after losing heart

Chapter 196 [221] Keeping Your Man

Chapter 196 [221] Keeping Your Man
【5000 words】

Yunxuan Court

Su Mo didn't feel sleepy for a long time. Seeing the woman in his arms held motionless by him, he thought she was asleep, until he couldn't help holding her face gently, wanting to take a closer look at her. Only then did she realize that in the darkness, she had kept her eyes open.

The jet-black water pupils were filled with fear and alertness, and she pressed against him so tightly that he could even feel her trembling slightly.

He knew that she was afraid, she was afraid!

But he doesn't know what to do?
He could only get up and light up the candle, then went to bed again and held her tighter in his arms, kissing her gently, hoping to comfort her.

The room brightened up, and the woman's clear pupils reflected the beating light, and she finally relaxed slowly, and slowly closed her eyes.

He finally understood that it turned out that she was afraid of the dark.

When the sky was slightly bright, Su Mochen got up, because he had to deal with Tong Suqing's funeral today.

But Qiancheng seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so he acted lightly, for fear of waking her up, even the maid who came in to help him change his clothes was waved away by him.

When the maid exited, seeing that it was dawn, she was ready to snuff out the candles, but he hurriedly stopped her, "From now on, the candles in Yunxuan Pavilion will not go out day and night!"

The white flags of the Four Princes' Mansion were hung up, the plain cloth was flying, and the onyx was white.

A pitch-black coffin was placed in the middle of the main hall, and Tong Suqing was lying in it dressed in white, washed and dressed, and gently closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xilingxue was also dressed in white, she was standing beside her with her maid's hand in her hand, looking at the woman in the coffin, she pursed her lips slightly, her face was as white as her clothes.

Although she is not very clear about the details of this kitty incident, she is not a fool, she knows that Tong Suqing's death must be related to that Qiancheng.

When one dies, the other is released, isn't it?
Since it was Su Mofeng's failure to frame Qiancheng's child last time, she dared not act rashly again.

It seems that is right.

But, she is the princess of a country, she is the princess, isn't she?She is the mistress of the Four Princes' Mansion, isn't she?

Su Mochen dressed in white clothes and walked in steadily. Everyone saluted, Xilingxue bowed, Su Mochen looked stern, and stretched out his hand to help her up. Then he stood in front of the coffin with his hands behind his back, watching quietly. Looking at the woman lying inside, motionless.

Everyone knelt and stood, without making a sound, they all looked at the stalwart figure standing next to the coffin from behind, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although recently, this man has been very indifferent to Tong Suqing, but he also had a time of pampering her, and everyone saw it. Everyone thought, is he sad?

Su Mo stood there for a long time, until Yang Hen bravely stepped forward and whispered, "Master, it's time to close the coffin!"

He just came back to his senses, took a last look at the coffin, raised his sleeve with a wave, turned around, and left silently.

Behind him, there was a loud bang, and the lid of the coffin closed, completely isolating that withered young life in that pitch-black square inch.

Someone from the palace informed the princes to enter the palace immediately to face the saint, Su Mochen guessed that something serious must have happened in the palace.

Sure enough, when he changed his mourning clothes and rushed to the Golden Luan Hall, the atmosphere in the Golden Luan Hall was condensed, and everyone fell to their knees.

He glanced roughly, and unexpectedly all the princes and concubines were there.

Originally, the Golden Luan Hall was only used for court affairs, and the concubines never entered it. Today it is...

"My son, pay respects to the emperor!" He knelt down behind the crowd.

Emperor Wen didn't raise his eyebrows, and still looked coldly at the two figures kneeling in the front. Su Mo took a deep look and found that it was Su Mofeng and Concubine Li.


Just when he was slightly puzzled, Emperor Wen said in a deep voice, "Concubine Li has something to say about drugging me and murdering me?"

Everyone was shocked, including Su Mochen, who couldn't believe it.

Concubine Li burst into tears, knelt and crawled to Emperor Wen's feet, choked up, "Your Majesty...the concubine knows I'm wrong...Please ask the emperor to bypass the concubine this time...the concubine will never dare again..."

Emperor Wen snorted coldly, "I almost died at your hands for no apparent reason, how can I bypass you if you want me?"

While speaking, she raised her foot without mercy, Concubine Li was kicked to the ground.

"Mother Concubine." Su Mofeng on the side quickly helped her up.

Everyone was confused, and Emperor Wen didn't seem to intend to go into details, but everyone knew that it must be related to his chronic cough that even the Tai Hospital couldn't find out recently.

However, what they never imagined in their dreams was actually related to these two people.

