after losing heart

Chapter 158 [181] He De He Neng

Chapter 158 [181] He De He Neng

Qiancheng was startled, and the tip of his eyes lifted slightly, looking at Su Mochen, and sure enough, he was also slightly startled when he saw him.

Qiancheng wanted to laugh, Yun Kou is so cautious, how can he be so careless, maybe he has been waiting here for a long time?
Yes, I haven't seen you for more than 20 days!How anxious should be in my heart!

Understandable, understandable!
Here, Su Mofeng took her hand, frowned, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Qian Cheng looked at Yun Kou lightly and shook his head.

At this time, her face had changed, and Yun Kou couldn't recognize it.

Yun Kou lowered her head slightly, apologizing timidly. She looked at everyone one by one with her red phoenix eyes, and finally her gaze stayed on Su Mochen's face, then she lowered her eyes again, "My maidservant is going to convey the message to the empress." Yizhi, I was in a hurry and didn't intend to collide..."

Su Mochen didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but Su Mofeng seemed to be still angry, and interrupted her sharply, "Can I walk without looking at the road after delivering the decree to the empress?"

Qiancheng wanted to say forget it, but for some reason, he suddenly wanted to see Su Mochen's reaction, which must be very interesting, so he let Su Mofeng go.

"I'm really sorry!" Yun Kou lowered her head even lower.

"Third Brother!"

Finally, someone couldn't hold back.

Qiancheng bent his lips.

Su Mo called Su Mofeng, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by another male voice in front, "Third Brother, Fourth Brother!"

A man in a sky-blue brocade suit ran up to him quickly, with an excited expression on his face, "You guys are back! I miss you so much!"

Qiancheng took a look, who is it but the Fourteenth Prince Su Moyu?

However, he didn't know her at this time, and when he saw her and Fang Fang, he was slightly taken aback.

Soon, he found Yun Kou who was standing meekly and timidly by the side, his eyes lit up, "Yun Kou! Why are you here?"

"I've seen Master Fourteen!" Yun Kou bowed slightly to Su Moyu without raising her eyebrows, "Servant..."

"She walked without eyes, and almost knocked our right warlord to the ground!"

It was Fang Fang who spoke.

Qian Cheng had already told her his own story, and she didn't know who this court lady was, but when she heard Shisi's voice from Yun Kou, she knew it, and couldn't help but want to give this woman a break in her heart.

Fourteen was stunned, and immediately put on a straight face, "Then hurry up and apologize to the right governor! I heard that the right governor is a strange woman, a woman who doesn't give way to a man, and has an extraordinary bearing, how can she care about a servant like you?"

Qiancheng barely laughed out loud.

What a fourteen!
It seems that he really has feelings for Yun Kou, but, Fourteen, Fourteen, which one of you doesn't want to like, but you want to fall in love with your good brother's woman!
Forget it, Fourteen is here, and there's nothing interesting to see someone's reaction. She knows Fourteen, he is shallow-minded, sincere, and will definitely protect Yunkou.

She glanced at Su Mochen lightly, not wanting to, just as he was looking over at him, she was startled and looked away.

What are you looking at me for?Hurry up and seize the opportunity to see your Yun Kou go!

Oh, are you begging for mercy?Like fourteen.

"Since the fourteenth master put on such a high hat for me, then I really can't look stingy, no, let's stop here for today's business!"

She didn't know if it was an effect on her mind, but she felt that Shisi and Su Mochen both breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she finished speaking, and Shisi hurriedly told Yun Kou, "Hurry up and get on with your business! Be careful when you walk in the future! "

"Yes! This servant must remember, thank you, Governor Right!" Yun Kou bowed and picked up the octagonal lamp on the ground, and when she turned to leave, she did not forget to take a look at Su Mochen.

Qiancheng lowered his eyes and smiled. In fact, the two of them are really pitiful. They want to see each other but can't see each other.
"Wait!" It was Fang Fang.

"You stepped on the right governor's foot, look at her shoes, they are covered with dust, at least you have to brush the dust off her shoes before leaving!"

Everyone was stunned.

Including Qiancheng, she regretted telling this guy all about herself, how could she forget that this guy is a lord who doesn't know what to do, who repays kindness with kindness, and avenges revenge with kindness.

Actually, Yun Kou didn't owe her anything, everything in the past was her own fault.

