after losing heart

Chapter 194 [219] The failed man

Chapter 194 [219] The failed man
Su Mo sat sinking in the tub, letting the warm water wrap his body tightly, leaning his head lightly on the rim of the tub, slightly closing his eyes, with a tired and desolate look on his face.

What a failed man he was!

As a son, he is a failure, and he will never get the trust and love of his parents!
As a husband, he was also a failure. He couldn't even protect his own woman.

Two wives, one dead and one wounded.

Over the years, the unfortunate events in the world have taught him to be tolerant and restrained, to be scheming, and to take revenge, but they have not taught him how to love?

It seems that every woman who follows him, he only brings harm.

Tong Suqing is, and so is Qiancheng.

If it wasn't for him, Tong Suqing wouldn't have become like that.

Originally, she was also a simple woman, but he made her bear too many things, and his mother and concubine made her bear too many things.

In fact, he didn't know when she was with his concubine mother, or when she became his concubine's.

hate her?he asked himself.

In fact, she hated it at that time. In the sky prison, she almost strangled Qiancheng to death. If he was one step late, as long as he was one step late, Qiancheng would definitely die in her hands.

Although he hated her in his heart, he still spared her that time, because she saved his mother and concubine's life, and he should pay her back.

He thought that she would change her ways and restrain herself, but who would have thought that this kitty incident happened again, and she once again put Qiancheng to death.

At that moment, he really hated her, wishing to crush her to ashes.

Even though he knew that she was nothing more than his concubine's puppet, he still couldn't understand the resentment in his heart. He told her that he would never see her again in this life. He thought so and did so.

But what he never dreamed of was that tonight, she would choose such a decisive way to atone for her sin and fulfill it.

Originally, his plan was also to find someone to replace the dead ghost. There are many dead men in Heisha Sect, such as Xiaolan from Yuxiangfang. How did that kit get into Tong Suqing's hands again?However, these are not important anymore, are they?

It all started with her, and she ended it all by ending her own life.

He found that when she smiled softly and asked him, "Fourth Master, have you ever loved Su Qing?", when she tremblingly stretched out her hand and said, "Fourth Master, hug me!" All the hatred disappeared, and only sadness, unspeakable sadness, filled my heart.

After all, she was just a poor woman being used by his mother and concubine.

In the final analysis, it was him, Su Mo, who hurt her, and he was the one who was sorry for her.

Now that Qiancheng has become like this again, he knows that it must be because of him.

Why Emperor Wen tortured her must be because he wanted to know what he wanted to know from her mouth.

He knew that she didn't say anything, even if he faced the natural enemy he feared most in his heart, even if he was tortured like this, he knew that she still didn't say anything, otherwise, Emperor Wen would not have let her out easily.

But, Qiancheng, what can I do to make you come out of your own world?

When Su Mochen walked back to the bed, the woman on the bed closed her eyes lightly, but she was sleeping extremely restlessly, with her arms folded around her chest, beads of sweat dripping from her pale forehead.

He extinguished the candle, gently pushed the quilt to bed, but suddenly found that her eyes were open, and he was shocked.

"You weren't asleep?" He lay down next to her.

As expected, she didn't react at all, she just opened her eyes wide in the darkness, as if she was on guard for something.

He let out a low sigh, and stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms.

Women do not cater to, nor resist.

He gently pressed her head against his chest, allowing her to feel his warmth and listen to his steady and powerful heartbeat.

Yaohua Palace

Emperor Wen leaned on the head of the bed, squinting at the woman in light gauze walking towards him step by step, very charming.

With a sway in his mind, he sat up and stretched out his hand towards her, "Concubine Li!"

Concubine Li smiled, avoiding his big hand on purpose, and pouted her small mouth, "The emperor still remembers that he has a concubine Li?"

That charming appearance is really unmatched by the three thousand beauties in the harem.

Emperor Wen laughed softly, extremely happy. Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her little hand, and with a little force, he wrapped her in his arms, "It's not that Concubine Li doesn't know. I have been in poor health recently, so the harem has come less often.”

Concubine Li's smile faltered slightly, and a complicated expression quickly flashed from the bottom of her eyes. After a moment, she smiled shyly again, and Bai Bi's slender fingers seemed to draw circles inadvertently, "Then... then this concubine will serve the emperor well tonight." !"

"Okay!" The man lowered his head and blocked his red lips. Who knew, when she slyly tilted her head, his lips fell elsewhere.

The man was not angry, so he took advantage of the situation and bit on it.

Great view from one room.

After several ups and downs, the man's eyes turned pale, he knew that it was a sign that he was about to climb to the top, but suddenly, his throat was itchy, he couldn't help coughing, a fishy sweetness burst from his stomach into his throat, he opened his mouth , that bright red gushed out, and splashed directly on the woman's naked body.

The woman was terrified, her face turned pale, she quickly got up, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The man's coughing still didn't stop.

The woman jumped out of bed, poured a glass of water, and the man took it and drank it, but the symptoms did not get any relief, but the cough became more severe.

Concubine Li was in a hurry, completely confused, "Your Majesty, what should I do?"

If this man died in her Yaohua Palace, she would not be able to bear the responsibility.

Emperor Wen sat on the head of the bed, raised his hand to wipe off the blood stains from the corner of his lips, panted and said, "Tell the imperial physician!"

"Oh" Li Fei rushed out barefoot, and halfway through the rush, she remembered that she was undressed, and ran back to pick up the messy gauze on the bed and put it on her body, and shouted when she went out, "Come on, hurry up, send Physician!"

Eunuch Li was guarding the door, and when he heard this, he ran to the Tai Hospital.

Concubine Li folded back again and helped Emperor Wen put on his pajamas.

Soon, the doctor came.

The update is complete~~What will happen next, dear friends~~
Thank you [Shen Shang Ai Geng] Dear Huahua, my dear, long time no see, what's up~~
(End of this chapter)

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