after losing heart

Chapter 170 [193] What exactly do you want

Chapter 170 [193] What exactly do you want
Qian Cheng raised his head high, tears still overflowed from his eyes, and there were long water marks on Bai Bi's face.

Yang Hen on the side looked at her dumbfounded.

He was the one who let her in, and she said she had something to return to Su Mochen herself.When he arrived at the gate of Yunxuan Pavilion, he said he wanted to go in and report, but she stopped him again.

Yang Hen was full of suspicion, thinking about his master Su Mochen's abnormal reaction after meeting this woman, and looking at the current woman's appearance, for some reason, he suddenly thought of someone.

His heart beat wildly, he couldn't believe it.

She pursed her lips and moved her lips, but she didn't dare to ask after all.

How can it be?

Obviously two people!

Qiancheng also ignored him, raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face, exhaled silently, and then stepped gently over the threshold and walked in.

I don't know if the man under the lamp was too focused on bandaging the wound, or he was thinking about his own thoughts, she gently opened the door, but he didn't notice, she stood at the door for so long, but he didn't notice, now she is gone When he came in, he still didn't notice.

Frowning slightly, she looked at his handsome side face suspiciously, feeling something was wrong.

Finally, the man seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head.

Qiancheng's footsteps froze, and he stopped there, his heart beating wildly.

She thought he would be shocked and surprised when he saw her.

Unexpectedly, no, nothing, he just looked in her direction indifferently, without a trace of expression, he was slightly stunned, then looked back indifferently, lowered his head, and continued to fiddle with his sleeves.

Qiancheng was a little confused.

what is this?
Turn a blind eye?
Su Mochen, what do you mean?You are the one who is good, and you are the one who ignores others, right?
Feeling angry for a moment, she went straight forward and put the jade in her hand heavily in front of him, "Fourth master is looking for this thing?"

Su Mo's whole body froze, he raised his head in disbelief, reached out and grabbed the jade that Qiancheng had put in his hand, trembling slightly.

No one knew how he was feeling at the moment, just like no one knew how flustered he was.

Forcibly suppressing his frantic heartbeat, he straightened his voice and said, "Why are you here?"

That means she shouldn't come?

Qiancheng sneered, "Fourth master's things will be put away in the future. Not everyone in this world is as good at collecting money as Qianye. If you drop it again, you won't have such good luck. Someone will send it to you."

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled lowly.

This woman can't even lie.

The haze that had been in his heart for many days was swept away, and he suddenly felt better, and said with interest, "How do you know that this is my jade?"

"I..." Qiancheng was at a loss for words for a moment, thought for a while and said: "If it's not, then please fourth master return it to Qianye, maybe it was lost by someone else."

Su Mo lowered his eyes and smiled, without saying a word, but the jade in his hand was pulled even tighter.

Qiancheng looked at his hands, followed them upwards, his watery eyes fell on his arms wrapped like rice dumplings, for a while, the tip of his eyes lifted slightly, and then fixedly fell on his face.

He lowered his brows and eyes, he couldn't see his expression, he didn't know what was in his heart, but there was one thing, but it was obvious.

He lost a lot of weight, and his lips became thinner and his nose was straighter.

There was a throbbing pain in her heart, she pursed her lips, trying to calm herself down.

"Also, is the Tianshan Blood Ant sent to Qianye by Fourth Master?"

Su Mo was shocked, did she know?

That's right, the jade is in her hands, she must know it.

She said that she would not want his antidote even if she died, so she came here...

He couldn't understand what she was thinking for a while, so he didn't dare to answer rashly, so he pursed his lips and remained silent.

But there was a self-deprecating smile in your heart, Su Mochen, it turns out that you sometimes ponder a person's words like this.

Seeing him silent, Qiancheng felt powerless.

This man is what he is, and always will be, with everything on his mind.

No one in this world is a roundworm in someone's stomach, how could she know what he was thinking.

Some words will kill you?
She thought for a while, then felt bitter, and immediately gritted her teeth, "Qianye came today to tell Fourth Master that Qianye Wuxin wanted Fourth Master's antidote, and it was Fourth Master who used the drug to stun Qianye. And then transfer the blood ants to Qianye, Qianye is not grateful to Fourth Master!"

