after losing heart

Chapter 199 [224] Is it going to die

Chapter 199 [224] Is it going to die

With the sound of small footsteps walking farther and farther, Qiancheng slowly opened his eyes, feeling the pain in his heart.

God is really a master at making jokes, why has someone come to close the door of her heart just as she tried to get out, just as she tried to accept it?

In fact, no matter whether he wants it or not, between her and him, Yun Kou is a special existence.

Eight years!

How many eight years can a life have?

What's more, it was the most difficult eight years of my life!
They spend together, they love each other, that is a life journey that no one can deny, and it is also a life memory that no one can erase.

She got there before her!
All along, she is the third party who destroys other people's happiness, isn't she?
The night was very quiet, just the opposite of the wind and sandstorm last night. It was unbelievably quiet, as if it didn't seem like the weather in the desert.

Even the flames in the wind lantern seemed to be so quiet that they stopped beating.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be just a moment, and it seems to be as long as a lifetime, when there are hurried footsteps outside the tent.

Immediately afterwards, someone opened the curtain and entered, and a chill of night swept in.

In came two people, to be precise, a man and a woman.

Man hugging woman.

Qiancheng still didn't move.

Outside, Shisi opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the figure passing by, rushing to the tent, thinking that he was dreaming for a long time.

Until Su Mochen's urgent voice sounded in the tent, "Where's your medicine?"

He just woke up in a jerk, got up suddenly, and rushed straight into the tent, and saw Yun Kou curled up on the quilt in her middle clothes, her face was pale, her whole body twitched, and she was shaking non-stop. Her forehead was seeping, and Su Mochen was standing beside her, holding her coat, and was quickly searching for something.

His heart stopped beating, he was horrified, and hurried forward, "What's wrong? Why is Yun Kou like this?"

"Her old illness has struck." Su Mochen frowned, did not raise his eyes, and his men kept searching.

old disease? !
Fourteen and one shock.

Qiancheng's eyes also fluctuated, convulsions, Yun Kou's convulsions.

She remembered that Yun Kou told her before that her disease would only occur when she was stimulated or extremely tired.

What had he said to her, or done to her, to make her like this?

"Yun Kou, no!" Su Mochen's slightly tense voice suddenly sounded again.

"I...have always carried it with me... Maybe... Maybe I lost it on the road..." Yun Kou curled up in a ball, trembling non-stop, angry like a thread.

Seeing this, Fourteen was very anxious, "Then what should we do now?"

Su Mo pursed his lips tightly, looked at Yun Kou who was in great pain, then raised his eyes to look at Qian Cheng lying motionless under the quilt, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I'll take Yun Kou to Daru for treatment immediately, Fourteen, you are here to help me guard Qiancheng, and I will come back at dawn tomorrow!"

While speaking, he bent down to pick up Yun Kou on the quilt, and the moment he turned around, he couldn't help but look at Qiancheng again, just in time to meet Qiancheng's gaze, that very calm and calm gaze, for some reason, he unexpectedly His heart stopped, and in his arms, Yun Kou stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm with difficulty, his voice was broken, "I... I... Am I going to die?"

Su Mo's brows twitched, his eyes flicked away from Qiancheng's face, the figure swayed, and he had already opened the curtain.

As the hurried hoofbeats gradually faded away, the tent suddenly fell silent.

Fourteen looked at the tent that was still slightly swaying, and it took him a long time to recover.

Turning his head to look at Qiancheng, he didn't want Qiancheng to also be looking at him, with very complicated eyes, his face turned cold, and he looked away.

Feeling slightly upset.

Go to Daru for treatment, he can take Yun Kou there, but he has to stay and guard this woman.

But after thinking about it, his fourth brother is more capable than him, and he is more familiar with Daru than he is. It is better for him to take Yun Kou for treatment than him.

Seriously despising his narrow-mindedness, he glanced at Qiancheng again, "Well, I'm outside, call me if you need something!"

After speaking, he picked up his steps and walked out.

Suddenly, the soft boot kicked something, and he subconsciously lowered his eyes to see that it was a small porcelain bottle.

Porcelain bottle?

