after losing heart

Chapter 161 [184] Fate is poor and fortune is shallow

Chapter 161 [184] Fate is poor and fortune is shallow

As soon as he was about to get up, Emperor Wen suddenly said in a deep voice: "There is only one person in Qianye, but all three of you are interested in it, which makes it really difficult for me, how about this, why not listen to Qianye's own opinion! "

Everyone was stunned, the emperor said that he listened to the opinions of the parties, and that marriage was not always a matter of his lips, whether he liked it or not, it was a matter of iron and steel.

This is the first time ever!

Everyone turned their gazes to Qiancheng.

Qiancheng was also a little surprised, he didn't expect the initiative to be in his hands.

fair enough!

Pursing her lips, she got up.

"Qianye..." Ranfei called her worriedly.

"Father, don't worry, Qianye has his own measure!" Qiancheng curled up his lips, gave Ranfei a reassuring smile, walked lightly with lotus steps, walked to the center of the hall, and knelt gently behind several people.

The people in front all looked back at her, each pair of eyes was full of thousands of words, Su Mochen also looked back, but only glanced at her, then glanced back and looked forward.

Qiancheng didn't look at anyone, his eyes were flat, the autumn water was light, and he bowed slightly to Emperor Wen: "The emperor..."

"It's difficult to let you choose a daughter's family. You are afraid of offending others if you choose anyone. Forget it, let me make the decision for you!" Emperor Wen suddenly interrupted her.

Everyone was shocked, and Qiancheng didn't react immediately.

Or is he in charge?Why is it so contradictory?


She pondered for a moment, then said: "Your Majesty, Qianye..."

Emperor Wen didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and interrupted her words in a deep voice again, "This time the conquest of border countries, the fourth brother as the commander, has contributed a lot, and I really can't bear to fulfill his wish, and you two also We have been together for more than 20 days, we have met each other, we have known each other, and we are not strangers, so I will marry you to the Fourth Prince!"

The audience was shocked, including Su Mofeng, Qiancheng, and Su Mochen himself.

He thought he had heard wrong.

Before coming up, he thought that Emperor Wen didn't want to see him since he was a child, and Qiancheng resisted him so much. Whether it was Emperor Wen's choice or Qiancheng's own choice, he was the most unlikely one.

In fact, given the current situation, he shouldn't do these impulsive things rashly.

However, he is afraid that he will regret it, and he is afraid that he will lose someone forever from now on.

So he came up anyway, even with zero hope, he came up anyway.

What he never expected was that Emperor Wen actually pointed Qiancheng to him.

At that moment, he really realized what ecstasy is, and that was his current state of mind.

Even if Qiancheng resisted him; even if he still had a long way to go to get close to her again, it didn't matter, everything could take his time and he could wait.

Concubine Mei also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that today was not in vain.

Emperor Wen cast a meaningful glance at her, and she smiled.

In fact, Emperor Wen had his own calculations in mind.

Ranfei is a member of the Queen and Lao Liu, he knows it well, so this person cannot be given to Lao Liu, otherwise, their power will only be strengthened and strengthened;

And people can't give it to Lao San, because both Lao San and Ran Fei hold the military power of Xi Cang, and the two forces tied together will only cause terrible troubles;

Therefore, there is only the fourth child among the three, who has no power, no influence, and no threat. Even if he was given a tiger talisman just now, it is just an empty jade.

These are also what he suddenly thought of after letting this woman decide for herself, and he was worried that she would not choose the person in his heart, so he could only preemptively make decisions for her.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are some reasons for Mei Ping in this decision.

For so many years, she seldom begged him, and she still watched him like this.

Every time he called her Ping'er, she would call herself a concubine coldly, and it was rare that such a gesture today caused waves in his heart.

Everyone was so shocked that they forgot to react.

Concubine Mei tugged on Su Mochen's lapel, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Father, now!"

Only then did Su Mochen come back to his senses, bowed slightly, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by a cold female voice, "Wait!"

Su Mo was taken aback for a moment, he knew who the voice was.


"Your Majesty, Qianye dares to take it back for the sake of fourth master!"

Qiancheng is humble and polite, but neither humble nor overbearing.

There was a suppressed gasp from the crowd.

Su Mochen smiled wryly, is the thing he was worried about still going to happen, Qiancheng, you hate me so much?

Su Mofeng was deeply disappointed when he heard that Emperor Wen had given Qiancheng to Su Mochen. When he first heard what Qiancheng said, he immediately regained his soul.

