after losing heart

Chapter 198 [223] I have something to tell you

Chapter 198 [223] I have something to tell you

"Are you up?" Su Mochen looked at Qiancheng, panic flashed in his eyes.

The woman didn't answer, nor showed any expression, she just glanced at him blankly, then at Yun Kou, then turned and entered the curtain.

At that moment, Su Mochen was secretly glad that she was autistic now, otherwise, what would she think when she saw this scene?
However, he still read the thing called vigilance from her eyes.

Frowning slightly, he followed in.

"Wash your face first!"

Su Mochen picked up the water bag, unscrewed the lid, and walked in front of her.

She didn't move.

He thought of something, took out the brocade towel, poured water on it to wet it, gently covered her face, and wiped it carefully.

At the door, Yun Kou raised her hand to hit the curtain, her face pale.

When did you see this proud man serving someone like this?

Just not even her.

Feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, she blurted out the words without knowing the severity, "She is only closed to herself, and it's not that she has lost the ability to take care of herself. Why does fourth master abuse herself like this?"

Su Mochen's hand paused, and Qiancheng's eyes flickered almost imperceptibly.

After a long period of silence, Su Mochen changed into another dry brocade scarf, raised the tip of his eyes slightly, glanced at Yun Kou, and said lightly, "I always thought you were a..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a bluffing male voice.

"Yun Kou, I finally caught up with you, you ran so fast!"

Su Mo Chen raised his head in a sound, and saw Shisi's face appearing outside the curtain, which was held by Yun Kou, so Shisi also saw Su Mochen at a glance, and his face was overjoyed, "Oh, so , you are with the fourth brother and the others, it makes me worry to death."

Yun Kou's eyes flickered slightly, she put down the curtain, bowed and saluted, "I've seen Master Fourteen!"

Fourteen hurriedly stretched out his hand to help her up, "Hey, how many times have I told you, don't do these vain gestures with me!"

Yun Kou smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Su Mochen had already opened the curtain and came out.

"Fourth Brother!"

Fourteen happily called him.

Su Mo bent his lips, "Why are you here?"

Fourteen looked at Yun Kou, smiled embarrassingly, and thought that Su Mochen didn't know his feelings for Yun Kou anyway, so he told the truth, "I'm still... not worried about her, I heard that the Queen wants to make something Fragrance, one of the spices can only be bought in Dagu Oasis, so the queen asked Yun Kou to buy it. I think she is a girl's family, and she also wears deserts, so... So, I followed here, I didn't expect Met you."

Su Mo took a light look at Yun Kou.

Yun Kou looked away angrily.

In order to go out of the palace to find this man in a legitimate way, she whispered in the queen's ear, saying that now Emperor Wen's favorite Concubine Li has fallen, and let the queen seize the opportunity. She wants to help the queen make a unique one that no woman in the world has. Fragrance, but one of the spices had to be bought from merchants who crossed the border in Dahuo Oasis. In order to identify the authenticity, she came here in person, and the queen agreed after thinking about it.

Who knows that rushing over will not be able to please him.

"Then, why don't we go on the road together!" Su Mochen turned around and led Qiancheng out, and began to put away the tent.

When Shisi saw Qiancheng, he remembered Su Mofeng's letter that day. He was always outspoken, unable to keep things in his heart, and immediately expressed his displeasure, "Fourth brother, she belongs to third brother, you Why still..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Mo yelled coldly, "Fourteenth brother!"

Shisi was startled, frightened by the cold and stern eyes he cast, and quickly fell silent, but the unfriendly eyes were still hitting Qiancheng's dull face.

The four started to walk again, Su Mochen and Qiancheng each had a horse, Yun Kou and Shisi each had a horse.

The atmosphere was a bit delicate, Su Mochen's face was as deep as water, Qiancheng didn't say a word, Shisi kept looking at Yun Kou, and Yun Kou's gaze was always lingering on Su Mochen and Qiancheng as if nothing.

The few people still walked very slowly. When it was dark, Su Mochen asked to camp on the spot.

But he only brought a tent, two men and two women, obviously inconvenient.

So Shisi suggested that it is better to hurry on the road overnight, because Daru is not far away, and he can arrive overnight.

Su Mochen firmly disagreed.

