after losing heart

Chapter 159 [182] Please marry me

Chapter 159 [182] Please marry me
"Qianye!" Su Mofeng's voice came from behind.

Qiancheng kept walking, no matter what Su Mofeng yelled, it was as if he didn't hear it.

In fact, she didn't know what she was angry with.

"Dye Chiba!"

The people behind were slightly annoyed.

"Little Sanzi is calling you!" Fang Fang pursed her lips and looked at her, then looked back at Su Mofeng, trying to stop, but she kept holding her hand, and hurried away.

Qiancheng continued to ignore.

Suddenly, with a heavy weight on her wrist, Su Mofeng had already walked up to her and grabbed her, "Why are you running so fast?"

"Are you going to continue watching you big men acting?" Qian Cheng didn't have a good tone for a while.

"What do you know?" Su Mofeng stared at her, with a hint of anger in his black eyes.

"I don't understand anything!" Qiancheng shook off his hand vigorously, and walked forward, but was caught by his wrist again.

He sighed helplessly, as if he couldn't even get angry in front of this woman.

"Haven't you heard that a woman's feet can only be seen and touched by the man she loves the most?"

Qiancheng was startled and turned around in disbelief.

In ancient times, there was a saying that "smile without showing your teeth, and walk without showing your feet", she knew it, but she never thought that in this time and space, it is so important!
My heart trembled slightly.

The most beloved man? !

So, he's going to wipe it himself, isn't he?

What about Su Mochen and Fourteen?Yes, doesn't Fourteen know this?

"The fourteenth master still..."

"Can't you see Fourteenth Brother's thoughts on Yun Kou? Although a woman's feet can only be touched by the man he loves the most, he doesn't want Yun Kou to be wronged!"

That's right, he didn't lose anything by touching her feet, but it saved Yun Kou from being wronged.

That's it!

The same is true for Su Mochen, right?

With a wry smile, these men!

"I just didn't expect the fourth brother to be faster than me. Could it be that he already knows that you are Qiancheng? So for you..."

Su Mofeng was a little lost, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qiancheng, "How would he know that I am Qiancheng? What's more, a thing of love is like a person drinking water, knowing whether he is warm or not! How about me, I know better than the third master! Don't mention the past again!"

Qiancheng smiled indifferently, she knew that Su Mofeng must have thought that Su Mochen had the same thoughts as him, after all he didn't know the relationship between Su Mochen and Yun Kou.

Forget it, these are not important anymore, are they?
"Let's go! It's not good to miss the time of the night banquet later!"

"No, I heard that the empress temporarily invited the female relatives from various prefectures to participate, so the banquet was moved back for an hour."


The three went to Weiyang Palace side by side.

The female relatives of various prefectures?That means Xilingxue and Tong Suqing are coming too!
Under the dim night, Su Mochen and Shisi also walked towards Weiyang Palace. Su Mochen looked at the three people walking side by side in front of him, pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes darkened slightly.

In Weiyang Palace, the lights were bright and resplendent.

Many people had already arrived, chatting in groups of three or four, and the entry of Qiancheng and his party immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

The huge hall was instantly silent.

Qiancheng was startled, looked left and right, not knowing why.

The corner of Su Mofeng's lips curled up, "They're all looking at you!"

Some people here have seen Qiancheng on the day when she was sent off on the expedition. At that time, she was dressed in armor, with a heroic appearance, and her temperament was so cold that people dare not look directly at her. style.

She was wearing an apricot-colored brocade skirt, with tassels hanging lightly at the waist, and ruffled water sleeves. With the graceful steps, the tassels flickered and the water sleeves flicked, making her indescribably charming.

A small face is even more stunning, with snow-like skin, picturesque eyebrows, and a pair of clear eyes that seem to be able to speak, captivating, but calm as water, as if they have been washed away, leaving behind the world and being independent.

Many of them have been officials in the same dynasty as General Ranfeiran for many years, but they don't know that his daughter is so charming?She is also courageous and savvy, and she does not give in to her eyebrows!
One by one cast or appreciate, or envy, or admiration, or jealous eyes.

Even the sixth prince, Su Mohong, couldn't take his eyes off. On the day of the expedition, when he saw him from afar on the tower, he was astonished.

Su Mochen and Fourteen followed behind, and as soon as they entered the door, they felt everyone's gazes on that woman. It was strange that he felt uncomfortable all over, the kind of dissatisfaction that wanted to rush forward to declare what he had and didn't want others to covet her. Comfortable.

