after losing heart

Chapter 145 [167] We are unfamiliar

Chapter 145 [167] We are unfamiliar

The army finally set off, marching mightily towards the border of the border country.

Su Mofeng, Su Mochen, and Qiancheng walked in the front, and the army behind them stretched for several miles.

The original seat was Su Moshen in the middle, with the governors on the left and right, but as he walked, Su Mofeng, who was on the far left, walked to the edge of Qiancheng unknowingly.

In this way, Qiancheng became walking between the two.

The atmosphere was not as embarrassing as expected, usually Su Mofeng and Qiancheng were chatting, Su Mochen remained silent, his face sinking like water, half listening but not listening.

When I left the capital, I walked the mountain road all the way. When it was dark, I arrived at a dense forest.

Seeing that the terrain was steep and the dense forest was deep, Su Moshen ordered everyone to camp on the spot and enter the forest tomorrow.

After dinner, most of the soldiers went to bed early, and a few chatted around the bonfire that was still extinguished.

Qiancheng sat alone with his knees hugged, his eyebrows lowered, and he fiddled with the dry wood on the campfire with one hand, wondering what was going on.

Occasionally, there is a crisp crackling sound at the stuttering part of the firewood, overflowing with sparks, blooming like fireworks in the dark night, and disappearing in an instant.

Su Mo Shen went to inspect the surrounding environment.

Su Mofeng was forced to rest in the camp by her.

Having not slept all day and all night, and consuming a lot of internal energy, she knew that he was already exhausted to the extreme.

In fact, she was also very tired, with Yue Yingshuang's torment, and the long-distance trek day after day, she also had a sore back and back pain, but she just didn't feel sleepy at all.

It is really difficult for a person to get out of a certain experience. Even if he has made up his mind, even if he has condensed his heart high, but when he sees that person again, his heart will still be agitated, painful, and sad. will hurt.

Perhaps, it takes time!

Isn't it said that time is the best medicine to heal wounds?
Is that the case?

With a low sigh, she got up and walked slowly into the night.

It is said that the moon on the fifteenth day is round on the sixteenth, which is true. The moon is as bright as a plate, and the night is cooler.

After Su Mochen inspected the surrounding area, the night was already deep.

When returning to the camp, he passed a broken wall, and saw a woman standing on it from a distance, motionless, not knowing whether she was watching the scenery or thinking about something.

There is no thick and cold armor, and a long white dress flutters like a dream.

At that moment, he was in a trance again.

The figure with black hair and long clothes is Qiancheng.

But, he knew it wasn't, she was another woman, Ran Qianye, a woman whose back looked like Qiancheng, especially when she was so demure now.

"Ms. Ran?" He hesitated, not knowing how to address her.

Right Overseer?Chiba?

Neither seemed right for him.

The woman turned her head slowly, the moonlight was long and bright, as bright as satin, under the moonlight, she was in a moment of youth, as if she had transformed into a phoenix, seeing him, the woman was slightly startled, and then turned her face indifferently, "Fourth Prince Is the inspection over?"

The man was silent. For some reason, he had a feeling that this woman rejected him.

In fact, he just misunderstood her that day, right?
Slightly narrowing his eyes, there was a look of inquiry in his eyes, and he said: "I have to hurry tomorrow, why don't you sleep and come here?"

The woman didn't answer for a long time, and when she turned around again, she looked businesslike, "Is the surrounding area still normal?"

"Hmm! Nothing abnormal was found."

Su Mochen stood far away. At night, he also took off his bulky armor. The crescent-colored soft robe was blown by the wind, and his black hair circled behind his head. In one line, there is a domineering arrogance that dominates the world for no reason.

Qiancheng bent his lips, he did have the temperament of a king, and he was destined to attract the attention of many women.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound from under his feet, the sound was not loud, but it was creepy in this quiet night.

Startled, she lowered her eyes instinctively.

At the same time she got this knowledge, something came through the air, she hadn't reacted, and she didn't even have time to be afraid, the thing that spit out the red letter was nailed to the ground, motionless, There was no sound.

Not enough seconds before and after.

