after losing heart

Chapter 137 [158] Where are you

Chapter 137 [158] Where are you

【4000 words for this chapter】

Here, a man and a woman are still talking softly.

Qiancheng leaned wearily behind the tree, rolling her eyes blankly, and she didn't hear a word of what the two said afterwards.

She slid down the tree trunk gently, and she sat behind the tree, feeling extremely cold.

No, it's not coldness, it's emptiness, as if my heart has been hollowed out, emptiness.

She didn't think for a long time, her mind was blank, until a gust of night wind blew through her body, she shivered, and she woke up.

Go, dye Qiancheng, she told herself!
If you still want to live with some dignity, go!
Don't watch other people's romance here anymore, don't go back to the tent and wait for him to continue acting.

In this love competition, you are just a supporting role, a supporting actress who comes on stage when she needs it, and throws away her shoes when she doesn't need it. You will never be able to wait for the male lead who changes his mind.

She stood up slowly and numbly, turned around, and looked at the two figures for the last time.

A best friend, a most beloved man.

In fact, she doesn't blame, she doesn't blame them, really, there is no right or wrong in the world of love.

Yun Kou didn't hurt her anything, and Su Mochen didn't promise her anything. All the injuries and all the pains were nothing more than her sinking deeper and deeper into her obsession.

It's time to let go!

On the other side, Su Mochen slowly let go of the woman in his arms, "It's late at night, and tomorrow I'll search for nameplates all over the mountain, so go back and rest earlier!"


Yun Kou left his embrace and closed the cloak, "You should also rest early!"

Suddenly, the pupils of the two narrowed at the same time, and they shouted in unison, "Who?"

What came out along with the cold drink was the hidden weapon in the hands of the two of them.

Both of them are people with high martial arts skills and excellent hearing. Moreover, every time the two meet, they each carry hidden weapons with them in case of accidents.

The hidden weapon pierced through the air, flashing a faint blue light, fierce and ruthless, but shot at two different places.

Behind a big tree, in a tall grass.

In the tall grass, there seems to be a heavy object on the ground, and the target can be seen.

But behind the big tree, there was no movement, as if there was no one there at all.

"Are we going to attack too quickly?" Yun Kou looked at Su Mochen with a pale face, panicked, "If it's them..."

Su Mo pursed his lips tightly, with a stern face, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder, "As long as you are here, it doesn't matter who you are."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and walked slowly towards the big tree.

Behind the big tree, Qiancheng lowered her eyes slowly, looking at the hidden weapon that was buried in her chest, and there was still a part outside, which hurt her eyes.

She laughed, and the bright red blood gurgled out along the entrance of the dart, soon staining her white robe red.

But, she didn't feel any pain, really, not at all, it was as if the hidden weapon was inserted into someone else's body, and what was bleeding out was someone else's blood, the moment the sharp weapon entered the flesh, she didn't even groan One sound.

As long as you are here, it doesn't matter who you are!
What a sweet story.

Anyway, it wasn't Yun Kou, but her Ran Qiancheng, the unimportant Ran Qiancheng.

Raising her head in a daze, she found that the man was walking slowly towards her direction.

She suddenly came back to her senses, no way!Can't let him find out it's her!
That would really take away even the last shred of self-esteem she had left.

Run, but that will only attract his attention, what is the consequence, make up a hidden weapon, right?

Just make it up!
Just when she made up her mind and was about to turn around and run away, the man suddenly stopped in his tracks, his black eyes turned to look into the distance.

She clearly saw the man's face suddenly changed, "Not good! There is a surprise attack, Yun Kou, I leave this place to you, don't leave anyone alive!"

The man Ziying shook and disappeared in an instant.

what happened?

Yun Kou was stunned, and Qiancheng behind the tree was also stunned. They all instinctively looked in the direction he was looking at just now, and their expressions also changed.

Thick smoke billowed and the sky was filled with red light.

It's on fire!
That place is...their camp!

It turned out to be the case.

Yun Kou smiled wryly, and the man said, I leave this place to you!
Is it because he is sure that the hidden weapon just now killed the person?Or is she sure that she is good enough to protect herself?
Isn't it just the camp that caught fire?
Those princes possess unique skills one by one, even Xiao Qi has kung fu, so what is he afraid of?
Doesn't it mean that as long as she is here, it doesn't matter who she is?

Then why rush back so eagerly?
Is it because of another person?Another woman!
But at this time, Qiancheng was in a different state of mind.

She kept laughing, chuckling.

Su Mochen, you are really tired from life, and you have to meet the person you love privately, but you can't break your promise to protect your loved ones.

So anxious, because Xiaoqi is in the tent, you have to save her, right?
There will never be a thousand cities without her, she will always be the one ignored.

Suddenly, a sound brought her back from her thoughts.

She raised her eyes, and saw a man in black suddenly staggered out of the tall grass on the opposite side, and rushed straight at Yun Kou.

She was horrified, and was just about to open her mouth to remind Yun Kou, but soon realized that she didn't need to do anything extra, so she didn't make a sound in the end.

Because as soon as the man came out, Yun Kou caught him with his backhand and held him tightly, and the man had a hidden weapon in his body, so there was no chance to resist at all.

"Say, who are you?" Yun Kou tore off the black cloth from the man's face, looked at him coldly, and asked sharply.

"I...we are from the border country..." The man's face was pale and trembling.

Frontier country?

Yun Kou was stunned for a moment, then suddenly, she narrowed her eyes, spread her palms, and raised her internal strength.

