after losing heart

Chapter 181 [205] Another suspect

Chapter 181 [205] There is another suspect

While speaking, he stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the middle of the hall, and stood with his hands behind his back, "The ten guards in the Sutra Pavilion all died in the same way, bleeding to death from five orifices, and only those who were hit by this symptom This is the case of the throat-closing incense that has long been lost in the Jianghu. I have sent people to check it. There are only two people in the entire Yuxiangfang who can make it. One is you, and the other is Qiancheng, the deceased wife of the Fourth Prince. You, do you have anything to say? ?”

The people mourned.

That's it!

Yun Kou's heart hit her, she pursed her lips, remained silent, her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

Su Mochen finally changed his expression slightly.

Behind the screen, Qiancheng's heart beat wildly. For some reason, she suddenly had a very bad premonition that she would definitely be drawn in. Otherwise, what would Emperor Wen Xuan do for her to come in?Absolutely not just let her be a spectator.

"You finally admit that you did it?" Emperor Wen walked up to Yun Kou again, looking down at her condescendingly, with a pair of black eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"No!" Yun Kou pursed her lips, raised her head coldly, looked straight at him, her eyes were neither avoiding nor avoiding, "I still said that, it's not what I did! I do know how to make throat-sealing incense, but it's not It cannot be explained that this matter was done by the servants."

"You didn't do it?" Emperor Wen chuckled, "What do you mean, could it be that the ghosts of Qiancheng came out and stole it?"

He laughed sarcastically, and some ignorant people in the hall laughed too.

Su Mo's pupils narrowed, and the big hands in the sleeves of his robe slowly clenched.

Third Prince Su Mofeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he frowned slightly.

Yun Kou was momentarily at a loss for words.

Fourteen's complexion changed, and he took another step forward. Because of the anxiety in his heart, his words became unrestrained, "But father, at Haishi last night, Yun Kou was really with us, father insisted on saying it was her , could it be that she has no skills at all?"

what!To speak to the emperor in such a tone!
The sound of gasping in the hall came one after another, and everyone was dripping with cold sweat.

But Emperor Wen didn't seem to care, instead of being angry, he smiled, "What's the rush? The most important thing in adjudicating a case is the evidence, and I'm just discussing the facts. As for whether it's her, I don't seem to have convicted her yet, right? After all... "

He paused, smiled evilly, and said leisurely, "After all, there is still a suspected woman who has not been tried!"

Another suspect?
The audience was stunned.

Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, Emperor Wen quickly walked back to the main seat and sat down, waved his long sleeves, and said without delay, "Dye Qianye with a suspect!"

Dye Chiba? !

Everyone was shocked!I thought my ears were wrong.

Is it Ran Chiba, the daughter of General Ran Fei Ran, who led troops to the battlefield and was born to overwhelm the country?

Su Mofeng was startled and frightened, and looked at Emperor Wen in disbelief.

Su Mo shook his body, trying to calm himself down.

Qiancheng behind the screen was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time. When the two young eunuchs came in to announce her, she still thought that Emperor Wen was talking about someone else.

No wonder!

No wonder she was asked to come to hear the trial, it turned out that it was already under control!

But, how could it be brought to her head?
How did he know that she would also concoct throat sealing incense?
Did he already know that she was Qiancheng?
It doesn't make sense!

The only people who knew she was Qiancheng were Su Mochen, Su Mofeng, Fang Fang, and people from Ranfu.

Is it...

What that person said to Yang Hen last night sounded again in his ears, wait and see what happens, if it really doesn't work, then push that person out!
Is that her?
Yes, it must be her.

Smiling wryly, her heart calmed down. She got up and followed the two eunuchs out of the side hall.

At the door of the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ran Fei lingered several times.

On the day of the wedding, when Qiancheng was announced into the palace like this, he knew that something was wrong, and he was very worried, so he followed him into the palace.

Half his life as a soldier and an official for dozens of years, how could he not know what would happen next?
A heart is in a mess.

Even if he was alone on the battlefield and fell into the enemy's line, facing the enemy's million-strong army, he had never been so chaotic.

Is what should come finally coming?
After hesitating for a long time again, he took out a letter from his sleeve and walked up to the guard standing at the door, "Please hand this letter to the Third Prince!"

