after losing heart

Chapter 154 [177] Do you want to go?

Chapter 154 [177] Do you want to go back
Because Su Mofeng was injured, it fell on Qiancheng and Su Mochen to go to Lishui Town to find the sugar maker and check the guns.

For fear of exposing the target too much, the two of them changed their faces, and instead of riding a horse, they used a carriage.

On the carriage, the two sat facing each other, but they were relatively silent.

Qiancheng kept lowering his brows, playing with the two sugar figurines of Cowherd and Weaver Girl in his hand, thinking about something.

While Su Mo leaned lazily on the carriage, his deep eyes always hovered over her face and the sugar figure.

She didn't bother to bother.

Lishui Town

There are still people coming and going, heavy traffic, and bustle, it seems that there is no war coming.

Following the memories from last time, Qiancheng quickly found the candy seller's stall.

The stall was surrounded by a group of children. From time to time, some children happily walked out with candy figurines in the shapes of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit.

Qiancheng's heart was beating wildly, but he was even more sure that that person came from the 21st century just like her.

Putting down the window curtain, Qiancheng couldn't wait any longer, and turned to get off the carriage, only to find that Su Mochen had already got off at some point, and was standing by the side of the carriage stretching out his hand towards her.

Help me?
She smiled coldly, ignored him, jumped off beside him, and walked straight to the stall.

Su Mochen bent his lips helplessly and followed.

Among a group of children, surrounded by a busy figure, with lowered eyebrows and eyes, concentrating on the movements of the hands, she was actually a woman with black hair and long clothes.


Qiancheng and Su Mochen glanced at each other, pondered for a while, and walked over, "Can I pinch the sugar figures of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?"

The woman's hand paused, she raised her head in astonishment, and looked at Qiancheng in disbelief.

Four eyes facing each other.

This time it was Qiancheng who was shocked.

She swayed and almost lost her balance. If Su Mo hadn't stepped forward to support her quickly, she would almost have fallen.

Those eyebrows, those eyes, that face...

so familiar!

Who is it if not her friend Fang Fang in the 21st century?

Why is she here?

Has she timed too?

My thoughts couldn't help but return to that summer night before time travel.

The shameless thing that happened in the car that she saw with her own eyes.

Che Zhen's heroine is her good friend Fang Fang, while Che Zhen's hero is her boyfriend Xiao Han.

In fact, she didn't see the man at that time, but with the bright moonlight on the summer night, the neon lights on the roadside, and the lights of the cars coming and going, she could see very clearly that the car belonged to Xiao Han.

And Fang Fang looked intoxicated in the car. . . .

She also ran to the desert alone because of this incident, and Xiao Han went to the desert to find her.

In the end, she realized that it was a misunderstanding. That night, the man in the car was not him, but a friend of his who just borrowed the car from him.

However, she lost Xiao Han forever.

The memory is so clear, like what happened yesterday.

If it wasn't for her misunderstanding, if it wasn't for her willfulness, if she didn't run to the desert, if Xiao Han didn't go to her, if they didn't get lost and lack water, if Xiao Han didn't feed her with blood, if...

There is no if in this world!
"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Seeing that her face was pale, Su Mo frowned slightly, and her black eyes were full of undisguised concern.

Qiancheng came back to her senses, only then did she realize that she was leaning lightly in his arms, she felt conflicted in her heart, she raised her hand, and waved his arm away indifferently, "I'm fine!"

And the woman was still looking at the two of them suspiciously, only then did Qiancheng realize that the two of them were easy-going.

Otherwise, if it is really Fang Fang, he must recognize her and Xiao Han.

Pursing her lips slightly, she gently pushed the child away, walked to her side, leaned over, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Fang Fang, is that you?"

The woman opened her eyes wide in astonishment, and the unfinished sugar figurine slipped to the ground.

She turned her head and looked at Qiancheng, "You are..."

Qiancheng straightened his waist, looked at Su Mochen who was standing outside the crowd and looked at them for a moment, then looked back and smiled at the woman, "Let's talk in the carriage!"

