after losing heart

Chapter 155 [178] Sniper training

Chapter 155 [178] Sniper training
In front of the camp, Su Mofeng looked up.

Although Qiancheng went out with Su Mochen, he didn't have to worry about his safety, but for some reason, he always felt that the two of them had a weird and subtle feeling these days, which made him uncomfortable. It also frightened him.

There was a carriage approaching in the distance, he was overjoyed, and regardless of the injury on his foot, he rushed to meet it.

The carriage stopped, and Su Mochen got out of the carriage first, seeing Su Mofeng already waiting beside him, his eyes darkened slightly, "Third Brother".

"Fourth brother, you've worked hard!" Su Mofeng smiled, and couldn't wait to lift the hood of the car, and stretched out his hand, "Qianye!"

"Third Master!" Qiancheng smiled and gave him his hand naturally.

Su Mofeng wrapped the back of her hand with his big hands, and stretched out his arms to hug her, Qiancheng hesitated for a moment, "Your injury"

"It's okay!" Before the words finished, Su Mofeng had already hugged her down.

On the side, Su Mo pursed his lips, his eyes flicked away, he didn't know where to look, but the big hands in the sleeves of his robe were clenched and clenched.

Fang Fang lifted the hood of the car and probed her head.

Qiancheng got down from Su Mofeng's arms, tugged at his sleeves, "Go and help my friend."

Su Mofeng was stunned for a moment, before he stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards Fang Fang. Fang Fang looked up and saw that it was Su Mofeng, his eyes lit up, he jumped out of the carriage with excitement, and punched him on the shoulder, "Wow! So it was you This guy! I'm just saying, Su Jian... how could Ye find me to make sugar!"

Su Jianye!
Qiancheng fainted.

Su Mofeng frowned, raised his hand and pressed his shoulder, "Her name is Ran Qianye, not Su Qianye!"

Fang Fang's punch hit the wound on his left shoulder, and the pain made him sweat profusely.

Qiancheng quickly noticed his strangeness, his expression changed, and he quickly reached out to support him, "Master, are you okay?" Then, he turned his face and gave Fang Fang a hard look, "My eldest lady, the third master is injured, Please don't be so fussy, okay?"

"Okay! Reserved, reserved!" Fang Fang stuck out her tongue at Qiancheng, and then smiled at Su Mofeng, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!" Su Mofeng was in a good mood, and it was worthwhile to make Qiancheng care about him so much, even if it hurt him a hundred times.

"Let me help the third master return to the tent!" Qiancheng walked towards the tent with Su Mofeng by his arm.

"Wait for me!" Fang Fang picked up steps to keep up.

Su Mochen stood on the spot alone, lost his mind for a while, then ordered the coachman to drive the carriage away, and returned to the camp himself.

During the bumpy journey, his wound seemed to be split open. When he reached into his coat to touch it, it turned out that his hand was slippery and sticky.

Because the border countries have guns, if they re-create guns, even though they have improved the level of equipment, it will also cause a bloody battle between the two sides, with heavy casualties. However, if they don't build more powerful weapons, Xi Cang will lose again.

Qian Cheng and Fang Fang studied for a long time, and finally decided to make a sniper rifle.

The material is also easier to find similar substitute materials, and Fang Fang is not like Qiancheng who wears the soul, she wears it through the body, at that time, a magnifying glass in her hand also passed through, and that thing can be used as a scope for a sniper rifle .

Usually when the two of them are discussing these things, Su Mochen and Su Mofeng sit on the side and can't get in a word.

They don't understand how the two women, especially Fang Fang, know how to make such a powerful weapon?
When I asked them, they just laughed and didn't answer.

Fang Fang wrote down the required materials one by one, and Su Mochen was in charge of getting people to prepare them.

If the court couldn't find anything, he secretly asked Heishamen to get it, and soon, everything on the material list was available.

After a few days of sleepless nights, two simple sniper rifles were built.

There are only two, because there is no glass in this time and space, and it cannot be made into a concave-convex mirror, and her magnifying glass can only be divided into two.

It can only be simple, because many advanced materials needed for sniper rifles are not available, so they can only be replaced by simple ones.

The biggest advantage of a sniper rifle is its long range and high shooting accuracy.

In modern times, the range of sniper rifles is usually more than one thousand meters, but now they can reach about 500 meters due to the limitation of materials.