What a quick move!
Qiancheng clenched his palms tightly, his heart was beating wildly, he looked up at the man in the distance, and then looked at the ground with lingering fear.

There is a hidden weapon inserted into the snake's seven inches, shining a faint blue light in the moonlight.

It was the same as the one that was inserted into her chest that day.

His face was slightly pale, but Qiancheng forced himself to be calm, raised his eyes and smiled at the man in the distance, "Thank you, Fourth Master, for your rescue!"

With a light lotus step, she walked back, and when she got to his side, she didn't stop on her feet, she passed him directly and walked towards the tent.

The moment his clothes were wiped lightly, he had another illusion.

"Qian..." The name almost blurted out, but in the end, the word "city" became the word "leaf".

"Qian... Ye!"

The woman was stunned, and slowly stopped, turned her head, and smiled brightly, as gorgeous as the sun and the moon.

"Does fourth master always strike up conversations with strange women like this? Qianye thinks that he is not familiar with fourth master, so it's better for fourth master to call Miss Ran."

Su Mo was stunned for a while, and then smiled lowly, without saying a word, which seemed a bit self-deprecating and helpless.

Qiancheng ignored it directly, turned around indifferently, and continued walking forward.

Under the dim night, a woman and a man, one in front of one behind, just walked like this, no one spoke for a long time.

Qiancheng pursed her lips tightly and walked briskly, but only she knew that her heart was not as relaxed as it appeared on the face, her hands were elegantly clasped in front of her chest, her cloud sleeves were hanging down, but her palms were full of pain. It is fine sweat.

The atmosphere was eerie.

"Why did fourth master attack the border country?" She tried to find some topics to break the embarrassment, but as soon as she asked the words, she regretted it.

She knew the answer to this question.

For Yun Kou?

On that day, Yun Kou said in person that he was so desperate to kill the envoy from the border country because of her, because the man from the border country had touched her.

Of course, this crusade is also the same.

It's been a long time since she heard the voice of the person behind. She thought he was unwilling to answer, so she bent her lips and smiled, as expected.

Well, she didn't really want an answer either.

Just when he was about to laugh it off, he didn't want to, but the man suddenly said, "Does war need a reason?"


That's right.

"Of course a reason is needed!" She paused and turned her head, "Wars are divided into justice and injustice. Usually, what defends the dignity and territorial integrity of a country and protects the interests of the people is a war for justice, and it is based on occupying other countries' territory or other personal grievances. Therefore, forcibly occupying other countries is an unjust war.”

Qiancheng's words are pearls, and his tone is burning.

Su Mochen narrowed his black eyes slightly, and curled his lips, "You seem to know a lot!"

"Thank you, Fourth Master, for your compliment!" Qian Cheng sneered, "I'm just speaking from the bottom of my heart. After all, after a war, people will suffer, and it's the common people who will suffer."

"You mean to say that our war is unjust?" The man also met her gaze, his black eyes shining brightly, and he seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

nonsense!What is it but injustice to mobilize so many teachers for a woman?
"Don't dare! Qianye just said that."

The man bent his lips, turned his eyes to look at the night sky in the distance, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Even if it's injustice, even if you have to bear infamy, the king of the border country will be destroyed."

His voice was not loud, but full of determination.

Qiancheng was stunned, even if it was injustice, even if he had to bear a bad name, the border country, he would definitely be destroyed.

good very good!

Smiling with downcast eyes, she turned around and continued walking, not wanting the other party to see her sadness and bitterness.

"Qianye has seen Fourth Master's determination, and Qianye wishes Fourth Master the best!"

Seeing the back of the woman leaving lightly, Su Mo didn't move, still standing on the spot with his hands behind his back, slowly raising his head to look at the full moon in the sky, his black eyes slowly filled with pain and desolation.

You see it, some people never see it again.

Answering Xiao Yao's question about children's shoes, when Shen knew it was the city, Suzi said responsibly, right away! Otherwise, why would he be abused?Quack~~~o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [yan9421] dear, [Zizhu Xiaojing] dear Huahua~~ Thanks to your support, Suzi actually climbed to the flower list, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
Thank you [13816256587], [a15312110368] for your monthly pass, I love you! !

(End of this chapter)

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