after losing heart

Chapter 134 [155] Is My Sister

Chapter 134 [155] Is My Sister

The night was as cold as water, but the tents of Su Mochen and Qiancheng were warm.

Such a good night is doomed to sleepless.

His sleeplessness, her sleeplessness, several people's sleeplessness.

It took an unknown amount of time before they stopped, and he leaned her into his arms, wrapping his arms around her.

The lips were lightly pressed against her ears, as if she was still tendering the emptiness after the tide.

Qiancheng didn't understand, how could this man be so physically strong?Obviously so tired, obviously hurt like that.

But it's clearly not the case!
"Su Mochen..."

Although her back was facing him, she knew that he was not asleep.

Sure enough, the man said "hmm".

"Ask you a question, of course, you don't have to answer."

"What?" The man didn't move, his thin lips were still pressed against her earlobe, Qiancheng shrank his neck slightly itchy as the warm breath blew past.

She pursed her lips and hesitated for a while, before she said cautiously, "Well...what's the relationship between you and Xiao Qi?"

Concubine Mei said that when people see things, they should not just look at them with their eyes, but feel with their hearts.

Concubine Mei also said that he and Xiao Qi are not what you think.

Not what she thought, she wondered, what was that?
The man behind him seemed to be stunned, and there was no sound for a while.

Qiancheng thought it was because he didn't want to talk, and smiled slightly, "It's okay, I said it just now, you don't need to answer, just pretend I didn't ask."

Unexpectedly, the man said, "How did you think of asking this?"

The voice is soft and intoxicating like a low alcohol wine.

Qiancheng was a little surprised, he was not angry, nor did he coldly avoid it.

"I thought of it, so if you ask, you can act as... a woman's curiosity and jealousy are at work!"

The man smiled lowly, as if her words pleased him very well, "What? Do you care?"

This is a good question...

Her husband and another woman, how could she not care?
She cares like hell.

"What do you think? It's like I'm with my third brother, do you care?"

She thought, even if she doesn't love her, she should care, right?After all, he is her husband and she is his wife. They are husband and wife, aren't they?
Sure enough, when Su Mofeng was mentioned, the man became restless.

He turned her body violently, making her face him, his black eyes locked on her face, "Xiaoqi and I are different from you and third brother."

The voice was urgent, mixed with a hint of anger.

He was angry.

why is he angry
What makes him and Xiaoqi different from him and Su Mofeng?
Qiancheng stared at him blankly, bit his lip lightly, and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Su Mochen couldn't bear it, sighed helplessly, reached out and pressed her head to his chest, "Xiao Qi is my sister!"

"younger sister?"

Startled, Qiancheng suddenly raised his head from his arms, looked at him with wide eyes, and suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Yeah!" The man nodded, "Her real name is Xie Yunxi, and her mother has the same six fingers as my concubine's mother. In the fire in the cold palace, it was her mother who died in the sea of ​​fire for my concubine. Thanks to the grace, the concubine mother accepted her as a righteous daughter, and I also swear that I will protect her well in this life."

Qiancheng was shocked.

So it turned out to be like this!


"Then how did she become Xiao Qi? Where is the real Xiao Qi?"

"These are all arranged by my concubine." The man raised his brows slightly, "I don't know where the real Xiaoqi went."

He asked Concubine Liang many times, but Concubine Liang never said a word. However, based on his understanding of her style of dealing with things, he thought that Xiaoqi might be in danger.

The man pursed his lips slightly, his face as calm as water, but Qiancheng still clearly felt his loneliness and helplessness.

How much did he bear?

She raised her hand, and lightly touched the crease between his brows with her fingertips, trying to smooth it out, she quietly asked: "Su Mochen, is the throne so important?"

The man was shocked, and stared at her, as if he didn't expect her to ask such a straightforward question.

After a long silence, he said: "There are many things you don't understand!"

Yeah, she didn't understand.

His words just stopped there, as if he didn't intend to explain to her, so she didn't ask.

Burying her face into his chest again, she said, "Su Mochen, you will succeed."

Regardless of whether he was Xiao Han or not, she remembered that in the mirage of the desert, this man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

Only emperors wear dragon robes, don't they?

The man didn't know this, he just thought it was her words of encouragement, so he didn't take it to heart, bent his lips and smiled, stroked her black hair with his big hand, "Go to sleep!"

"Yeah!" Qiancheng was more obedient than ever before, nestling in his arms like a lazy kitten, slowly closing his watery eyes, and after a while, seemed to remember something, and opened them suddenly. Eyes, "Su Mochen, I think Xiaoqi, oh no, Yun'er is definitely not a brother and sister to you."

Open your mouth and then close your mouth, and then close your mouth. How can a younger sister call her elder brother?
Even if the flowing water is ruthless, Luo Hua definitely has intentions!
The man was startled for a moment, then laughed lowly, "Are you enjoying it?"


"Cut! Not at all!" Qian Cheng curled his lips, "I'm just reminding you, don't be merciful and cause a lot of love debts, and you will have endless troubles!"

The man laughed even more.

"Is it funny?" Qiancheng got angry, raised his head and stared at him angrily.


He said no, but the man was still smiling, his black eyes were shining like stars, "You know what? I like to see how you eat!"

"Su-mo-shen" Qiancheng was ashamed and annoyed, gritted his teeth, and landed his fist on his chest without any pain.

"Hush!" The man stretched out his hand to grab her fluttering wrist, made a silent gesture towards her, lowered his head and nibbled on her earlobe, "Do you want everyone to come and watch the two of us sleep?"

Qiancheng immediately shut up.

"Sleep!" The man pressed her head down again.

She stopped making trouble, and leaned on his chest docilely.

He is exhausted today, he needs a good rest!

Dark night, winding mountain road.

On the mountain road, a few figures walked along the mountain, their steps were urgent, and their bodies were as light as swallows. They were all dressed in black clothes and black cloth masks, leaving only a pair of cold eyes like eagles exposed, like walking in the dark night. ghost.

"Young Master Xiao, tell me that the people staying on the mountain are the princes and princesses of Xi Cang, and Emperor Wen didn't even send some guards to protect him along the way. I really don't know what he thinks?"

One of the men in black turned his head and said to the last man in black.

The man in black at the back gave a cold smile, although his face was covered, under the faint moonlight, his eyebrows and eyes were faintly discernible, it was the envoy from the border country that day.

"Is it possible for you people to understand the thoughts of an emperor? Emperor Wen has a good intention. Didn't he hope that his sons and daughters can have fun like ordinary people? Moreover, those princes have strong martial arts one by one. Why worry?"

"Excellent martial arts? Then we..." A man in black next to him couldn't help but speak, with worry flashing across his eyes.

They came all the way from the border country, but they didn't come here to die.

"What are you afraid of? At night, they are all sleeping, we think it's not easy to do it." The man surnamed Xiao gave him a hard look, narrowed his eyes, and there was a cold light in them.

He must get back the humiliation he suffered in Xi Cang.

"That's right! Take a look at this portrait!" He shook out a scroll.

Everyone stopped and turned around.

"No matter what, I want this woman's life!" The man surnamed Xiao ordered in a deep voice.

Dear friends, don’t worry, just listen to Suzi slowly, the truth will be revealed one by one, and the abuse will follow~~
(End of this chapter)

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