His eyes lit up, and his first reaction was medicine!
It was Yun Kou who accidentally dropped the medicine!
He quickly bent down to pick it up, unscrewed the lid and smelled it, and sure enough, a bitter smell of medicine came to his nostrils.

Ecstatic in his heart, he retracted his five fingers, dragged the porcelain bottle into his palm, opened the curtain and rushed out, but after walking a few steps, he stopped again.

He left, what about Qiancheng?Su Mochen asked him to guard her.

However, if she doesn't catch up, will Yun Kou be in no danger?Will Da Ru's clinic be able to dispense this medicine?

Feeling extremely conflicted in his heart, he raised his eyes to look at the boundless desert, but there was no trace of the two of them.

Biting his lips and thinking for a while, he still decided to chase after him.

He thought, Su Mochen and Yun Kou are on the same horse, no matter how fast they can outrun him alone, right?

It shouldn't take long for him to catch up with them, he'll go back quickly, he should be fine, right?

Moreover, the moon is bright and the stars are thin tonight, it is so quiet, and it doesn't look like bad weather, Qiancheng will not be in any danger lying in the tent.

Thinking like this, he made up his mind, turned around, raised the curtain, and said to the woman on the bed: "That."

After a pause, he still called her Sisao, "Sister-in-law Si, you go to sleep for a while, I'll go after Brother Si and the others, give her Yunkou's medicine, and I'll be back soon."

Naturally, he couldn't get an answer from Qiancheng.

He didn't care, put down the curtain, pulled over the horse, jumped on it and left.

An extra moment of delay would mean a longer chase, so he had to hurry!
The sound of horseshoes went away, and the night became quiet again.

Looking at the dim light above his head, Qiancheng felt full of desolation, the kind of desolation that came from his bones.

Yes, her autism was cured, and when she saw Yun Kou coming, she continued to pretend, in fact, to put it bluntly, she just wanted to keep her own self-esteem, and she also wanted to stay out of the matter and watch Su Mochen's reaction with a cold eye.

In the end, he reacted, but she couldn't stay out of it after all.

all gone.

What should she do now?
Waiting here quietly, waiting for them to come back, and then continue to pretend, continue to pretend to watch their love peacefully?

Or go, leave?

She wants to leave, she really wants to leave.

But now she is in the desert, and she has special emotions and indescribable fear for this place.

She has no direction, she doesn't know where to go?
After much deliberation, she decided to wait until they came back, and she could leave whenever she wanted, at least not to let herself be buried in this vast desert.

When Fourteen found Su Mochen and Yun Kou in a medical clinic, it was already daylight.

Yun Kou has already taken the medicine and has just stabilized.

Su Mochen was shocked when he saw Fourteen, and his eyes searched around him, "Why are you here? Where is Qiancheng?"

Fourteen was out of breath and out of breath. He really didn't expect Su Mochen to ride his horse so fast. He chased him all the way to Daruo, and found it after searching one after another.

Seeing that he was only panting but not speaking, Su Mochen died of panic for a moment, "Quickly tell me, where is Qiancheng?"

"She...she's still sleeping in the tent...I...sent Yun Kou's medicine..." Before he finished speaking, Zi Ying flickered in front of his eyes, and before he could react, Su Mochen had already walked towards the door quickly.

When he reached the door, he stopped in his footsteps, then turned around and walked back suddenly, his face darkened severely.

Fourteen was shocked, not knowing what he was going to do, his feet softened, and he took two steps back, "Fourth Brother..."

Su Mo's deep eyes were scarlet, he raised his hand and picked up his collar, gritted his teeth, and his voice came out from the depths of his throat, "I asked you to guard her, what did you do? Yun Kou is a patient, and she is also a patient. Let me tell you, if something happens to her, I will never forgive you in this life!"

Shisi was completely frightened by the coldness in his eyes, when did this man treat him like this?
For a moment, she just stared at him blankly, not knowing what to do.

Su Mochen loosened his big hand suddenly, turned and went out the door.

Fourteen stood there for a long time without coming back to his senses.

Behind him, Yun Kou smiled wryly.

Thank you [mercuryxia] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [yp2966700] dear, [flytynn] dear, [wang-529] dear, [dmswn0322] dear, [13920965202] dear, [Yuyuer] dear monthly pass, group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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