after losing heart

Chapter 178 [202] What kind of existence

Chapter 178 [202] What kind of existence

That night.

Four Princes' Mansion, Yunxuan Pavilion, One Bean Candle

Under the candlelight, Qiancheng smeared on the rice paper with a brush in his hand.

Biting the end of the pen, I lost my mind for a while, and a scene jumped out of my mind, that is, in the mirage on the desert that day, the man in the bright yellow robe, the long hair with the jade crown, the handsome face, the radiance, the dignity like a king .

Hands down, draw that eyebrow, that eye...

But she couldn't draw that kind of feeling no matter what, she tried several times, but she rubbed the white paper half way through the drawing, and after a while, balls of paper were scattered all over the floor beside the table.

Looking back at the hourglass in the corner of the room, it was already Haishi.

It was rare for her to muster up the courage to have a frank and honest talk with Su Mochen, but he actually entered the palace and hasn't come back yet.

Now her identity is Ran Qianye, not Qiancheng, she dare not even go to Tsinghua Garden, so she can only sit in Su Mochen's Yunxuan Pavilion and wait.

Yang Hen came in twice in the middle, once to bring her lunch and once to bring her dinner, a pair of deep eyes rolled over her body, as if hesitant to speak.

She knew it well, but she pretended not to see it, and thanked him indifferently.

She felt that the less people knew about her true identity, the better. At present, it seemed that only Su Mochen, Su Mofeng and Fang Fang knew about her real identity except those from Ranfu.

It's not that she doesn't trust Yang Hen, it's because this matter is no small matter, if it spreads to the palace, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor.

After a while, Su Mochen still didn't come back. She threw away the brush in her hand, lay down on the table, and thought about all kinds of things.

I don't know what happened in the palace?
Concubine Liang's mysterious appearance, and that man hasn't returned for so long.

Could it be that he went to meet Yun Kou?After all, it's been so long since we haven't seen each other, it's human nature to be eager to get rid of lovesickness.

Or was it dragged down by Xiao Qi?
Or was it kept by Emperor Wen to speak?

Su Mochen walked slowly on the bluestone road in the mansion, frowned slightly, thinking about something on his mind, when a gust of night wind blew, he couldn't help feeling a bit chilly, and suddenly realized that it was already late autumn.

Just now I went to the palace to see Emperor Wen, and the rumors were true, I saw that he was pale, depressed, coughing non-stop, within 20 days, he had lost a lot of weight.

He couldn't figure it out, Emperor Wen was in his prime, and how could such a healthy and healthy person suddenly become ill when he said he was sick?Even the imperial physician could not find the source of the disease.

But when the Son of Heaven got sick, there was an undercurrent turbulent below, forces from all sides raised their heads, and turmoil surged.

Perhaps, the opportunity has come.

But, strangely, he was not delighted.

It stands to reason that although Emperor Wen was a father these years, he never treated him with the sincerity of a father. He should hate him and gloat over his misfortune, but for some reason, seeing him like that just now made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, his concubine mother was right, he shouldered too many responsibilities, he had no choice, he had to sit on the throne.

Gotta plan and plan!

Pursing his lips, he quickened his steps, and with his clothes fluttering, he headed for Yunxuan Pavilion.

A bean candle light in Yunxuan Pavilion.

He bent his lips, and felt for the first time that the candlelight seemed to shine into his heart, and something warm was surging.

He knew that she was there.

It turns out that the feeling of someone waiting and waiting is so indescribable.

Gently pushing the door open and entering, I saw the petite figure sleeping at the desk under the lamp, with black hair pouring down one shoulder, motionless.

Su Mochen frowned slightly, she fell asleep like this, the night was so cold.

Pulling the cloak on the clothespin, he walked over and gently covered her body. After thinking about it, he simply bent down and picked her up horizontally, put her on the bed, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

There was a mess of waste paper on the ground. He was slightly puzzled, bent down to pick it up, and spread out the crumpled rice paper one by one. They were all his eyebrows and eyes, but each one was not finished. Some only painted the facial features, and some didn't even draw all the facial features.

It is said that everyone is a lady, proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, why is her painting skills so poor?
He raised the corners of his lips and shook his head, carefully rolled up the rice papers and put them in the bookcase behind him.

