after losing heart

Chapter 179 [203] Could it be her

Chapter 179 [203] Could it be her

"Master, something serious happened in the palace!"

Qian Cheng was startled, only to see a figure flashing in front of him, Su Mochen had already got up and got out of bed, pulled his robe over his body and opened the door.

What happened in the middle of the night?
Qiancheng was puzzled, hugged the quilt, and poked his head slightly, but it was too dark outside to see who was coming, he only knew it was a man, talking to Su Mochen in a low voice.

Qian Cheng listened intently, but couldn't hear clearly, as if something had been stolen.

After a while, Su Mochen came back, stood by the table, stretched out his hand to light up the candle, and as the candle flickered, Qiancheng saw his lips pursed slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

He didn't speak, and she couldn't ask any questions, so she just lay on the bed and looked at him quietly.

As if aware of her gaze, he raised his head suddenly, met her clear eyes, was stunned for a moment, and with a twitch of his lips, he walked towards her, stretched out his hand to tuck the blanket for her, "Go to sleep!"

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Qiancheng looked at him suspiciously.

"I'll wait, you go to bed first!" Raising his hand to rub the hair on the top of her head, he was a little absent-minded.

"Did something happen?" Seeing his slightly restless face, Qiancheng couldn't help asking after all.

Su Mo lowered his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said: "A brocade pouch placed in the Sutra Pavilion in the palace is missing. It is said that this brocade pouch was left by the late emperor. Whoever gets the brocade pouch among the princes will win the throne."

Qiancheng was shocked.

"Is fourth master worried that other princes will take it?"

Su Mo was silent, the edge of the bed was lifted, and he sat down.

Qiancheng thought for a while, sat up, and reached out to hold his hand, "Actually, fourth master, don't worry, think about it, the late emperor has gone, and now Emperor Wen sits on the throne and makes decisions. What's the use of a kit?" , and, moreover, it is a kit obtained through improper means.”

Su Mochen shook her hand, wrapped it in his palm, and said with a smile, "You have a clear mind."

In fact, he didn't understand these principles, so he didn't worry about it at all.

He was only worried about the man who stole the kit.

Will it be her?

Entering the palace today, neither of them could talk, but the way she looked at him...

That look...

I hope he guessed wrong.

For so many years, I have never heard of such a kit. Now that Emperor Wen is ill, the news spreads wildly.

There must be something strange in this, maybe... this is just news that someone deliberately released.

Just now I heard from Yinwei that the palace is in chaos at this moment, and thieves are being searched everywhere.

He can't go, he can only wait for the news.

Seeing his pale face, Qiancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go to sleep!" Su Mo stood up, stretched out his hands to support her shoulders, his dark eyes were deeply focused on her face, shining brightly, "I have to go back to the General's Mansion early tomorrow, although I am in a hurry this time. , we are not waiting to get married, but, I told myself, I must give you an unforgettable wedding. "

Qiancheng was startled, and only then remembered the matter of getting married tomorrow.

This matter, this matter...

She really doesn't know what to say?

How can there be such a hurry?She was totally unprepared.

But now that the imperial decree has been issued, this...
Well, she's messy.

Suddenly, she remembered the question she asked about him and Yun Kou just now, as if he hadn't answered yet, "By the way, Su Mochen..."

The knock on the door sounded again.

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Well, not only is she messy, she's mad.

Why are you always interrupted at critical times?

The man got up and walked out quickly.

She opened her eyes and said anxiously, "Su Mochen, I asked you a question just now, but you haven't answered me yet!"

The man didn't turn his head back, but hurriedly said, "Wait a minute!"

With a "squeak" the door opened, and Qiancheng clearly felt the cold night air coming in, she shivered, slipped down quickly, and lay down under the quilt.

In fact, she wanted to say, just one word, and it wouldn't take him long. After thinking about it, she didn't say it after all.

Perhaps because of his urgency, he didn't care about the loudness of his voice. This time, Qiancheng actually heard the conversation between him and the visitor clearly.

