after losing heart

Chapter 172 [195] What a coincidence

Chapter 172 [195] What a coincidence
on the carriage

Qiancheng and Su Mochen sat opposite each other, the car body shaking slightly.

Qiancheng's slender fingers peeled an orange in a slow and unhurried manner, from time to time he raised his eyes to look at the opposite man who closed his eyes and meditated, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was like a dream to be together again.

For some reason, seeing him hurt like that, all the persistence in her heart, all the condensed high walls, collapsed at that moment.

Although she told herself that now she was just accompanying him to the doctor's eye. After all, he did this because of her, but after taking this step, can she still control her heart?
The car was filled with a strong orange fragrance, Qiancheng moved his body, sat next to him, broke open a piece of orange and stretched it to his lips, "Do you want to eat?"

She knew he was awake.

She thought he would say no, but in the end, he slowly opened his eyes and opened his mouth to accept.

Qiancheng was a little dazed, and then broke off another petal and handed it over. This time, he didn't accept it, but stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, and stretched it hard.

Qiancheng was caught off guard, lost his balance and fell straight into his arms.

"Your injury!" she exclaimed.

"No problem!" Su Mochen stretched out his arms to wrap her around her, pressed her tightly in his arms, lowered his head, and pressed his warm lips to her ears, "As long as you don't move around, my It's okay to be hurt!"

When he said this, Qiancheng wanted to struggle to sit up, but was too frightened to move.

Su Mo smiled lowly, and there was a hint of a plot to succeed. Qiancheng knew he had been fooled, but seeing that he was a patient, he didn't bother to argue with him.

She simply nestled in his arms, then broke off the oranges and stuffed them into his mouth, and he took them one by one with a smile.

The oranges in Jinqiu are very sweet, with a faint sourness mixed in.

Su Mochen chewed slowly, slowly savoring the sweet and sour feeling from the tip of his tongue to his throat and then to his heart.

For the first time, he discovered that a person can have so many strong emotions at the same time, can be heartbroken, ecstatic at the same time, sweet to the extreme, and sour at the same time.

A heart floats and sinks in this intensity, with thousands of twists and turns.

In fact, he didn't want people to know that he was blind, because he knew that it was only temporary, and he believed that his mother and concubine would definitely heal his eyes.

However, in the morning, the woman proposed to go to a miracle doctor to heal his eyes together, but he agreed without even thinking about it, and he couldn't wait for a moment, and set off immediately.

This woman thought that he was so anxious that he wanted to heal his eyes as soon as possible. Only he knew what he was impatient for?
He just wanted to have an excuse to stay with her.

He is afraid, the world is impermanent, and there are too many entanglements between him and her, he is afraid of her repentance, he is afraid of another accident, he is afraid of accidents, he is afraid of Su Mofeng, he is afraid of his mother and concubine, he is afraid... He was afraid of anyone or anything that would get in the way of the two of them being together.

What are the injuries all over the body afraid of, you can heal while walking, can't you?

Considering Su Mochen's injuries, the carriage traveled slowly all the way, and it was already dusk when they reached Shaxi Town.

Because the waterway will be changed later, Su Mochen asked the coachman to drive the carriage back home first.

Su Mochen, who got off the carriage, kept holding on to Qiancheng's hand tightly. In his words, because he couldn't see the way with his eyes.

But why does Qiancheng feel that his steps are obviously more steady than hers, and he runs faster than hers.

The two found an inn nearby.

Seeing the two holding hands and interlocking fingers, the shopkeeper of the inn squinted and smiled, "You two guest officers, by coincidence, there is still a wing room!"

After hearing this, Qiancheng turned around and left, but was held back by Su Mochen.

I saw him frown at the shopkeeper, "What a coincidence! Let's go there!"

What a coincidence?

Qiancheng pouted displeasedly, "The whole town is not this inn."

Su Mo paid the silver taels slowly and gracefully. Suddenly, he turned his head and leaned in front of her. A touching smile bloomed on his thin lips, "No matter which inn you have, you have to stay with me."

"Why?" Qiancheng said angrily.

She is no longer his Mrs. Ran, nor is she his someone, so why does she have to share a room with him?
Hearing this, Su Mochen was not annoyed, and said with a smile, "It's because I can't see it with my eyes."

If you can't see it, you can't see it, Qiancheng is angry, if you dare not see it, you can threaten her to do everything.

On purpose, definitely on purpose.

