after losing heart

Chapter 160 [183] ​​Marriage disturbance

Chapter 160 [183] ​​Marriage disturbance

Su Mohong turned his head, looked towards Qiancheng, and then turned back to look at Emperor Wen, "I fell in love with Miss Qianye at first sight, and begged my father to give me a marriage!"

Everyone was startled.

Su Mo shook the cup in his hand, and almost missed it.

Qiancheng was stunned, a little dazed, thinking that he had heard wrongly, Su Mofeng's face had already turned pale.

Even Ran Fei's complexion changed drastically.

Everyone looked at Emperor Wen, wondering whether Emperor Wen would respond.

Indeed, this woman has the capital to charm all living beings, not to mention the sixth prince, many young men present are not tempted.

What's more, she is the daughter of the famous general Ranfeiran. Throughout the dynasties and dynasties, it is the iron fist to hold the military power. Everyone wants to climb up to this relative.

Emperor Wen raised his eyes lightly, glanced at Qiancheng, and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, the queen next to her smiled gently, "Your Majesty, this Hong'er is not young anymore, it should be the age for giving marriage. Up to now, there is only one side concubine and a few concubines in Hong'er's mansion, and the seat of the main concubine is not yet available." It’s empty! The General’s Mansion and the Sixth Prince’s Mansion are well matched, and this girl from Qianye will not treat her badly if she gets married, what do you think, Your Majesty?”

Su Mohong was overjoyed, he didn't expect his mother to speak for him, and suddenly felt that the chance of winning was sure, and looked at Emperor Wen eagerly.

Many civil and military officials know that this Ranfei is actually a member of the Queen and the Sixth Prince. If the Sixth Prince marries Ran Qianye, this relationship will be even more secure.

Emperor Wen's five fingers were slightly bent, and he tapped the armrest of the dragon chair again and again, making a burst of sound.
Qiancheng pursed her lips tightly, her heart beating wildly. She thought of all kinds of possibilities at the dinner party tonight, but she never thought that someone would propose a marriage.

Su Mofeng frowned and looked at her, his heart was also in a mess. He drooped his eyes for a while, then stretched out his big warm hand to wrap the back of her hand, "The reason why I didn't ask Father to marry me is because I I said before, I won’t force you, I will give you time, but I didn’t expect that Lao Liu will be ahead, now, whether you blame me or hate me, I will definitely not let you marry that bastard Lao Liu!”

Before Qiancheng could fully react, he saw white shadows swaying in front of him, Su Mofeng got up, went to the middle of the hall, and also knelt down to Emperor Wen: "Father, my son dares, father can't give Qianye To the sixth brother!"

There was a suppressed uproar from the crowd.

Su Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, his thin lips were already pursed into a cold straight line, his cold gaze swept across the two kneeling in the center of the hall, Emperor Wen who was sitting high, and finally fell on Qiancheng.

Emperor Wen looked at Su Mofeng who appeared suddenly, narrowed his eyes slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Why can't I give Qianye to your sixth brother?"

Su Mofeng pursed his lips, and said, "Because Qianye is my son's true love!"

Qiancheng was startled, only then did he understand the meaning of what he said just now, slightly frowned and looked at Ranfei, who slightly shook his head at her with a solemn expression.

There was a burst of commotion in the audience.

Su Mofeng didn't care about it, and continued: "I have known Qianye for a long time, and I have fallen in love with her for a long time. This time, I went to the expedition together. I also planned to ask my father to marry me after returning to the court. I didn't expect the sixth brother Let me be one step ahead of my son. My son implores father and emperor to give Qianye to my son!"

Su Mofeng's eyes were firm and his tone was burning.

Emperor Wen was silent, and seemed a little embarrassed, with deep black eyes.

Su Mochen squeezed the cup tighter and tighter.

Qiancheng couldn't tell how she felt in her heart. She understood Su Mofeng's heart, and she had always understood it. It was impossible to say that she was not moved, but she also understood her own heart, which was not the same thing as him at all.

Concubine Li observed her words and expressions, and thought about it, she got up, Yingying walked to the middle of the hall, and knelt down next to Su Mofeng, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty also knows that Feng'er has never had a woman in all these years, and there is not even a woman in the mansion." There are no concubines, and he is also the oldest among the princes who has not yet married. It is rare to have a woman who walks into his heart. As a mother, Chen Qie is very gratified, and Chen Qie also implores the emperor to do so Feng'er wishes!"

Concubine Li said while bowing devoutly to Emperor Wen.


Su Mofeng looked at Concubine Li in astonishment, he was very shocked, he didn't expect that she also fell in love with Qiancheng.

Concubine Li raised her head and looked at him, and smiled lovingly, "Feng'er, as long as Feng'er likes herself, the mother and concubine will definitely support Feng'er. Pity the hearts of parents in the world. What mother doesn't want her son to be happy!"

