after losing heart

Chapter 171 [194] Those are tears

Chapter 171 [194] Those are tears

"Su Mochen..." Qiancheng hugged him tightly, choked up, sobbing uncontrollably, "What do you really want...what do you really want?"

Su Mochen's body stiffened, and he was in a trance for a moment, as if he had heard it wrong.

she didn't leave?She is...
In the next moment, his heart was beating wildly, almost jumping out of his chest, and he remained in the posture of being embraced by her, trembling slightly.

His back was hot, and he knew that it was tears that penetrated through his shirt and hit his skin.

At that moment, he also had tears in his misty eyes.

Frowning, he raised his head and remained silent, letting all the emotions in his heart agitate.

There is pain, heart-piercing pain, and joy, ecstatic joy.

It was a feeling he had never felt before.

Qiancheng buried his face on his back, the man's clothes were wet with tears, seeing that the man was still silent, he was bit by bit disappointed.

Finally, she let him go slowly, sniffing, "I'm leaving!"

The moment she turned around, there was a heavy weight on her wrist, and her body suddenly lost her balance. When she realized it, she was already wrapped tightly in her arms by a pair of powerful arms.

"Don't go, don't go, Qiancheng!"

The man hugged her tightly, kissed the hair on the top of her head lightly, and murmured, although his voice was straightened, it was still difficult to hide the hoarse trembling of his voice.

With a touch of clear sandalwood in his nose, the familiar embrace and familiar warmth, Qiancheng felt dizzy for a while, as if he had passed through a thousand years.

She struggled desperately, but he held on tightly.

She beat him with her fists, but he didn't dodge, letting her fists rain down on the wounds on his chest. No one knew that at this moment, his heart was far more painful than those wounds.

Still puzzled, Qiancheng opened his mouth and bit his shoulder hard.

He snorted, his heart throbbing, but his arms wrapped around her even tighter.

After biting for an unknown amount of time, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, the blood lingered on the tip of her tongue, and the roots of her teeth were sore and numb, before she let go.

Finally, she burst into tears, crying like a child in his arms, her whole body seemed to collapse.

Her sudden strong emotion made Su Mo Shen panic.

He was most afraid of seeing her tears, because he couldn't coax people at all, and it seemed that the more he coaxed her, the more she cried.

He stretched out his hand to hold her face, but couldn't see her appearance, and could only grope to wipe away the tears on her face bit by bit with his warm fingertips, but it seemed that he couldn't wipe it off.

"Don't cry, it's my fault..."

He repeated this sentence repeatedly, and it seemed that he couldn't find any other language besides this sentence.

Qiancheng looked at him with red eyes, seeing him anxious, flustered, and helpless...

When can we see him like this?Like a dumb kid.

One moment she was crying until the sky was dark, but the next moment, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The man was stunned, joy was written on his face, his black eyes covered with mist seemed to be stained with brilliance, he couldn't believe it, "Qiancheng..."

"Su Mochen, you are a bastard. When I find out, you will bully me. Is it true that you will be happy when I really die..."

With a heavy lip, Su Mochen lowered his head and kissed her, swallowing all the words that followed her.

"Hmm—" Qiancheng struggled.

This guy is indeed a man of action, asking him to speak his mind is like killing him, where is the glib tongue with Emperor Wen and his brothers on weekdays?

And he didn't seem to intend to let her go easily, the kiss was hot, powerful, domineering, and seemed to be longing for a long time, deepening bit by bit.

She whimpered, realizing they were still in the yard, in broad daylight...

Shy and annoyed, she pushed hard.

I don't know if he was caught off guard or if he ran into him. This time, he took two steps back and let her go.

"Su Mochen, you are shameless, but I still want shame!"

The man didn't speak, but just raised his eyebrows, as if trying to hold back something.

Qiancheng was stunned, and finally noticed the strangeness in him. His heart froze, and he quickly took two steps forward to support him, "Are you okay?"

He panted slightly, "You...see me okay?"

Qiancheng was at a loss for words.

From the looks of it, it seemed really bad, his face was as pale as paper, cold sweat was pouring out from his forehead, moreover, the crimson cloth on his chest was soaked in dark red and turned into balls of dark purple, like blooming roses, which was shocking.

