after losing heart

Chapter 165 [188] Make her a concubine

Chapter 165 [188] Make her a concubine

It is said to be an imperial decree, but it is actually not, because it is just an oral order to let him quickly enter the palace to face the saint.

In the study room, the atmosphere is solemn.

Emperor Wen sat in front of the dragon table, quietly looking at the woman kneeling on the ground in front of him, his phoenix eyes slightly narrowed.

The woman was wearing a plain brocade dress with one breastplate. Her long black hair was only lightly tied with a light blue headband, hanging down softly behind her back. Chui, at that moment, Emperor Wen thought of the fairy who does not eat fireworks.

Fendai not applied, Qingshui Furong, she did have the capital to drive his sons crazy.

Raising his hand, he waved his sleeve to Eunuch Li who was standing beside him.

Eunuch Li understood, nodded slightly, and took all the eunuchs and court ladies out of the upper study room, and he did not forget to close the door.

Qiancheng tugged on his lapel tightly, his heart fluttered, he didn't understand why at first, but now seeing that everyone was pushed back, he felt even more flustered.

She didn't know whether the urgent summoning of her into the palace was related to Su Mochen or Su Mofeng, whether they had news, and whether it was good news or bad news, anyway, she was anxious, but since she came here, She knelt for a long time, and the emperor was speechless.

I don't know how long it has passed, so long that Qiancheng felt that he was about to fall asleep. Emperor Wen suddenly got up from the dragon seat, walked slowly in front of her, looked down at her condescendingly, and said lightly, "Do you know why I announced today?" Are you coming?"

Emperor Wen was tall and tall, and the sunlight came in through the golden latticed window, hitting him, the light and shadow were reversed, and the shadow cast on the ground tightly covered Qiancheng, and Qiancheng felt oppressed and suffocating.

"I don't know!" She answered truthfully without looking up.

"Then, have you heard about the third prince and the fourth prince?" Emperor Wen was still unhurried, unable to hear any joy or anger, but Qiancheng was startled.

Sure enough, it was the two of them.

"How are they?"

She looked up in astonishment.

Since Qiancheng went to the palace, Ranfei's eyelids kept twitching, always feeling that something happened.

When it was getting dark, a little eunuch came over to spread the word, saying that Miss Qianye was temporarily staying in the palace and would not be coming back, so that Ranfu needn't worry.

live in the palace?

Everyone in the Ranfu had their hearts hanging high. How could they not be worried when they heard the news?

The little eunuch who delivered the message burst into a smile when he saw the anxious look of the crowd, "Don't worry, it's a good thing, you guys in Ranfu are waiting to hold a wedding for Miss Qianye!"

Have a wedding?
Ranfei was shocked: "With whom?"

The little eunuch kept a secret smile, "Of course he is the most honorable man in the world!"

back yard

Mei Ping gently held the hand of her maid, Vanilla, and walked slowly among a large field of golden chrysanthemums. She was dressed in plain palace attire, with light makeup, and there was a touch of melancholy around the corners of her eyes and brows.

It's been almost two months, and there is still no news of her Shen'er. Emperor Wen sent a group of people to look for them. They heard that they were all dead, some died in Nanling, some died in Tianshan, and none of them survived.Emperor Wen asked Shishi to look for him again, but now there is no news about Shishi.

I don't know if the two are bad or good?

If the two of you have a problem....
If the two of them had troubles, how would she survive?

"Maidservant help Concubine Mei to sit in the pavilion for a while!"

"Hmm!" She put her hands on Vanilla and walked up the bluestone steps in front of the pavilion, feeling faintly in her heart that there was a big mountain pressing down on her.

A few court ladies walked by in the flower path in the distance, and in the autumn wind, their chatting could be faintly heard.

"Hey, have you heard? At the banquet every night, several princes wanted to marry Ran Qianye, the daughter of General Ran, but Ran Qianye didn't agree. Well, it turns out that people have high vision, and their goal is today's emperor."

"Why haven't I heard of it? It's spread in the palace. I heard that the emperor has agreed to her and is willing to marry her as his concubine!"

"As the saying goes, men chase women across mountains, and women chase men through layers of gauze. Besides, she's so good-looking. I posted this on my own initiative. The emperor is a man, so it's normal to agree!"

"But, didn't the two princes go to find medicine for her? Didn't they say that whoever finds the medicine will marry him? The emperor also agreed at the time, with a golden mouth."

