after losing heart

Chapter 164 [187] Can I hug you

Chapter 164 [187] Can I hug you

It was late at night when I returned to Ranfu, and then I washed and bathed again, and when I put out the candles and went to bed, I heard the early rooster crowing outside.

Tired and sleepy, but unable to fall asleep, hugging the thin quilt, tossing and turning for a long time before falling asleep lightly.

In a daze, there seemed to be a person standing by the bed. Qiancheng thought she was dreaming, but raised her heavy eyelids slightly, until she vaguely saw a bronze mask through the bright moonlight coming in through the window sills. Suddenly startled, a Ji Ling woke up.

"It's quite awake!" The man said with a light smile, whoever it was was Sikong Wei who hadn't shown his face for a long time.

Qiancheng looked warily at the closed doors and windows, frowned slightly, "How did you get in?"

This is the General's Mansion!On second thought, yes, so what about the General's Mansion, even the Fourth Prince's Mansion where the hidden guards are hidden, he can come and go freely, let alone here?

The man smiled charmingly, lifted the corner of his robe and sat down gracefully by the table, staring at her, "Of course he came in."

How could Qiancheng have the heart to joke with him, and said coldly, "What do you want me for?"

"It's twelve today, and it will be fifteen in two days. I'll bring you the antidote!"

Qiancheng was taken aback.Suddenly remembered one more thing, I had changed my face and identity, how did this man know that she was Ran Qiancheng.

He seemed to understand her doubts, and before she could open her mouth, the man had already spoken, "Don't look at me with that shocked look, don't forget, the Heishamen is the largest gang in the world, let alone check one People, even if you check an ant, you will be able to check it clearly."

"But I have already left the Fourth Prince's Mansion, I have left Su Mochen, and I will not be of any help to you anymore..."

"Help?" The man sneered, seeming to be self-deprecating, "When you were in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, why did you ever help?"

Qiancheng was stunned, also, he really never revealed any news about Su Mochen to this man.

In this way, she was even more confused, "Then why did you save me several times?"

"Because..." The man paused, his eyes flickered, and he turned his gaze away, "Because I was the one who hurt you after all!"

Qiancheng was stunned, he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

In fact, it is true that Yue Yingshuang's poison was originally poisoned by him, all her pain was caused by him, and now it is only natural to send the antidote, and it is not a word of salvation at all.

She should hate him.

But for some reason, she felt in her heart that this man was actually not bad, at least he wasn't bad to her.

"Since you know that you have harmed me, why don't you completely detoxify me?"

What's the use of sending antidote every month like this?Didn't you get it last month?She almost died.

Borrowing the moonlight outside the window, Qiancheng stared into the eyes under his mask, without blinking.

"I..." The man was a little flustered, he glanced away, avoiding her sight, "If I said, I don't have a permanent antidote, would you believe me?"

Qiancheng was startled, and looked at him in disbelief.

Her expression made Sikong Wei a little hurt, he lowered his eyes and smiled, feeling a little lonely, "I know you don't believe me."

Even he himself didn't believe it when he said it, he did the poison, and he didn't have the antidote?

Qiancheng remained silent.

"By the way, I received news that Su Mochen will find an antidote for you. Is your prescription true?"

he?Qiancheng's heart skipped a beat.

She bent her lips, she didn't feel moved at all, instead she just found it funny, what is this?
"It's really the seed of passion, to be so disregarding of life and death for a woman I've known for less than two months!" Qiancheng sneered, lonely and desolate, "It's a pity, I'm not Qianye, so I won't be moved by him. And no Said, the antidote may not be found at all, even if he finds it, I will definitely not want it, even if it is death, I will not want it!"

The man looked at her quietly, seeing her filled with righteous indignation and determination, a trace of pain flashed across his eyes.

"Qiancheng, have you ever thought that maybe he didn't think you were Ran Qianye, but he already knew that you were Qiancheng."

"Impossible!" Qiancheng blurted out almost without thinking.

If he knew she was Qiancheng, he wouldn't be so kind to her!No way!

The man smiled and said nothing more.

