after losing heart

Chapter 138 [159] What did you do

Chapter 138 [159] What did you do

When Yun Kou returned to the camp, everyone was in a mess. They were all figures fighting the fire. One figure was the most shocking. He was not fighting the fire, but searching for it in the fire, searching like crazy. The quilts and bed sheets were all things that were on fire, and he threw them out one by one.

Seeing Yun Kou, Shisi's eyes lit up, and he rushed over to hug her, his face was smoky black, but he couldn't hide his joy, "Are you all right? Where have you been?"

"Thank you, Lord Fourteen,'s fine, I just went for a walk..." Yun Kou broke free from Fourteen's arms without a trace, pointed to the messy campsite, and frowned, "What happened?" ?”

"I don't know who did it?" Fourteen gritted his teeth, turned around to help Su Mochen, and told her, "Stay farther away!"

The fire was finally extinguished, and there was not much left in the tents. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Oh, no, no, one person was missing, the Qiancheng Qianfu from the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

The reason why it is said to be missing is because her body was not seen.

The camp is just a temporary stay, so there are not many objects in itself, and there are very few ruins after the fire. If you find someone, or find a corpse, it will be very clear once you find it, but Su Mochen still doesn't believe it. He was digging frantically, as if digging three feet into the ground, regardless of the fact that his hands were still bandaged.

Everyone came forward to pull him, but he ignored them.

In the end, the third prince Su Mofeng rushed forward and spoke with his fist, just like that time in the lobby of the Ministry of Punishment, he punched Su Mochen directly on the nose.

Su Mochen didn't dodge it either, the nasal bone just broke again, and dark red blood flowed from his nostrils, Su Mochen raised his hand and continued to dig the ashes on the ground.

"Su Mochen, don't pretend to be there!" Su Mofeng's face was livid, he reached out and grabbed his collar to lift him from the ground, and punched him in the face again, "Why did you go early?" ? Why did you go early?"

Su Mochen continued not to evade, and took the heavy blow on the right cheek. He tilted his head and spat out the blood foam from his mouth, and stared at Su Mofeng coldly, as if he wanted to come again.

Sure enough, Su Mofeng raised his fist again, and everyone was horrified, and quickly stepped forward to hold him back.

Xiao Qi pursed her lips and looked at all this, her eyes were red, and she was rarely silent, as if she was scared away by the sudden fire.

Yun Kou also looked at these quietly, with a hint of melancholy lingering in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Fourteen said that she was worried about her good friend, sighed lowly, and went forward to comfort her, "Don't be too sad, in fact, there is no news about Sisao, which is the best news, which means she is still alive."

Yun Kou bit her lip and nodded.

The people in that room finally pulled the two of them apart, and Su Mofeng's eyes were scarlet, like a killing god.

Su Mochen's face was slightly pale, and he was rarely ashamed. As if he suddenly remembered something, he shook off the arms that were restraining him, and rushed to the back of the mountain.

Everyone didn't understand, so you looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other, Yun Kou frowned slightly.

The east is already white, and the sky is getting brighter.

Su Mo stared at the corpse of a man in black lying on the ground with narrowed eyes, pursed his lips, and quickly walked behind the big tree he shot his dart at last night.

Behind the tree, there is a patch of weeds and fallen leaves deep in the ground, obviously stepped on by someone, and the bright red above it proves all this even more, it proves that there is indeed a person hiding here last night, and then, he was hit by his hidden weapon, hurt.

But the man didn't make a sound, not even a muffled sound.

Will it be Qiancheng?
A deep fear surrounded Su Mochen, wrapping him tightly, making him breathless.

He stepped forward, knelt down, and stroked the deep red on the fallen leaves with his hand. Immediately, the bandage on his big hand was stained red.

The blood is not dry yet.

He got up and slowly followed the bloodstains.

The bloodstains were obvious, winding all over the ground like roses in full bloom, it was shocking, there was no need to look for it deliberately, it just hurt people's eyes.

It can be seen that the bleeding level of the parties at that time was very serious.

Su Mochen clenched his palms unconsciously, and walked along the bloodstain with heavy steps. The soft shoes stepped on the wet blood stains, staining the soles red.

