after losing heart

Chapter 156 [179] Listen to me

Chapter 156 [179] Listen to me

【4000 words for this chapter】

After the careful deployment of Su Mochen and Su Mofeng, the war finally broke out.

Su Mochen first arranged thousands of people to use special shields to form an airtight shield wall to shout in front of the enemy army, luring the enemy out, while Xi Cang's own army was only held far behind.

Even though the border country had pistols, the pistols had a relatively short range. Not only could they not shoot through the adjourned army, they could not even penetrate the special shield that Fang Fang had identified.

When Su Mochen and Su Mofeng shot and killed some important generals on the tower one by one at the pre-selected sniper point, the war became without suspense.

The so-called capturing the thief first captured the king, one by one the commanders were shot, and one after another the flags were shot down, and the border country and the army were in a mess.

Everyone said, God bless Xi Cang!
Because many people saw something unknown, where it came from, or what it was, falling from the sky and shooting straight into the hearts or between the eyebrows of various generals.

And the more it was spread, the more miraculous it became, and the more it was spread, the more evil it became. Some people even said that it was heavenly soldiers and generals who came down to help Xi Cang.

This was a battle with the least casualties, and Xi Cang's army occupied Lishui Town without any effort.

Just when Su Mochen was about to go straight to Huanglong and march into the capital of the Bian Kingdom, the Emperor of the Bian Kingdom suddenly sent an envoy to seek peace.

The emperor of Bianguo promised that as long as Xicang withdraws his troops, Bianguo is willing to pay tribute of gold, cloth and food every year.

The commander of Xi Cang discussed with the two warlords, and Qiancheng naturally did not advocate war; and Su Mofeng took Qiancheng's opinion as his own opinion.

Two to one.

Qiancheng thought that Su Mochen would stick to his own opinion and attack the capital of the border country, but unexpectedly, he did not, and he also agreed with the two of them.

Of course, no one knew what was on his mind.

The woman he wanted to avenge was still alive, wasn't he?
And she doesn't want to see war yet, does she?
Su Mo revised a letter and agreed to negotiate a peace, but besides the annual tribute, he still had one condition.

At that time, Qiancheng didn't ask what it was, and she didn't know what Su Mochen's condition was until Fang Fang rushed into the tent the next morning and took her to the back mountain to watch the burning.

In the open space of the back mountain, a man was tied high to a wooden stake, and there were all dry firewood underneath. Not far away, more than a dozen archers lined up, and the feather arrows in the archers' hands were fired one by one. Then, unknown who gave the order, the rocket flew out and shot at the man.

It would be a pleasure to be shot to death with one arrow, but the most cruel thing is that each arrow does not shoot at the man's vitals, but only at the hands or feet. The man will not die, but his clothes will burn again, slowly Slowly, the dry firewood under him also burned.

That man who was covered, twitching, and whimpering in terror, Qiancheng knew, who was it not the envoy surnamed Xiao sent by the border country to Xicang.

It turned out that this was the condition that Su Mochen asked the emperor of the frontier country to agree to him, handing over the man to his disposal.

Qiancheng bent his lips, he still wants to avenge Yun Kou after all, right?
Such a cruel capital punishment is just to seek justice for the woman on top of my heart, isn't it?

He said that anyone who bullied this king's woman must die, she remembered.

Be cruel to everyone in the world, but be kind to one person alone!

Very good, very affectionate man!

Seeing the dying man slowly shrinking and turning into ashes in the place where the smoke was billowing and the flames were shining, she couldn't express the feeling in her heart.

Such a scene reminded her of that unbearable night, that night of despair, she was almost burned to death, but no one knew about it.

Those people were all covered with black cloths. She didn't know who they were, but she just heard the man in black who was killed by Yun Kou talk about people from the border country. In fact, it doesn't matter if she knows who they are. Anyway, no one will avenge her isn't it?

Curving her lips mockingly, she turned around silently.

Behind him, a purple figure stood, as if it had been standing for a long time.

It was Su Mochen, who seemed to be here to watch the burning.

She was startled, and the moment she raised her eyes, her eyes met, she coldly put aside, pursed her lips, she went straight past him, and went back to the tent.

She doesn't want to appreciate other people's trophies.

After resting for a day, the army marched back to the court.

Same as when they came, the head coach and the two warlords walked in the front, maybe there was something on his mind, Qiancheng was a little confused, after walking for a long time, he didn't think of Fang Fang.

"Where's Fang Fang?" She asked Su Mofeng.

Su Mofeng didn't know either.

She patiently asked Su Mochen again.

Su Mo said calmly, "Behind."

Qiancheng looked back and saw the army stretching for several miles. Where could she see Fang Fang's shadow? She remembered that Fang Fang couldn't ride a horse yet, so it was impossible to walk with the army, right?

Feeling anxious, she wanted to turn back to look for it, but Su Mochen pulled the reins.

"what are you going to do?"

Qiancheng was anxious and annoyed, so he naturally had a bad tone, "Let go of me! I want to go back and find Fang Fang. She is a hero of Xi Cang. As the coach, shouldn't you make good arrangements for her? Why don't you let her alone?" Girls can't walk?"

Su Mochen bent his lips helplessly, Qiancheng, is this the kind of person I am in your heart?
"Don't worry, she's going behind in a carriage." Su Mochen suddenly raised his voice, not knowing whether to tell Qiancheng or to whom.

Qiancheng was startled, and then said, "Then let's wait for her! I don't worry about her being alone!"

Everyone knows that it is difficult for a carriage to travel on a mountain road, and the speed is slower than a snail.

Su Mo sneered, "Miss Ran is not joking, is she? Let a hundred thousand troops wait for one person?"

