after losing heart

Chapter 162 [185] Everyone was stunned

Chapter 162 [185] Everyone was stunned

She squeezed her palms, pondered for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Your Majesty!"

Emperor Wen looked up at her, his eyes flickering slightly, for fear that she would say that she would marry one of them.

She understood it, and smiled sweetly, "The princes are all dragons and phoenixes among men, it is Qianye's blessing that Qianye can get everyone's love, but it is indeed very difficult for Qianye to make a choice, who to give up and who to choose." Difficult. Qianye dares, otherwise, some time ago, a genius doctor prescribed a prescription for Qianye's hidden disease, but the four herbs on this prescription are very hard to find. It takes two months, which prince can give the prescription If Qianye finds the medicine, whoever will Qianye marry, how about it?"

Su Mochen's heart beat wildly, is it Yue Yingshuang's antidote?A permanent antidote?

Everyone was astonished, this woman really dared to mention it!

Emperor Wen was silent, he thought about it for a while, and then said: "What prescription? Show it to me!"

"Yes!" Qiancheng nodded, and took out a note written on rice paper folded squarely from his sleeve.

It was prescribed by the miracle doctor that Ranfei and Rantianhao had invited on the day of the expedition, and it was given to her by Ranfei when she returned in the afternoon.

At that time, the genius doctor told Ranfei that according to pharmacology, these four medicines can completely remove the poison from her body, but no one in this world knows whether they can be gathered together.

Eunuch Li stepped forward to take the prescription and presented it to Emperor Wen.

Emperor Wen shook off the note, staring at the flying black characters on it.

The fire lotus in the Northland, the gall bladder of a giant sea whale in the South China Sea, the spirit mouse in Xiling, and the blood ant in Tianshan.

It is said that one plant of fire lotus is produced in a thousand years, but now there are only two in the world, one is in the royal family of the northern country, and the other is among the people and resold by traffickers.

The giant sea whale grows in the deep seabed of the South China Sea. According to legend, it is a huge, aggressive, and ferocious giant. If you want to take its guts, you must kill it.

The third taste and the fourth taste are just rumors. It is said that the spirit rats in Xiling understand human nature and are more cunning than humans; while the blood ants in Tianshan Mountain must not leave Tianshan Mountain, otherwise they must be put in human blood to survive. Of course , No one knows whether these two things exist in this world.

Emperor Wen raised the corners of his lips, what kind of prescription is this?
Such a prescription is not as good as saying that there is no cure.

These four medicines are all rare, and the last two may not be met, and it is impossible to find them all within two months.

He suddenly understood what this woman meant, was it on purpose, to make the three of them retreat after seeing this prescription.

In this way, she not only rejected the marriage offer, but also gave everyone a step down.

What kind of thoughtful woman is this?

Emperor Wen raised his eyes to look at Qiancheng again, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, with complex expressions in them.

After a while, he said: "Okay! I promise you! This is very fair!"

As Emperor Wen said, he asked Li Gonggong to copy the prescription and give it to the three of them.

A marriage farce was finally subsided.

Qian Cheng returned to his seat, and the other three also returned to the banquet with their own concerns. Concubine Li and Concubine Mei were also lifted up by the maid and returned to their seats.

The banquet continued.

Everyone started chatting with each other again, and it seemed that they were not affected by the incident just now. Su Mochen even drank silently by himself, one cup after another.

Qiancheng drank tea indifferently, with all kinds of feelings in his heart.

There are hundreds of people in the huge Weiyang Palace, she can feel several gazes hovering over her body, men's, women's, whoever's.

Seeing people leave the table to toast from time to time, Fang Fang, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't hold back anymore, picked up the wine cup and went to Su Mochen's table, and when Qiancheng found out, he didn't even have time to drink it.

Looking at Su Mochen who was drinking alone, Fang Fang frowned and smiled like a fox, "What? Fourth Master is drinking alone! Come! Fang Fang toasts Fourth Master and thank Fourth Master for saving his life!"

Su Mo raised his eyes, his eyes were calm, and he didn't refuse, he picked up the wine cup and accepted without saying a word.

Fang Fang smiled, raised her neck and drank the wine in the cup. Suddenly, she pointed to Tong Suqing's shoulder and whispered: "Ah! What a big bug!"

Tong Suqing's face turned pale, and she jumped up, turning her head to look at her shoulder.

Fang Fang laughed so loudly, "This is Mrs. Tong, right? It is rumored that Mrs. Tong is blind, why are you looking so happy? Fourth master, hurry up and catch the bugs on your wife!"

