after losing heart

Chapter 133 [153] The robbery of this life

Chapter 133 [153] The robbery of this life

palace, wing

One Bean Candle

Xiang Cao raised her hand and put down the window door, looked back at the beautiful woman sitting alone in front of the desk, and said softly: "Ms. Mei Concubine, it's late at night, servants and servants should take a rest!"

The woman turned her head slowly, and glanced at her, "You step back first, I want to sit for a while."

Vanilla's lips moved, and she wanted to say something else, but seeing the woman's indifferent look, she finally didn't say anything, and sighed, "Your servant will leave!"

The room became quiet all of a sudden, the woman sat for a while, raised her hand and gently removed the octagonal lampshade of the palace lantern on the table, picked up the scissors on the side and cut off the burnt candle wicks, and the room was suddenly much brighter.

Looking at the flickering candle, she lost her mind for a while, then put the lampshade on again.

When she was climbing today, she was just below the rock, and when she saw Su Mochen suddenly crossing from No. [-] to No. [-] and holding the rope of No. [-] with one hand, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

Otherwise, what should she do?What should she do?
She owed him too much, too much, since she gave birth to him, she hadn't fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother for a single day.

He and Fourteen are both her sons.

Fourteen grew up in a honeypot since he was a child, but he was discriminated against, exiled at a young age, suffered many hardships that ordinary people did not suffer, and grew up in adversity all the time.

As a mother, she could only watch, dryly, and heartbroken.

She didn't know, what would he think and do if one day he knew all the truth?
She thought, he must hate it, right?Hate this mother who made his life a mess!
Today, he didn't even want his life because of that woman named Qiancheng. She didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing?

Dare to love, dare to hate, sincere affection and sexuality, she hopes he has.

A man, a real man, who dares to take responsibility, she also hopes that he has.

However, born in an emperor's family, these extravagant things are often the sharp weapons that kill people.

In fact, she also loves Qiancheng from the bottom of her heart. Although she has little contact with him, she is a woman who has accumulated decades of life. Women see women, and she sees them clearly.

That woman is indeed different, she is brave, persistent, humble, kind, and most importantly, has a heart of deep love and willingness to sacrifice.

Sighing slightly, she only hoped that she would not be the catastrophe of Shen Er in this life.

She hoped that he would be fine and always be fine.

There was the sound of steady footsteps behind her, she was startled, before she could turn her head, her back felt hot, and she was already wrapped in her arms, "It's so late at night and I haven't slept yet, are you waiting for me?"

The man's warm breath was in her ears, she froze and did not move, "Your Majesty..."

"Are you happy to come out this time?"

The man bit her earlobe and asked softly.

"Hmm!" she nodded.

To her, the imperial palace is like a birdcage, she is very happy to be able to come out for a breath of air, and she can be on the same boat with her son today, which is something she never dreamed of.

In fact, for Emperor Wen, why not?
Over the years, it's rare to see this woman showing off her face, but today I keep seeing her smile knowingly.

" can you thank me?" Emperor Wen smiled charmingly.

Before she could respond, she was already being held in his arms.

On the mountain, camp.

The bonfire will go out.

Seeing that it was already late at night, everyone had enough to eat and drink, and they had to continue looking for the nameplate the next day, so they suggested that they should all go to sleep.

Because it was originally planned that only two teams would win, so there were only six camps arranged in advance, but now there are nine people.

When dividing up the tent, Xiao Qi kept yelling that she had to be alone, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sleep.

Su Mochen was even more so, and directly dragged Qiancheng into his account.

In this way, there were only four tents left.

In the end, Yun Kou was alone, and everyone saw that Su Mofeng was the elder brother, so they let him be alone, the ninth and fourteenth ones, and the eighth and eleventh ones.

In each tent, Xi Zijin was equipped with all kinds of toilet utensils, and a place for washing and bathing was separated by a curtain, and even the water was well prepared, which was prepared in advance by the eunuch in charge.

