after losing heart

Chapter 205 [230] Never let go

Chapter 205 [230] Never let go
Laughing in the wind with tears, she stepped back slowly, staggering, her body was on the verge of falling in the night wind, she looked at him with red eyes, not blinking for a moment.

"Thousand cities." Su Mo hissed in a low voice, with a painful expression tangled in his eyes.

No, Qiancheng shook his head, don't call me that, don't call me so affectionately, that doesn't belong to you!It doesn't belong to me either!

"Su Mochen, since you are the one of them, why do you test me in every possible way? While you deliberately let the hidden guard appear in front of me, you deliberately asked me if there were any guards in the palace? What do you want to know? The result? Do you want to see my loyalty to Sikong Wei, or my unswerving to Su Mochen?"

"The relic has been in your hands from the beginning to the end, but you still want to come to the desert, pretend to be a spy, steal and get married, and let your subordinates kidnap me to threaten yourself, oh my god, what are you doing? of a man?"

Qiancheng's thin figure trembled in the wind, his expression almost collapsed.

"On the one hand, Su Mochen made me scarred, and on the other hand, Sikong Wei used Yue Yingshuang and the people around me to force me to stay in the Fourth Prince's Mansion. Since... since you give me every pain, why don't you Let me go? Why?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that time, their child was gone, she wanted to leave, Sikong Wei threatened her, if you want to die, if you want Yun Kou to die, if you want more people to become Aunt Liu, you can try .

Thinking about it now, it's really ironic, want Yun Kou to die?
He actually threatened her with Yun Kou's life?

And at that time, she still suffered.

"Yun Kou doesn't have Zhongyue Yingshuang at all, does she?"

She remembered that on the night after the incense tasting meeting, the five winners met Sikong Wei, including her, including Yun Kou, and that night, Sikong Wei gave the five of them Yue Yingshuang.

At that time, Yun Kou was not included, right?
Su Mo looked at her deeply, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he remained silent.

Silence equals answer.

She understands!

Also, the taste of Yue Yingshuang, the taste that makes life worse than death, how could he be willing to let Yun Kou suffer?

She didn't want to cry, really didn't want to cry.

Just now in the room, she had settled down for a long time, she told herself not to cry, since she has played a clown for so long, she should end up as a clown, right?

Clowns are not supposed to cry.

However, there is still a warm liquid slipping through the eyes, what is that?
Why can't it stop?

Her lips were bitten, she clenched her fists tightly, and hit her heart like a drum without hesitation.

Will it still hurt?

Pain to the extreme is numbness, right?
Someone came and pulled her arm, her eyes were blurred, she couldn't see who that person was?
Or maybe, never saw clearly.

He held her tightly in his arms, called her name in her ear, and said something softly.

She couldn't hear clearly, but the tone seemed to be begging and humbled.

Heh~ Su Mochen!
You are as black-bellied as you, calculating every step!
You are the one who destroys me, you are the one who saves me, you are the one who is affectionate, and you are the one who is ruthless, I don’t know anymore, I really don’t know anymore, which one is the real you?
so tired!

She tilted her head slightly to look at him, and said wearily, "Let me go!"

"No!" Su Mochen shook his head lightly, and smiled bitterly, but his arms became tighter and tighter, for fear that if he let go, she would disappear and never be seen again. His warm lips pressed against her earlobe, "I Don't let go, this time, I will never let go!"

Qiancheng laughed dumbfounded, this time, I will never let go again?
My heart hurts!

He always seemed to be like this to her, always holding on to her when it was time to let go, but the hand that shouldn't let go kept trying to lose her!

She wanted to leave, but he wanted to imprison her to stay.

She wanted to stay well, but he left her behind and put her in danger again and again.

"Let go, Su Mochen, let you go, let me go, let us all live!"

"The way of life?" Su Mo raised his lips and chuckled, almost cruelly, "Originally, there was only one way of life in my life, and that was to sit on the throne. It was you who changed all this. Now you tell me to let everyone have a way of life." , tell me, will I let it go?"