Emperor Wen slowly squinted his eyes sharply, "How do you say that?"

Dare to openly resist the decree, don't you?
So what if the supervisor is successful?He is the king, and he speaks well.

Qiancheng was not afraid of it, and accepted his gaze calmly, "I returned to the emperor for two reasons: first, I heard that a wife of the fourth master had just passed away, and it was rumored that the fourth master and this wife were married. Deep affection, Qianye thought, if the fourth master remarried at this time, the world would definitely say that the fourth master's affection is fake and ruthlessness is true, so how can he be worthy of the deceased wife? The second reason is because of Qianye himself The problem……"

Su Mo pursed his thin lips, his face pale.

Su Mofeng curled the corners of his lips lightly, and was once again impressed by this woman in his heart. Although she resisted the order, she still made people sound nod, and she didn't even use a dirty word. She might be the only one in this world.

Sure enough, Emperor Wen's expression softened a lot, "What's wrong with you?"

"Qianye had a hidden disease since childhood, and she would get sick once on the fifteenth of every month. To put it bluntly, I don't know which month the fifteenth would pass and she would die."

Everyone sighed, some were shocked, some were stunned, some were unbelievable, and some were sorry.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of pain flashed through them.


Qiancheng's words continued, "So, Qianye can't implicate the princes, especially the fourth master. His wife just passed away not long ago. If Qianye is like this, people who don't know the truth will think that he is the fourth master's wife! Master's reputation is even worse!"

Su Mo's thin lips finally pursed into a cold straight line, and he was mad in his heart, but he couldn't utter a single rebuttal from his mouth.

"So, it's not that Qianye refused to obey the edict. It's just that Qianye's life is too small and his blessings are shallow, and he can't bear the great grace of the emperor!"

Qiancheng's tone is quiet and sincere.

Emperor Wen was stunned to blame, but he couldn't blame him. He sighed lowly, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Then now..."

"Father! I don't care, even if Miss Qianye has hidden illnesses, I don't care. I will definitely visit famous doctors all over the world to cure her disease!"

It was the sixth prince Su Mohong who spoke, his tone was urgent, obviously agitated, he was afraid that it would be too late to show his loyalty, and Qiancheng would be robbed by others.

The atmosphere was brought up again,
Qiancheng completely collapsed.

Is this over yet?
Let her marry Su Mohong, she would rather die.

Su Mo's big hands in Shen Guang's sleeves clenched and clenched.

Su Mofeng also condensed his face. If he said he didn't care about Qiancheng's hidden illness, he didn't care if no one had it. However, he didn't want to talk about it, because he had already seen that no one in Qiancheng wanted to choose. In this case, he respected her , he will not push her to the forefront again.

However, there are always people who hate it!

"Father, I don't care about Qianye's illness. I have known about her illness for a long time, and I have been trying to find a good medicine."

Su Mofeng spoke swearingly.

Qiancheng cast a grateful glance at him.

With just one glance, his heart surged. Fortunately, Qiancheng understood him, and it was not selfish to understand him.

This time Su Mochen didn't speak. In fact, he really wanted to, but he held back in a daze.

He knew that he would only humiliate himself when he spoke.

In her heart, he has already lost his qualifications, right?

Frowning, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, it felt like someone was stabbing his internal organs one by one with a knife, the pain was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

He's going to lose her after all, isn't he?
Everyone turned their attention to Emperor Wen again.

Seeing that the two were fighting again, Emperor Wen frowned impatiently, just as he thought just now, if Su Mochen was not worthy, he would not want to betroth the remaining two to him.

However, since people say that he doesn't care about this, he doesn't care about that, and he doesn't deserve to be given to one of them, it seems that he is just partial to the fourth child.

Qian Cheng glanced at his expression, and after a little speculation, he suddenly understood a little bit, is it not convenient for him to come forward to refuse?

However, it seems impossible for her to say that neither of them will choose!
She expressed her sincerity for that, and she has no reason to refuse. If she refuses forcefully, the other party will be criticized in her heart. Su Mofeng, she is not worried. That Su Mohong, a very villain, is afraid that he will treat him in the future. Dye fly is unfavorable.

Have to find a good reason.

what is it then?what is it then?

She squeezed her palms, pondered for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Your Majesty!"

After the update, Suzi has something to go out, and those who owed [-] words last time will make up in the next few days, o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Xinrui Baoer] for the dear Huahua~~Thank you [violet9000] dear, [patsychen] for the monthly pass~~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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