after losing heart

Chapter 139 [160] Not Recognizing the Dead

Chapter 139 [160] Not Recognizing the Dead

The gate of General Ran's mansion was knocked on early in the morning. The person who came was the servant of the yamen, and said that he asked General Ran Feiran to go to the yamen quickly.

It has always been a relationship with the yamen, there must be no good things, and Ran Fei woke up early in the morning, his eyelids kept jumping, always feeling that something was going to happen, so after listening to it, he didn't dare to delay, so he hurried to prepare his horse rushed over.

When they arrived at the Yamen of the capital, Fu Yin personally received Ranfei. The two were old acquaintances, so they lost a lot of politeness.

Ran Fei asked Fu Yin what happened?Fu Yin just laughed, "I have a surprise for you!"

Then he pointed to the inner hall, "Go in and have a look!"

Ranfei didn't know why, so he walked in suspiciously, but as soon as he reached the door, he froze all over and couldn't take another step.

In the inner hall, a woman stood by the window, with a slim back and a graceful figure, wearing a plain white diamond flower skirt, and her head full of black hair pouring down her waist like a waterfall, she looked out the window motionlessly, wondering what she was thinking.

Perhaps aware of someone's gaze behind her, the woman slowly turned her head.

Ranfei completely forgot to breathe.

It's really her!

The woman's skin is snow-like, her eyebrows are picturesque, her onion nose is like jade, and her lips are like red. Although her complexion is a little weak and pale, she still can't hide her allure.

Although three years have passed, he will always remember this face.

Who else is it not his third daughter Ran Qiancheng?
It's just that she...she...

Isn't she wearing a human skin mask?how……

Ranfei pointed at her, excitedly "" You were speechless for a long time.

Seeing Ranfei at this moment, Qiancheng was also very surprised, unable to recover for a while.

That day she rolled down the mountain and passed out when she rolled into a mountain stream at the bottom of the mountain. Perhaps when she rolled, her skin was hooked to the thorn branches on the ground. fell off.

When she was rescued, she had this face, Ran Qiancheng's original face, and Su Jian's face in the 21st century.

The people who rescued her saw that she woke up distraught and dumb, and couldn't ask what happened, and couldn't tell who her relatives were, so they had to bandage her wounds and send them to the government office.

After resting in the government office for a few days, she felt a little better, so she proposed to leave. As a result, she met Fu Yin, who was shocked.

He and Ranfei are old acquaintances, and he had seen Qiancheng in Ranfu, and remembered her appearance, but he also knew that Ranqiancheng had been dead for three years, how could he appear suddenly?

When asked her, she also kept silent and didn't say anything, Fu Yin had no choice but to order someone to notify Ranfei immediately.

"Qiancheng!" Ranfei finally called out the name that he kept in his heart for three years, and occasionally encountered in the palace, but still dared not call out the name.

My heart was beating wildly, it's okay, it's okay, it's not a dead body, his daughter is still alive.

How could he have never heard of what happened on the Tianlun Festival? He has been in deep pain these days, and he thought that their father and daughter would never see each other again in this lifetime.

Didn't expect, didn't expect...

Qiancheng stared at him blankly, seeing this man with gray ears and temples, galloping on the battlefield, bleeding but not tears, his eyes sparkled with ecstasy.

"Thousand cities!" He called her again, with fatherly care and sunshine-like warmth in his voice.

Finally, Qiancheng couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward, throwing himself into his arms.

"Father!" She called his father, buried her head in his arms, silent, but burst into tears.

Hot tears soaked the clothes on Ranfei's chest, he raised his hand and gently stroked her head, "Child, you have suffered!"

Although he didn't know, why did she insist on going to Yuxiangfang in the first place?However, since he married into the Fourth Prince's Mansion, he has more or less heard about the suffering this child has suffered.

This time, he will not let her temper go.

"Cry, child, cry out, and everything will pass." Seeing her shoulders tremble sharply, he knew that she was trying to bear it.

Finally, Qiancheng let out a "wow", crying like a child for the first time.

This is also the most wanton, unscrupulous, and loudest cry she has cried since she traveled to this time and space.

All the grievances and sorrows were vented at this moment.

It's over, it's over, it will be over, she told herself.

I don't know how long I cried, until she was tired from crying and couldn't move anymore, then she slowly stopped.