Maybe it was because of the continuous rush, she was too tired, the woman slept deeply, and when he came out of the shower, he still didn't wake up.

The ink-dyed blue silk covered the soft pillow, she gently closed her eyes, her slender and curled eyelashes drooped slightly, leaving two rows of beautiful silhouettes in the eye sockets, her delicate and small jade nose, and her ruddy mouth pouted slightly, Breath like blue.

The quiet and innocent appearance moved his heart, and he became playful for a while, and wanted to tease her, so he stretched out his hand to shake her.

Qiancheng was sleeping soundly, and didn't want others to disturb him, so he couldn't open his eyes, so he pouted and muttered displeasedly, while muttering, he pushed him resentfully.

After coming and going, Qiancheng still didn't wake up, but he felt that she seemed to be awake but not awake, acting coquettish and not coquettish, ignorant, like a enchanting beauty snake, the fire on her body was inadvertently ignited.

He took off his clothes, held her in his arms, and kissed her gently, tenderly. .She just woke up completely, looked at him sleepily, then looked around, and finally exclaimed.

It was like seeing a ghost.

"Ah, Su Mochen, you are shameless, you..." She blushed and pushed him with both hands.

Su Mochen had never seen her so cute before. Laughing, he bent down, held her face, and kissed her, but speeded up.

Qiancheng was ashamed and annoyed, anxious and angry, but Su Mo never let her go.

After a long time, he didn't let her go until she sobbed softly and begged him for mercy with blurred eyes.

After this, Qiancheng woke up completely, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. She felt extremely unbalanced, so she started to make trouble with Su Mochen and refused to let him sleep.

She was lying beside his pillow, her fingers wrapped around a lock of hair and gently touched his face, "Don't sleep, tell me a story!"

Su Mo closed his eyes, held her wrist in his hand, and smiled with his lips bent, "Don't make trouble!"

"No, it's not fair. I wake up when you tell me to. I asked you to tell a story, but you didn't!"

The man sighed lowly, opened his eyes, his black eyes met hers, and a touching smile slowly bloomed on his thin lips, "What story do you want to hear? Do you want me to be a groom tomorrow? To be a bride's story?"

Qian Cheng was taken aback, then suppressed his smile, "What are you talking about?"

But the man turned over and faced her, serious, his black eyes shining brightly, "It's true, I forgot to tell you, today I went to the palace and begged my father to marry you to me, and my father agreed." Yes. During this period of time, my father is not in good health, and I just took advantage of our marriage to let Ye Ting inspect the date, and Ye Ting inspected it, and Ye Ting inspected that tomorrow is the best auspicious day of the month, and the imperial edict has already been issued."

In fact, it was within his expectation that Emperor Wen could agree, because it can be seen from the turmoil of giving marriage last time that it is only right for him to give the daughter of the great general she dyed to him, a son who has no soldiers in his hands. The throne is the least threatening.

But at this time, Qiancheng was in a different state of mind, in other words, she was completely dumbfounded.

She just pursed her lips and looked at him blankly, with melancholy in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Seeing her like this, Su Mochen frowned slightly, "Are you still unwilling? I have forgiven me..."

He stared at her, his voice was hoarse and low, with a hint of hurt.

"It's not... I..." Qiancheng didn't know what to say.

She didn't know if she was willing or not, and she didn't know if she had forgiven. She only knew that their problem had not been resolved, so how could they get married again?

She raised her eyes and met his gaze, "Su Mochen, let's have a good talk!"

The man remained silent, his viscous eyes still fixed on her.

"Let's talk about Yunkou first! I want to know, what kind of existence is Yunkou in your heart? What kind of existence am I in your heart?"

Qiancheng took a deep breath, and finally asked the question that had been lingering in his heart for a long time.

The man was startled, as if he didn't expect her to ask such a direct question, his eyes flickered slightly, and he was about to speak, but was interrupted by a small knock on the door.

"Master, something serious happened in the palace!"

The update is complete~~ These two chapters are too much, and there will be a storm tomorrow, dear friends~~
Thank you [wyc620] dear, [Zhang Guilan] dear, [794235510] dear, [Bai Jiafu] dear monthly pass~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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