after losing heart

Chapter 197 [222] I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable

Chapter 197 [222] I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable
next day
Su Mochen took Qiancheng on the road, heading for the desert.

Considering that if he was unable to walk in the desert with a carriage, he still had to change horses, so Su Mochen decided to go straight on the horse, not to mention, he liked the feeling of holding her in his arms and cuddling her tightly.

Fearing that Qiancheng's body would not be able to bear it, and that there was a lot of dry food and spares dragged behind the horse, he walked very slowly.

Going on the road during the day and investing in the shop at night, it took several days to reach the desert.

The sky is yellow, you can’t see the side at a glance, the sun is setting, and the bright red sunset glow shines on the densely packed, high and low sand dunes. An illusion of sunrise in the east and rain in the west.

Due to the complex and changeable desert weather, Su Mochen took out another cloak from the bag behind the horse and wrapped it around Qiancheng's body, and then rode the horse slowly into the misty yellow sand.

In fact, he has been walking in this desert, because the main rudder of Heishamen is here, but every time he comes and goes in a hurry, without stopping for a moment, it is rare to walk so leisurely today.

He said what kind of mood, what kind of scenery, when he saw that Qiancheng's eyes finally had a slight ups and downs, he suddenly felt that this place is indeed the most magnificent scenery in the world.

He is right!

The desert was getting deeper and deeper, and the changes in Qiancheng became more and more obvious. Although he still didn't say a word, he was the one who held her in his arms, but later, she stretched out her arms and hugged him around his waist. And the hug got tighter and tighter, and he leaned his head tightly on his chest, as if he was listening to his heartbeat, and seemed to be afraid of losing.

No one knew what Su Mochen was feeling at that moment, the feeling of being overwhelmed by excitement and ecstasy.

He shouted: "A thousand cities, a thousand cities..."

He didn't ask for a response from the woman in his arms, he knew that she was slowly coming out, and he believed that she would definitely come out slowly...

As the sky was getting dark, he carried her off the horse, led her with one hand and the horse with the other, and walked in the soft yellow sand.

He had to find a suitable place to set up his tent. Not only was it dark, but based on his knowledge of desert weather, the weather might change.

The tent was set up behind a broken wall, and after it was set up, he moved large chunks of gravel to cover the sides of the tent.

Knowing that she was afraid of the dark, he also brought a lantern along with the horse and hung it on the top of the tent, which had a special taste.

The two of them sat on the soft wadding in the tent, ate the dry food they brought with them, and drank the water in the water bag. Su Mochen realized that this was not the ultimate in life.

Qiancheng still didn't speak, and ate with small movements, staring at him with a pair of big watery eyes.

He found that there was less guard in those pupils, but the strangeness was still there.

The naivety has changed, the wind and sand come faster than imagined, in fact, the most feared thing in the desert is encountering a strong wind and sand, the sand all over the sky, the moving sand dunes, can drown all life, including people, at any time.

However, it is strange that Su Mochen is not worried at all, not only because he has rich experience in living in the desert, but also because the people around him can inexplicably give him stability.

Tents fluttered, wind lanterns swayed.

Lying in the quilt, listening to the sound of the wind and sand outside, he hugged Qiancheng tightly in his arms.

I don't know if it's because of fear, or because of the cold, but unexpectedly, Qiancheng hugged him back, and burrowed into his warm embrace.

His heart was beating staggeringly, and he raised his hand to gently hold her face, and she looked at him with clear and bright eyes, like a little girl who had never been in the world.

How could he bear it, he kissed her without any explanation, at the beginning she let him kiss her numbly, but in the end she also gasped slightly.

Su Mochen himself had no resistance to her, and since he hadn't touched her for a long time, his heart was already full of longing. Now that he felt her reaction, it was as if he had been poured with oil and his whole body was on fire.

The delicate kiss fell on the corner of her nose and lips, and his voice was hoarse and low, "Qiancheng, can I have you?"

Of course, there was no response from the woman.

Suffering physically and mentally, in the end he just accepted her as her default.

