after losing heart

Chapter 140 [161] He is not you

Chapter 140 [161] He is not you

The same night, in Ranjun Mansion, is a different situation.

Under the big pagoda tree in the courtyard, several people sat around the stone table, melons and fruits were fragrant, and they laughed and talked.

Ranfei has only one wife, Yang Shi, and has four children in total. Qiancheng is the third eldest, the eldest and second eldest are elder brothers, and there is also a younger sister.

The second child is stationed at the border all the year round and rarely comes back. The eldest brother Ran Tianhao is also on duty in the army with Ran Fei and has not yet married. His younger sister Ran Qianye is only a little more than one year younger than Qian Cheng, and she is also in her boudoir.

A family of five sat at the table, drinking tea and chatting.

Regarding Qiancheng's resurrection from death, maybe Ranfei had explained in advance, or maybe everyone didn't want to know which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted, so they didn't mention or ask a word.

Ran Tianhao told everyone anecdotes in the army, Ran Qianye interrupted from time to time to ask questions, Ran Fei and Yang Shi just listened with a smile, Ran Fei handed some candied fruit to Yang Shi and Qiancheng from time to time, and occasionally inserted A word or two.

Qiancheng watched all this with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In fact, God is still kind to her, giving her such a warm family, loving parents, brother and sister unity, but in the past three years, she has gone deeper and deeper in her obsession, ignoring the simplest happiness around her.

She didn't know, what kind of story did Ranfei and Yang have?However, it can be seen that Ranfei treats the Yang family very well, otherwise, why would a dignified general have no wife?Yang is not the only woman.

This also made Qiancheng respect Ranfei even more.

Really, in this era where men are superior to women and polygamous, there are too few men like this.

Putting a candied fruit into his mouth, Qiancheng slowly closed his eyes.

Chew, aftertaste!
So sweet!

This feeling is so good, this feeling of being surrounded by tenderness and tenderness is so good!
At that moment, she didn't want to cry, but tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

"Ah! Why is Third Sister crying?" Ran Qianye, who was sitting by the side, was the first to notice Qiancheng's strangeness, and quickly took out a silk cloth to wipe Qiancheng.

"It's okay!" Qiancheng took the silk and wiped the corners of his eyes, and smiled embarrassedly: "I am tears of happiness."

The crowd laughed.

"You have loved to cry since you were a child, like a water man, but now you make excuses for crying." Ran Tianhao laughed and teased her.

Ran Qianye rolled her eyes, "Come on, come on, third sister, try this plum!"

The kindness is hard to stop, Qiancheng twisted a grain and put it in his mouth.

Wow, so sour!

Ran Qianye stared at her intently.

"What's wrong?" She didn't know why.

Ran Qianye was serious and thoughtful, "The third sister said that eating candied fruit shed tears of happiness, I want to see if eating plums shed tears of sadness?"

The crowd laughed again.

Only then did Qiancheng realize that he was tricked by this guy, and he got up and was about to hit her, "You little girl!"

It was strange that she didn't belong to this family, but she didn't feel any strangeness. It seemed that they had been together for a long, long time.

Qianye giggled, and dodged behind Ran Tianhao, "Big Brother started the conversation first, you go to Big Brother!"

Qiancheng bent his lips and smiled knowingly.

The so-called Tianlun, she thought, this is it.

Yunxuan Pavilion, a bean candle

Su Mo sat under the lamp, lowered his eyebrows, rubbed a piece of red string green jade in his hand, and lost his mind.

The scene in the carriage that night was vaguely in front of my eyes, it was so clear, as if it happened yesterday.

At that time, that woman broke the jade that Yun Kou gave him, and went to Bao Yuxuan to make one herself, saying that she would give it to him. Sword, he was very angry, so he said: "Why do you give it to me? Don't you know that some things can never be replaced? No matter how similar it looks, it is not the original one after all.


In the end, he coldly opened the window curtain and threw Yu out indifferently.

In fact, jade is still in the sleeve.

He didn't know why, but at the moment when he was about to throw it, he somehow stayed behind.

Of course, that woman would not know this.