Qiancheng was stunned again, unexpectedly he would say such a thing, after he realized it, he just felt angry, thought for a while, and then replied with a sneer: "A hundred thousand troops? If there is no her, I am afraid that the ten thousand Wan Dajun has been wiped out."

The corners of Su Mochen's lips twitched lightly, neither angry nor ignored, with a smile that was not a smile, but his big hand was still holding his rein with one hand and hers with the other, and moved forward.

Su Mofeng on the side looked at the two of them and frowned slightly, "Well, I'll go back and look for it."

"No!" Su Mo stopped in a deep voice, resolutely and firmly, "No one is allowed to go back!"

"Su Mochen, you are unreasonable!" Qiancheng was furious for a moment, and with a "shua", he pulled out the saber from his waist, cut off the rein that Su Mochen was holding, and pulled up the rest of the rein by himself. The short one turned around and ran away, angrily said: "You won't let the [-] troops wait, I will wait alone!"

Su Mo frowned deeply, sighed lowly, flew up on tiptoe, landed straight on her horse's back, wrapped her arms around her waist, and grabbed her rein with his big hands.

The horse raised its hooves and neighed.

Qiancheng's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell into his arms.

"You—" She had the heart to kill, "What exactly do you want?"

"Don't go back! After passing this hill, we'll stop and wait for her!" The man's warm breath gushed into her ears, his tone softened obviously, Qian Cheng's heart trembled, and he turned his head in disbelief, "Really? "

"En!" The man nodded lightly, pulled the rein and turned her horse around again, flew up, and returned to his own horse.

The team proceeded as usual.

Just after passing the top of the mountain, just as the army was about to stop, suddenly there were soldiers rushing up from behind.

"Fourth Master, I found a destroyed carriage and several corpses on the road about ten miles behind the army. The corpses were all wearing our army uniforms, so they should be our people!"

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't seem shocked.

Are you wearing our army uniform?

The corners of the thin lips curved almost imperceptibly.

When Qiancheng and Su Mofeng heard this, their expressions changed.

Especially Qiancheng was terrified, "Fang Fang, it's Fang Fang..."

While trembling and whispering, she turned the horse's head and ran.

Su Mochen was leaning over to whisper something in the soldier's ear, when he suddenly saw the white horse galloping past him, he was taken aback, his brows were slightly drawn together, and he quickly turned the horse's head and chased after him.

"Wait a minute, listen to me!"

This time, Qiancheng seemed to be crazy, he couldn't listen to his words, and yelled at him, "It's all you, it's all your fault!"

She rarely has a friend!She had a rare friend in this world!

She thought, tears flowed out.

The two horses galloped past as if they had run loose, and the soldiers retreated to the sides.

"you listen to me!"

Su Mochen had no choice but to stretch out his hand to pull her rein again. Qiancheng thought he was going to stop her again, so he drew out his long sword and chopped off his hand, and he dodged.

The horse neighed and was finally pulled to a stop.

"Listen to what I have to say, Fang Fang"

Before Su Mochen could finish his words, his waist suddenly hurt. He looked down in disbelief, and saw a silver sword stuck in his waist, which was not even protected by armor. .

Qiancheng didn't seem to expect that things would turn out like this, and opened his eyes wide in horror.

what did she do?
As if being scalded, she suddenly withdrew her hand, and the silver sword was stuck in Su Mochen's waist, and the blade swayed slightly.

Everyone was also frightened by this sudden scene, one by one forgot to react.

It was Su Mofeng who reacted first, frowned and rushed forward, "Fourth brother!"

Su Mochen ignored him.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes never left Qiancheng, his black eyes were fixed on her for a moment, his face was pale, he said with difficulty, "Why didn't you even give me a chance to finish my sentence?"

"I..." Qiancheng was flustered like never before, seeing the bright red oozing from his waist, her mind went blank.

She didn't expect it to happen, she really didn't expect it to happen.

Seeing that she was silent, Su Mo smiled coldly, lowered his eyes slowly, looked at his waist, and held the hilt of the sword with his big hand.

Everyone gasped.

He pursed his lips tightly, pulled it out suddenly, a fountain of blood gushed out, he raised his arm, and the silver sword was thrown to the ground, making a palpitating crisp sound.

"Fourth Lord!"

"Fourth brother!"

Someone stepped forward worriedly, and Su Mofeng's heart tightened.

Su Mochen waved his hand, signaling to everyone that it's okay, covered the bleeding wound with his palm, slowly raised his eyes, looked at Qiancheng, and said lightly: "Fang Fang is right in front!"

After speaking, he pulled the rein and turned his head to walk forward.

Qiancheng alone stood there in a daze for a long time and came to his senses.

Fang Fang in front?
what's the situation?
"Are you okay?" Su Mofeng walked over with frowning eyebrows, and hugged her off the horse.

The army stopped and rested on the spot. A tent was temporarily set up in the open space. In the tent, the military doctor bandaged Su Mochen's wound.

Fang Fang appeared out of nowhere, and Yang Hen was with her.

They still don't know about Su Mochen's injury.

As soon as she saw Qiancheng, Fang Fang yelled, "Qianye, Qianye, you are so slow, Commander Yang and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Qiancheng tugged at the corners of his lips, realizing that he didn't even have the strength to smile, "What's going on? Aren't you behind us? Why are you running in front of us?"

The next chapter finally returns to the palace bird, after returning to the palace. Dear friends understand, quack~~
Thank you for the [Yanyu] dear, [nin-yan2222] dear, [jumping 071203] dear, [mollywxm] dear, [LucyLiu198402] dear, [vhhzhang] dear monthly ticket~~Kangdao~~~
Suzi bites her handkerchief, can someone who has a monthly ticket vote for Suzi? ╭(╯3╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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