In fact, Concubine Li said half of what she said to Su Mofeng, and half to Emperor Wen. She was the mother, and Emperor Wen was the father.

Emperor Wen is so shrewd, there is no reason why he can't understand, but he is not the father of Su Mofeng alone. The so-called palms and backs of his hands are full of meat. , and, his mother is still the queen, on the scene, he still has to worry about this little face.

With five fingers slightly bent, they tapped lightly on the armrest of the dragon chair.

Everyone waited with bated breath, there was no sound, only the sound of hands knocking on the golden nanmu.

Su Mochen's pupils contracted, and he looked at Emperor Wen for a moment. He felt that the knocking sound was like hitting his heart, so heavy, and so loud.

He glanced at Qiancheng again, raised his neck, drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, put the wine cup on the table, got up with a "chuckle", came to the hall, lifted his robe and knelt down.

Just as he was about to speak, Emperor Wen's Shen Mou preempted him, "Could it be that the fourth child also fell in love with that girl Qianye?"

Su Mo raised his head and said firmly, "Exactly!"

The audience was in an uproar again.

Qiancheng stared at his back in astonishment, unbelievable.

Su Mofeng and Su Mohong both changed their expressions.

Even the empress and concubine Li were shocked, unexpectedly another Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway.

Yun Kou, who was beside the queen, felt weak and almost fell, she quickly reached out to support the back of the Phoenix chair to stabilize her body.

Xilingxue's face turned pale.

Tong Suqing looked at the deformed cup on the table and smiled wryly.

I still remember that this man once crushed a cup, and it was for a woman from Qiancheng.

I thought, that woman is gone, and I still have hope, but I don't want to, another woman came.

Never without her.

Xiao Qi narrowed his eyes, looked at Su Mochen, and then at Qiancheng who was sitting at the banquet, his eyes moved slightly.

Everyone stared at Emperor Wen, wondering how he would choose.

Emperor Wen's face was as deep as water, with deep black eyes, but he couldn't help thinking of some old things in his heart.

It seems that there was once a woman who caused his two sons, Su Mochen and Su Mofeng, to fight like this, and even fought hard.

Now, in less than two months since that woman disappeared, how could they empathize so quickly and fall in love with another woman so quickly?
With his eyes narrowed, he raised his eyes again to look at the stunning woman at the banquet in the distance, and suspicion gradually floated in his deep phoenix eyes.

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, the three people in the hall were covered with cold sweat, and their hearts were in a state of turmoil. They were eagerly expecting him to speak, but also feared that he would speak, fearing that with a mouthful of gold, he would marry the woman in his heart to someone else.

In fact, the three of them were not the only ones who were worried, and Qian Cheng was even more restless and angry.

She is not an object, she is a person, a thoughtful person, why can Emperor Wen's mouth determine her happiness.

Several times she wanted to get up angrily, but was held down by Ranfei.

Ran Fei held her with one hand, pressed Fang Fang with the other, and kept comforting, "Look first before talking, first look before talking!"

There was a long silence, and a needle could be heard.

"Your Majesty!" Suddenly, a voice as clear as pearls pierced all the silence in the hall.

Everyone was stunned, and followed the prestige, only to see a beautiful woman also came to the middle of the hall gracefully, knelt down gracefully, it turned out to be Concubine Mei who was always indifferent and rarely showed her face.

"This is Concubine Mei?" Emperor Wen's calm face finally turned slightly.

Mei Ping smiled lightly, "The emperor also knows that Concubine Liang is Ping'er's good sister. Now that she is gone, Ping'er can be regarded as the fourth prince's half concubine. For the sake of suffering so much, I can fulfill the fourth prince's wish!"

She used Ping'er instead of a concubine.

Emperor Wen's eyes moved slightly.

"Concubine Mei!" Su Mochen was shocked. Although he knew that she had been helping him all these years, she had never been in front of others.

Mei Ping gave him a reassuring smile, then turned her eyes to Emperor Wen.

Since the other two have mother's support, she can't let her son fight alone.

The audience was once again in motion.

With the intervention of Concubine Mei, this farce seemed to be getting more and more interesting. Everyone was waiting to see the next good show with various mentalities.

Qiancheng's world is completely chaotic.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened her eyes again, her eyes were clear, she gently pressed the back of Ranfei's hand, "Father, my daughter can no longer just sit and wait for death."

As soon as he was about to get up, Emperor Wen suddenly said in a deep voice: "There is only one person in Qianye, but all three of you are interested in it, which makes it really difficult for me, how about this, why not listen to Qianye's own opinion! "

Thank you [Yiyi 1105] for your big bouquet of flowers
(End of this chapter)

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