after losing heart

Chapter 166 [189] I am late

Chapter 166 [189] I am late

When Fourteen rushed to the South China Sea, the giant sea whale had been killed. Its huge body was floating on the sea surface, and many fishermen were carrying boats to get its meat.

He didn't stop for a moment, and went straight back to Tianshan without stopping.

When I found Su Mochen, it was in a cave at the foot of Tianshan Mountain. At that time, he was almost desperate, because he searched all the hills but did not see a single figure, and the climate of Tianshan Mountain was harsh, except for a tree that grew blood ants. , and no other creatures.

If it wasn't for the heavy rain, the landslide, and he slipped and entered the cave by mistake, he might have missed him.

When he saw Su Mochen for the first time, he could barely recognize him. Su Mochen was lying on the ground, curled up, motionless, with silver threads all over his head, messy all over the floor, and some of them were stained with sweat and blood. His pale face covered most of his face.

The robe was already in tatters, and there were large and small scars all over his body, especially on the back, some of which were so deep that the bones could be seen.

At the moment when he finally recognized him, Fourteen burst into tears, and a clattering man hugged his frighteningly cold body like a child and cried loudly.

He thought he was dead, and regardless of the wounds on his body, he shook him desperately until he felt his weak breathing, strong pulse, and he was ecstatic.

He fed him with true energy, examined his wounds carefully, and patiently applied golden sore medicine to his wounds.

Several small holes were found on his wrist, and he finally understood why this man's vital signs were so weak, but his pulse was so strong.

It turned out that he had successfully lured the blood ants, and the strong pulse was caused by the blood ants stirring in his blood.

He didn't know what kind of hidden disease that woman was suffering from. The director of the Tai Hospital said that the combination of four medicines that are hard to find in the world is actually a prescription that can cure all kinds of poisons.

He didn't go to the border country with this man, and he didn't know what happened between him and the woman named Ran Qianye. Unexpectedly, both he and Su Mofeng were so disregarding life and death.

True Qi was continuously sent into Su Mochen's body, but, except that his breathing was a little more obvious than before, he was still not awake.

Fourteen took off his cloak to wrap around his body, and carried him out of the cave step by step.

October [-]th, two full months away from the night banquet.

Qiancheng sat in front of the window, staring blankly at the starry sky outside the window, motionless.

She has been in this position for a whole day, from the whiteness in the east to the bright moon hanging high now.

The food behind her didn't move at all, no matter how the maid tried to persuade her, it was as if she didn't hear it.

Two months finally came, and neither of them came back.

Her heart was completely filled with despair.

Have you not come back yet, or will you never come back?She doesn't know.

Tears fell silently, leaving long water marks on his face.

is her!It was she who killed them!
Emperor Wen is right, thanks to her!
She is the executioner.

Sadness, heartache, self-blame, remorse, all kinds of emotions were chaotic in her heart. She hugged her knees and buried her face in them tremblingly.

When the door of Chunyi Palace was finally opened from the outside, she just sat there and didn't bother to pay attention.

Eunuch Li came in and sent a message, saying that on the [-]th day of the zodiac, the concubine ceremony will be held on that day, and let him prepare for it.

She still didn't hear it and just sat there.

Eunuch Li didn't bother with her either, because he knew the reason more or less, so he just sighed and shook his head, then backed out.

The door slammed shut again.

October fifteenth.

It was night, the stars were shining brightly, and the full moon was like a disk.

Although it was already night, because tomorrow was the Concubine Conferment Ceremony, there were still many people busy in various ways in the palace, eunuchs and palace maids hurried past on the palace road from time to time.

Suddenly, a scream came from Chunyi Palace, piercing the silence of the night, shrill and terrifying.

The guard guarding the door was startled, not knowing what happened, thinking that if the woman inside had any mistake, they would move directly tomorrow one by one.

Several guards looked at each other, opened the door and rushed in without any hesitation.

There were no lights inside, but it was not dark, because it was the fifteenth day, the moonlight was bright and clean, and the cold moonlight came in through the window lattice, the room was bright and the sight was clear.