Seeing this from everyone, Qiancheng felt a little uncomfortable, and found a seat near the back with Fang Fang and Su Mofeng.

Su Mochen and Shisi also sat down not far from them.

The people attending the dinner came one after another.

Ninth Prince Su Moyi also came, and went directly to Su Mochen's table as soon as he came in.

Ranfei also came, and went straight to Qiancheng's table.

Concubine Mei, Concubine Li, Jieyu, and some women from the harem also arrived one after another.

After a while, Xilingxue and Tong Suqing also came, Shisi and Laojiu got up quickly and gave them their seats.

Xiaoqi Su Ningshuang also came, and went straight to Su Mochen's table, greeted him, talked for a while, then came to Qiancheng's table, and greeted Su Mofeng.

That's right, both of them are her elder brothers, so there's still plenty to do.

Seeing Su Mofeng sitting at this table, Xiao Qi glanced suspiciously at Qian Cheng and Fang Fang.

Qiancheng thought that he had changed his face anyway, so who is afraid of whom?He met her gaze without fear.

Xiao Qi was startled, turned her gaze away, and returned to her seat.

Qiancheng raised her cup and drank tea lightly, but she clearly felt the gaze of someone not far away, hovering over her head from time to time.

"Stay for a while, don't talk too much, the emperor will give you a reward, just thank you, nothing else!" Ran Fei kept urging beside him.

Qiancheng responded one by one, and told Fang Fang next to him not to cause trouble.

With a shrill "The emperor is here, the empress is here!", Emperor Wen in bright yellow and the queen in dark green phoenix robe walked in slowly, surrounded by eunuchs and maids.

Beside the queen, Yun Kou lowered her brows and looked at her heart.

Everyone stood up, knelt down and saluted, shouting "Long live the emperor, and a thousand years for the empress!"

Fang Fang was also dragged by Qiancheng and fell to the ground.

"Let's all get flat!" Emperor Wen took the queen and sat down on the main seat directly above the main hall.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up.

When Emperor Wen greeted the army at the gate of the palace this afternoon, Qiancheng didn't pay attention to it. Looking at it now, Emperor Wen seemed to be a lot haggard. His face was slightly pale.

First, Emperor Wen gave a speech, all of which were words from the scene, such as a big victory, admiration of our country, and indispensable contributions. Anyway, Qiancheng didn't listen to it very much.

Then came the rewards.

Su Mochen has made great achievements in battle, and his contribution is indispensable. He specially gave him a tiger talisman, which can mobilize all the troops in Su Mofeng and Ranfei's hands at will.

Su Mofeng and Ran Qianye's military governors are powerful, and their contributions should be rewarded. They are specially given ten thousand taels of gold and one hundred dans of cloth.

Fang Fang made weapons and helped in the war, so he was given a mansion and a third-rank official residence.

Thank you one by one.

Qiancheng bent his lips, the heart of an emperor is indeed beyond human reach, the most powerful thing is the reward to Su Mochen.

It seems that a tiger talisman can be mobilized at will, and it seems to have great power, but after all, each army has its own master. After all, he has a bare commander, but it is not right to say that he has a bare sword.

So, Emperor Wen is high!

In this way, he easily balanced the power of the three, influencing and restraining each other.

After the rewards were over, the banquet officially began.

Hundreds of courtiers came in one after another with trays in their hands, and in a short while, exquisite dishes, sweet pastries, and mellow wines filled the tables.

The sound of silk, bamboo and string music resounded, and several dancers danced enchantingly in the center of the hall.

For a while, the cups were pushed and placed, and the toasts were staggered. The wine was in full swing, and it was very lively.

From time to time, someone came to Su Mochen's table and Qiancheng's table to toast.

After one song, the dancer left, but the excitement continued.

Suddenly, a thick "Father!" sounded, covering all the noise in the hall.

Everyone was stunned, and followed the sound to look over, only to see that it was the sixth prince Su Mohong, who stood up and knelt in the hall, "I have a wish, I beseech my father to make it come true!"

Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, "What wish?"

Everyone's curiosity was also temporarily lifted.

Su Mohong turned his head, looked towards Qiancheng, and then turned back to look at Emperor Wen, "I fell in love with Miss Qianye at first sight, and begged my father to give me a marriage!"

After the update, tomorrow will be more exciting~~
Thank you [yimingyijie] dear, [shihong01] dear Huahua~~
I love you so much~
(End of this chapter)

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