after losing heart

Chapter 146 [168] Wild beasts and villains

Chapter 146 [168] Wild beasts and villains

When Qiancheng returned to the camp, everyone had already rested, and there was silence.

She went straight back to her tent, and when she opened the curtain to enter, she met Su Mofeng who hurried out of it. When Su Mofeng saw her, he stretched out his arm and grabbed her in my arms.

"Where did you go? I'm so worried."

What he said was true. When he woke up, he saw candles burning in her tent, thinking that she might not be asleep, so he came over to check, but there was no one there.

This reminded him of what happened on the mountain on the Tianlun Festival night.

It was also night, it was also the camp, and it was also she who disappeared.

God, he doesn't want this to happen, he never wants this to happen.

Qiancheng was stunned for a moment before she understood. She couldn't help feeling warmly moved in her heart. She smiled, "I'm fine, I just went out for a walk."

"Don't go out alone in the future!" Su Mofeng's voice was low, with a hint of anger, "In this wilderness, there are often wild beasts, and there may be bad people."

Beast, villain?
For some reason, she reflexively thought of the snake and Su Mochen. This metaphor was really apt, and thinking of this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Su Mofeng was a little confused, thinking she didn't take it seriously, and immediately turned dark, "I'm talking to you seriously, why are you smiling?"

Qiancheng was startled, he rarely saw him like this, knew that he had misunderstood, wanted to hold back his laughter, but couldn't help laughing even more, "No, no, I didn't mean that, I... I was ..."

After a long time, she didn't say anything, she couldn't say that she was thinking that Snake and Su Mochen were beasts and villains, right?
Seeing that she was out of breath and hesitating from laughing, Su Mofeng was completely enraged. He took her face with both hands, and kissed her chattering lips.

It still works!

Sure enough, she didn't smile or speak, she froze all over, opened her eyes in horror, and remained motionless.

Maybe it was because she stayed outside for too long, her lips were cold, but his lips were hot, the collision of ice and fire shocked Su Mofeng, and he closed his eyes slightly, wanting to treat her tenderly, but she It was so beautiful, so beautiful that he couldn't help himself once he touched it.

The taste turned into a passionate kiss, he tossed and sucked her lips, wishing to swallow her into his stomach, it seemed like he had longed for it for a long time, and then held back for a long time.

Until he was no longer satisfied with the entanglement of his lips, and tried to pry her lips open to penetrate deeper, Qiancheng was suddenly startled, came back to his senses, and suddenly stretched out his hand to push him away.

He was caught off guard, and took two steps back, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were still smudged with lust. He stared blankly at her for a moment before realizing what he was doing.

"I'm sorry, I..." He wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say, so he was at a loss for a moment.

He said he would give her time, he said he would not force her, but, for a moment, he couldn't help himself, so he...
Qiancheng looked at him quietly, but she didn't blame him either.

She's not a fool, nor is she a log.

She understands his heart!

It's just that she can't promise him anything now.

She smiled slightly, "It's okay, it's late at night, let's rest early!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and opened the curtain to enter the tent.

Su Mofeng stood outside, annoyed for a long time.

No one noticed that, in the distance, under the dim night, a graceful figure stood facing the wind, looking at the camp quietly for a long time.
The night in the deep mountains is very quiet, the only sounds are the chirping of some summer insects and frogs.

The camp was dark, and everyone was in a deep sleep.

Suddenly, a woman's scream pierced the silence, and the next moment, the candles in the two tents next to it lit up one after another.

Su Mofeng left the tent wearing only pajamas, rushed to Qiancheng's tent, and opened the curtain to enter, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

In the dark, Qiancheng heard his voice, as if seeing a savior, he rushed forward, stretched out his arms around his neck, and hung directly on his body, "Mouse, Su Mofeng, there are mice ..."

Well, Su Mofeng was shocked, and it took him a long time to realize what happened.

"Are you afraid of mice?"

The shock turned into shock, but she was still happy in her heart. First, she called him Su Mofeng, and second, she was still hanging on him at the moment.

But Qiancheng was not in such a good mood as him.