She gritted her teeth, but was pulled by his big hand, "Let's go, ma'am!"


She nearly choked on her own saliva.

"Su Mochen, don't push yourself too hard!"

"Aren't you?"

"I'm not!"

"Then I'll make you a yes!"

"You are shameless!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"


Qiancheng has completely collapsed, and his knack for messing around and being glib is top-notch. Why do you ask him to say a word at a critical moment, as if killing him?
At dinner, Su Mochen used the excuse that his eyes couldn't see, and asked Qiancheng to serve him.

The hero in Qiancheng was short of breath and bitter and bitter, which showed that he was indeed injured, and he had to forcibly suppress the urge to bite people, and waited on him one by one.

After dinner, Su Mochen proposed to go out for a walk.

Qiancheng was unwilling at first, because his eyes were inconvenient, his body was seriously injured, and he needed to rest, but the other party insisted repeatedly, so she had no choice but to follow.

Although it was already dark, it was as bright as day outside. After asking others, I found out that today is the day for the night market in Shaxi Town.

Lanterns on both sides of the street were lit one by one, stretching for several miles, like stars in the Milky Way.

There are many shops on both sides, the streets are crowded with people, and the voices of hawkers and bargaining come and go.

Qiancheng held Su Mochen with one hand, and walked forward carefully avoiding the crowd's touch.

In fact, it is not always true that she is holding him, because from the perspective of others, it seems that he is holding her a little more.

This feeling is very strange, and it also makes people feel a little dazed, as if the two of them are really the most loving couple in the world.

"Does it sell jewelry over there?"

Su Mochen pinched Qiancheng's palm and pointed in one direction.

His big palm tightly wrapped the back of her hand, the smooth touch, the familiar temperature, this feeling made him feel very real, very down-to-earth, and also made him very greedy.

In fact, what if you can see it, so what if you can't see it?
As long as she is by my side, nothing matters.

"How do you know?" Qiancheng was stunned.

Is it...

His heart was beating wildly, could he see something vaguely?

"I heard it, haven't you heard that the hearing of blind people will become extraordinarily sharp?"

He smiled indifferently, and there was even a hint of self-mockery on the corner of his lips.

Qiancheng was stunned, pursing his lips without making a sound, and suddenly felt his eyes sour and moist again.

If it wasn't for her, how could he have ended up in this situation?
"Let's go and see!"

Thoughts were interrupted by his words.

Squeezing away the moisture in her eyes, she pouted, "I won't go, there are too many people over there, it's crowded, and I'm not interested in jewelry!"

Although she actually wanted to go, there were injuries all over his body, what if the wounds were broken.

Su Mo smiled, but didn't insist anymore.

The reason why he brought it up was because he was afraid that she would ignore her own happiness just to take care of him.Since she doesn't want to go, forget it, but don't girls like that thing?
Suddenly, exclamations came from the crowd behind him.

"My God, it's Wu Sheng, the magic brush!"

"Wow, it's really him, let's go there quickly, maybe it will be his destined person!"

Magic pen Wu Sheng?

Qiancheng was taken aback, isn't that a famous painter in this time and space?

A bit similar to Tang Bohu in ancient times, he is also a legendary figure.

When she was bored in Ranfu, she heard from Qianye that this Wu Sheng was a very good painter and his heart was also very high.He only paints for the people he likes, that is, the predestined people in his mouth.

No matter how high a person's status is or how beautiful his appearance is, as long as he doesn't want to, he would rather die than draw.

It is said that the monarch of Dongmo personally asked him to be Dongmo's royal painter, but he refused.

"Let's go and see too!"

"Don't go, there are too many people there, even if you want to go, you may not be able to squeeze in!"

"That's so difficult!" Su Mo smiled gorgeously, hugged her waist, tiptoed, flew over the crowd, and landed beside a middle-aged man.

Qiancheng exclaimed, and his toes touched the ground.

Su Mo shook his body, and his face became even paler.

"Su Mochen!" Qiancheng hurriedly supported him, startled, frightened and annoyed, with a sullen expression on his face, "You're crazy, are you dying?!"

Su Mo smiled lightly, shook his head towards Qiancheng, and then said in a loud voice, "Mr. Magic Pen, may I draw a portrait for my wife?"

The update is complete~~ May I ask if you don't like watching sweet pinches?Why are there no monthly coffee passes?

Thank you [shihong01] dear Huahua~~thank you [bingjiefhf] dear purse~~~ crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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