He was very anxious in his heart, but he was afraid that she would be afraid, she would resist, and he was worried about hurting her, so he was very gentle and cautious.

The wind and sand were raging outside the tent, and the lanterns inside the tent were flickering. The figures of men and women were projected on the tent, blending into one...

The next day, when Su Mochen woke up, it was already broad daylight, and the woman in his arms was still sleeping soundly. He bent his lips contentedly, and whispered.

The night's sandstorm has long since stopped.

He opened the curtain of the tent, and the golden sunlight hit the boundless yellow sand, shining brightly into his eyes. He squinted his eyes, turned around, took two empty water bags and left the tent.

In the desert, water is more precious than blood.

Yesterday he saw that there was a water collection point nearby. Although they still had a few bags of water, it would not be wrong to have a lot of water, and when Qiancheng woke up, she would have to wash her face.

When he finished fetching the water and walked back, he saw a man and a horse galloping towards him from a distance in the vast yellow sand.

He was slightly taken aback.

Before he could see who it was, the man quickly got off his horse, dropped the rein, and ran towards him, like a butterfly, pounced straight into his arms, "Shen..."

Yun Kou!

Su Mo was shocked, twisted a water bag in each hand and hung it on both sides, and let her hold it like this, a little in disbelief, "Why are you here?"

The door curtain of the tent in the distance was raised by someone, and the small face of the woman behind the door curtain was slightly pale. She quietly looked at the two hugging figures. , and lay back in the bedding.

Su Mochen and Yun Kou walked outside the tent, Su Mochen stopped, turned around and said, "Wait for me outside first!"

In the end, he opened the curtain and entered alone.

Inside the tent, the woman closed her eyes lightly, as if she was still sleeping soundly.

Su Mochen gently put down the water bag in his hand, raised his hand to stroke the woman's hair, and was just about to turn around to go out, when the light and shadow in front of him dimmed, Yun Kou also opened the curtain and walked in.

Su Mochen frowned slightly, and said softly, "Qiancheng is still asleep!"

"Are you afraid that she will see me, or that I will see her?" Yun Kou glanced at the woman in the quilt, and stared at him without blinking.

still asleep!
The implication is that she doesn't dare to trespass, does she?

Su Mo's expression froze, he opened the curtain and walked out without saying a word.

Seeing his reaction like this, Yun Kou was a little hurt, she froze for a while, pursed her lips, pondered, and followed out.

Outside, Su Mo stood with his back to the tent, hands behind his back, his black eyes fixed on the end where the yellow sand meets the sky, motionless.

Yun Kou walked over and gently hugged him from behind, "Are you angry with me?"

The man still didn't move, and it took a long time before he heard his voice, "No! She is a patient now, you..."

"I know!"

Yun Kou interrupted him, should she be considerate?

"Do you know how hard it took me to get the queen to let me out of the palace? What do you think I came here for? I didn't come here to quarrel with her. I was just worried about you. Tong Suqin is dead. , she became like this again, I'm afraid you'll feel bad, I'm just afraid you'll feel bad..."

Inside the tent, the woman slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were clear.

When she got up, she put on her clothes one by one, looked at the messy sheets on the soft mat, and bent her lips mockingly.

Reaching out, she opened the curtain of the tent, and she walked out.

When the two people outside heard the movement behind them, they turned their heads together and saw the woman standing at the door blankly.

Yun Kou was a little embarrassed, blushed, but before she could react, she saw the purple shadow flashing in front of her eyes, and the man was already walking towards the woman.

And she was still around his waist, but when he suddenly pulled her away like this, she was caught off guard and almost lost her footing.

"Are you up?" Su Mochen looked at Qiancheng, panic flashed in his eyes.

The first one~~
Thank you [Linghu Girl], [waterlilygjj], [Rainbow 201088], [Wuyan Wuyan Wuyan], [ruixiang Azure] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [waterlilygjj] dear purse~~Thank you [I love drinking tea tea0] dear Huahua~~~I love you so much~~
(End of this chapter)

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