I saw a servant girl sitting on the ground, trembling, seeing someone coming in, as if she saw a savior, she grabbed their skirts and cried out in horror, "Ghost, ghost..."

The guards are all men, so they are naturally not like maidservants, asking one by one, "Where? Where?"

The maidservant trembled and pointed.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, there was a bed there, and sure enough, with just one glance, everyone's expressions changed in shock.

The curtains on the bed were hanging lightly, and there was a person sitting motionless on the side of the bed, dressed in white, with white hair, all scattered down, covering most of his face.

At that moment, they thought of ghosts and white-haired witches.

"Who?" Someone asked.

no respond.

Everyone looked at each other, boldly pulled out the long sword at the waist, moved step by step, walked cautiously to the side of the bed, and tentatively whispered, "Miss Ran, Miss Ran..."

The person next to the bed suddenly raised his head, his face was pale and his skin was wrinkled, and he was still the all-powerful Ran Qianye.

"Ah! Ghost—"

Some timid guards screamed, and everyone drew their swords from their waists.

The white-haired woman stood up suddenly from the bed, and several people stopped in fright, and none of them dared to go forward.

The woman raised her head and looked at the open gate, then suddenly jumped over the crowd and ran out like flying.

After a while, several people came to their senses.

"Grab her! Grab her..."

The whole palace was alarmed.

The palace lanterns were lit up one by one, and all the imperial guards were gathered temporarily and urgently.

The masters, eunuchs, and maidservants of each palace also came out one by one to join in the fun.

The woman in white ran extremely fast, heading straight towards the direction of leaving the palace. In the dark night, she had white hair and white clothes, circling and flying, like a ghost running out of a secluded place, avoiding the pursuit of life-threatening impermanence.

There were more and more guards, and there were more and more people. Even the crossbowmen were mobilized, and they lined up one by one holding feather arrows.

"Stop! If you run again, you will shoot the arrow!"

The woman who was running was startled, as if she remembered something, she stopped in her tracks.

The crowd surrounded it, and it was impossible to get through.

With a shrill "The emperor is here!" Appeared in front of everyone dressed in bright yellow.

Everyone quickly and consciously retreated to the two sides, knelt down, and made way for him.

Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward slowly, stood still in front of the crowd, quietly stared at the woman in white clothes and white hair trembling in the wind, and spoke in a deep voice.

"who are you?"

The woman hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice was broken and hoarse, "Dye Chiba."

There was a suppressed exclamation from the audience.

How can it be?

How could she be that beautiful and beautiful Ran Qianye?

Emperor Wen was also slightly taken aback, and his eyebrows were slightly drawn together, "How did you become like this?"

The woman's body was shaking, as if she was trying to bear it, "I said, I have a hidden disease, and I get sick once a month, and tonight is the day I get sick."

In fact, the antidote Sikong Wei gave her was in her sleeve, and she deliberately didn't take it.

Isn't he going to make her a concubine tomorrow?

She would like to see, how can an emperor make a witch a concubine?

Resisting the desire to faint, Qiancheng opened his blurred eyes and scanned everyone one by one.

Very good, everyone is here, the more people the better.

Sure enough, after being silent for a long time, Emperor Wen shouted: "Come here! Take her down! Tell the imperial physician!"

A eunuch and maid came forward.

Qiancheng chuckled, "It's useless, no one can cure my illness."

Emperor Wen pursed his lips tightly, his face was livid, and he was silent for a while before saying: "Let's send her back to Ran Mansion!"

Everyone rushed forward, Qiancheng's heart relaxed, his feet softened, and his body fell to one side.

"Qianye!" Someone pushed through the crowd, rushed up, caught her limp body and held her in his arms, "Sorry, I'm late."

After the update today, a client came in the afternoon, and Suzi still worked hard to get out first, otherwise it would really become a legend, 5555~~
Thank you [bigthree] dear for the monthly pass, crazy.It's so rare now
(End of this chapter)

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