Fourteen didn't understand, and asked why.

Su Mo was silent.

Because someone is afraid of the dark, is that okay?

In the end, according to Su Mochen, in fact, Fourteen has always been his.

Yun Kou and Qian Cheng lived in a tent, and the two big men slept outside.

Inside the tent, the lanterns are brightly lit.

Yun Kou lay under the quilt and looked at the dancing flames in the wind lamp above her head, and suddenly said, "Qiancheng, are you asleep?"

There was no one answering.

It was only then that Yun Kou remembered that person's autism, turned over and sat up, climbed to Qiancheng's side, and saw Qiancheng's eyes wide open, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

She smiled slightly, lifted the quilt and lay down next to Qiancheng, "Qiancheng, let's sleep like we used to in Yuxiangfang, okay?"

Qiancheng naturally ignored her.

Knowing that she is in this situation now, Yun Kou didn't care, and even rubbed against her side with a playful smile.

In the past in Yuxiangfang, each had their own bed, but when the weather was cold, they liked to squeeze together, you squeezed me, I squeezed you, happy in the heart, and the body didn't feel cold.

I can't go back to that feeling now.

Qiancheng's eyes were slightly astringent, and soon returned to normal.

"Qiancheng, let's talk, just like before, the whole night has endless things to say."

Yun Kou looked sideways at Qiancheng, who was lying flat on her back, her eyes fixed on the lantern on the roof of the tent, as if she hadn't heard her words at all.

She sighed slightly, "Hey, how did you become what you are now? In the past, it was you who said and I listened, but now it's me who said and you listened."

"I still remember you saying you couldn't sleep with the light on, but now..."

Before she could finish speaking, she remembered what the man had told him just now, don't let the lantern go out, Qiancheng is afraid of the dark.

What has this woman gone through to become like this?
"Qiancheng, has fourth master told you the story between me and him?"

Qiancheng's eyes froze, but there was no sound.

Yun Kou's voice rang in my ears, "When I met Fourth Master, I was seven years old. I don't know why, someone wanted to kill me and was about to throw me off the cliff, but Fourth Master passed by and saved me. Actually , My memory also started from the age of seven. I don’t remember anything before the age of seven. I don’t know my surname, who my parents are, and where I live. Yun Kou was the name my fourth master gave me later At that time, Siye was ten years old and was expelled from the palace by Emperor Wen, exiled to travel around the world. I stayed with Siye for eight full years, and we spent the most difficult eight years of his life together..."

Yun Kou's voice was a little distant, as if she was remembering the past eight years.

Qiancheng's eyes hurt, and he tried to hold back.

"For so many years, I have known and believed in Fourth Master. He is a man with extraordinary abilities. He is by no means a thing in the pool. He will become a great event in the future. In order to help his great cause, I went to Yuxiangfang as an incarnation. , study hard to make incense, the purpose is to one day be able to enter the palace and stay with some important people to inquire about him, just like your purpose of entering Yuxiangfang for the third master, but "

She paused, "It's just that you changed your mind to Fourth Master later."

Qiancheng frowned and closed his eyes.

Off the books
Fourteen had already snored evenly. Su Mo lay on his arms, but couldn't fall asleep.

Tossing and turning, finally turning over and sitting up.

Looking at Fourteen who was sleeping soundly next to him, he got up and walked to the door of the tent.

After hesitating for a moment, he still opened his mouth, "Yun Kou, are you asleep?"

Yun Kou was whispering to Qian Cheng, when she first heard Su Mochen's voice, she was startled, in a trance, she thought she had heard wrong, so she quickly fell silent and listened carefully.

"If you haven't slept yet, come out, I have something to tell you."

It's really him!

Yun Kou was overjoyed, and knew that this man definitely wanted to explain to her.

Turning her head, she looked at Qiancheng, and saw that Qiancheng's eyes had been lightly closed, as if she had fallen asleep, so she lifted the quilt and quietly got up.

Putting on her clothes, she opened the curtain and went out.

Thank you [gy3198], [Auspicious Ruyi Xiaozhe] for the monthly pass~~~~
Thank you [Mali8008] for your dear Huahua~~Thank you [Yu Shang Yaoyao] for your purse~~
(End of this chapter)

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