after losing heart

Chapter 144 [166] just fell down

Chapter 144 [166] just fell down
Su Mochen and Su Mofeng also turned their heads to look at the approaching person upon hearing the sound, but with just one glance, their pupils narrowed and they forgot to breathe.

The former was because he found out that this person was the woman he had mistakenly identified in Ranfu that day. At that time, he was full of Qiancheng, so he didn't pay much attention, only remembering that she was extremely beautiful.When I saw her today, I realized that she was different.

Soft but not weak, coquettish but not flattering, elegant and graceful, and heroic.

For some reason, he just had a vaguely familiar feeling, which he couldn't describe.

The latter, Su Mofeng, was full of ups and downs, mixed joys and sorrows, and he wished to be with her, but when he thought that this was going to the battlefield, not going out to play, and the sword had no eyes, he couldn't help feeling worried.

While each was in a daze, the visitor had already rode his horse to the front. On Su Mochen's right, the visitor reined in and stood firmly in a row with Su Mochen and Su Mofeng.

This person is Qiancheng.

She secretly let out a sigh, under the imperial decree, the expedition is imminent, and Ran Fei and Ran Tianhao have not come back because of her, so she has no choice but to bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Xiao Han has been taking her to participate in various sports in modern times, horse riding is also one of them, otherwise, today he would be short of breath.

He was about to get off his horse and salute, but was stopped by Emperor Wen on the tower, "No need! Who are you from Ranfu? Why haven't I seen you?"

Qiancheng smiled sweetly, as gorgeous as bright fireworks, clasped his fists and said: "Return to the emperor, I will eventually dye Qianye, the daughter of General Ranfeiran!"

Qianye, I'm sorry, please use your name first, otherwise, if it's called Ran Qiancheng, even if you add a surname, it will inevitably make people suspicious, especially Su Mochen who is thoughtful.

I really regret that when I entered Yuxiangfang, I only went to dye my surname, why didn’t I change my name, hey~
The people mourned.


No wonder he was so handsome!
Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, Su Mochen pursed his lips, his face was calm, Su Mofeng slightly frowned his handsome eyebrows, and looked at her through Su Mochen who was in the middle.

Aware of Su Mofeng's gaze, she turned her head and stuck out her tongue at him, and smiled slyly, meaning that I am not dyeing Qianye, as long as you only know it well.

Su Mofeng understood immediately, and smiled knowingly, only thinking that she looked so cute and cute, and couldn't look away for a while.

Although Su Mochen looked straight at him, the vacant light in the corner of his eyes saw the communication between the two of them, and he was slightly stunned.

Above, Emperor Wen finally spoke, "Where are Ran Fei and Ran Tianhao? Why did you come here?"

His face was stern, his tone was low, and he seemed very unhappy.

Qiancheng is not afraid at all, she has thought about these things on the way, and smiled slightly, "Back to the emperor, father and elder brother went to distant relatives' house yesterday, and they will only be back tonight, and the emperor's decree today did not specify He Ren, only said that the Ranfu sent someone to take up the position of the right governor. The general was also deeply influenced by his father and elder brother since he was a child, and he knew something about leading troops in battle. Although he had never been on the battlefield, after all, the commander this time My lord, the last general is just a warlord, so I volunteered to come here on my own initiative! I also ask the emperor to forgive me and help me!"

What he said was impeccable.

Now that it is clear, the imperial decree is issued today, and Ranfei left yesterday. Those who don’t know are innocent, and Emperor Wen can’t do it if he wants to convict Yanfu; he also humbly and low-key praised Su Mochen, stating his position as the governor, and Emperor Wen wanted to refuse. It is also difficult.

Su Mochen slightly hooked the corners of his lips, she was such an eloquent girl.

Emperor Wen was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, and stopped after a long time, "However, there has never been a precedent for a woman to go to the battlefield in my dynasty. If this spreads, won't other countries in the world laugh at me for being unmanned?"

The civil and military officials on the side also nodded one after another, agreeing with what Emperor Wen said.


Qiancheng cursed secretly in his heart, but his face was still full of smiles, "The last general doesn't think so! Throughout the 5000 years, there was Hua Mulan who joined the army for his father in the past, and Mu Guiying who broke through the heavens in the future. Which one is not a beautiful girl? But the iron bones, the women do not give way to the eyebrows, making the enemy frightened. The last general also said just now that the last general is just supervising and assisting the army this time, and the real leader in the battle is the fourth prince. There are such outstanding generals as the third master and the fourth master. Your Majesty needn't worry about what will happen in the end. Once you defeat the enemy, the end will not only make the world laugh, but also make the world look at you with admiration. Xi Cang's women are amazing, let alone Xi Cang The man? Not to be underestimated!"