The man was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Female Xia, spare me, spare me..."

Qiancheng stared at all this in a daze, watching Yun Kou's small face condensed, the cold air in her eyes, her cloak raised high, her head full of black hair flying, all the fallen leaves around her body were lifted up by her internal force, flying all over the sky.

That look... that could it be the gentle and quiet Yun Kou she knew on weekdays?

Didn't expect her kung fu to be so superb?
On weekdays, I can't see a trace of it.

There was a broken sound, Yun Kou slapped the man on the forehead, before the palm fell, the man suddenly shouted, "Here you are!" and died instantly.

Blood splattered!

Qiancheng's breath was stagnant, he turned his head and couldn't bear to look any further, he just felt his stomach churning and wanted to gag.

When she raised her head, she was surprised to find that Yun Kou was moving lightly in lotus steps, slowly coming towards her.

She was startled, only to feel that the light and fine footsteps sounded so heavy for the first time, she clenched her palms tightly, only to find that the palms were slippery.

Are you not afraid of death?
Ran Qiancheng, what are you afraid of?Will the sisters who have been afraid for many years face each other life and death like this?
When Su Mochen left, he said that he would not leave anyone alive. In fact, if he didn't say anything, she knew it too. How could she live if she found out about their relationship?

Following Yun Kou's footsteps, her heartbeat pounded into her ears one by one.

She suddenly saw Yun Kou's eyes flicking slightly, as if she had met her gaze, she was startled, did she see me?The tree is so big, the bush is so deep, does she see me?

Just when she was thinking whether she should go out to meet her directly, Yun Kou suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Then, with a little tiptoe, he flew up, like a graceful black butterfly, and disappeared without a trace in just a moment.

Such a strong lightness skill!
Qiancheng felt relieved, and smiled wryly, she saw her, she was sure.

Is she thinking about sisterhood?

Did she let her go after all?
Raising her hand to cover her bleeding chest, she turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly found that something worse was waiting for her.

Several men in black came straight in her direction.

At this time, she suddenly understood what the man who died just now said, "here he is" meant?
Are you sending a message to your friends?

After only reflecting for a second, she turned and ran while clutching her bleeding chest.

In fact, she couldn't do anything except run.

She doesn't have Yun Kou's superb martial arts that can protect herself, and she doesn't have a man like Su Mochen as a flower protector. She has nothing but herself, and she can't sit still.

As soon as she ran out from behind the tree, several men in black spotted her from a distance.

"Chase!" One of the men ordered everyone in a deep voice, "Huzi said, if someone is here, it must be her!"

Several people were ordered, and their steps were fast.

Qiancheng clutched his chest and ran like crazy.

In fact, she didn't know what she was doing?
Run for your life?Or escape?

I don't know, I just know how to run, run very fast, without thinking, without consciousness.

There was no direction, no destination, her feet seemed to be wound up like clockwork, and she was brisk without being tired. She was obviously injured, and she was obviously injured so badly.

How strange!Those men didn't catch up to her for a long time!

She smiled, she turned around and smiled while running, her smile was bright, it was an indescribable beauty in the dark night, astonishing and desolate.

The footsteps behind him were chaotic.

Fallen leaves, thorns, and branches are all out of her eyes. She shuttles among the trees one after another, just running.

The blood on her chest flowed down the tail of the dart, but she didn't care.

Finally, the people behind were angry.

They pulled out the feather arrows on their backs one after another.

"Shoot her!" someone yelled!

"No! Burn her to death, burn her face, and see if she can still confuse men?" Another man ordered in a deep voice.

Yun Kou, Yun Kou, there is no woman I can't get, even if I can't get it, no other man can get it, today is your death day!

So, the Huozhe was taken out, and it was concocted in the same way, just like everyone shooting at the camp just now, a rocket shot towards Qiancheng, and landed on the front, back, left and right of Qiancheng.

Only then did Qiancheng panic, jumping, running, and desperate...

There was a crackling sound, her skirt was on fire, she screamed and jumped up and down, but the fire became less and more intense.

Behind him came the sound of a man watching and laughing.

There was a tingling pain in the calf, which was the reaction of being burned.

She raised her head and looked in the direction of the tent again. The fire and smoke over there had gradually extinguished, and she seemed to be safe.

Gritting her teeth, she suddenly raised her hand, pulled out the hidden weapon in her chest and threw it away. She fell to the ground and quickly rolled down the steep mountain.

From time to time it was thorns and fallen leaves, and from time to time it was a starry sky full of stars. She rolled rapidly, and the burning clothes were finally extinguished in the rolling.

Su Mochen, where are you?

Xiao Han, Xiao Han... where are you?
When Yun Kou returned to the camp, everyone was in a mess. They were all figures fighting the fire. One figure was the most shocking. He was not fighting the fire, but searching for it in the fire, searching like crazy. The quilts and bed sheets were all things that were on fire, and he threw them out one by one.

Every time I write abuse, Suzi will go crazy, so, good luck, I will add a thousand words today, Suzi slowly, okay~~
Wenwen has officially entered the first major turning point, with the nirvana of the thousand city phoenix and its amazing rebirth; in addition, regarding Wenwen, Suzi doesn't want to say anything more now, just code words quietly, thank you for your comments!
Thank you [717 Xiaoyu], [Yu Shang Yaoyao], [ashoka], and [Xinrui Baoer] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [coke—81] for the monthly pass~~Thank you [717 Xiaoyu], [Still Restless and Talented] for your purse~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] dear eggs~~
(End of this chapter)

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