She opened her eyes wide in surprise, startled and panicked.

what happened?

How many injuries did he have?
Feeling pain in her heart, she hurriedly said, "I'll help you in!"

At the end of the corridor in the distance, a slender figure in plain clothes stood quietly, looking in the direction of the two of them, motionless, a gust of morning wind blew by, lifting the sleeves of the woman's clothes, rustling.

At this time, the imperial palace is in the morning court.

Emperor Wen announced the cancellation of the Concubine Ceremony for Ran Chiba, the daughter of General Ran Fei Ran, which was scheduled to be held today.

The reason was not stated, but everyone knew that because of the news that Qianye became insane when the hidden disease broke out, the news had already spread like wildfire.

Not being a concubine is within everyone's expectations. A normal person would not marry a lunatic, let alone an emperor who is the son of heaven.

The third prince, Su Mofeng, went to court again after disappearing for more than two months.

The fourteenth prince, Su Moyu, also came back to court smoothly, and brought news that the fourth prince, Su Mo, was safe, but he was seriously injured and was recuperating in the palace.

Emperor Wen's heart finally fell to the ground, but everyone was more concerned about the search for medicine. What about the four medicines?
Just when Shisi was about to truthfully report that Su Mochen had found two of them, he was preempted by the third prince, Su Mofeng.

"Reporting to my father, my son and my fourth brother are ashamed, and they all returned without success."

Fourteen was surprised, so Su Mofeng gave him a meaningful look, so he didn't say much.

In fact, he has always disliked this third brother, because since he was a child, this third brother of his has always occupied their father's favor.

However, this time, he believed in him, even his most respected fourth brother believed in him, didn't he?
Of course Su Mofeng has his concerns.

If Qiancheng's hidden disease is the reason why the emperor doesn't marry her, then let the hidden disease remain in the external world, so as to completely cut off the emperor's thoughts.

Yunxuan Court

As soon as Su Mochen sat down, Qiancheng reached out to untie his robe to see his injuries.

Even though he couldn't see it, he still felt her move, startled, and suddenly reached out to grab her wrist.

"do not!"

Qiancheng was slightly startled, and wanted to withdraw his hand, "Let me see your injury!"

But he still held onto it, with a hint of panic in his voice, "Those injuries are fine."

"No, I want to see it!"

In the past, she didn't ask about things he didn't talk about, and she didn't touch things he didn't let him do. For the first time, it was rare for her to confront him.

The man held her hand again in silence for a while, sighed helplessly, and finally let go.

When the robe on the man's upper body was taken off, the bandages that had been dyed red were retreated one by one, and those scars of different shades and criss-crossings jumped into his eyes, Qiancheng bit the back of his hand again, and tears flowed silently full face.

Although they have been bandaged, many of them have been torn open, and some are still bleeding.

She forced herself to adjust her breath for a long time before she could make her voice sound calm and normal, "Where is the medicine? I'll give you some medicine."

This time, the man was very cooperative and reached out and handed her a porcelain bottle.

It was a cold morning in late autumn, but she could feel the hotness of his skin.

Carefully apply the medicine powder on his wound, and then spread it evenly with her fingertips. I don't know if it's because of the pain or something else. She felt the man's body trembling under her hands, and she moved more gently. , but my heart is in a ball of pain.

There was a deep scar on the back, from the back to the waist, and there were two indifferent scars on the waist. She knew that one was pierced by bullets, and the other was wounded by her sword.

Is this man forged?
You can take bullets by yourself, and you can still be in high spirits after being hit by a sword. Don't you know the pain?

She gently touched those scars, thinking about the tragedy in her mind, tears blurred her vision.

"Su Mochen, when your injury heals up, let's go to the miracle doctor together to heal your eyes, okay?"

The man froze.


Thank you for the following dear Huahua: [shihong01] [shyy1209] [Xiaobai obediently 1211] [mali8008]

Thank you [You Lan Ming Flute], [Yu Shang Yao Yao] for your purse ~ thank you [dudule] for your magic pen~~
I love you so much~ tears run~~
(End of this chapter)

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