after losing heart

Chapter 168 [191] covered in blood

Chapter 168 [191] covered in blood
At five o'clock, someone knocked on the door of General Ran's mansion, and the sleepy-eyed servant opened the door to see that it was the third prince Su Mofeng who had gone and returned.

Before he could talk, Su Mofeng had already passed his side, entered the mansion directly, and walked quickly to Qiancheng's room.

Qiancheng is being haunted by a nightmare. In the dream, Su Mochen is covered in blood and is fighting with a monster.

"A thousand cities, a thousand cities..." Su Mofeng shook her gently.

She opened her eyes with a cry of surprise, sweating profusely, seeing Su Mofeng, she was a little dazed, and looked around in a daze, not knowing whether she was in reality or still in a dream.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Su Mofeng took out the brocade scarf and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

It took Qiancheng a long time to realize, "Why are you back?"

Su Mofeng stared at her, his black eyes sparkling in the dark night, he smiled secretly, "Detoxify you!"


"Detoxify you! I have found the antidote."

Qiancheng was startled, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he looked at him in disbelief, "Impossible!"

Are the four medicines so easy to find?

What's more, if he found it, why didn't he tell her when he sent her back just now?

"Really! Let's go!" After Su Mofeng finished speaking, he took the middle coat and put it on her body.

Qiancheng was completely dumbfounded.

"Where are you going?" She looked at him suspiciously while dressing.

"Go to my house, the medicine is already decocting." After Su Mofeng finished speaking, he picked her up and left.

"Third Master, are you okay?" Qiancheng reached out to touch Su Mofeng's forehead, always feeling that he was abnormal like this.

"What do you think?" Su Mofeng smiled, and had already carried her out the door. The servant standing at the door looked at the two of them, dumbfounded.

"But, there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

Su Mofeng smiled lowly, and quickly walked down the steps, "Because I can't wait!"

Of course he doesn't need to be in such a hurry, but if someone can't afford to wait, that person will have to endure the bites of thousands of ants for an extra moment.

Three Kings Mansion

In the room, candles are lit
Qiancheng looked at the steaming bowl of red-brown soup in front of him, and then at Su Mofeng, "You really lied to me!"

"Where is it?" Su Mofeng looked innocent.

"The genius doctor's prescription clearly stated that the Tianshan blood ants must be introduced into the body first, and then the decoction made from the northern fire lotus, the gall bladder of the giant sea whale, and the meat of the Xiling spirit mouse. Why did you let me take the decoction first?"

Su Mofeng smiled slyly, "Because this soup is not that soup!"

"What do you mean?" Qiancheng was puzzled.

"Because blood ants enter your body, you have to endure great pain, and this soup is a medicine that can reduce your pain. You should drink it first! After you drink it, I will start introducing blood ants into your body."

"Where are the blood ants? Where are the blood ants now?" Qian Cheng was still skeptical.

Blood ants are not ordinary things. To leave Tianshan, they must live in human blood. Is it in his blood?
"You drink first, and if you drink, I'll tell you!"

"Cut! Talk to me about conditions!" Qiancheng gave him a blank look, but after thinking about it, this man will not harm her, "Okay! Drink first, drink first."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the decoction, drank it with a breath, put down the bowl, raised his hand and wiped the corner of his lips, "Okay, now you can tell me about the blood ants..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she just felt the world spinning in front of her eyes, and her consciousness began to become chaotic.

"What you gave me was a drug..." Qiancheng closed his eyes and fell into complete darkness.

Yes, addicted to drugs!
Originally, I wanted to confuse the fragrance, but for a person who makes and blends fragrance, the fragrance is so sensitive.

Su Mofeng sighed, picked her up, laid her flat on the bed, turned around and went out the door.

Two figures stood quietly at the door, one touch of purple, one touch of dark blue.

He pursed his lips, and said to the crimson back, "Go in!"

Su Mochen turned around, facing his direction, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and walked in. Shishi next to him wanted to come over and reach out to help him, but he raised his hand to stop him.

