after losing heart

Chapter 169 [192] Whose blood is that

Chapter 169 [192] Whose blood is that
Su Mofeng entered the wing room and hurried to the bed, but was terrified by the scene in front of him.

On the quilt, on the sheets, and on Qiancheng's clothes, blood was everywhere, bright red.

At first, he thought it belonged to Qiancheng and was shocked, but soon he realized, no, it belonged to another man, and he got it when he gave her his own blood and blood ants.

He didn't have time to think about how the man would get blood everywhere, because the woman on the bed had already woken up from the pain.

With pain in his eyes, he stepped forward, hugged the woman in his arms, wrapped her little hand in his palm, and sent her true energy, "Qiancheng, hold on for a while, half an hour, as long as half an hour is fine... ..."

Half an hour later, drink the decoction made from fire lotus, whale gallbladder, and spirit rat meat, and all the remaining poison and blood ants can be eliminated.

The woman whimpered softly, sweating profusely, her whole body was wet with sweat, as if she had just been fished out of the water, but she still bit her lips tightly, trembling all over, not letting herself make too much movement, as if she was trying to force herself Forbearance.

"It's okay, Qiancheng, just cry out when it hurts!"

Su Mofeng hugged her tightly, wishing that he could endure and suffer for her.

It was hard for him to imagine how the blood ant had survived on that man for so long.

Fourteen came to him tonight, saying that Su Mochen had found two other antidotes and was willing to hand them over, but he only hoped that he would not tell this woman that he had found them.

He was shocked.

Over the years, he knew Su Mochen, and he was never a person who let go easily, definitely not.

But this time with such a move, it was simply not the Su Mochen he knew.

From this, it can only be explained that his early guess was correct, this man already knew that she was Qiancheng and that she hated her.

But, fourth brother, fourth brother, do you know that if there is no love, how can there be hatred?

He is not a saint, and he also has emotions and desires. Sometimes, he is actually jealous of Su Mochen, and it can even be said that he hates him a little bit. After all, even if she hates him, annoys him, and resents him now, it is because she is full of feelings for her. He occupies.

But he couldn't go in any more.

After drinking the decoction and expelling the toxins and blood ants, the sky is already bright.

Although she was awake all the time, Qiancheng's consciousness was always in a muddled state, and it was only at this time that she fully woke up.

She looked at the mess in the room in astonishment, at the blood stains on the bed and on her clothes, and at Su Mofeng, feeling a little dazed, not knowing what had happened, what had happened during her detoxification process.

How could there be so much blood?

"Your blood?"

Su Mofeng was cleaning up the soup bowls in front of the table. Hearing this sentence at first, he paused slightly. His eyes flickered in a direction she couldn't see. After a moment of silence, he turned his head and smiled at her, "Toss!" After a night, is there anything you want to eat?"

Qiancheng's brows were slightly frowned, and his watery eyes looked at him without blinking, their eyes burning.

"Are these all your blood?" She asked again, not planning to let this man change the subject easily.

The corner of her mouth was still stained with a bright red, which looked particularly shocking under her slightly pale face.

He put down the soup bowl in his hand, walked over, sat down on the edge of the bed, raised his hand to gently hold her face, wiped the corners of her lips little by little with his warm fingertips, and stared deeply at her with his black eyes. , thin lips parted lightly, "Qiancheng, these are not important, the important thing is that your poison has been cured, it has been completely cured, you will never have to be afraid of the night of the full moon in the future, and no one will be able to get rid of it through this poison in the future." Control you..."

His voice is very soft, clean and warm, like the wind in May.

Qiancheng stared at him blankly, as if bewitched. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm, and eagerly opened his robe sleeves, and searched carefully on his strong white wrist. If one is missing, another one is found.

Su Mofeng was a little confused, so he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Qiancheng..."

"It's not you!" Qiancheng looked at him and murmured shaking his head.

She seemed to have a dream, a very long dream, in which someone fed her with blood, just like Xiao Han once.

right!exactly the same!
First he fed her with his wrist, and then he directly used his mouth to suck blood into her mouth.