"what's the situation?"

"I heard the burglar caught it."

"Do you know who it is?"

"It seems to be a servant girl by the queen's side, named Yun Kou."

Thinking of this matter again, it was already the second day, Qiancheng was already sitting in front of the bronze mirror in the wing room of the general's mansion, surrounded by a bunch of bridesmaids and maidservants, arranging her makeup, hair accessories and wedding clothes for her.

She remembered that Su Mochen didn't say anything when he found out it was Yun Kou, and he didn't seem to have any expression after entering the room, but she knew he was worried because she saw him standing quietly by the window ,a long time.

Later, people continued to come and report the latest news to him.

Yang Hen also came, and she heard that he seemed to be telling Yang Hen to wait and see what happens, if it doesn't work, then push that person out.

In the end, Fourteen came, looking like he was about to cry, making him think of a way to rescue Yun Kou. She heard him tell Fourteen, let's go to the study to discuss countermeasures.

She didn't know, why did she go to the study?Was it worried that she heard it?

At that time, in fact, she had already closed her eyes and dozed off.

As a result, he didn't return all night until dawn. When she left the Fourth Prince's Mansion, he still couldn't be seen. However, the people in the Fourth Prince's Mansion were already busy. Strips of red silk were pulled up, and red lanterns were hung up. There are busy maidservants everywhere.

Only then did she remember that she married him today.

Returning to the General's Mansion, the same is true in the General's Mansion, the sky is covered with red silk, the joy is endless, and it is full of joy.

It's just that Ranfei held her hand with a solemn expression, "Qiancheng, why are you doing this? If the third master knew all this, he would definitely not let you do this."

At that time, her mind was all on the issue of Su Mochen and Yun Kou, and she didn't understand the meaning of his words at all.

She was just thinking, the emperor made an order, how could Su Mofeng not know all of this, besides, what's the use of him not letting her do it?Is it impossible to resist the decree?
After all, she owed him.That's good, it completely cut off his thoughts.

In the bronze mirror, the woman's skin is snow-covered, her eyebrows are picturesque, and she is wearing a bright red wedding gown. She is so beautiful that all the maidservants beside her are fascinated by it.

Qiancheng also looked at himself in the mirror, with a heart in chaos.

The auspicious time has arrived.

A red hipa fell down, blocking her view.

However, it took a long time to see Su Mochen's team coming to welcome the bride, and finally, they waited for an oral order from Emperor Wen.

Let him enter the palace immediately, and there must be no mistake.

Although Qian Cheng didn't know why, he didn't dare to delay, he didn't even have time to change out his wedding robe, so he hurried into the palace following the eunuch who gave the order.

After inquiring with the little eunuch along the way, I found out that Emperor Wen wanted to personally try the case of the theft of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and he had sent an order to all the princes to go to the hearing, and Su Mochen had already entered the palace.

She didn't understand, she wasn't a princess, and she wasn't considered a member of the royal family for the time being, so how could they announce her into the palace after hearing the trial?
But she didn't think too much about it, after all, she was also concerned about the matter involving Su Mochen and Yun Kou.

I don't know if Su Mochen and Fourteen have thought of a way to save people.

Just like the trial of Su Mochen's case last time, this time it was also held in the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

But it was strange, but Qiancheng was taken by the little eunuch from the side gate to the side hall next to the lobby. The little eunuch told her to let her wait in the side hall first, and he would call her out when necessary.

The so-called side hall is actually just a place separated by several screens. Usually, when the Ministry of Criminal Justice is adjudicating a case, some witnesses or officials who are inconvenient to show up sit here.

Everything in the lobby can be clearly seen through the gap in the screen.

Qiancheng sat inside without knowing why, and raised his heart high.

Thank you [yuankang1977] for your wallet~~
Thank you [717 Xiaoyu] for your purse and monthly pass~~ It's great to have you here!
(End of this chapter)

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