Her voice is neither loud nor tough, it is as clear as a bead, but every word is sonorous and resounding.

Some people are amazed, some are appreciative, and some are disapproving.

There were also many people who showed surprised and approving eyes.

From the beginning to the end, Su Mofeng never took his eyes off her face. Although he was overwhelmed by her words, he secretly sweated for her.

The corners of Su Mochen's lips were slightly curved, with little arcs, a smile that was not a smile, and he didn't know what was in his heart.

Emperor Wen's expression froze slightly.

Anyway, he is also familiar with history books. For 5000 years, why has he never heard of that Mulan and Yingying woman? Although he was puzzled, he would not ask. After all, he was the emperor. Is there anything he doesn't know?If it spreads out, it will make the world laugh.

However, thinking about what she said, it seems a little reasonable.

At this time, Eunuch Li next to him bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the auspicious time is coming soon."

"Yeah!" Emperor Wen pursed his lips, then turned to look at the woman in front of the formation, "Okay! Since you are so persistent, I will do what you want! If there is any mistake, I hope you can bear the consequences!"

Seeing that Emperor Wen finally agreed, Qiancheng was overjoyed, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Unable to hide the excitement in her heart, she couldn't help but turned her head and smiled at Su Mofeng. She didn't want to, but happened to meet Su Mochen's gaze, her smile froze slightly, and she hurriedly turned her head back.

Su Mochen was taken aback for a moment, as if she was still thinking about what she misunderstood that day, the corners of her lips curled up, and she also looked away.

"Okay!" Emperor Wen stood up suddenly, and said in a loud voice: "Today, I am here to practice for the four princes, the left governor, the right governor, and all the soldiers. At that time, I will also be here to greet you and serve you a celebration drink."

While talking, someone pushed the wine cart to share the wine.

Walking in front of Qiancheng, the pawn who was distributing the wine didn't even look at it, but also presented the bowl with both hands.

Looking at a large bowl of clear white wine, she frowned, and was hesitating slightly, when her back suddenly felt hot, and she felt two hot eyes shooting towards her.

You don't need to look to know who it is.

Su Mochen and Su Mofeng.

Bite the bullet, she took the wine.

Seeing everyone gulp down the drink, her scalp tingled for a while, swallowed, and she slowly brought the bowl to her lips.

"Qian... Ye, if you can't drink, don't force yourself!" Su Mofeng's warm voice floated over.

She had exactly this intention, so she just wanted to be a little bit more thoughtful. Anyway, after everyone finished drinking, they threw their bowls on the ground and smashed them into pieces. No one checked if they finished drinking.

It's not that she can't drink, but that she is afraid that she will get drunk. Now she has to be cautious in everything.

But as soon as Su Mofeng finished speaking, someone chuckled, piercing the ears of the two of them.

She looked sideways, and saw Su Mochen throwing away the bowl that she drank in one gulp, her black eyes met her gaze with interest, and the tip of her eyes flicked lightly, and then the wine bowl in her hand.

"Who was so arrogant just now? Why? Just throw down a bowl of wine?"

Qiancheng was stunned, but he heard his undisguised sarcasm, he was angry in his heart, but his face was calm.

Resisting the urge to smash the wine bowl in her head, she smiled coquettishly, "Which eye of the fourth master saw that I was thrown down?"

In the end, she closed her eyes and held her breath, and she drank the huge bowl of wine in an instant, and followed the example of other soldiers, deliberately smashing the empty bowl to the ground with a loud shattering sound.

It's not poison, so he must not let him underestimate it.

Raising her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, her back was straight.

Su Mofeng frowned slightly.

The corners of Su Mochen's lips were still curled up, and he didn't speak. He just glanced away and looked in the direction of the tower.

At first, she thought he was looking at Emperor Wen, but soon, she found that it was not that direction, he was looking at the queen, no, to be precise, he was looking at the queen's back.

Because behind the queen, there is a woman standing, also looking at him with a smile.

Yun Kou!

Qiancheng bent his lips and sneered, searching all the words in his mind that could describe the two of them at the moment.

ogle?Eyes?Saying goodbye?Loving and affectionate?

The army finally moved out.

Thank you [Born to be doomed] pro, [Yan Yu] pro, [irene—79] pro's monthly pass~~~
Thank you [Cecile2007] dear, [Xinrui Baoer] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Yaoyao Yu] for your purse~~ I love you so much~~
(End of this chapter)

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