at night, so it was not easy to see.

How many gazes are there?

Eleventh, Fourteenth, Eighth, Ninth, Third Prince Su Mofeng, Xiao Qi and Yun Kou.

It's very strange, the first four people all have teasing looks on their faces, while the last three are slightly pursing their lips, even Xiao Qi, who has always been bluffing, is rare and quiet.

Su Mo stood up calmly, slowly helped Qiancheng up, and smiled at everyone: "We lost our way, thank you for finding us, otherwise, we would have to starve and suffer from cold in this deep mountain forest tonight."

After finishing speaking, he took Qiancheng's hand and walked towards the crowd.

"Cut! Get lost?" Fourteen coldly said, "Fourth brother, you are just deceiving fourth sister-in-law. You will get lost, and I wouldn't believe it even if you were killed. Ninth brother, do you believe it?"

Everyone laughed again, "We don't believe it either!"

Su Mo smiled but said nothing, his black eyes smiled and looked at Qiancheng, and the sparkling eyes flowed.

Qiancheng was in a trance, his appearance gave her an illusion, as if she was really the woman he loved with all his heart.

Knowing it wasn't, but still blushing.

The two held hands and walked out together with the crowd, because Su Mochen's hand was injured and wrapped in a bandage, Qiancheng was afraid of touching his injury, so he gently pulled his hand out of his palm, hesitated, and turned back shook his wrist.

Su Mochen was slightly taken aback, and immediately, the corners of his lips curved.

Su Mofeng didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but just hooked the corners of his lips lightly, and smiled lightly. Yun Kou was probably a little reserved because he was just a servant, so he didn't say a word, and quietly followed the crowd .

Xiao Qi asked, "Fourth Brother, are your injuries alright?"

Qiancheng's eyes flickered slightly, and Su Mo smiled calmly: "It's okay! As long as Xiao Qi doesn't make trouble for me, I'm fine no matter what!"

Everyone laughed again, "Yes, yes", and Xiao Qi was teased again.

Xiao Qi frowned, smiling embarrassingly.

The camp was chosen on a flat land in the col, and several tents had already been set up.

When everyone was sitting around the bonfire scrambling to grab the barbecue food, Qiancheng thought that she probably understood Emperor Wen's intentions.

Looking for nameplates in this vast forest is just a name, but getting everyone to get along like this is the reality, right?
Just like he restored the qualification of Su Mochen and his group to advance to the third round, he is an emperor, but in fact he is a father after all, brother and friend, he also wants to.

Su Mochen was sitting next to her, watching the quarrel between fourteen, nine and seven, he just smiled and roasted the meat in his hands patiently, although his hands were bandaged, they were really clumsy, inconvenient, and unsuitable do this one thing.

After the skewers were cooked, he handed them to Qiancheng.

Qiancheng didn't bother to be polite to him, and accepted everything, anyway, even if it was just a show, she didn't want to wrong her stomach.

Fourteen took a handful of roasted meat and sat beside Yun Kou, "Here you are!"

Yun Kou smiled politely, but didn't answer, just said: "Your servant is not hungry!"

Fourteen got annoyed, and forced the meat skewers into her hands, "Don't say anything more about slaves, no one is more noble than anyone else tonight!"

Yun Kou had no choice but to accept, nodding humbly, "Then thank you Fourteenth Master."

Seeing this, Xiao Qi refused, and stood up with a groan, "Fourth brother roasted all for fourth sister-in-law to eat, and Yun Kou had fourteen for her to roast, why is it that I am the only one of the three women who suffers so much? No, third brother, this sacred task is entrusted to you, and you are responsible for roasting it for me!"

Everyone laughed and looked at Su Mofeng gloatingly.

Su Mofeng raised his head, looked at Xiao Qi who was standing there puffing up, and said with a smile, "Okay! It's a great honor!" His black eyes swept over Qiancheng vaguely.

It was also rare for Qiancheng to pay attention to what was there or not. He ate happily by himself, and occasionally chatted with Yun Kou who was beside him.

Perhaps it was because of being with Qiancheng that Yun Kou was finally able to let go, and was chatting with her in a good mood while eating the food in his hand gently.

Fourteen leaned over from time to time to interject a few words.

Su Mochen basically talked very little, he was grilling the meat all the time, the corners of his lips were slightly curled up, and occasionally the corners of his eyes were slightly lifted, he glanced at the two women who were talking happily, and then lightly glanced at Shishi.

The update is complete~~ According to legend, there may be a boat tomorrow, and there may be abuse! ! !

Thank you [vg278808], [Qingqing’s mother] for the monthly pass, okay~~
(End of this chapter)

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