after losing heart

Chapter 195 [220] The real cause

Chapter 195 [220] The real cause
Soon, the doctor came.

The imperial physician, surnamed Hu, is a middle-aged man in his 40s. Tonight, he is on duty at the imperial hospital.

Imperial Physician Hu put down the medicine box in his hand, and quickly knelt down to bow to Emperor Wen who was on the bed. Emperor Wen leaned there weakly, coughing uncontrollably, and did not speak, but Eunuch Li beside him was already dying of anxiety, "Quick, help the emperor quickly!" have a look!"

"Yes!" Imperial Physician Hu was terrified, because everyone in the Imperial Hospital had seen Emperor Wen's illness, including the hospital staff, and no one had found out the cause. He never thought that such a thing would happen to him on duty tonight. It seems I am doomed.

Eunuch Li took the futon and put it on the ground beside the bed. Imperial Physician Hu stepped forward and knelt down, carefully feeling Emperor Wen's pulse.

Concubine Li bit her cherry lips tightly, her eyes full of worry, of course, as for what she was worried about, only she knew in her heart.

Eunuch Li stood on the side not daring to vent his anger, his heart was twisted high, he knew that although this man had been coughing all this time, this was the first time he had coughed up blood.

Is it getting worse?

Physician Hu pointed to Emperor Wen's wrist, profusely sweating.

In fact, he knew very well that it was the same to detect or not to detect, but it was just a formality.

However, the other party is the Son of Heaven, so how dare he neglect, he still probed very carefully, hoping that he could discover something tonight, but, apart from feeling that his pulse was beating faster than usual, there was no abnormality.As for jumping fast, he knew that it was because this man had just experienced an intense sexual intercourse.

Because the cause of the disease could not be found out for a long time, he dared not speak for a long time, and his heart was beating wildly.

"How?" Emperor Wen frowned, his voice slightly hoarse due to coughing.

Dr. Hu was dripping with cold sweat, and hurriedly fell on the ground, "Excuse me for being dull, judging from the pulse condition, the emperor's dragon body is no different, now I can only prescribe some medicines for the emperor to calm his breath and blood."

Concubine Li loosened her grip on the skirt, her heart finally settled down.

Eunuch Li's expression froze, "This..."

Unexpectedly, Emperor Wen just waved his hand, as if extremely exhausted, "Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you, so you can prescribe some medicine to calm your breath and blood first!"

Imperial Physician Hu originally lost his three souls to seven souls, but when he heard Emperor Wen's words, he was overjoyed, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said respectfully, "I obey the order!"

Just as he was about to get up, he realized that there was a piece of silk lying on the ground at his feet, perhaps he was worried and didn't notice it.

For a while, it was not good to pick it up, and it was not good not to pick it up. After hesitating for a while, he picked it up anyway.

Concubine Li saw that it was the silk cloth that Emperor Wen wiped off her sweat when she was in love just now, blushing, and hurriedly stepped forward to take it, "Thank you, Imperial Physician Hu."

Physician Hu bowed slightly as a return gift, and at the end, he hurried to the case again, opened the medicine box and took out the rice paper to prepare the prescription, Concubine Li hurried forward to grind ink for him.

Xu Shi was still in the lingering fear of visiting Emperor Wen. Doctor Hu's hands were shaking a little, and a stack of rice paper was stuck together. He fiddled with it for a long time but did not take one off. He simply licked it with his fingers. Saliva, just twisted a sheet and spread it on the table, and picked up the Langhao pen to write the prescription, but suddenly felt hot all over.

He didn't take it to heart either, and continued to brush, but the blood in his body was boiling more and more, and a heat wave that shouldn't have appeared at this time hit his whole body.

As a man, of course he knew what it was like to react.

But as a doctor, he felt very inexplicable.

Seeing that he paused in the middle of writing, his face flushed and he gasped slightly, Concubine Li next to him was very strange, and couldn't help asking: "Physician Hu, are you alright?"

At this moment, Imperial Physician Hu already felt that his whole body was tense to death, like a volcano that was about to erupt, but he couldn't find a breakthrough, it was extremely uncomfortable, but when Concubine Li spoke, her voice was soft and clear, like a feather, gently teasing him His heartstrings were even more itchy.

He actually had the urge to press her under him.

How could this be?
He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to get rid of those embarrassing and dirty emotions.

Opening his eyes again, he saw Concubine Li looking at him suspiciously. She was only wearing a thin veil, and her graceful figure was looming. The little hand of a woman grinding ink.