All the concubines knew that the emperor's favorite woman was Concubine Li, who stayed in Yaohua Palace almost every day.

All the princes also know that the father's favorite son is also Su Mofeng, and they want to pave the way for him in almost everything.

how come?
Emperor Wen slowly raised his head, his sharp eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"In fact, I know what you are doing. If you don't ask and don't tell, it doesn't mean that I don't know. So, don't try to touch my bottom line!"

This remark has a double meaning and a deep meaning.

Everyone hooked their heads, dripping with cold sweat.

The queen's face was slightly pale, and her eyes flickered slightly.

Concubine Mei is cool and quiet, and the autumn water is light.

Su Mochen pursed his lips slightly, his eyes darkened.

Concubine Li's face was full of tears and despair, Su Mofeng frowned tightly, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

"Concubine Li, for the sake of your dedication to serving me all these years, I will reward you with pleasure, poisonous wine and white silk, you can choose one!"

Everyone was shocked, and Concubine Li was even more terrified.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me... Your Majesty..."

"Father, the mother and concubine did everything for the son, but in the wrong way. The son is willing to accept all punishments, and I only ask the father to spare the life of the mother and concubine for the sake of the couple for many years!"

Su Mo fell to the ground and kowtowed deeply.

No one knew his painful and helpless mood at the moment. He had no intention of fighting for the throne, but he couldn't blame his mother. After all, she was also for him.

Emperor Wen looked at Su Mofeng who kept his head down, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Seeing this, Concubine Li roared, "No——, it has nothing to do with Feng'er, Feng'er doesn't know about all of this, it's all made up by the concubine, the concubine has no other intentions, the concubine just wants to keep her man , I just want to keep the emperor!"

Emperor Wen was startled, and his face became more and more ugly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and many of them had roughly guessed what the poison was.

Concubine Mei lowered her eyes, the brilliance in her eyes dimmed a bit.

"Eunuch Li, draw up the decree! Give Concubine Li a three-foot white silk, and go back to Yaohua Palace for immediate execution; send the third prince, Su Mofeng, to the prison and wait for his punishment!"

Everyone's hearts collided.

Concubine Li tilted her body, and fell into a dazed state on the cold bluestone floor.

After Emperor Wen finished speaking, he got up angrily and walked out.

When he passed by Su Mofeng, his robe suddenly became heavy, he was startled, looked down, and saw a hand holding his robe tightly, it was Su Mofeng.

For some reason, the scene of this son pulling his robe and acting like a spoiled child flashed before his eyes.

Su Mofeng knelt on the ground, raised his head, and looked at the emperor beggingly, "Father, I beg you, I beg you to spare my concubine's life..."

Emperor Wen's heart was slightly stagnant, and he was inexplicably irritable. He frowned, raised his hand to forcefully break off the fingers that were tightly grasping his skirt, and left resolutely.

Everyone shouted: "Respectfully send off the emperor (father)!"

The brilliance in Su Mofeng's eyes slowly peeled off, and he knelt there, motionless.

Everyone got up and looked at the two bleak figures again.

Some people are numb, some regret, some sympathize, and some are proud.

For some reason, Su Mochen suddenly felt sad. He seemed to see himself in Su Mofeng's body.

It was the same with him in the past, his mother was imprisoned, he was fostered, his mother was set on fire, and he was exiled...

He doesn't understand.

Is this the family affection of the emperor's family?

Everyone came out in a single file, Concubine Mei glanced at him when she passed by him, and sighed slightly.

Only the three of them were left in the huge Golden Temple.

A guard came in and prepared to take the two of them away, Su Mo thought for a while, and walked out of the Golden Luan Hall.

He knew that Su Mofeng at this moment was the same as he used to be, and he didn't need other people's sympathy.

When Su Mochen returned to Yunxuan Pavilion, Qiancheng had already woken up.

Wearing a plain long skirt and a pink sleeveless thin jacket with two breasts, soft rabbit fur on the neckline and placket, picturesque eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and black hair tied loosely behind the head with only a hair band , looking at it at a glance, the really beautiful and lovely person.

She was leaning over her desk, drawing something with a brush in her hand, her eyebrows were lowered, she was focused and serious, her face was flushed, and her complexion had obviously improved a lot.

At that moment, Su Mochen thought that her autism was cured, and she was overjoyed, and hurried over, "Thousand cities!"

The woman didn't respond.

Seeing him coming in, the two maidservants at the side quickly saluted, "Fourth Master!"

It's Chunlan and Xialian.

Su Mochen specially asked the two of them to come to his Yunxuan Pavilion to serve him. He thought that these two maidservants used to be regarded as Qiancheng's caring girls, and hoped to help Qiancheng's heart disease.