"Hey, that's all a tactic to slow down the army. The medicine can't be found at all. You can see that it's been almost two months, and you haven't seen the shadow of the two of you, right? The emperor is a golden man, so the emperor asked Ran Qianye to temporarily live in the palace and wait for a while." Wait, wait until the two-month period passes."

A gust of cool wind blew, and Mei Ping shivered.

Vanilla quickly put the cloak in her hand on her shoulders, looking at her pale face, she felt distressed, "Mother, it's windy, let's go back!"

Chunyi Palace

Qiancheng sat at the desk, propped his head with one hand, looked at the dancing flames of the palace lantern on the desk, motionless, with misty eyes and a bleak face.

There was a table of snacks and side dishes on the table, but she didn't move her chopsticks.

The scene of going to the study in the afternoon appeared in front of my eyes again.

Emperor Wen said, "Do you know the news about the third prince and the fourth prince?"

She asked him "how are they doing?"

Emperor Wen sneered, "Thanks to you, the two of them are still alive and dead."

Then, he suddenly said, "It seems that it is impossible to gather all the four medicines, so you should stay in Chunyi Palace first, and after the two-month period is over, I will make you a concubine!"

Make her a concubine?

She was dumbfounded.

What is this with what?
Could it be that Emperor Wen blamed her for seeing her make the life and death of his two sons unknown.

She asked him why, and he said that when the emperor does things, he doesn't need a reason, and then he was brought to this palace, and he didn't even give her a chance to refuse.

From the afternoon until now, she has not come back to her senses, and she can't believe that this is real, she just thought that she was dreaming.

Emperor Wen actually wants to make her a concubine?
How could Emperor Wen want to make her a concubine?
God, if that's the case, it's better to let her die.


Gotta find him!When she got up, she went out, but a guard stopped her at the door, saying that the emperor had told her not to let her go out without permission.

Qiancheng completely collapsed.

This man, this man even put her under house arrest!

Dragon Palace

Emperor Wen sat in front of the dragon case and reviewed the memorial, and the cinnabar pen in his hand made a mark from time to time.

Mei Ping walked in, and Eunuch Li who was beside him hurried forward to salute upon seeing this.

Emperor Wen raised his head when he heard the sound, his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming, and he also stood up to meet him.

"Why is Ping'er here?"

Mei Ping smiled, but did not answer. She glanced at Eunuch Li, and Emperor Wen understood, so he waved his sleeves and retreated from the crowd. Finally, he took her hand and came to the dragon table and sat down, holding her in his arms, "Say it!" , what do you want me to do?"

Mei Ping was about to speak, but was interrupted by him first, "How about, let me guess!"

Mei Ping looked at him.

He bent his lips and smiled, "Because of dyeing Chiba!"

Mei Ping was stunned for a moment, seeing that he had made his words clear, and no longer concealed his scruples, "The emperor clearly knows that she is the person in the heart of the third and fourth princes, why did he make her a concubine?"

Although it was widely rumored that the woman was going to marry the emperor, she knew in her heart that it was just the news released by this man. The purpose was just not to be accused by the world of her father taking his wife away from her son.

Emperor Wen lowered his eyes and smiled softly, "Because she is the favorite of the third and fourth sons, I want to marry her even more."

Mei Ping was startled, her eyebrows furrowed, "Aren't you afraid that the emperor will hate them for doing this?"

"Hate?" Emperor Wen sneered, "Hate is nothing compared to letting them die and live and fight each other."

Mei Ping was stunned, and stared at him in a daze. After a while, she seemed to understand what this man meant.

That's right, judging from this drug hunting incident, since those two men are so disregarding life and death, they will definitely not let go of Ran Qianye easily, and it will be a matter of time before they fight to the death.

Her chest trembled slightly, with an indescribable feeling, she leaned lightly on his chest, and said softly, "Then...doesn't the emperor have any selfishness?"

Emperor Wen was startled, grabbed her hand and held it in his palm, and said with a smile, "What? Does Ping'er care?"

In a direction she couldn't see, Emperor Wen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Are you selfish?he asked himself.

Thank you [mali8008] for the shiny diamond~~
Thank you [fcmwyf], [Yaoyao], [vivianyue], [angie2000] for the monthly tickets~~
Thank you [Yu Shang Yao Yao] dear, [I love drinking tea tea 0] dear Huahua~~I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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