In the dream, she tried hard to open her eyes to see who the other person was, but her eyelids were as heavy as a mountain, she couldn't open them no matter what, and couldn't see the person in front of her clearly.

Is it Xiao Han?

But that dream was so real.

Stretching out the tip of her tongue, she lightly licked her lips, and then swallowed lightly a mouthful of saliva. In addition to the bitter taste of the soup, there was also an obvious trace of blood.

She knew it was not a dream!
This man must be hiding something from her.

And drugged her!
"It's not you! Whose blood is that?" She looked straight into Su Mofeng's deep pupils, Su Mofeng's eyes flickered, and she looked away, which also made her more sure of her thoughts.

But people just don't talk about it.

Forget it.

She bent her lips and looked at him solemnly, "Thank you, Third Master, for saving your life!"

She didn't exaggerate at all, she was grateful to this man, from the bottom of her heart, she knew that he really sacrificed his life to save her.

However, she had nothing to repay, which made her very sad, and also made her a little unsure how to face him?
Su Mofeng smiled lightly, and didn't seem to care, "Okay, change the dirty clothes on your body!"

While speaking, she stood up, took off a set of dresses hanging from the chair wing and handed them to her, "The tailor shops are closed at night, I asked my servants to pick up your own clothes from the dye house."

"En! Thank you!" Qian Cheng pursed his lips, feeling warm in his heart, and took the shirt and hugged it in his arms.

Su Mofeng smiled, backed out, and gently closed the door.

Perhaps it was because the toxins on her body were completely removed, Qiancheng felt indescribably relaxed and refreshed. She stretched her waist and lifted the quilt. Suddenly, something slipped from the thin quilt and hit her. On the jade floor, there was a crisp sound.

She was taken aback for a moment, bent over to take a look, and with just one look, she completely forgot to breathe.

Jade is a piece of jade, red string and green jade.

So familiar!

Of course she knew it, that's when she went to Baoyuxuan to do it.

Although there was once a woman who gave Su Mochen such a jade, she knew very well that the one in front of her was definitely her own.

First, the one given by the woman was broken by her; second, the red string of this one was braided into a bow by her.

But, but, why is this jade here?

Didn't Su Mochen throw it away when he was in the carriage that night?

Bending down, picking up the jade, she gently rubbed the texture with her fingertips, suddenly, her pupils narrowed, and something slowly emerged from her mind...

Four Princes' Mansion, Yunxuan Pavilion

One Bean Candle

Su Mochen sat alone under the lamp, slowly bandaging the wound on his wrist round and round.

The poison of Yueyingshuang this time is really powerful.

When he was dueling with the giant whale, he accidentally dropped the antidote into the sea and didn't take the antidote. If blood ants hadn't swallowed some toxins in his blood later, he might really have died.

However, his life was picked up, but his eyes were still blind.

I don't know if Shisi discovered this, so he desperately wanted to stay and bandage his wound just now, but in the end he was angry and scolded him, so he scolded him back.

He knew that that guy had been seriously exhausted after traveling all night for the past few days, so he had to go back and have a good rest.

I can't see the sky, I can't see the time leak, and I don't know what time it is. I guess that woman's poison should be cured, right?
Come to think of it, she should be happy.

He bent his lips and smiled, put his wrist to his lips, tied the bandage with his teeth and the other hand, carefully put down the sleeve of his robe, suddenly remembered something, stretched out his hand to touch the inside of the sleeve, and his face changed.

Qiancheng stood at the door, quietly looking at the man under the light, biting his lips tightly to prevent himself from crying.

It's him!

It was really him!

Su Mochen, what are you doing for?
What the hell do you mean?
Thank you [kiki7768] dear, [caixiaotao] dear, [418728342] dear, [Lion's Sorrow] dear monthly pass~~~
Thank you [717 Xiaoyu] dear Huahua and purse~~~ Thank you so much~~
(End of this chapter)

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