Fourteen raised his brows slightly, and had no choice but to give up.

Seeing him enter the wing room, Shisi closed the door casually, and stood outside the door with Su Mofeng.

He didn't understand why it took so much trouble and mystery to detoxify?However, he knew that there must be a reason. He believed in that man, and he had believed in him since childhood.

Since he doesn't tell, he won't ask either.

It's like, he has actually found that the man's eyes can't see, and he didn't expose him.

In the room, the candles are flickering
Su Mo sat quietly by the bed, raised his hand tremblingly, and gently touched the woman's face, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I thought I couldn't come back.

I thought I'd never see her again.

Curving his lips, he laughed at himself. In fact, he still didn't "see".

However, this way, he is already very satisfied.

The four medicines are all collected, right?His two flavors, Su Mofeng's two flavors, adding up can completely remove the poison from her body, can't it?

Suddenly, he frowned, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It was the blood ants who were restless again.

These blood ants will be restless every once in a while, and the feeling of rampaging in the blood makes life worse than death.

He knew that this was also the best time to lure them into Qiancheng's body.

Forcibly resisting the bone-eroding pain, he raised his internal strength and forced the restless blood ants to concentrate on his wrist bit by bit.

The blood ants themselves were restless, and they were suddenly persecuted by internal force, as if they were being attacked, they became even more manic, running wildly in his blood, Su Mochen felt that he was almost fainting from the pain.

He opened his mouth, panting heavily, and paused several times in the middle, finally forcing all the blood ants to the aorta on his wrist.

The other hand tremblingly took out a dagger from his sleeve, and waved it at his wrist.

A tingling pain spread across his wrist, and suddenly, blood gushed like a fountain.

He quickly groped and brought his wrist to Qiancheng's lips, letting the blood ants flow into her mouth along with the blood.

Because of the effect of the drug, Qiancheng would not actively swallow it, let alone inhale it, so the whole process was very slow and difficult.

And Su Mochen gradually felt that his internal strength was about to be unable to resist forcing the blood ant to the main artery.

Helpless, he had no choice but to retract his wrist again, and sucked it up against his wrist, sucking the blood together with the blood ants into his mouth, and then mouth to mouth, and passed into her mouth, just like the blood in her mouth that night. Under the bridge hole, he forcibly fed Yue Yingshuang's antidote to her.

I don't know how long it took, until he felt that his blood was completely calm, and he finally stopped.

His physical strength was almost exhausted, he leaned on the side of the bed, gasping for breath.

After a while, the woman on the bed groaned softly, and Su Mo Shen's heart beat wildly. He knew that it was the blood ants devouring the poison.

Although he couldn't see her expression, he knew that she must be in pain too.

Although hers was swallowed into the stomach and his was in the blood, those blood ants had the same agitation.

He stretched out his hand to wrap her little hand in the palm of his hand, he wanted to transfer some of his true energy to her, but he found that he could no longer lift up any strength.

The woman's reaction became more and more intense, her whole body trembled, her little hands scratched wildly, and she whimpered from her throat.

Su Mochen felt great pain in his heart, but he couldn't help but couldn't see it, and couldn't help him.

And he knew that if he went any further, she would definitely wake up.

What if, what if, she wakes up and finds out that he saved the blood ants for her?
She said that she absolutely does not want his medicine, not even in death.

No, don't let her know.

He got up, groped and staggered out the door, and pointed in Su Mofeng's direction based on his feeling, "Third brother, go in quickly, she is in pain!"

Su Mofeng's face changed when he heard the words, his figure swayed, and he rushed in quickly.

Su Mochen's feet were soft, his fourteen eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he quickly supported him, "Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?"

With a pale face, Su Mo smiled faintly, "I'm fine! Go home, someone can take care of the rest."

Today's update is over~~ Want to see Cheng and Shen face to face, right?Birds come tomorrow~~
Thank you [elena—pan29] and [vivianyue] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Walk the way to be silly] Dear Huahua~~ I love you ahhhhhhhhhhh
(End of this chapter)

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