Qiancheng wanted to laugh, but couldn't. It's all her fault, and it's her infection of Qiancheng that led to today's recovery?

"Are you letting go or not?" She growled angrily.

"Don't let go!" The man said firmly.

She pursed her lips, gathered the strength that hadn't been scattered all over her body, pushed away the embrace forcefully, and raised her hand to wave to that person.

The crisp sound of "snap" shattered the silent night and shattered my heart into powder.

She once slapped Su Mochen because Tong Suqing almost killed her, but he let Tong Suqing go.

She also slapped Sikong Wei once, because she was heartbroken after losing her child, but he still used the lives and deaths of people around her to threaten her to stay.

But never has it been as painful as this time!
This pain was even worse than when he found out that Yun Kou was the one in his heart.

Su Mo received her slap unbiasedly. Due to the force he endured, he was thrown slightly over his head. For a long time, he kept that posture without moving.

Qiancheng looked at him bitterly, his eyes were scarlet.

She knew that she had used all her strength, and the moonlight was weak, she could even clearly see a red palm mark on his white face.

There is no distress, she only has hatred, very much hatred.

"Su Mochen, why am I sorry to you in Ranqiancheng? You want to treat me like this?"

"Since you don't love, since the person in your heart is not me, why do you still cling to me? You don't have to love me, but I must love you, right?"

"Or is it that I know too many of your secrets, and you imprison me by your side, just because you are afraid that I will tell them?"

"Actually, you really don't have to worry. If I had said it, I would have said it long ago. Even if I faced the bite of ten thousand rats, I would not have told you. What else do you have to worry about?"

"Of course, if you are still worried, you can actually kill me..."

"Stop talking!" Su Mochen finally couldn't bear it any longer, and wrapped her in his arms again, his heart tightened, pained and frightened, "Qiancheng, you know it's not like this, it's not like this... . . . "

If he was worried, as she said, he would have killed her long ago. He was not a soft-hearted person, never was.

If he was not at ease, he would not choose to trust her as always after Su Mofeng's letter was released.

All the threats and confinement are, after all, a word of fear. He is afraid of her leaving, he is afraid of her changing her mind, and he is afraid of losing her.

People, it's always like this, the more afraid of losing something, the more tightly you hold on to it, and the result is like holding on to sand, the tighter you are, the less sand in your palm will be.

Everyone understands the truth, but once it is spread on their own heads, they still refuse to let go.

That's what he is.

Why doesn't he know about Si Kongwei's identity, she will know sooner or later, so why doesn't he know, instead of letting her find out one day, it's better to confess on his own initiative, he knows all about it.

However, he still dare not say.

He was afraid, he was afraid that she would hate him, not forgive him, and leave him.

After all, only he knows how much he hurt her.

Yue Yingshuang, he once used Yue Yingshuang on her, the poison that nearly killed her a few times!
That was also a wound in his heart that would never be erased.

What is he going to say?Said, at that time, she was still not her, or, at that time, she was still just her, and she hadn't entered his heart yet?
In fact, that was what he wanted to say today, at the moment when he watched the sunrise with her on the top of Lingfeng Peak, but the disappointment and determination in her eyes made him stop again.

He was still thinking about it when the two had dinner together at night.

The noisy dinner, the most ordinary meal, but he felt different from usual.

This kind of feeling made him greedy. He hoped that in the days to come, he could eat like this with her every day, so he decided to tell her, and go back at night to think about it. drop to lowest.

However, God did not give him this opportunity.

After all, she was one step ahead of him.

"Qiancheng, it's all bad, it's all my fault, don't go, okay?" Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, he gently held her face in his hands, lifting it up little by little, his black eyes tightly glued to her face. Her pupils straightened her voice.

Thank you [Lu Jin] dear, I have a soft spot~~
Thank you, Suzi burst into tears~~
(End of this chapter)

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