The woman was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and waved to the children, "There are no materials today, you all go home and come back tomorrow!"

Qiancheng and the woman entered the carriage behind the curtain.

Su Mochen didn't know why, so he followed in, but was stopped by Qiancheng coldly, "Fourth master wait outside first, I have a few words to talk to this girl!"

"No!" Su Mochen also refused in a cold voice. If this woman is really related to the pistol, wouldn't it be dangerous to let her be alone with her?

He couldn't let her out of his sight. Last time, Su Mofeng was trying to buy her a candy man, but she was snatched away. He would never allow such a thing to happen again.

Seeing him sitting in grandly, Qiancheng frowned, "Get out!"

"Not out!"

Qiancheng got angry, "Are you trying to make me hate you even more?"

Su Mo stared blankly, looked at her quietly, and suddenly, with a smile downcast, got up silently, opened the curtain and got out of the carriage.

Putting down the curtain, Qiancheng removed the skin from his face, Fang Fang was shocked, and raised his hand to cover his mouth, unable to believe this was reality for a long time.

"Su Jian, it's you!"

She was so excited that she cried and laughed at the same time, as if she was a little lunatic.

Qiancheng smiled, her personality has not changed at all.

The two were very excited, and each talked about his own experience.

Fang Fang worked in the Institute of Special Weapons in modern times. A newly developed weapon went off, and she unfortunately passed through like this.

Traveling to this time and space, she has nothing, and she doesn't have any skills to make a living. In order to make a living, she first used iron to make some weapons and sold them. Later, she met an old woman who could make sugar, and learned this craft from her.

She's been finding ways to get back to modern times, and she doesn't want to be here for a day.

"Sujian, do you want to go back?"

Qiancheng was stunned, she didn't know, it was the same to her whether she went back or not, there was no Xiao Han anywhere.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and said solemnly: "Don't call me Sujian in the future! My name is Qianye!"

"You are Sujian, Qiancheng, and Qianye!" Fang Fang shook her head, unable to touch her forehead, "It's really messy!"

"Oh! Didn't I explain all the reasons to you just now? I'm going to lock up your big mouth!"

"Understood!" Fang Fang rolled her eyes, suddenly remembered something, and smiled playfully again, "By the way, let your Xiao Han come in!"

Qiancheng raised his hand and shook her head, "I told you, he is not Xiao Han, he just has the same face."

Su Mochen didn't know what the two had talked for so long, but they both seemed to be in a good mood.

Moreover, he also knew that the woman's name was Fang Fang, and she could indeed make weapons.

He was very curious about what method Qiancheng used to convince the woman to go back to the camp with them to help them make weapons.

"Do you know each other?" After thinking for a while, he finally asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time.


"do not know!"

The two women spoke in unison, but gave diametrically opposite answers.

All three were startled.

Qian Cheng looked at Fang Fang, and frowned slightly, this guy is very nervous!How could she know a sugar maker from the border country?

Fang Fang was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, and immediately giggled, "I am wandering around, and the world is my home. I used to be in front of the general's mansion, and Miss Qianye treated me with kindness! Maybe the lady is always kind to others, and she never took it to heart. But I still remember my benefactor in my heart!"

Qiancheng heaved a sigh of relief, but rolled his eyes in his heart. He didn't expect that after so many years, this guy's ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open has not deteriorated at all!

"So that's how it is!" Su Mo smiled brilliantly, the brilliance in his black eyes was as radiant as a stone, with a hint of interest and a bit of inquiry.

Sorry, Suzi just came back from Suzhou, the update is late, forgive me!

For Fang Fang, Suzi [021] chapter has a foreshadowing. Also, Suzi's long story about the frontier of crossing is short, just like this!The fighting part of the rivers and lakes will be over soon, dear friends, don't worry!what~~
Thank you [Ran Xinting] dear, [13859894094] dear, [An Randuo] dear, [vg278808] dear Huahua~~
So many, excited, Suzi continued to crawl away the code words~~
(End of this chapter)

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