Concubine Li exclaimed, frightened by his actions, the inkstone under her hand was knocked over, and thick black ink was splashed out, splashing everywhere on the table and the ground.

Eunuch Li was also standing beside him, he was horrified when he saw this scene.

This is so ambitious that the emperor's woman dares to touch her!
When Emperor Wen heard Concubine Li's exclamation, he also looked over, his expression changed, and he yelled: "What are you doing?"

Imperial Physician Hu was shocked, Concubine Li quickly withdrew her hand, her face paled.

Physician Hu also came back to his senses in shock, quickly picked up a teacup on the table, and poured it on his head.

Thoroughly awake, he was startled and frightened, annoyed and ashamed, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and begged for mercy in one breath, "The emperor spares my life, my majesty spares my life, minister... minister..."

He surrendered for a long time but couldn't tell why.

Eunuch Li watched all this with a stupefied look.

Concubine Li was also panicked and at a loss, but felt something was wrong in her heart.

Emperor Wen leaned on the head of the bed and slowly narrowed his eyes. He didn't speak for a long time. At this time, the cough gradually subsided, but only occasionally, his sharp and probing gaze was cast from the face of the man kneeling on the ground to the man standing beside him. On the body of the woman who is twisting the silk silk, circles come and go.

A long silence.

Eunuch Li frowned.

Doctor Hu was trembling and sweating profusely.

Concubine Li bit her lip, tears were on the verge of tears, extremely wronged.

Emperor Wen lifted the quilt to his feet without any haste, walked slowly to stand in front of Imperial Physician Hu, and looked at him condescendingly.

Imperial Physician Hu shook his head and didn't dare to vent his anger, repeatedly filtering his various actions after entering this Yaohua Palace in his heart.

As a doctor, he knows very well that besides the natural reaction, what can make the body react is the effect of medicine, and the medicine can be applied externally or taken internally. There are two kinds of internal medicine, smelling it through the nose or taking it through the mouth.

External application is excluded.

Sniffing is also ruled out, because if it is sniffing, he is not the only one in the room, but he is the only one who has this reaction.

Then you only have to swallow it with your mouth.

But he didn't drink anything when he came in, and he didn't eat anything, how could it be?
What comes through the mouth?

Suddenly, his pupils narrowed, and an action of his was magnified in his mind.

When he took the rice paper, he once licked his fingers, and before that, his fingers grabbed the silk again.

He was shocked!
"Come on!" Emperor Wen suddenly said in a deep voice.

A guard came in at the door.

Emperor Wen stretched out his hand and pointed directly at Imperial Physician Hu who was kneeling on the ground, "Take this rebellious man to me and wait for his punishment!"

Imperial Physician Hu turned pale in shock, begging for mercy repeatedly, the imperial guards had stepped forward and grabbed his arm, he struggled, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I know the real illness of your Majesty..."

All three people in the room were shocked.

Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes, a little suspicious.

Concubine Li's heart skipped a beat, her hands trembled, and the silk in her hand fell to the ground again.

Emperor Wen pursed his lips and waved his big hand. The imperial guard understood, loosened the restraint on Imperial Doctor Hu, and bowed and retreated.

"Tell me! What is the cause of my illness? If you just talk nonsense for self-protection, I will still kill you!" Emperor Wen spoke slowly, his voice was not loud, but his words were clear. The cold air that emanates is enough to freeze people.

Eunuch Li closed his eyes and held his breath to listen.

Li Fei's heart was beating wildly, and she squeezed her hand fiercely, trying to calm herself down.

Imperial Physician Hu calmed down, pointed at the piece of silk hanging down at Concubine Li's feet, "Your Majesty has someone test that piece of silk, and everything will be known."


Everyone was shocked, Emperor Wen's eyes flickered, and Concubine Li turned pale.

What is on the silk?
Isn't it the sweat she wiped off?
There is an event in the Su company today, just one more bird, please forgive me~~
Thank you【Oriental Mann】Dear Bright Diamond~~
Thank you [laughandlove] dear, [474220196] dear, [rosey-woo] dear [13860962555] dear, [WANGFANGWXT] dear [calm and fairy tale] dear, [326330842] dear monthly pass~~~
Thank you [xiaoyudiangood] dear, [Tiffany-lai] dear, [Dian Dian love me] dear Huahua~~Qunyou~~~
(End of this chapter)

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