after losing heart

Chapter 180 [204] May there be another chapter to say

Chapter 180 [204] There is still something to say
The lobby of the Ministry of Justice is quiet

Emperor Wen sat on the main seat at the top. Although his face was slightly pale and he coughed a few times from time to time, he still couldn't hide his majestic aura.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, curled up his five fingers, and tapped lightly on the handle of the golden nanmu chair, making crisp and clear sounds.

Dozens of people in the hall stood in two rows on the left and right, and they were all the current princes. Looking carefully, they did not miss any of them, even the seventeenth prince who was under ten years old came.

Everyone was dignified, standing there watching their noses, noses, noses, and hearts.

After a long silence, Emperor Wen said in a deep voice, "Do you know why I brought you here today?"

Everyone knew it well, but no one dared to respond.

Emperor Wen's sharp eyes swept over everyone one by one, and he smiled coldly, "I think everyone has heard that a kit left by the late emperor in the Sutra Pavilion was stolen last night."

He paused for a moment, then suddenly withdrew his smile, and said sharply: "I really want to know, who is so capable, who can come and go so freely in the heavily guarded palace under my nose?"

Everyone didn't dare to show their anger, but they knew in their hearts that this thief must be one of them, because it is useless for others to get this bag, only their lords can win the world.

Presumably this is also the reason why Emperor Wen only brought these lords here for a trial.

"The Ministry of Criminal Justice pursued the case last night, and finally lived up to my expectations and found clues. Today, I came to try the case in person, just to see who is so impatient to drive me off the dragon chair?"

After Emperor Wen finished speaking repeatedly, he was obviously a little excited, and couldn't help coughing violently. Eunuch Li next to him hurried forward and handed over a cup of tea. Emperor Wen took it, took a small sip, and then stopped the coughing.

Putting the teacup in his hand on the table in front of him, his gaze swept over everyone, and he ordered in a deep voice, "Bring people up!"

Everyone turned their heads, Su Mo pursed his lips, and followed everyone's gaze towards the door.

I saw a woman walking in slowly under the leadership of two guards.

The woman was dressed as a court lady, she was thin and slim, she could not see the expression on her face with lowered eyebrows, but many people still knew her, who was it if it wasn't Yun Kou, the maidservant next to the queen?
There was a burst of suppressed sighs from everyone, some were shocked, some were stunned, and some showed expressions of watching the show.

The sixth prince Su Mohong's face paled slightly, the fourteenth prince Su Moyu's face was worried, and the fourth prince Su Moshen looked away, his face sinking like water.

Yun Kou lightly moved lotus steps, walked to the middle of the hall, and knelt down facing Emperor Wen Yingying, "Your Majesty sees the Emperor!"

Emperor Wen looked at her, and the corner of his lips curled up coldly, "Are you guilty?"

Yun Kou slowly raised her head, pursed her lips, "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Emperor Wen sneered, and cut straight to the point, "Could it be that you stole the treasure bag of the late emperor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

When he said this, Emperor Wen's eyes didn't fall on Yun Kou, but hovered over the faces of all the men in the hall.

"No! The servant has said it many times, it was not the servant's doing." Yun Kou said firmly, although her attitude was not overbearing, she was neither humble nor overbearing, and she was not afraid of anything.

Emperor Wen slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Oh? Then tell me, where were you at Haishi last night? I slept with the queen last night, and I had already fallen asleep at that time, and I didn't ask you to serve me!"

Yun Kou thought for a while, "At that time, slave girl..."

"Report to Father, Yun Kou was with Erchen and Fourth Brother at that time!" A male voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was startled, including Yun Kou herself, they all followed the prestige.

The Fourteenth Prince Su Moyu stepped forward and bowed to Emperor Wen.

"With you?" Emperor Wen also showed surprise, his probing eyes hit his face, and after a while, he turned to Su Mochen.

Su Mo pursed his lips, stepped forward steadily, and bowed to Emperor Wen, "It is indeed as my fourteenth brother said, that Yun Kou was with Erchen and my fourteenth brother at Haishi last night."

Emperor Wen lowered his eyes slightly, and Su Mo continued calmly, "The thing is like this, after my son and Fourteen greeted the father, Fourteen said that there are scented teas from the Northern Kingdom that have been tributed by the concubine Mei." On the way, I happened to meet Yun Kou, and I heard that people in Yuxiangfang are very good at making scented tea, so Er Chen and Fourteen decided to let Yun Kou go with us to Concubine Mei The empress will make tea for us, about this, Empress Mei and the maids of Youmei Palace can testify."

