after losing heart

Chapter 203 [228] Do you hate me

Chapter 203 [228] Do you hate me

After going out, Qiancheng realized that this man was taking her to see the sunrise.

In the southeast of Dagu Oasis, there is a mountain called Lingfeng, which is famous for its towering and steepness.

At the foot of the mountain, Qiancheng looked up at the peak of the mountain that soared into the clouds, and suddenly lost all confidence. There is no mountain road for such a high cliff, how to go up?

Even if you can go up, I'm afraid it's not just to watch the sunrise, but it's almost the same to watch the sunset.

Sikong Wei also raised his head to look at the top of the mountain, then turned around and looked at her, his black eyes were as bright as stars, "You know kung fu, don't you?"

Qiancheng rolled her eyes, her three-legged kung fu, could it make her fly over the wall?
"Sect Master Sikong doesn't know if I know kung fu. If I really had kung fu, I wouldn't have let the sect master's Yue Yingshuang get close, right?"

Sikong Wei froze slightly, as if he hadn't expected her to say this. Immediately, he lowered his eyes and smiled, his long eyelashes concealing the emotion in his eyes, and then raised his eyes, there was a deep darkness, "Your poison... right?"

Qiancheng was taken aback.

Does he know this too?

Really pervasive!

She raised her lips and smiled mockingly, "Of course! Otherwise, I would have to wait pitifully every month for the sect master to give me the antidote. If the sect master forgets it accidentally, I would have to endure inhuman suffering."

Sikong Wei didn't care, after all, he was wrong, just smiled, walked up to her without saying a word, and grabbed her with his long arm.

Sudden loss of balance, Qiancheng exclaimed, and instinctively stretched out his hand to climb his arm. When he realized it, they were already several feet away from the ground, and they were already in the cliff.

The man hugged her with one hand, and climbed the cliff with the other, his body was as light as a swallow, and his movements were graceful.

Qiancheng didn't dare to lower her head to look down, she didn't dare to move, she couldn't help but marvel at the sound of the wind, what kind of kung fu realm is this, to be so casual and relaxed?

But even so, she was still terrified, after all, the cliff was not a joke, so she tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her face against his solid chest.

Listening to that steady and powerful heartbeat, she was actually a little dazed.

It seemed that they were once very close, very close.

She remembered the rock climbing on Tianlun Festival, a man grabbed the falling rope with his bare hands and saved her and Su Mofeng, that man, that man...

"What are you thinking?" Sikong Wei suddenly lowered his head.

The two were close to each other, his lips almost touched her forehead, and the warm breath brushed over her cheeks, crisp, crisp, numb.

I don't know if it's from her heart, or the man has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and the man's breath entered her nostrils, and she actually felt a familiar scent of sandalwood.

It belonged to another man's breath.

How can it be?

She bent her lips, laughed at herself, and forced herself to erase the shadow of that person in her heart. She had nothing to say, and jokingly said, "I was thinking, if we fall like this, will we be smashed to pieces?"

A low chuckle came from the top of his head, "It's not a bad thing to be broken into pieces. You don't want to be born on the same day in the same year, but you want to die on the same day in the same year, the same month. The master of this sect thinks that with you on the road to the underworld, he shouldn't be lonely."

There was some interest and some jokes in his words, but Qiancheng was still taken aback.

She looked up at him slightly.

His iron-masked face was just around the corner, and she suddenly thought, what kind of face would she see if, if, she took off this mask?

Staggered and ugly scars?Or is the face like a crown jade, peerless and stunning?
She thought, it must be the former!

After all, this man, with such an identity, should have been living on the knife's edge, right?

Seeing her silence, the man smiled again, "Why? Don't you want to?"

Qian Cheng came back to his senses, and also smiled and said: "Of course I don't want to. I was bullied by you when I was a human being, and I have to stay away from you as a ghost."

Her words seemed to please him, only to hear him laugh loudly, at this time, they had already reached the top of the mountain.

A round of red sun was like a disk, slowly breaking through the clouds from the sky.