The guards in the palace knew him well, and they were all in awe of him, so they didn't refuse, agreed without hesitation, turned and entered the lobby.

in the lobby

It took a long time for everyone to recover from Emperor Wen's voice of "bring a suspect woman to dye Qianye", and they all looked at the gate, but no one came.

When he was slightly stunned, he saw a woman walking out of the screen of the side hall with two young eunuchs, and came slowly.

The woman wore a scarlet gown, like fire like blood, enchanting like a Nirvana phoenix, with snowy skin, picturesque eyebrows, black hair pouring down her shoulders, and red hairpins clinking in a bun on her head. The description of the fairy.

is her!

It's really her!

Daughter of Shogun Senfei Ran Chiba!
Everyone was astonished.

She can also make throat sealing incense?

What exactly is going on?

Su Mo closed his eyes, his eyes filled with panic that he had never seen before.

Su Mofeng looked at the woman for a moment, only to hear his own heartbeat following her footsteps, pounding into his ears strongly.


Qian Cheng clasped his hands in front of his chest, walked slowly among the princes, looked straight at him, without any expression on his face, and flicked the hem of his red robe.

When passing by Su Mochen's side, she could clearly feel his black eyes fixed on her face.

What does that mean?

She didn't stop walking, didn't look sideways, and when she rubbed her sleeves lightly, she even felt his sleeves move slightly, as if he wanted to pull her, but finally held back.She raised the corners of her lips slightly.

Walking all the way to the middle of the hall, next to Yun Kou, she stopped and knelt down slowly, "Qianye sees the emperor!"

The eyes of Emperor Wen's black eyes moved on her face with interest, and it took a long time before he said, "Qianye, dye Qianye..."

Suddenly, his smile turned cold, and he slapped the chair handle with his big hand, shaking the wooden chair, "You are so brave!"

Everyone was shocked and sweated profusely.

Qiancheng's heart also bumped, but he quickly calmed down. Yun Kou who was beside him looked at her sideways, and she could see the vacant light in the corner of her eyes clearly, but she pretended not to see it.

what to see?

Show off?Do you sympathize?
Want me to take the blame?
Heh~ I, Ran Qiancheng, am no longer the little King Kong who rushes forward with all his blood!

With lowered eyes and a smile, she raised her head slightly, "Qianye is terrified, I don't know what did Qianye do wrong to make the emperor so angry?"

Since she wasn't sure if he already knew she was Qiancheng, she had no choice but to pretend first.

Maybe he was just trying!
The people mourned.

The smile on the corner of Emperor Wen's lips grew stronger, "Where were you at Haishi last night?"


She was stunned. When she was scribbling in Yunxuan Pavilion last night, she remembered that she had seen the hourglass, and it was the time of Haishi.

He was about to speak, but was preempted by a low-mellow male voice, "Father!"

Qiancheng was startled, it was Su Mochen.

Emperor Wen raised his eyes lightly, looked away from her, looked at Su Mochen, and curled his lips, "What? The fourth child would like to say again that he is not only with Yun Kou, but also with Qianye, right?" ?”

Su Mo was at a loss for words for a while, and Emperor Wen continued: "I'm asking Qianye now, I hope you don't intervene and affect my decision!"

Su Mo pursed his lips, but did not speak.

Emperor Wen turned his eyes to Qiancheng again, "Say! Where were you then?"

"I'm waiting for him to come back at the Fourth Prince's Yunxuan Pavilion!" Qian Cheng said truthfully.

"Can someone prove it?"


"No?" Emperor Wen sneered, "Then everything is possible! Isn't it?"

Qiancheng was about to refute, but he didn't give her a chance at all, and continued to ask in a deep voice, "Can you seal your throat?"

"No!" After thinking about it, she decided to lie.

"No?" Emperor Wen finally couldn't help laughing out loud, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, wantonly and wildly, suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly, and his sharp eyes were like knives, coldly hitting On her face, a voice burst out from the depths of her throat, "The best perfumer in Yuxiangfang used to know how to seal throat incense, do you think I'm so easy to fool? Dye-Qian-cheng-"

Thank you [wandy919], [gonglin201010], [ruixiang blue] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Yaoshang Yuyao] dear Huahua and purse~~~Qunyou~~~
(End of this chapter)

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