Finally shot!
Behind the screen, Qiancheng smiled wryly.

She knew that he would definitely make a move, just in what way.

Thinking about not returning all night last night, he just went to settle the evidence.

Fourth Prince, Fourteenth Prince, Concubine Mei, and all maidservants of Youmei Palace.
This team of witnesses is indeed huge, with enough weight and strength!
She looked at Yun Kou through the gap in the screen, just in time to see the tip of her eyes flicking across Su Mochen meaningfully, and Su Mochen seemed to raise his eyes to respond, although the communication between the two was very fast and fleeting. , but she saw it clearly.

Everyone was silent and looked at Emperor Wen.

Emperor Wen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Is that true?"

Su Mochen and Fourteen both nodded firmly.

"But why did my witness say that Yun Kou did all of this?"

Emperor Wen's words, like thunder on the ground, exploded in everyone's ears.

his witness?

He also has witnesses?
Everyone was shocked, including Yun Kou, Shishi, and Su Mochen.

Emperor Wen smiled secretly, raised his hand, and told his left and right, "Bring witnesses!"

Everyone looked at the door in unison again.

At the door, two guards walked in carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher lay a person who was also dressed as a guard. His face was covered in blood, and he had obviously been dead for a long time.

Ah, dead bodies? !
Everyone was horrified!

How can a dead body be holy?

"Bold! The holy face is here, why did you lift this dirty thing up?" Eunuch Li's expression changed, and he sternly yelled at the two guards who were carrying the stretcher. He was about to let the two carry it away quickly, but was stopped by Emperor Wen with a wave. .

"It was carried up by me, he is a witness!"


Obviously dead!
There was a low uproar in the audience.

Behind the screen, Qiancheng almost slipped off the stool, with his eyes wide open, he couldn't believe it.

Throat sealing incense!
This person has been hit by the throat sealing incense.

This incense is made of more than 100 kinds of spices. It is quite difficult to make, but once it is made, it is highly poisonous. Take the antidote to start making incense.

And people who are hit by Fenghouxiang will bleed to death from seven orifices, oh, no, it is bleeding from five orifices, and the nostril that smells in alone does not bleed, and blood gushes out from eyes, mouth, and ears. most obvious feature.

At that time, Aunt Liu said that the incense was very bad and they were not allowed to make it.

She and Yun Kou concocted the entire Yuxiangfang, but Aunt Liu destroyed it and ordered them not to make it again.

Unexpectedly, Yun Kou used this poisonous incense this time.

In the hall, two guards carried the body past the princes, came to the center of the hall, and put down the stretcher.

Su Mo glanced at the corpse, frowned slightly, and returned to normal after a while.

Fourteen didn't know why, his eyes were full of worry, and his brows frowned into hills.

Yun Kou also couldn't help turning her head back, looking at Emperor Wen's so-called witness, her face turned pale immediately after seeing the corpse on the stretcher.

Emperor Wen smiled lowly, "I have nothing to say now, right?"

Everyone was confused and looked at each other.

Su Mo's thin lips pressed tighter and tighter.

Yun Kou clenched her palms tightly, trying to calm herself down, "This servant is stupid, I don't understand what the emperor means, please let the emperor express it!"

"Don't understand?" Emperor Wen sneered, shaking his head sarcastically as if hearing a funny joke, "You really don't cry when you see the coffin, okay! If this is the case, I will let you die in peace!"

While speaking, he stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the middle of the hall, and stood with his hands behind his back, "The ten guards in the Sutra Pavilion all died in the same way, bleeding to death from five orifices, and only those who were hit by this symptom This is the case of the throat-closing incense that has long been lost in the Jianghu. I have sent people to check it. There are only two people in the entire Yuxiangfang who can make it. One is you, and the other is Qiancheng, the deceased wife of the Fourth Prince. You, do you have anything to say? ?”

The update is complete~~Please believe Suzi, absolutely unexpected~
Thank you [mali8008] for the shiny diamond~~thank you for [Double Pisces], [Yu 123], [laughandlove] for the monthly pass~~thank you for [mali8008], [nini1025] for the flowers~~ I love you all Ahhh~~
(End of this chapter)

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