His question and tone hurt her very much. She was terrified at first, but now when she heard him ask, it seemed that she was so unbelievable that she was afraid of mice.

"Is it weird to be afraid of mice?"

"It's not strange, it's not strange, it's normal, it's normal!" Su Mofeng frowned, holding her in one hand, and lighting up the candle with the other.

The tent was suddenly brightened.

Well, Su Mofeng was shocked again.

Originally, there was nothing in the tent, but this woman made it look like it was ransacked, and it was a mess.

Where is the shadow of the mouse?
Probably also startled by Qiancheng's screams, Su Mochen came in through the curtain in his middle coat. When he saw the scene in the tent, his breath stopped and he couldn't take a step anymore.

What a familiar picture!
What a familiar scene!
Hei Mou stared blankly at the messy ground, and after a while, the tip of his eyes slightly lifted, quietly looking at the two hugging each other, his pupils narrowed, his eyes darkened.

There are such coincidences in the world!

Realizing his sudden entry, the two people who were hugging separated immediately. Qiancheng was very embarrassed, but Su Mofeng didn't care, and bent his lips into a smile, "Fourth brother got up too?"

Su Mo let out a soft "Yes", lowered his eyes, glanced at the woman's bare feet standing on the ground, and said lightly, "What happened?"


"There are mice!"

A female voice, a male voice, with the same voice, but with different answers.

Qiancheng was extremely embarrassed for a moment, and gave Su Mofeng a blank look, and Su Mofeng squinted and smiled, his face full of innocence.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, his black eyes filled with interest, and a captivating smile suddenly appeared on his thin lips, "Why? Miss Ran is afraid of mice?"

Qiancheng stared at the sky in silence!
Well, already the third person asked her with this expression and tone!

"Dare to ask fourth master, is it okay to be afraid of mice?"

Qiancheng squinted his eyes, staring at Su Mochen coldly, his voice was as cold as her eyes.

Su Mochen was shocked. A woman once questioned him like this, "Is it funny to be afraid of mice? Do you want to laugh like this?"

"Of course!" The corners of his lips deepened a bit, and Su Mochen suddenly felt his whole heart boil, and he opened his thin lips lightly, "It's just that during the day, I saw that the girl Ran was full of pride, and she didn't let her eyebrows down. Wang really didn't expect that a person who dared to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy would be afraid of a mouse?"

A thousand cities are angry.

I still remember that there was once someone who laughed at her like this.

"You are not afraid of the sky, the earth, not even death, but you are afraid of a mouse?"

She didn't understand. In this world, everyone has something to fear, doesn't he?

As for being surprised?

At this time, although Su Mochen looked calm, his heart was already turbulent, full of twists and turns, and he was even waiting for the woman's next sentence.

He waited, hoped, even guessed.

Will it be the sentence "In this world, some people just have some natural enemies, and mine happens to be mice!"?



Qiancheng didn't say anything, and issued a eviction order with a cold face, "Okay, it's okay, the third and fourth masters should go back and rest! I'm really sorry to disturb the rest of you two!"

Su Mochen was a little disappointed, Su Mofeng became anxious, "But, you..."

"It's okay! Qianye was just a false alarm just now!" Qiancheng's face was cold and his tone was indifferent, as if the weakness just now was just a dream.

Su Mofeng wanted to say something at first, but it could be seen from her appearance that her lips moved in the end, but she didn't say anything.

Qiancheng walked to the door barefoot, raised his hand and opened the curtain, his voice was cold and repulsive, "Masters, please!"

Su Mochen glanced at the woman's bare feet again, curled his lips, and walked out.

Su Mofeng frowned, and stared at her, not understanding why she changed her face as soon as she said it. After a while, seeing that she still ignored him, he sighed and walked out.

It is said that that night, the three main tents were all lit with candles until dawn.

The update is complete~ If you think the plot is slow, don't worry, there will be troubles soon~~
Thank you [mercuryxia], [Red Roof], [Scented Matcha], [Bian Xiaoyao], [Qiran] for the flowers~~~Thank you [wsy1203] for the monthly pass

Ahhhhh, I love you birds so much~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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