Su Mo turned his eyes deeply, and looked at Tong Suqing's shoulder, where there was no shadow of a bug.

Tong Suqing also realized that she had been tricked, her face was bruised and white, her teeth were gritted secretly, but she didn't show up.

Su Mochen shook his head helplessly, and didn't bother to argue with her.

Fang Fang walked away with an empty lamp in her hand.

When she returned to her seat, Su Mofeng was whispering something to Qiancheng, but Qiancheng smiled and said nothing.

Seeing her come back from Su Mochen's table, Qiancheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, took her hand, and repeatedly told her not to mess around.

Fang Fang smiled and said, "I know, I have a measure."

Emperor Wen didn't know where the interest came from, but he got up from the high seat, came to Su Mochen, first toasted his wine, and then came to Qiancheng's table, starting with Su Mofeng, to toast one by one , with a slightly probing look always lingering on Qiancheng's face.

What an honor to toast the Son of Heaven.

Therefore, everyone's eyes followed the table, and for a while, the hall became quite quiet.

When Fang Fang was respected, Emperor Wen asked Fang Fang if he was satisfied with his reward?

A mansion is given, and the official residence is returned to the third rank.

Compared with the candy pincher, it is more than a hundred times stronger.

Fang Fang was extremely grateful.

Emperor Wen also ordered Eunuch Li next to him to send a wave of maids to her mansion for her to order.

Fang Fang smiled happily and asked Emperor Wen: "Your Majesty, can I choose the maid at will?"

"Of course!"

A person who can manufacture all kinds of advanced weapons for Xi Cang is the lucky star of Xi Cang, and also the lucky star of him, the king of Xi Cang, isn't he?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Fang Fang smiled slyly, "Then I want her!"

She stretched out her hand and pointed directly at the person standing on the edge of the tall seat above.

Everyone followed her fingers to look at the past.

The same is true for Qiancheng, when he saw the person she was referring to, he gasped in his heart.

Are you kidding me?
This guy actually... actually wanted Yun Kou.

Because the hall was relatively quiet and Fang Fang's voice was loud, Yun Kou heard clearly what was going on, and her face immediately turned pale.

Qiancheng smiled, some people were afraid that they would be unhappy.

Subconsciously looked at Fourteen and Su Mochen, and sure enough, both of them turned their eyes to this side.

Come to think of it, are you crazy?That's right, just thinking about Fang Fang's rudeness to Yun Kou just now on the veranda, they should be worried.

And Su Mochen still has a layer of loss, right?Once this Yun Kou left the queen, she would be a fart.

Emperor Wen didn't open his mouth, as if he didn't think that what she wanted was the Queen's attendant. After all, he was on the side of Concubine Mei when he gave the marriage just now, and he didn't help her as the queen. , somewhat...

He hesitated a bit, but Jinkou had already opened his mouth.

Qiancheng had a panoramic view, in fact, she would never really let Fang Fang want Yun Kou.

Fourteen and Su Mochen were worried that Yun Kou would be wronged, and she was also worried that Fang Fang would be wronged. The scene of Ye Yun Kou's clothes and long hair fluttering and smashing the forehead of the man in black appeared before her eyes again. Martial arts are extremely terrifying.

Under her feet, she kicked Fang Fang calmly, with a sweet smile on her face, "Fang Fang, you may not know that that maid is the Queen's attendant!"

While talking, he gave Fang Fang a look that you want her to die.

Fang Fang was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, and giggled, "That's it! Then I don't want it anymore, how can I rob someone from the empress?"

Qiancheng's heart relaxed, the corners of his eyes lifted slightly, and he quickly passed several people.

She also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Fourteen, Su Mo looked back, but her face was still as watery, unable to see the meaning, Yun Kou's hand that was tightly holding on to the skirt slowly let go.

She suddenly thought, what would happen if Fang Fang insisted?
Will Fourteen and Su Mochen come out to help her out?unknown.

A night banquet finally came to an end, the music ended, and everyone left the banquet one after another.

Because Ranfei came on horseback, so he went first.

Fang Fang gave her a new mansion, and the principals took her away directly.

At the gate of the palace, Qiancheng bent over and was about to get into the carriage, when a dull male voice sounded behind him, "Qianye!"

Thank you [燕语] dear, [shidongni-xu] dear for the monthly pass~~~
Thank you [Yuan Zixin] dear purse~~~ I love you, are you crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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