after losing heart

Chapter 177 [201] You know your mistake

Chapter 177 [201] You know your mistake

The woman went on to say, "You know your eyes can be healed, but you still have to go all the way to find some magical doctor. Do you know what happened in the palace during your absence?"

Both Su Mochen and Qiancheng were startled, but Su Mochen was surprised by the second half of the sentence, while Qiancheng was concerned about the first half of the sentence.

This woman can heal his eyes, so why should he bear the pain and run to Yunxiao Mountain with her?
Qiancheng turned his head sideways, staring blankly at the man beside him.

Su Mo frowned deeply, "What happened in the palace?"

Concubine Liang didn't say anything, but her fierce eyes hit Qiancheng's face again.

Qiancheng was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, bent his lips and patted the back of Su Mochen's hand, "You guys talk, I'll go outside and have a look."

"No need!" Su Mo wrapped her hand firmly, and said in the direction of Concubine Liang, "Concubine Mother, Qianye is already a child's woman, not an outsider."

Qiancheng's heart trembled, because of his childish woman, such words made her a little uncomfortable.

Concubine Liang narrowed her eyes slightly, but still did not speak.

The atmosphere is a little condensed.

After all, he didn't trust her!

Qiancheng lowered his eyes and smiled, and gently pulled Su Mochen's sleeve, "It's okay, I'll wait for you outside!"

After finishing speaking, he frowned slightly, pulled his hand out of Su Mochen's palm, turned and walked out the door.

Su Mochen pursed his lips slightly, but did not forcefully stop him.

There were only two people left in the room, and it was suddenly quiet.

"Kneel down!" Concubine Liang suddenly said in a deep voice.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, but did not move.

Concubine Liang added sharply, "I will make you kneel down!"

Su Mo pursed his thin lips even tighter, hesitated for a moment, lifted the corner of his robe, and knelt down.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Concubine Liang slowly walked in front of him, looking down at him.

Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly feel the pressure brought on him by the other party. He straightened his back and knelt straight.

"My child doesn't know!" He said lightly, with a calm tone, neither timid nor disrespectful.

"You don't know? You don't care about the burden and responsibility on your shoulders, indulge in the beautiful scenery, the wind, the snow and the moon, play with things and lose your mind, and you still say you don't know?" Concubine Liang narrowed her eyes, her chest heaved slightly, obviously a little excited.

"You left everything for a woman, went to the South China Sea, went to the Tianshan Mountains, you didn't want to die, you didn't care about the bruises all over your body, you didn't care if you were blind, and you didn't say a word, just ran outside with others, and didn't show up for ten and a half months. How dare you say you don’t know?”

Su Mochen knelt there motionless, with his back straight, silent for a moment, Cai bent his lips, bitter and helpless, "It's the first time for my son to follow his heart to do something, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it? "

Concubine Liang was stunned, she didn't expect him to say such words, and she was so angry that she stretched out her finger and pointed at him, "You, you are not wrong? Could it be the mother concubine who was wrong? What the concubine mother said Who are you doing everything for, and for whom?"

She trembled and growled.

Su Mochen frowned slightly, reached out to hold her hand, with an indescribable feeling in his heart, "Mother Concubine..."

Concubine Liang took advantage of the opportunity to shake his hand, leading it to her knees, and smiled wildly, "It's all the concubine's fault, concubine mother deserves it, concubine mother deserves to stay in the cold and damp cold palace for 13 years, concubine deserves it Being disfigured, he deserves to have his calf amputated, he deserves to be crippled, he deserves to be living like a human being, a ghost or a ghost...the mother and concubine deserve it..."

Through the thin trouser legs, Su Mochen could still feel the coldness of the wooden knees.

The fire in the cold palace not only burned this woman's beautiful face, but also burned one of her legs. Now she is just a special artificial leg.

"Mother Concubine..." Su Mochen felt great pain in his heart, stretched out his arms to wrap around the woman's knee, and pressed his face against it, "It's the child who is not good, it is the child who is useless, if you can't give Mother Concubine a good life, it's all the child fault..."

Concubine Liang kept silent, let him hold her, she remained motionless, looked down at his painful state, the corners of her lips under the veil slightly hooked, and after a while, she sighed, bowed and pulled his arm to hold him. He lifted him gently, "Get up, kid!"

