after losing heart

Chapter 202 [227] She is not an outsider

Chapter 202 [227] She is not an outsider
"Then why do you think that I will give it to you?"

The smile on his lips was unabated, captivating, and his voice was also joking, but Qiancheng could hear the chill, and was a little surprised, so he stared at him blankly, pursed his lips, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Sikong Wei's heart froze, he couldn't see her looking so cute and pitiful the most, but he was angry and couldn't let it go, so he had no choice but to look away and took another sip from the tea cup.

Seeing Qiancheng being wronged and silent, Su Mofeng felt distressed for a moment, and couldn't help reaching out and gently holding her hand, his eyes were deep, glued to her pupils, and he shook his head lightly, motioning to her, how about we forget it.

"Boom—" With a crisp sound, Sikong Wei placed the cup in his hand heavily on the table.

The tea in the cup splashed out, and some even splashed onto the hands of Qiancheng and Su Mofeng.

Both of them were startled, not knowing what it meant.

Sikong Wei got up suddenly, grabbed Qiancheng's wrist and left.

Qiancheng didn't expect him to do this, and was even more inexplicable for a while, "Where are you taking me?"

Seeing this, Su Mofeng's expression changed, and he got up quickly.

Sikong Wei smiled coldly, "Don't you want warm alkaline water? If you don't go to the main helm with me, how will you get water?"

Qiancheng was startled, then overjoyed, "Are you willing to give us water?"


Sikong Wei only felt that these two most common words had scratched his eardrums deeply, and the cold smile on his lips was even worse, "Of course, otherwise, I'm sorry you came all the way here, aren't you?"

Qiancheng smiled and didn't say anything, no matter what he said was sincere or sarcastic, after all, he agreed to it or not, so he let him hold his wrist and walked closely with his steps.

Su Mofeng frowned slightly, and strode beside him.

The three of them walked for a while, Si Kongwei suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes flicked to Su Mofeng beside him, and he said calmly: "I think you all know that our Heishamen chief helm never accepts foreigners."

In other words...

Qiancheng and Su Mofeng looked at each other, but neither spoke.

Sikong Wei was even more angry in his heart, and said bluntly, "Third Prince, please stop!"

Su Mofeng was stunned, and bowed slightly, "I will go wherever Qiancheng is going, and I will ask Master Sikong to complete it!"

Wherever she goes, he will go.

Then she was in the sky prison, why didn't he see him in the sky prison?
Sikong Wei pursed his thin lips into a straight line, did not make a sound, but also remained motionless.

Qiancheng looked at the two of them, stretched out his hand and lightly pulled Su Mofeng's arm, bent his lips and smiled, "Master, you go to the inn and wait for me, I'll get water."

Su Mofeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something more, but Qiancheng hurriedly shook his head slightly at him, he raised his eyebrows and fell silent.

Si Kongwei had a panoramic view of the exchange of eyebrows between the two, and with a sneering smile, he grabbed Qiancheng's wrist again and left.

Su Mofeng had no choice but to stand where he was.

Looking at the figures of the two going away, he pondered for a while, but still followed.

Although Qiancheng said that she has a deep friendship with this sect master, but he saw that this man's temper was too weird, so he was finally worried.

However, he just followed from a distance.

What a shrewd man Si Kongwei was, he knew he was behind him, and the corners of his lips curled coldly, but he didn't bother to pay attention.

No wonder people in the world don't know where the main rudder of Heishamen is. Qiancheng found out that if she is asked to look for it alone next time, she may not be able to find it, because it really has eighteen bends and nine chains, just like navigating a maze.

Once inside the main rudder, there is something different, like entering a fairyland on earth, with pavilions, towers, pavilions, green trees and red flowers, and winding paths leading to secluded places. Sikong Wei has been holding Qiancheng's wrist tightly, as if a little sullen, and as if afraid of losing her .

While being dragged away, Qian Cheng tilted his head and looked at him, "Sikong Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Sikong Wei pursed his lips, did not make a sound, and kept on stepping.

"This is not like you!" Qiancheng still stared at him.

Sikong Wei sneered, "Then what do you think I should be?"

Thinking that she was autistic, his heart ached to death, wishing to give her the best thing in the world, as long as she could open her heart and come out of her own world.

Worried that something would happen to her, he blamed himself so much that he almost collapsed, almost turning the whole desert upside down.

result, result...

