after losing heart

Chapter 200 [225] Is it just an injury?

Chapter 200 [225] Is it just an injury?
Qiancheng was awakened by the sound of wind and sand. She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that the tent had already been blown out of shape, and the wind and sand had penetrated into the tent and rolled in. The wind lamp above her head was blown straight, "Puff " went out with a sound.

Horrified, she got up and put on her clothes.

Fortunately, at this time Dongfang was already slightly pale, and although his vision was not clear enough, he could barely see.

Su Mochen and the others haven't come back yet.

But the wind and sand seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

A gust of wind came in, and the yellow sand hit the face, which was fine and painful. The surroundings of the tent were originally pressed by gravel, but all were blown up and flew wantonly.

Her heart was beating wildly, she was terrified, and instinctively told her to get out quickly. Sure enough, when she stepped out of the tent in front of her, there was a loud noise behind her. When she looked back, the tent had been flattened by a small sand dune flying over. not see.


At that moment, she was stunned.

How to do?
She wanted to run, but she had no direction, so she could only stand there numbly, at a loss.

The sky and the earth have only one color, the sand is flying, the sky is dim and the earth is dark.

Her body was crumbling in the yellow sand all over the sky.

She thought of Xiao Han again, that time she was so desperate, lost, without water, without food, but she was just desperate, but she was not afraid, because Xiao Han was by her side.

However, this time, this time...

Covering her mouth and nose, she watched in despair as the sand waves surged forward, like an invisible giant hand, peeling off one layer of the desert, and another layer.

In the distance, a small black dot suddenly appeared, getting closer and closer, and finally faintly discernible, it was a figure of a man and a horse.

Like a drowning person in the vast ocean suddenly seeing a piece of driftwood floating, she was overjoyed and waved and screamed desperately at the other party.

When Su Mochen arrived, the sandstorm had stopped, there was no wind, and the sun had climbed into the sky, the golden sun and the golden sand, everything was so peaceful and beautiful.

However, he knows what this desert has experienced not long ago, because he is so familiar with this place, he knows exactly what should be in which places.

Big quicksand!
It has just been baptized by quicksand.

But, how can this be?

His thousand cities are still here, how can there be big quicksand?

He doesn't know how he got off the horse?I don't know how I used my hands to plan the small hill that was pressed against the tent?All he knew was that the pain and despair almost drove him crazy.

That feeling was the same as when he dug the tent under the fire on Tianlun Festival, and it was even worse.

He actually left her again, he actually hurt her again.

Is it just an injury?
He dared not think.

Because such a rare quicksand would scare even the camel team that has been walking in the desert for many years, let alone her, let alone her who is still autistic?

What will she do?
What can she do?
He planed frantically and mechanically...
It wasn't until he dug up a huge sand dune, and dug out the tent completely, with cushions, bedding, water bags, and everything, only when she was not there, he was slightly relieved.

However, it was only for a moment, and his heart was filled with panic again.

Because of the strong wind and sand, even if they got out of the tent, the chance of escaping was also extremely small.

Straightening up, he looked around, seeing the monotonous and vast yellow, which could not be seen at a glance. For the first time, he felt that this color made people so desperate.

In the shadow of the broken wall
Su Mofeng stood up, squinted and looked around, and said, "The wind and sand stopped."

Qiancheng leaned against the broken wall and didn't move, his heart still hadn't recovered from the lingering fear just now.

"Drink some water!"

A water bag was stretched out in front of her, she was startled, and took it, "By the way, why did you come to the desert?"

She never dreamed that she would meet him here, and he even saved her.

Just now, if it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for him...
what will happen?She dared not even think about it.

Su Mofeng smiled sadly, "I was dispatched here, don't you know?"

Qiancheng was slightly stunned, thinking that she seemed to have heard Yang Hen say it, but she didn't know the reason, "What's going on?"

Su Mofeng sighed.