"It's not that concubine mother is forcing you. Concubine mother really wants you well. Concubine mother's life is already in a mess, and this life will be like this. However, your life has just begun. Born in the emperor's family, it is already doomed that you cannot Live as you want like other people. The battle for the throne has always been bloody, either you die or I die. The mother and concubine only want you to live well, live beautifully, and be admired by the world..."

"We have expended so much effort and deliberation here, some people shed blood, some people sacrificed, all to help you achieve a great cause. What you bear on your shoulders is not just your own safety, but the safety of many people. Do you know how many innocent lives will be caused if you are not careful? Therefore, you must always be sober, rational, and cautious..."

"Don't talk about it, the concubine mother's heart is understood by the child!"

Su Mo frowned slightly, his eyes filled with desolation.

Concubine Liang stared at his expression, helped him sit on the soft chair beside the table, took out a small porcelain bottle from her sleeve, and poured out a pill, "This is the antidote for Yue Yingshuang, take it , don't be so stupid in the future!"

Su Mo was shocked, looked up, and looked in her direction with slightly misty black eyes, a little unbelievable.

Antidote?Is it a permanent cure?

Seeing his reaction, Concubine Liang smiled, "Why? No?"

Putting the antidote into his hand, she lifted the porcelain pot on the table and poured him a glass of water, "If a month passes, even if it's a fairy medicine, it won't be able to cure your eyes. Take it quickly! Could it be?" You don't want to see your Qianye girl soon?"

Chiba girl?

Su Mo shook his hand, and almost missed the cup in his hand. The water splashed out of it and splashed on his robe, but he didn't care about it, his misty eyes were shining, "What does the mother concubine mean?"

Concubine Liang smiled lowly, "Looking at how excited you are, Concubine Mu doesn't mean anything. Concubine Mu just hopes that you can properly handle the relationship between Xiaoai and Dayi. Women can have it, but they can't indulge in it. That girl Qianye...Mother Concubine The concubine is also pleasing to the eye, and she is Ranfei's daughter, so there is no harm in marrying her..."

"Then the concubine mother means that she doesn't object to us being together?" Su Mochen couldn't hide the ecstasy in his heart.

Both she and she are important women in his life, and he hopes in his dreams that they can accept each other, which is why he brought Qiancheng here today.

Concubine Liang let out a long sigh, "It's just a child, do you really understand your own heart?"

When Qian Cheng walked into the courtyard, Tong Suqing was sitting alone in the courtyard, seeing her come out, Tong Suqing got up indifferently, and walked back to the carriage, as if avoiding the plague.

Qiancheng smiled, didn't bother to pay attention, went straight to the stone bench in the yard and sat down.

Autumn mornings are cool.

She raised her head slightly, quietly looking at the white belly in the sky, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

A gust of morning wind blew over and passed through her body. She shivered and stretched out her hands to gather her clothes.

Do you want to leave?
she asked herself.

Originally, he was just accompanying him to get his eyes checked, but now his mother and concubine can cure him, so she...

Then will she still stay with him?

What's the point of staying?
He can't give what she wants, but she can't let it go, what should she do?
She hated being so vacillating and indecisive.


Gotta talk to him later.

When Su Mochen walked to the yard, he saw a woman wearing a light purple skirt from a distance, sitting on a stone bench in the yard with her knees hugged, slightly raising her head, looking at the sky, motionless, her hair full of black hair. Falling behind him like a waterfall.

that's nice!

It's good to see!
With a move in his heart, he bent his lips and walked over.


Qiancheng was startled, and turned around, and saw him wearing a purple robe, walking in the morning light, his knife-shaved outline, handsome features, and a pair of deep black eyes had returned to their former brilliance, shining brightly, shining like Xingzi.

His eyes really healed, and Qiancheng was overjoyed, feeling like a big rock had fallen to the ground.

Standing up, just as she was about to speak, the man had already wrapped her in his long arms and led her forward, "Let's go! Let's go back to the palace first, I want to go into the palace right away."

Just now his mother and concubine said that his father, Emperor Wendi, suddenly suffered from a strange disease, and his health deteriorated rapidly, and the imperial doctors were helpless.

Thank you [gonglin201010], [springjanet], [AnnieBerei], [yueyoyo] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Black Moji] dear purse~~ I love you so much, group~~
(End of this chapter)

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