After the gun is made, it is the training of the sniper.

This task naturally fell on the two big men, Su Mochen and Su Mofeng.

Qian Cheng and Fang Fang are in charge of teaching each other.

Not to mention that Fang Fang is a professional, although Qiancheng has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running, and in modern times, Xiao Han often takes her to participate in shooting activities.

But when classifying the students, troubles arose.

Both Qiancheng and Fang Fang will teach Su Mofeng.

The two women argued for a long time, and the two big men stood there with embarrassment.

Su Mochen smiled wryly, but Su Mofeng didn't know what to say.

In the end, given that Fang Fang was the leading hero, and no matter how Qiancheng acted, she insisted on Su Mofeng wholeheartedly, so Qiancheng had no choice but to make concessions.

The training is carried out on the flat ground of the back mountain.

The bullseye is placed several hundred meters away.

When both Qiancheng and Su Mochen were lying on the ground, holding hands and looking at the scope alternately, the atmosphere became very delicate.

The two were so close that they could hear their breath.

He could smell the familiar body fragrance on her body, the breeze was blowing, some messy hair on her forehead even touched his skin lightly, he just felt like being brushed by a soft feather in his heart, slightly itchy , Heartbeat staggering.

"Hey! Hold the gun with both hands like this, and then use one eye to aim at the target through this mirror. This scope can be adjusted..."

While fiddling with a sniper rifle, Qiancheng spoke solemnly, in a cold tone, with a businesslike attitude.

And Su Mochen was lying beside her, looking at her quietly, yes, looking at her, not at the gun, watching her little face under the sunlight, like a first-ripe apple, suddenly grow An urge to open your mouth and take a bite.

Of course, he didn't dare, to be precise, he didn't dare now.

I think Su Mochen has never been afraid of anything, never dared to do anything. All along, there are only things he doesn't want to do, and there is absolutely nothing he dare not do.

But now, he was actually afraid, the first time he was afraid of a person.

Is it because you care?

he does not know.

Qian Chengjian talked for a long time, but there was no reaction from the people around her, she suddenly turned her head, her lips brushed across his face obliquely, and even touched his lips.

Her heart trembled and she was in a panic. She raised her eyes and was glued by his sticky eyes.

She stared blankly at the image of herself in his hot eyes, her cheeks were flushed and messy.

"A Thousand Cities!"

Su Mo's mind fluttered, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. He only leaned slightly, and pressed her lips against hers.

She trembled all over, and after only a second of hesitation, she suddenly pushed him away. She was shocked and angry, because of that sentence of Qiancheng, and also because of his frivolous behavior.

She angrily got up from the ground, "Su Mochen, who do you think I am? I kindly teach you how to practice a gun, but you are so unprogressive and full of dirty thoughts. You can practice by yourself, I won't teach you anymore!"

Qiancheng's face was flushed red. After finishing speaking, he turned his head and left, but Su Mochen grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go!"

His voice was indescribably hoarse and low, with a hint of condescension: "It's my fault! Don't worry, it will never happen again!"

Qiancheng's heart trembled slightly, she couldn't describe what it was like, she turned her head and looked at him bitterly, seeing him sitting on the ground holding her hand, looking up at her beggingly with his head up.

When did you see him like this?

Heartbroken, she pursed her lips and lay down again, "Then call me to see!"

His black eyes lit up, radiant, "Okay!"

In that room, like Su Mofeng, how could he care about practicing these things, his eyes always lingered on the pair of people here, especially when he saw Su Mochen actually kissed Qiancheng, and when Qiancheng became angry, he almost He rushed over, if Fang Fang hadn't slapped him on the head, "Hey, hey, what are you doing? Do you want to die on the battlefield with your learning attitude?"

Only then did he regain his composure, bite the bullet and started practicing.

Soon, Qiancheng and Fang Fang discovered that they were really good teachers, and these two men didn't need to be taught at all.

I don't know if it's because of their martial arts, or because they are born to play with weapons. Anyway, the first time they tried shooting, both of them hit the target without any effort.

Try again, too.

The target range is lengthened, and the same is true.

Well, Qian Cheng and Fang Fang were amazed.

Regarding sniping, let’s just make do with it, Suzi doesn’t know much about it, o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [woshiyuyu123] dear, [Yaoyao Yuyao] dear, [Still Restless and Talented] dear monthly pass~~What~~
Weakly ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~~o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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