He didn't hide anything from her, so he told her the truth about Concubine Li. After hearing this, she was even more surprised. She knew that this man had no intention of being the throne, but Concubine Li...
Concubine Li used to be very popular, and she envied so many women in the harem, and this man was also Emperor Wen's favorite son.


Is this the sorrow of being born in the emperor's family?

"Third Master..." She didn't know how to comfort him.

"It's okay!" Su Mofeng lowered his eyes and smiled lightly. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at her, "Now that I think about it, I should thank my father. If I didn't come here, how could I meet you? If I didn't Come on, what did you do just now?"

That day in the sky prison, she was carried away by Su Mochen. At that time, her appearance, her ragged, distressed, bruised and dull eyes, really frightened him.

He was worried about her and wanted to see her, so he didn't close his eyes all night.

The next day, he was just about to attend Tong Suqing's funeral to go to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, but something happened to his mother and concubine.

He was imprisoned first, and then exiled. He was devastated, but he was still inquiring about her. He heard that she had some kind of heart disease, and Su Mochen brought her to the desert.

When he heard the news, he was overjoyed. He thought, maybe he could meet her.

God has eyes, and he actually let him touch her, and it was when she needed help the most.

He really wanted to know, since Su Mochen brought her to the desert, why was she the only one?
However, he didn't ask, because her eyes told him that she didn't want to talk about that person.

"Qiancheng, how about I take you home first!"

If it was before, he would definitely try to bring her by his side, but this time it was different, this time he was exiled, and he couldn't let her go through hardships with him.

Qiancheng shook his head, bypassing his topic, "How long will you stay in the desert this time?"

She remembered that a man had been exiled for eight years.

"I don't know." Su Mofeng shook his head, a little gloomy, "It depends on what my father told me. How am I doing?"

What did Emperor Wen explain?
Qiancheng was a little shocked, wasn't he exiled?

Aware of her doubts, Su Mofeng smiled slightly, "The concubine mother was originally given to die, but later, Xu father couldn't bear it, so he withdrew the imperial decree and put the concubine mother in the cold palace instead, but there is a condition , just want me to get something back for him.”


"The imperial physician prescribed a prescription to detoxify the father according to the poison of the mother and concubine Tu, but the water for decocting the medicine must be natural warm alkaline water, and natural warm alkaline water, I heard that only a well in the main helm of Heishamen has it. ..."

"The emperor asked you to fetch warm alkaline water?"

"Yes!" Su Mofeng nodded, and sighed deeply, "But, it's not easy? Everyone in the world knows that the headquarter of Heishamen is located in Dagu Oasis, but no one knows where it is located. To steal some water, you must first find out where the well is."

The helm of Heisha Gate? !
Qiancheng was startled, so mysterious?

Thinking about it, last time, Sikong Wei's big wedding was only held in Yuelai Restaurant.


She narrowed her eyes, she thought, she should have a way.

Standing up, she patted the sand on her body, and said to Su Mo, "Let's go, let's go to Dagu!"

"No, you can't be with me. Although the Heisha Gate doesn't seem to have anything to do with the imperial court, the last relic event has caused the Heisha Gate to have a grudge against the imperial court. Therefore, the water fetching this time may be more or less auspicious. I'd better send you back to the General's Mansion first."

Qiancheng smiled lightly, pulled the rein, got on the horse, and moved forward to make room for Su Mofeng, "The third master really underestimated me. If I said, I can Help the third master get the warm alkaline water smoothly, do you believe the third master?"

Su Mofeng was shocked, and his black eyes looked at her suspiciously, "You? How do you get it?"

Qiancheng laughed but said nothing.

She suddenly thought, if she said that she knew an old man named Sikong Wei, she wondered how this man would react.

Thank you [sweetrenee] dear, [Diandian love me] dear, [scented matcha] dear Huahua~~~
Thank you [kookta], [wsy1203] for the monthly pass~~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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