Looking at her at the time, she seemed very hurt, but at that time, he didn't care.

Now that he thinks about it, he finally understands what he was squandering all this time?
The General's Mansion, the Wing Room, also flickering with candles

Qian Cheng stared at a heart-shaped necklace in his hand, with mixed feelings in his heart.

It was a birthday gift Xiao Han gave her on her birthday. The heart-shaped necklace can be opened, and inside is a pocket photo of her and Xiao Han.

It was given to her by Ye Ranfei, who said it was found in her wing.

She still remembered the expression on Ran Fei's face when he gave her this thing, with an inquisitive face, "Where did you and the fourth prince paint the portrait? The dress is so weird? But the painter's painting skills are good, very clear."

She smiled and didn't say anything, even if he said it, he wouldn't understand.

Could it be telling him that this man is not the fourth prince, but her Xiao Han, and they are not portraits, but digital photos taken?
It is estimated that he has to treat her as a lunatic.

However, she never imagined in her dreams that this thing also traveled to this time and space.

Could it be that this necklace is the medium through which she travels?
The fingertips gently rubbed Xiao Han's face in the photo, and his heart ached beyond measure.

Xiao Han, he is not you!
here without you!
The next day, just as Dongfang vomited the first trace of white, Ran Tianhao opened the door and found a heroic figure standing in the yard.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Qiancheng turned around, "Good morning, brother!"

Wearing a light blue men's shirt, with blue hair coiled up all over his head, and a delicate silver sword pinned to his waist, although his skin is snowy and his eyes are picturesque, it is still hard to hide his compelling heroism.

"Hey, which pretty young man is this?" Ran Tianhao took a long time to come back to his senses, joking in haste.

Qiancheng spread his hands playfully and smiled sweetly, "Does it look good?"

She found this set of clothes in Ran Qiancheng's closet, and it was placed at the bottom, because she wanted to learn sword practice from Ran Tianhao today, so she picked it out and wore it.

"It's beautiful, it's really beautiful!" Ran Tianhao praised.

"Okay!" Qiancheng ran over and shook his arm, "Let's go practice swords!"

"Since when have you been interested in these things?" Ran Tianhao shook his head helplessly while being dragged away by her.

"As the daughter of the general's mansion, you can't embarrass your father and elder brother, can you?"

"Cut!" Ran Tianhao snorted lightly, "You must have some tricks?"

"Where is it? Big brother wronged people!"

Qiancheng pursed his lips exaggeratedly, but there was a sense of sourness in his heart for no reason.

She just wanted to protect herself in the future.

Three Kings Mansion

Su Mofeng was dressed in white clothes and stood under a crabapple tree in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. He raised his head slightly and remained motionless.

The summer morning light shone through the branches and leaves, bright and dark, mottled and mottled all over his body.

There was a rustle of clothes behind him, he turned around, and a black figure landed in front of him, bowing to him, "Third Master!"

"Is there something wrong?" Su Mofeng said lightly, his eyes were tired.

"I heard that the emperor gave the fourth prince a tiger talisman to lead one hundred thousand soldiers to attack the border country? And for the one hundred thousand soldiers, [-] were dispatched from the third master's army, and [-] were dispatched from Ranfei's Ranjia army?"


Heiying frowned, "But isn't this weakening the third master's strength?"

"No problem!" Su Mofeng shook his head calmly, "If he doesn't go to destroy the border country, this king will go too."

"What did Bian Guo do? It made both the third master and the fourth master so angry that they wanted to..." Before Heiying could finish speaking, Su Mofeng raised his eyes and stared coldly, and was so frightened that he fell silent.

"Any thing else?"

"It's nothing serious, oh, by the way, it seems that I heard that Ranfei's daughter who died for three years suddenly came back."

"Who are you talking about?" Su Mofeng's heart suddenly bumped.

This chapter transitions~~
Thank you [mollywxm] dear purse~~
Thank you [The First Snowflake on the Streets of Paris], [guaiwusa], [Chuxin—crystal] for the monthly tickets~~~
Be patient with you~~
(End of this chapter)

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