Because she was really tired during the day, Qiancheng went inside to wash herself as soon as she entered the camp. When she came out, she saw Su Mochen still sitting there motionless, and she was already displeased with his forced tent, so she became annoyed asked, "How are you?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows deeply, and put on a look like a master, "Waiting for you to serve!"

Qian Cheng rolled his eyes and didn't move, "I'll share a tent with Yun Kou, let Fourteen come and serve you!"

Hearing this, Su Mochen was not annoyed, and smiled, "As long as you are not afraid of disturbing other people's good affairs, you can go!"

"What do you mean?" Qiancheng was stunned.

"Don't you see that Fourteenth Brother thinks about your good friend Yun Kou? Maybe the two of you will have a private meeting at night!"

Qiancheng was taken aback, thinking about Ye Lishi's performance, um, it seems to be the case.

In fact, if Yun Kou and Shisi get married, it would be a beautiful thing. Although Shishi's temperament is a bit irritable, such people are often shallow-minded and sincere.

Then now?
She would definitely not go to sleep with Xiaoqi, and it is absolutely impossible for Su Mochen to sleep with Su Mofeng.

She was still in a daze, but Su Mochen had already stood up and gracefully walked in front of her, with his arms outstretched, his black eyes smiling at her, "I was hurt because of you, could it be that I can't even let you serve me once?"

talk about this
Hey ~
Qiancheng sighed and stood up reluctantly.

The so-called shortness of breath of a hero is probably what she looks like, right?

These ancient clothes are complicated, and in summer they have to wear two layers. Afraid of touching his wound, Qiancheng carefully took off his outer robe, leaving only a white inner garment.

Then, she went to get water from the golden basin inside the curtain, put the brocade towel into the basin, soaked it in the water, wrung it out slightly, turned around, and prepared to wipe his face.

"Squat down a little, you are so tall, how can I wipe it?"

Su Mo smiled lowly, turned around and sat down on the soft seat, looking at her leisurely.

Qiancheng pursed his lips, walked over, and gently wiped his face.

With long flying eyebrows, bright moon and thin lips, and a high nose bridge, this man indeed has a face that makes women jealous.

Qiancheng secretly adjusted his breath, but still couldn't hold back the trembling of his hands.

The corners of the man's lips were always slightly drawn, and his black eyes were staring at her with interest, not for a moment.

After wiping his face, even his body, Su Mochen was not polite. Qiancheng turned around to wash the brocade, and he untied his inner garment.

When she turned around, he was already wearing only a pair of fur trousers. Under the light of the candlelight, his well-defined chest was shining with a charming amber light. She blushed and looked away in a panic.

Seeing her distressed look, Su Mo's thin lips showed a touching smile, "According to your method of rubbing, it is estimated that it will be wiped until tomorrow morning."

Let others wait on you, still think this or that?
Qiancheng glared at him, stepped forward, knelt down in front of him, and wiped his chest carelessly with a brocade scarf in his hand.

Su Mo's throat moved slightly.

"It's all you. Look, men and women live in separate houses. If you're like this, how can I have the face to face people tomorrow?"

While wiping, Qiancheng muttered and pouted his small mouth. Because of the close distance, Rulan's breath brushed against the skin of his chest.

Su Mochen's chest trembled, and he stared at her with downcast eyes. His appearance was indescribably cute. His heart was agitated for a moment, and he suddenly raised his hand to grab her flailing wrist.

Startled, she looked up, "What's wrong?"

"How can you wipe yourself like this?" Su Mo said in a hoarse voice.

This is not rubbing at all, this is clearly lighting a fire.

Qiancheng didn't know a man's emotions, when he heard this, he thought he was doing it on purpose, and immediately became annoyed, "Then how do you wipe it off?"

"Don't wipe it!" The man said in a deep voice, and raised his hand to take the brocade scarf in her hand, and threw it into the copper basin beside her.

Qiancheng was startled, thinking that the man was angry, but before he could react, his wrist was suddenly taken away, she was caught off guard, and fell straight into the soft seat.

Thank you [finfunnel], [Kong Baixue], [longming11] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you【mercuryxia】Dear Huahua~~Qunyou~~~
(End of this chapter)

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