He took her straight to a wing, "You live here!"

After speaking, he turned his head and walked out.

Qiancheng was a little confused, she came to fetch water, how should I stop?And this man seems to be angry?What is he angry about?

"Then..." She chased it out, "The warm alkaline water..."

Without turning his head back, Sikong Wei said coldly, "I'll give it to you in three days!"

three days?

Another three days?

I really don't want it in my heart, but I can't do anything about it. After all, she has something to ask for, so three days will be three days!

She puffed her mouth and went back to the room.

Si Kongwei pursed his lips tightly, with a condensed face, walked very fast, with light steps, suddenly remembered something, raised his hand and gave a high five, a black shadow came lightly and fell behind him.

"Let all our people come back, so there is no need to look for them."

The left and right envoys were taken aback for a moment, and Fang replied, "Yes!" Suddenly he remembered something, "I heard that the head of the sect brought a person in?"

Sikong Wei's expression was calm, he didn't say yes or no.

The left and right envoys glanced at each other, their brows slightly folded, and they bowed and said cautiously, "The rules of our Heishamen are not that outsiders can't..."

"She is not an outsider!"

Before the left and right envoys finished their words, the teacher Sikong Wei interrupted in a deep voice, the man turned his head and glanced at the two of them.

The two were startled, and they didn't dare to speak any more.

The night is as cool as water
Qiancheng sat under the lamp, feeling bored.

I don't know what that Sikong Wei did for her to live here, I didn't see him for a day, and the food was delivered by his servants.

Afraid of any taboos, she is not good at wandering around, staying in this room all day without going out, it is really boring.

And especially in the dead of night, she was most afraid.

There may be some things, some people, you can use other things to forget them during the day, but at night, he is like a poisonous snake, desperately drilling into your bones and blood, and it is difficult for you to ignore it.

I don't know, is Yun Kou's illness cured?
I don't know, did Su Mochen go back to find her later?

Seeing that she is not here, he will be worried, right?She thought, he would, but once he got involved with Yun Kou, she would be the one ignored.

A servant brought hot water in, she washed up briefly, and then went to bed.

Outside the window, a figure stood quietly, and the night breeze rolled up his white clothes, hovering lonely.

He bent his lips and laughed at himself, what are you doing?
Bring the person back, and then leave it there and leave it alone, leave it alone, why are you peeking here?

Do you blame her, hate her?Still miss her, can't let her go?
Su Mochen, Su Mochen, when did you become like this?
I don't know if it was because of something in his heart, or because of picking the bed, Qiancheng tossed and turned, unable to sleep for a long time, finally brewed a little sleepiness, and was awakened by the sound of small footsteps.

"Who?" She instinctively turned over and sat up, and saw a handsome and tall figure standing beside the table, dressed in ethereal white clothes, as light as a fairy, it was Sikong Wei.

He was holding the lamp on the table, as if he was adding oil to it.

Sikong Wei didn't seem to expect her to wake up suddenly, he was slightly taken aback, and said softly: "Woke you up?"

"You..." Qiancheng looked at him suspiciously.

"Add more lamp oil!" The man's tone was still light, and he couldn't hear the meaning in his heart.

"Oh..." Qiancheng didn't know what to say for a while, he should be a dignified sect master to do these things?Do it in the middle of the night?
"Sleep!" The man dialed the wick, turned the fire to the maximum, put the octagonal lampshade on, turned around, and left silently.

In a direction she couldn't see, the man laughed at himself again.

Perhaps she was no longer afraid of the dark.

With a "squeak", the door was gently closed from the outside.

Qiancheng sat there again in a daze for a while before slipping into the quilt.

When the sky was about to dawn, she was in a deep sleep, someone rocked her lightly, her eyes were sleepy, she looked at the person coming, saw that it was Si Kongwei, she was not on guard, she muttered dissatisfiedly, just as she was about to continue sleeping, but he stretched out her hand Take it into your arms.

She was startled and lost all sleepiness, "What are you doing?"

Sikong Wei bent his lips and smiled, "Take you somewhere!"

Thank you [bingjiefhf], [Zhang Weizhi], [irene-79], [Wingchying], [leivslan] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Yaya Baby Jing], [Yu Shang Yao Yao], [shihong01] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [bigthree], [bingjiefhf] for your purse~~ I love you so much~
(End of this chapter)

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