after losing heart

Chapter 157 [180] Nothing can hold back

Chapter 157 [180] Nothing can hold back
Qiancheng tugged at the corners of his lips, realizing that he didn't even have the strength to smile, "What's going on? Aren't you behind us? Why are you running in front of us?"

"Before departure, Fourth Master told me that he received a secret report that someone was lurking in the army and wanted to kill me. He asked Commander Yang to take me away secretly. Later, he would put a carriage to make it look like I was in the carriage. Lure the enemy to take the bait and annihilate them in one fell swoop..."

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder someone is so calm.

No wonder, the corpse was wearing the military uniform of a Xicang soldier, so it turned out to be someone lurking in the army.

No wonder...

In front of my eyes, the pale face of the man stared at her for a moment, and he struggled to speak.

"Why didn't you even give me a chance to finish my sentence?"


She doesn't know either.

She is not an impatient person, never has been, but she has no patience for him.

Anyway, it was subconscious resistance. Subconsciously, she told herself that this person was not worthy of trust.

She couldn't tell the feeling in her heart, but it felt like she was being blocked by a thick layer of sponge, which made it difficult for her to even breathe.

Yang Hen and Fang Fang heard that Su Mochen was injured, so they all went to the camp, and even Su Mofeng went in.

She was standing outside the tent.

She didn't know what was in her heart, anyway, she thought it was better not to look at it.

A military doctor's startled voice came from the tent, "Fourth Master, why do you still have such a serious wound on your waist? It's already inflamed and festered!"

Qiancheng was taken aback.

Su Mo let out a deep and low laugh, as if he didn't take it seriously, "Oh, I was wounded by Bian Guo's pistol last time, and it was already bandaged up, but I may have been running around later, and the wound was not well protected, and the wound cracked again. opened."

"That was shot!" The military doctor was shocked, "How did Fourth Master get the bullet out?"

"I took it myself." Su Mochen still spoke lightly, as if he was doing something very ordinary.

"You took it yourself?"

Everyone was shocked, including the military doctor, Su Mofeng, Fang Fang, and of course, Qiancheng outside.

"Why doesn't Fourth Master let his subordinates..."

Before the military doctor finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Mochen, "The situation was special at that time, and no one should know that the king was injured."

"But... how can fourth master hold on?"

They can use anesthesia, even if they do not use anesthesia, their military doctors will be very skillful in doing this to reduce the pain.

Last time, Su Mofeng's injury was only on the shoulder, and it didn't penetrate deeply into the flesh. A big man was born with such pain, not to mention his injury was on the waist, which was softer than the shoulder, and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

Su Mochen smiled indifferently, "You take it, you take it, and this king takes it, there is nothing you can't hold."

What kind of man is this?

When the military doctor bandaged his wound, and he walked out of the tent and said that he would continue to march back to the court, he was still looking like a dragon and a phoenix, his armor was unshakable, and he was in high spirits.

At that moment, everyone felt that this man was really worthy of awe.

On the road again, there were five people in front, besides the original three, there were also Yang Hen and Fang Fang, because Fang Fang didn't know how to ride a horse, so the two of them shared a horse.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Su Mo's face was as deep as water, and he was silent, Su Mofeng didn't speak, and Qiancheng had nothing to say. Fortunately, there was Fang Fang, who was an optimist, and she was the only one who kept talking.

For a while he sighed, and for a while he was excited again.

"Hey, it seems that this ability is not a good thing, and I will be hunted down! Go back with you, you have to protect me!"

"By the way, Qianye, do you think that our current appearance is very similar to those in "Returning the Pearl"?" Fang Fang said while singing happily.

"Let's live a chic and unrestrained life as companions in the world of mortals; ride horses and gallop to share the prosperity of the world; sing about the joy in our hearts when singing to wine; vigorously grasp the youthful years, heoheo"

While singing, he also called Qiancheng, "Qianye, together, together!"

Infected by her, Qiancheng felt that his mood had improved a lot, and he rolled his eyes at her: "Only because of your tone deafness, you really dare to sing!"

"Who is tone deaf? I can sing very well!" Fang Fang yelled unconvinced.