The further he walked, the more chaotic the scene became. The further he walked, the clearer the situation at that time became. The further he walked, the heavier Su Mo's heart sank.

Except for the constant bloodstains, the fallen leaves seemed to have been heavily stepped on, and there were some clothes and rags that were hung from the hooks on the thorns and branches along the way.

It was white, and some were red dyed by blood. The material was high-quality tribute brocade. He knew that it was used to make pajamas in the palace, and that woman was wearing this at night.

Is it really her?
Was it really her that was hiding behind the big tree last night?

He closed his eyes, only feeling that his heart was being scratched by countless hands, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

If it was her, did he just see him with Yun Kou?
Yun Kou's identity should not be known to anyone, this has been his principle for many years, but, strangely, at this moment, he didn't think about it at all, what he was thinking about was her mood at that time, seeing him and Yun Kou's mood when they were together.

He remembered Yun Kou saying, "You clearly know that I don't care about Fourteen at all, yet you still drag Qian Cheng to be so mad at me!"

What did he say, what did he do?
he thought hard.

He didn't seem to say anything, and then hugged Yun Kou.

Just this one, just this one, how sad and disappointed should she be?

Afterwards, Yun Kou said a lot, and he also said some things. He couldn't remember exactly what he said, but it seemed that every sentence was a sharp weapon to hurt that woman.

Later, he also shot her and hurt her with a hidden weapon.

Although he didn't know who was behind the tree, but he told Yun Kou that as long as it wasn't her, it didn't matter who it was.

He also said, no one will be left alive!

How painful should she be?

He hardly dared to think.

Otherwise, she wouldn't make a sound when he was shot with such a sharp hidden weapon; otherwise, she wouldn't even stand up when he walked behind the big tree.

It only happens when the pain is extreme, right?

A lot of messy feather arrows appeared in front of him, stuck on the ground, on the branches, and scattered on the fallen leaves, he stopped in his tracks.

Feather arrow?

He was startled, did she meet those gangsters who set fire to her?
Pull out a feathered arrow, the arrow is burnt black, indicating that the feathered arrow was used as a rocket.

Beside the many feathered arrows, lay a blood-stained dart, and his heart stopped beating.

It was his, he knew it, the one he shot behind the tree.

How could it be on the ground?

Was it pulled out by her?
Did they use rockets on her?
She is a weak woman, a weak woman who does not know martial arts, how can a weak woman who is seriously injured protect herself?
He could even imagine the scene at that time, as well as her fear, helplessness, and despair.

Su Mochen, what have you done?
When the crowd arrived, Su Mochen was no longer there, only blood slithering all over the ground, rags hanging from thorns fluttering in the wind, and feathered arrows scattered all over the ground.

No need to think about it, they also knew what had happened, they were all shocked and terrified, it seemed that the woman was in danger!

When everyone found Su Mochen again, it was at the foot of the mountain. He was standing beside a big rock, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fourteen stepped forward and lightly patted him on the shoulder, "Fourth brother, Father asked us to return to the palace as soon as possible!"

Su Mo regained his composure, and nodded at him, "En!", with a surprisingly calm expression.

Fourteen was a little shocked, but also a little worried. He knew this man, the calmer he was, the more something was wrong.

"Fourth brother..."

"Let's go!" Su Mochen passed by his side and walked ahead.

On July 28th, the [-]th year of Emperor Wen of Xicang, five days have passed since Tianlun Festival.

The gate of General Ran's mansion was knocked on early in the morning. The person who came was the servant of the yamen, and said that he asked General Ran Feiran to go to the yamen quickly.

The next chapter will be the heroine~ Today Suzi has a Japanese client who is coming to monitor the scene, the second one will be later~~
Thank you [yuyan1314], [Xuefeng on Xuefeng Mountain], [zoeynewton], [Nie Haiyan], [ruixiang blue], [20110604] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [sweetrenee] for my special liking~~ I love you all! ! !
In addition, all kinds of complaints and anger are welcome, and personal attacks are declined!

(End of this chapter)

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