She pulled Fang Fang and signaled her to forget it, but the guy just ignored it, raised his eyebrows at Yun Kou, "Why? Don't you want to?"

"Slaves dare not!" Yun Kou pursed her lips, lowered her eyebrows, and walked back slowly. Qian Cheng knew that she was trying her best to hold back.

Qiancheng looked at Fourteen, and then at Su Mochen. The former's face was ugly, while the latter's face was as sinking as water.

"Forget it!" She suddenly felt very bored.

What are you doing?
Since it's already let go, why make everyone unhappy.

She was about to pick up her foot and leave, but Yun Kou took out a silk scarf and knelt down in front of her with one foot.

Qiancheng was shocked, unexpectedly she would be like this!

However, the development of things is always dramatic.

Just when Yun Kou's knees were about to land on the cold bluestone ground, a soft shoe suddenly stretched out and landed right under her knees.

Everyone was startled, including Yun Kou herself.

"Master Fourteen..." Yun Kou raised his eyes, looking at the owner of the soft shoe, there was already a slight splash in his watery eyes.

Fourteen smiled meaninglessly, "I have heard the story of the Right Governor, and I have admired the hero of the Right Governor for a long time. It is rare to have such a chance to be courteous, so let me do it for you!"

A prince shining shoes for someone?It's incredible to think about it!

Just as Qiancheng was about to say forget it, Fourteen had already lifted Yun Kou up, took the silk from her hand, and leaned down.

The most interesting part of life is that you never know what will happen in the next moment.

Almost at the same moment, two more figures squatted down.

One white and one purple.

who is it?

Qiancheng was stunned and lost his mind for a moment, and found out that it was Su Mofeng and Su Mochen.

Su Mofeng reached into the sleeve of his robe to take out the brocade scarf, Su Mochen directly wrapped her big hands around her feet, and gently brushed off the dust on the embroidered shoes with his hands, it was not too dirty!
Well, Qiancheng was shocked.

Fang Fang was shocked.

Even Yun Kou herself was shocked.

If this matter gets out, what kind of legend will it be?
What is the theme of the story?
Three princes scrambling to shine shoes for a woman?

Oh, no, the three princes are scrambling to shine shoes for a woman because of a court lady?

Shocking enough, heavyweight enough!It will definitely become the topic of conversation in the streets and alleys of the world, after dinner.

Qiancheng wanted to laugh, but was full of sadness.

Su Mochen and Shisi don't want the woman on their heart to be wronged, she knows it, but she doesn't know, this Su Mofeng also came to join in the fun, so how can he sing?
For some reason, she suddenly thought of a word, shame on herself!
She feels like she is now!
It seems to be the winning side, but in fact, it is a complete defeat.

In this world, there are some people who don't need to speak, fight for, or show weakness. They just need to look in the eyes, or frown slightly, and someone will embarrass her.

Ran Qiancheng, do you still have self-respect?

She abruptly pulled her foot out of Su Mochen's hand, lowered her eyes to hide the bitterness in her eyes, and smiled sweetly, "How can Qianye, let the three princes bow down here? If the emperor and all the ladies know about it, I'm afraid that Qianye will not be able to eat and walk away!"

After finishing speaking, she directly took Fang Fang's hand and walked forward past several men, her skirts fluttering and her back straight.

What she said was the truth, it was easy to become a target of public criticism in the palace, and the actions of the three of them just now were enough to make some people want to kill her.

The three men froze in place for a moment before recovering.

Su Mofeng knew that Qiancheng must have misunderstood, frowned slightly, and chased after him, "Qianye, Qianye..."

Fourteen stood there without moving, a little dazed, not knowing why.

Su Mo's face sank like water, he patted the dust in his hands leisurely, and looked at Yun Kou lightly.

Yun Kou stared at him blankly, her brows frowned, and she was about to cry, but she finally held back, her eyes were red, and she bowed to the two men, "Thank you, Fourth Master and Fourteenth Master, and this slave will leave!"

In this compartment, Qiancheng dragged Fang Fang straight to Weiyang Palace.

Fang Fang frowned and looked at her, knowing that she was sad, but she just wanted to vent her anger, and she didn't expect things to turn out like this?

"Qianye!" Su Mofeng's voice came from behind.

Then there is a good show~~
Suzi coded very hard, and those who have a monthly pass will reward one~~
(End of this chapter)

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