After sitting quietly for a while, I got up, "Tomorrow I will go out for a long trip, maybe a month, maybe two months, maybe I will never come back again, this is the antidote for Yue Yingshuang, enough for several months, you will Put it away, if I haven't come back for a long time, you can take this pill and show it to the genius doctor who prescribes it for you, since he can prescribe the permanent formula, he should be able to concoct the same antidote."

As the man spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve, stepped forward, and handed it to Qiancheng.

Qiancheng was a little confused, because of his words, but also because of his actions.

Staring at him blankly, he said quietly, "What do you mean you may never come back again? Is there any action from your Heishamen?"

The man bent his lips, noncommittal.

Qiancheng lowered his eyes and frowned, at that moment, he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

She knew about gang actions in the rivers and lakes, swords and swords, and bloody storms.

Although the poison on her body was poisoned by him, every time she was in the most pain and despair, it seemed that he was by her side, warming her in his way.

"Sikong Wei" She looked up at him.

"Mmm," the man responded lightly, with his back to the moonlight, his black eyes sparkling.

"Take care!" Qian Cheng pursed his lips and said two words in a deep voice.

The man was startled, and immediately, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, "Okay!... Can I give you a hug?"

This time it was Qiancheng's turn to be taken aback, after thinking about it, he also bent his lips and smiled, "Okay!"

The man stretched out his arms, took Qiancheng who was sitting on the bed into his arms, and wrapped them tightly and heavily.

His chin touched the top of her hair, and the tip of his nose lingered with the familiar faint fragrance of hair. At that moment, his heart was full of twists and turns, and he slightly raised his head, forcing the soreness in the corners of his eyes back into their sockets.

For the first time, he discovered that he could have tears.

If time can stop, if time can turn back...

He hoped that this moment would last forever.

On the second day, Qiancheng heard that Su Mochen really went to find an antidote.

Unexpectedly, Su Mofeng did not come to the General's Mansion to look for her. At first, she thought it was because of what she said last night, but later she found out that he also went to look for medicine.

Qiancheng felt a little regretful. He originally thought that he would move out of something that could not be done at all, so that they would retreat. Who knows, in the end, only Su Mohong was sane, and the other two were sane.

Everyone in the world knows that it is very difficult to obtain any one of these four medicines. Not only is it difficult to find, but it is also extremely dangerous.

It was not her original intention to put them in danger. If she had known this, she would never have made such a request.

But now, she doesn't even have a chance to stop her.

The following days were as peaceful as a bowl of water. Qiancheng hung out with Ran Tianhao every day, practiced martial arts with him, practiced sword with him, practiced riding and shooting with him, and went to the military camp with him. The days were pleasant and leisurely.

In fact, only she herself knew the restlessness in her heart.

The feeling of a heart hanging, hanging high, not falling to the ground.

Days passed, and there was no news of the two of them. Ranfei said that even Emperor Wen had no news of the two of them. Emperor Wen was worried and sent someone to look for him. He didn't expect his two sons to be so persistent.

Helpless, Qiancheng put on men's clothing and ran to the teahouse because it was the easiest place to hear news from Jianghu.

still none.

Until a month later, news came one after another, but it was not known whether it was false or true.

It is said that because Su Mofeng once led an army of [-] to aid the Northern Kingdom, the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom reluctantly gave up his love and gave him the only fire lotus.

I heard that in the South China Sea, someone saw a white-haired man fighting with a huge sea whale for three days and three nights, and it seemed that he was seriously injured. In the end, both the man and the whale sank into the sea, life and death were ominous.

I heard that in Xiling, someone saw a ragged man with injuries all over his body, who suspected to be Su Mofeng, the third prince of Xicang.

It is said that……

Some spoke so clearly that Qiancheng's heart skipped a beat.

As a result, I couldn't fall asleep every night, and was disturbed by nightmares every night.

She finally understood what it meant to be self-inflicted.

The days passed by her fingertips day by day, and seeing that the two-month period was approaching, she still had no news of their return, but she was waiting for an imperial decree.

Thank you [Spatad Girl], [Yaoyao Yuyao], [Zhang Weizhi], and [vhhzhang] for the monthly tickets~~
Thank you [jrjfgs] dear, [mali8008] dear Huahua~~thank you【Walk the way is stupid】 dear purse~~thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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