"Child, go home, let's go home with Wei father!" Ran Fei raised his hand, and his rough fingertips wiped away the tears on her face.

"Go home?" Qiancheng stared at him blankly with red eyes.

She doesn't have a home, even if Ranqian City has one, she can't go back, she can't touch General Ran.

"Yes! Go home!" Ran Fei shook her shoulders and nodded firmly, "From now on, you will be the third lady Ran Qiancheng of the General's Mansion, Qian Cheng of Yuxiangfang, and Mrs. Qian of the Fourth Prince's Mansion. It has nothing to do with you, you are just my daughter Ranfei, you didn't die three years ago, you just ran away willfully, we thought you were dead."

Qiancheng didn't speak, just looked at him, and the tears that had just stopped poured out again.

This warmth moved her and moved her, like a ray of sunshine appearing in the cloudy sky, finally made her desperate and cold heart a little hot.

The night is as cold as water, the sky is full of stars

Su Mochen walked slowly on the secluded path in the mansion by himself, his back was lonely and desolate.

After another day, Yinwei sent out wave after wave, but there was still no news of her.

I don't know if she is still alive in this world?
Nothing in the Four Princes' Mansion has changed, everything is the same as before the Tianlun Festival, and the time is consistent.

It just seems that there is one person missing.

In fact, he himself didn't know what kind of existence that woman was in his heart.
He only knew that now that the person was gone, his heart suddenly became empty, the kind of emptiness that seemed to be missing a piece.

It was a feeling he had never felt before, it was indescribable.

Walking through a secluded path and coming to a courtyard, he stopped in his tracks, only to realize that he had unknowingly come to Tsinghua Garden again.

It turns out that missing someone doesn't need to be deliberate or to think deeply, just like a person's breathing, which goes hand in hand.

In the courtyard of Tsinghua Garden, the evening scent was in full bloom. Under the faint moonlight, he seemed to see the woman holding a bamboo basket and bowing her head to pick flowers again. He was overjoyed, and he walked in quickly. When he got closer, he realized that there was no one there. , but it's just my own illusion.

Candles were lit in the wing rooms of Tsinghua Court.


How can there be candles?

His eyes lit up, and when he came to the door, the moment he stretched out his hand to push the door, he stopped suddenly.

He didn't dare, he was afraid, and the fear was just his own empty joy.

A faint fragrance came out through the door, lingering at the tip of his nose, his heart stopped beating, someone was mixing the fragrance!

Without any hesitation, the big hand pushed open the door impatiently, and he called out "Thousands of cities!"

In the room, the two women who were surrounding the case to make incense turned their heads and stared blankly at the man who broke in. After a while, they came back to their senses, and hurriedly got up to salute: "My lord!"

It turned out to be Chunlan and Xialian.

Not her!
without her!
Su Mo smiled self-deprecatingly, turned around silently, and left.

When he left Tsinghua Garden, he ran into Yang Hen at the gate of the courtyard, and he didn't bother to ask him why he was here?

He knew it.

He didn't ask, but Yang Hen was a little embarrassed, blushing in the night, and followed behind him unhurriedly, "Master, I heard that you asked for an order to lead troops to attack the border country this morning?"

Su Mo fell silent, and couldn't help but think of the scene in the early court.

At that time, he proposed to attack the border countries, and the audience was in an uproar. He thought that Emperor Wen would be like everyone else. Unexpectedly, Emperor Wen just pondered for a moment, and then agreed!
He even gave him the Tiger Talisman on the spot.

"When will Grandpa leave?"

"Three days later!" Su Mo Shen withdrew his thoughts and said calmly, looking in the direction ahead with his black eyes.

Yang Hen pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Why do you have to wait three days? It's better to make a quick decision and be caught by surprise. Doesn't this give the other party a chance to prepare?"

He knew that he shouldn't have said these words, but this man had endured for so many years and faded out of the government for so many years, and it was the first time he took the initiative to show his edge and lead troops in battle. He hoped that he would win.

He has to win.

Su Mochen glanced back at him, "I have more important things to do."

The update is complete, thank you for [Red Roof], [Plain and Fragrance], [Linghu Maid], [880226], [Rainbow 201088], [patsychen] for the monthly pass~~group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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