It seems that it is useless.

Slightly disappointed in his heart, he raised his hand to get the two of them up, walked over, and gently hugged the woman who was silently scribbling from behind, resting his chin on the woman's shoulder, "What are you drawing?"

Naturally, the woman ignored him, and he was not discouraged. With a smile, he raised his hand and looked at the rice papers she had thrown aside.

They are all very strange patterns.

Some are like houses, but they are stacked on many floors, very tall.

Some are like giant worms, but they have four wheels and run on the road.

There is only one picture that he knows thoroughly, the high and low sand dunes, the sky full of sand, and the setting sun like a disk.

It is desert.

They have been there, for the relics.

At this time, an idea suddenly drilled into his mind.

He bowed his head, pressed his warm lips to her ear, and said softly, "Qiancheng, I'll take you to the desert, okay?"

The woman seemed to be slightly taken aback, but she didn't seem to, and continued to focus on the movements in her hands.

"Have you had your breakfast, Mrs. Qian?" Su Mochen raised his head and asked Chunlan Qiuju.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and both of them knelt on the ground, "After my servant helped Madam Qian to wash and dress, Madam Qian continued to paint, and my servant called her to eat, but she ignored her, my servant... I don't know what to do?"

Su Mochen's face was slightly cold. If it was normal, he would have been angry a long time ago, but now he also knows about Qiancheng's situation, so he just gave up and said lightly, "Go to the kitchen and prepare some millet porridge. What light side dishes, bring them together!"

Soon, the vegetables and porridge came out, and Su Mochen fed them himself.

Although Qiancheng didn't speak at this time, she didn't cater to what she asked her to do, but she didn't resist it either.

Su Mochen took the brush from her hand, she looked at him with wide eyes, he smiled and said, "Let's have porridge!"

The two sat facing each other, and he gently stirred the hot porridge in the porcelain bowl with a porcelain spoon in his hand. He scooped up a spoonful, put it to his lips to test the temperature, and then passed it to her lips. However, the water eyes looked at him without blinking, but the eyes were indifferent, alienated, and numb, and a lot of things were missing.

Su Mo felt a pain in his heart.

Qiancheng, do you just wrap your heart up like this and refuse any warm approach?

A breakfast was eaten slowly, he had little patience, and she was rarely obedient.

He fed it spoon by spoon, and she took it mouthful.

Some grains of rice accidentally stuck to her mouth, so he leaned over and gently licked the grains of rice on her lips, not too dirty.

I can't help but think of the scene in the Dongshan farmhouse. At that time, he was Sikong Wei. She ate the roast duck he roasted, and the sauce got on her lips. He also licked the sauce from her lips in the same way. To tease her, saying that the way she eats is very attractive, and then she hit him with the food in her hand in embarrassment and annoyance.

The memory is so clear, as if it just happened yesterday.

Now, if she can get angry, annoyed, and hit him, that's fine.

But, no, she just accepted his kiss silently.

The two of them were so intimacy with no one else, and the charming and charming side, Chunlan and Xia Lian didn't dare to look at it, their faces flushed with shame.

When Yang Hen walked in, he happened to see this scene, his eyes darkened, his heart beat falteringly, and he forgot to speak while standing there.

Su Mo sat up straight, raised his eyes lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

Only then did Yang Hen come back to his senses, "Fourth Master, I heard that after you left the palace, the emperor summoned the third prince to meet with him. The two seemed to have talked for a long time, but no one knew what they talked about. In the end, Concubine Li was thrown into the cold palace. The third prince was exiled to the border of the desert."

Su Mo's hand paused.

Concubine Li doesn't have to die?Su Mofeng doesn't need to be locked up in the sky prison anymore?
The so-called golden words, the imperial decree has been issued, can be changed, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

He smiled wryly, the flesh on the palm and the back of the hand is still different after all, isn't it?

"Master, tell me, what will the emperor and the third prince talk about? Will there be some exchange?" Yang Hen asked with a frown.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, remained silent, and scooped up another spoonful of porridge and sent it to Qiancheng's mouth.

quid pro quo?

What can be exchanged?
What he is most concerned about now is how can this world be so coincidental. He just decided to take Qiancheng to the desert, but Su Mofeng was also exiled there.

I feel a little upset.

He looked up at the woman in front of him, but there was no response.

Although there is only one chapter today, it is 5000 words, okay~~
Thank you [Linghu Girl] and [xiaobai27] for the monthly pass~~~
Thank you [Tiffany-lai] for your magic pen~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] dear eggs~~
(End of this chapter)

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