Su Mo smiled lightly, raised his eyes and looked in her direction, his voice was as light as his smile, "I never thought of making you grateful!"

He didn't say the last sentence, I just hope you don't hate it.

However, it seems that it is useless, she still hates him that much.

And Qiancheng didn't know this, his indifferent attitude made her feel crazy, just like two people quarreling, one person keeps talking and getting angry, while the other person doesn't respond, that feeling makes people collapse.

Forcibly resisting the urge to bite, she sneered and said, "That would be the best! Qianye doesn't want to owe Fourth Master anything! Now that the words have been made clear, then Qianye will leave!"

After Qiancheng finished speaking, he turned around angrily and walked out.

"" came a low and hoarse call from behind.

Qiancheng's heart trembled, and he stopped in his tracks.

Su Mochen, do you regard me as Ran Qiancheng or Ran Qianye?
Closing her eyes and opening them, she turned her head and smiled, "What else does Fourth Master have to say?"

No one knows the ardor in her heart.

At that moment, she even told herself, Su Mochen, as long as you speak out what is in your heart, I will forgive you!
Su Mo looked in her direction, thoughtfully, for a long time, before saying: "It's nothing, I just want to say, third brother... is a good person."

What does it mean that the third brother is a good person?

Qiancheng's heart felt lost for a moment, she curled the corners of her lips, and sneered to herself, "You don't need fourth master to remind you, Qianye knows better than anyone else."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out quickly without any hesitation, smiling bitterly and lonely in a direction he couldn't see.

At the door, Yang Hen was gone, and there was no one there.

Qiancheng looked up at the sky, forcibly holding back the tide from the corner of his eyes.

God, it was already bright.

Su Mo sat there in a daze, motionless.

Haven't you been looking forward to her coming?
She came, what did she do, what did she say?
After being dazed for a while, he got up suddenly, and quickly chased outside.

Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, he was extremely familiar with the environment of Yunxuan Pavilion, his figure swayed, and he left the door in an instant.

But there was no footsteps outside, not a single sound. Has she gone far?

Feeling lost for a while, he paused in place, extremely decadent.

"Qiancheng." He murmured her name.

Qiancheng leaned against the porch pillar, looked at the man not far away with red eyes, bit the back of his hand tightly, so as not to let himself cry out.

He really couldn't see it.

Just facing each other like this, she was right in front of him, and he didn't even notice her.

No wonder, it was so bright, and he was still burning a candle.

No wonder he didn't notice that she stood at the door for so long.

No wonder, when she went in, he looked up without any expression.

No wonder.
Such a proud man... can't see...

She looked at him tremblingly, feeling as if her heart was being tightly grasped by countless hands, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Thousand cities!

He called her Qiancheng.

He has always known, has always known that she is Qiancheng, right?

On the other side, Su Mo stood there, staring in the direction of the gate, lost his mind for a while, and smiled with downcast eyes, desolate and lonely.

In fact, this is also good!
Her Yueyingshuang was also released, and she had her way to go.

And he still has responsibilities and obligations on his shoulders.

He didn't know why he was so crazy?

That's fine now!

Turning around desolately, he sighed deeply, and walked back to Yunxuan Pavilion.

Suddenly, there was a heavy weight on his back, and something hit his wound. He let out a muffled grunt, and when he realized what was going on, his whole body froze and he couldn't move anymore.

Someone...someone hugged him from behind.

"Su Mochen..." Qiancheng hugged him tightly, choked up, sobbing uncontrollably, "What do you really want...what do you really want?"

The update is complete~~ It's not easy for the two of you, Suzi bites the handkerchief, let's give out a monthly ticket! o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [longming11], [Happiness Forever 1baizi], [liyanxuan37] for the monthly pass~~~
Thank you [My Forgetfulness Grass] dear Huahua~~thank you [Lucky Pig] dear magic brush~~ Awow, Suzinai you~
(End of this chapter)

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