The corners of Su Mofeng's lips curled up, and he glanced sideways at her, just in time for her to catch him, "Hey, young man, do you think I sing well?"

Little three? !

The crowd was sweating.

Su Mofeng shook his head helplessly.

Qiancheng couldn't help bursting out laughing, and the corners of Su Mochen's lips curled slightly and arced slightly when he saw Su Mochen from the corners of his eyes.

August [-]th, autumn is crisp and cloudless

Today's Fourth Prince Su Mochen led an army of 20 to return to the court. The war against border countries lasted more than [-] days.


The people in the capital had already heard the news, and they all lined up on both sides of the street early in the morning, emptying the alleys, just to see the demeanor of the fourth prince, the third prince, and a legendary woman.

Emperor Wen did indeed, as he said before the expedition, he personally led all the civil and military officials out of the palace gate to greet him.

A whole set of procedures on the scene has been completed, and it is almost dusk.

Because they had to attend the celebration banquet at night, they went back to their homes to prepare and change their clothes.

From the beginning to the end, Su Mochen didn't say a word to Qiancheng, but Su Mofeng proposed to send Qiancheng, but Qiancheng politely refused. She said that they should go back to their homes so as not to miss the time of the banquet.

When she took Fang Fang back to the General's Mansion, Ran Fei, Ran Tianhao, and Yang Shi were both happy and angry. The happy one was that she finally returned safely, and the angry one was that she made her own decisions and didn't know the danger. On the battlefield.

Ranfei scolded her for a long time, until she swore that she would never be so willful again, then Ranfei didn't give up.

After Ranfei finished scolding, it was Rantianhao again, and after Rantianhao finished speaking, Yang came to move him again to show his affection and reason.

Thousands of cities have been inherited one by one.

She likes it, really.

Although I was scolded, my heart was warm, and the feeling of being cared for and cared for was indescribable.

When she and Fang Fang simply washed and dressed, and arrived at the gate of the palace in a carriage, it was already dark.

The world is big and the world is small.

This was a sentence that Qiancheng suddenly remembered when she got off the carriage, because she saw that Su Mochen and Su Mofeng also arrived at the gate of the palace at the same time, as if they had made an appointment in advance.

Su Mofeng called her happily: "Qianye!"

Fang Fang patted Su Mofeng's shoulder very buddy, "Wow, little three, fate!"

Qiancheng pulled her, "Don't call me San Ye like that in the palace!"

"Oh~ Got it~" Fang Fang stuck out her tongue.

Su Mochen wore a purple robe, and stood far away at the gate of the palace. The light and shadow of the palace lanterns were inverse, and he couldn't see the expression on his face, only a pair of black eyes shining like stars under the dim night.

He said, "Let's go together!"

I don't know whether to tell Qiancheng, Su Mofeng, or Fang Fang.

Anyway, Fang Fang was the first to respond, "Sure!"

So, the four of them went together.

The palace road along the way has been decorated in a joyous manner, with lanterns and festoons everywhere, the palace lanterns are as bright as day, and busy eunuchs and maidservants pass by from time to time, and they stop to salute and say hello when they see a few people.

Fang Fang entered the palace for the first time, and it was very novel. She looked at this and touched that from time to time, amazed.

At the corner of Chaoshou Corridor, a court lady with an octagonal lantern in her hand turned out facing her. She was obviously walking in a hurry. When she realized how many people were there, she seemed to have no time to stop, and bumped into the person walking in the middle. Qiancheng's body.

Qiancheng was caught off guard, his body swayed, and he staggered back two steps, one left and one right were firmly supported by two big hands.

The octagonal lantern in the maid's hand fell to the ground with a clang and went out.

"Why don't you have eyes while walking?" But with Su Mo's gentle and jade-like style, he couldn't help being annoyed at this moment.

The maid quickly bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

What a familiar voice!
Yun Kou!

Qiancheng was startled, and the tip of his eyes lifted slightly, looking at Su Mochen, and sure enough, he was also slightly startled when he saw him.

I updated [-] words today, the update is complete~~ Tomorrow there will be a good show to watch the birds, quack~~
Thank you [18695605695] dear, [zuoxinghui] dear, [vivien Xiaoying] dear monthly pass, love you, are you crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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