Because the edge of the oasis is surrounded by deserts, and there is no obstruction to the line of sight, Qiancheng felt as if he was standing on a cloud, overlooking everything in the world. Suddenly, something called boldness rose in his heart.

She looked sideways at the man standing beside her. The man squinted his eyes and faced east. Under the fiery sun, the bronze mask shone with metal light. His eyes were a little dazzling. He suddenly said, "Qiancheng, you hate me?"

The voice is very soft, a little hoarse, revealing a trace of fatigue.

Qiancheng was taken aback, he didn't expect him to ask such a question, he slowly turned his gaze away, and also looked at the rising sun in the sky.

hate it?she asked herself.

Of course she hated the poison he gave her, the poison that made life worse than death, but it seemed that every time she was most desperate, it was this man who was by her side and gave her strength.

"I do not know."

She told the truth.

"Then if one day you find out that I lied to you, will you hate me?" The man was still looking forward, his voice was faint and ethereal, as the bright red morning sun slanted over, under the sun, his figure was as light as a fairy.

lie to her?

Qiancheng was slightly stunned, turned his head, and looked at him with suspicious water eyes, not understanding the meaning of his words.

"Did you lie to me about something?"

The man slowly retracted his eyes, lowered his eyes for a while and thought about it, then turned his head to fix her gaze, "I said if, if I lied to you."


Qiancheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"Who knows what didn't happen? What is there to assume for such a thing?" Qiancheng gave him a blank look, only thinking that he was boring.

The man sighed softly, vaguely.

Seeing his rare serious appearance, Qiancheng couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile, "Do you have to answer?"

The man nodded firmly.

Qiancheng smiled and thought for a while, "I shouldn't hate you!"

After all, this man didn't have much contact with her, and there wasn't any substantive conflict. She thought that what he lied to her shouldn't reach the level of big right and wrong.

"Don't hate?" Sikong Wei's eyes lit up, like sparkling waves, but only for a moment, and then peeled off sadly, "Why don't you hate? It's because you don't care, right? Whether I lie to you or not, you don't Do you care?"



Qiancheng only felt angry, and squinted at him, "Don't you want others to say that they hate you?"

"What if it's Su Mochen?"

When Sikong Wei spoke suddenly, Qiancheng's expression changed.

But Sikong Wei didn't intend to let it go, and continued to say: "If Su Mochen lied to you, would you still say the same that you shouldn't hate it?"

Qiancheng stared at him blankly.

The man's dark eyes were also glued to her deeply, as if waiting for her to answer, Qiancheng saw her panic from those black eyes, she turned her gaze away.

"Can you not mention him?" She frowned and said quietly.

Sikong was shocked.

Don't mention him?
How much did she resist him?
He looked at her quietly, at her thin figure, her cold side face, he suddenly had the urge to rub her into his arms, but he didn't, he turned his head slowly, and looked at her with her. The rising sun.

The wind on the top of the mountain was blowing through her body, Sikong Wei took off his cloak, and wrapped it lightly around her shoulders.

She seemed to be watching the sunrise, thinking about something in her heart, and the touch on her shoulder brought her back to her senses. Seeing the black embroidered gold cloak on her body, she was startled, and did not shirk from him, smiled slightly, and stretched out her hand Cloaking the cloak tightly, he looked towards the sky again.

The wind picked up the black hair and clothes of the two of them, flying and intertwining wantonly.

The dinner was shared by the two of them, and Si Kongwei even cooked roast duck for her himself.

Qiancheng remembered that this was the second night, so he asked about the situation of the warm alkaline water, and Sikong Wei immediately sent someone to fetch a water bag and handed it to her.

After the task was completed, Qiancheng breathed a sigh of relief, and had a pleasant dinner, at least he didn't mention any unhappy things, and he didn't mention anyone who shouldn't be mentioned. The two of them even drank a little wine .

After dinner, the night was already deep.

Sikong Wei asked Qiancheng to rest early, said that he would take her to another place the next day and tell her something, and then left.

After washing and bathing, Qiancheng was about to close the window and go to bed when he suddenly saw a familiar figure walking by in the courtyard under the dark night.

Thank you【宝宝baobao】Dear Huahua~~~Be patient with you, group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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