after losing heart

Chapter 206 [231] Shameful third person

Chapter 206 [231] Shameful third party

【4000 words+】

"Qiancheng, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, don't go, okay?" Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, he gently held her face, lifted it up little by little, his black eyes glued tightly On her pupils, her voice straightened.

It's all my fault, it's all my fault...
What a familiar word.

He had told her, hadn't he?On the night of Tianlun Festival in Houshan, he also told Yun Kou that way, right?

How many other people has he told?

She already did not believe it.

Slowly raising her eyes, through his shoulders, she looked at the thin figure standing at the door of the wing room. The man was wearing a black gold embroidered cloak and remained motionless.

Qiancheng thought, didn't Yun Kou wear a plain cloak when he came here?

Oh, she forgot, just now when Sikong Wei saw Yun Kou, he couldn't wait to wrap her into the house, yes, couldn't wait.

Can't wait to close the door.

What happened next?

she does not know.

Black embroidered gold cape!

Today at the top of Lingfeng Peak, he put on this cloak for her.

What an irony!

Have you been standing for a long time?

You can see what they said, her embarrassment, right?
She bent her lips, smiled lightly, slowly closed her eyes, stared back at Su Mo's face, raised her hand to wave away the big hand holding her cheek, her red lips parted slightly, and escaped firmly and coldly. Two words, "Not good!"

Leaving again and again, coming back again and again, but there is still love and expectation in my heart.

Now, there is nothing, there is nothing, a certain place in her chest is empty.

She wants to leave, if she doesn't leave like this, she doesn't even know where her bottom line is?

Holding tightly to the skirt of her pajamas, she turned around slowly, because all the strength in her body seemed to be drained, she had to find a point of strength for herself, a point of support, she could only grab her skirt.

As soon as he took a step, his body was once again hooped by a man, "No, even if you hate, resent, or be reluctant, I won't let you go!"

How can she go?How could he let her go?

She had wanted to leave before, but it was different from this time. The disappointment in her eyes let him know that this time, this time, she was really hurt, hated, and desperate...

He was afraid, he was afraid that once letting go, it would be forever.

Qiancheng sneered, raised his eyes and stared at him coldly, "Aren't you going to let me go? Are you trying to force me to stay again? What are you using this time? Give me another month of frost, or use the lives of everyone in the general's mansion ?”

"It's useless, Su Mochen, these are useless, if I die, these..."

"Don't say death lightly!" Su Mochen cut her off sharply with great pain in his heart.

"How can you speak lightly?" Qiancheng still smiled softly, "For a person who has died several times, how can you speak lightly?"

"A Thousand Cities."

No one knew Su Mochen's mood at the moment, the trembling pain, the extreme panic.

"Let go!" Qiancheng lowered his eyes, his eyes were cold, and fell on the slender big hand.

"Don't let it go!"

"Su Mochen, do you want me to die in front of you right now?"

The man's hand around her arm suddenly loosened, and he stared at her fixedly, looking at her in disbelief. After a long time, he suddenly smiled, with a cold smile, "When did you learn to threaten?"

Threatening what he fears most!

Qiancheng bent his lips, bitter and desolate, "Thanks to fourth master, it's fourth master who taught me well!"

After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at him and turned around decisively. Suddenly, the soft shoes under her feet touched something. She lowered her eyes and saw that it was a piece of jade with red string and green jade, and the red string was woven into the shape of a bow.

That is, she gave him.

Perhaps they fell when the two of them were pushing and jostling just now. Their seat was under a flower tree, the soil was soft, and their minds were not on it at all, so they fell without noticing it.

Following her gaze, Su Mochen also saw it, touched his wide sleeves, his eyes narrowed, and he wanted to bend down to pick it up, but he didn't want to, Qiancheng held it in his hand first.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Someone called her, not Su Mochen.

Su Mochen was slightly taken aback, Qiancheng slowly straightened up, and looked back at the person who called her.

Under the darkness of night, Yun Kou slowly walked towards the two of them, and the wide cloak was blown up by the night wind, flying in a meandering way.

Su Mochen frowned slightly, didn't he tell her not to come out?
Yun Kou didn't look at him, and went straight to Qian Cheng, nodded slightly, "Qian Cheng, I'm sorry!" His eyes lightly fell on Qian Cheng's hand.

Qiancheng was taken aback.

She said sorry to her?
Why did she say sorry to her?

Is it because they have been like sisters for the past three years, but she didn't tell her about her relationship with Su Mochen?Or because Su Mochen hurt her, as Su Mochen's woman, she apologized to her on his behalf?Or is it because she feels she has won, comforting a loser with the gesture of a winner?
No matter which one it is, she doesn't need to dye Qiancheng.

"Yun Kou, don't say such things to me! I can't take it!" Qiancheng smiled to hide the bitterness in his eyes, "Really, I can't take it! You didn't say sorry to me, the one who should say sorry is I, I am the third party who destroys other people's happiness, I am the shameful third party!"

"A Thousand Cities."

A man and a woman, speaking in unison, are Su Mochen and Yun Kou.

Even the voice trembled the same.

Qiancheng wanted to laugh, they really have such a tacit understanding!
What are you calling me for?
She looked at Yun Kou, then at Su Mochen, her eyes were as indifferent as autumn water.

"You are not allowed to speak of yourself like that!" The man's brows were furrowed, his deep eyes full of pain.

Qiancheng smiled indifferently.

Su Mo drooped his eyes, concealing the pain, and lifted the tip of his eyes slightly, passing Yun Kou lightly.

Yun Kou was startled, she turned her eyes away in a panic, thought for a while, and said to the two of them, "Yun Kou is not in good health, I can't bear the coldness of the night, so I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he glanced lightly at Su Mochen's reaction, then looked at Qiancheng's hands, frowning slightly, then turned and walked towards Su Mochen's wing.

Qiancheng finally understood why Yun Kou came here.

Because of jade?

Yun Kou thought this was the piece of jade she gave to Su Mochen?

"Wait!" Qiancheng said suddenly.

Yun Kou stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry, the piece of jade you gave to Fourth Master was accidentally broken by Qiancheng."

After all, she did the thing, and she was the one who started it. She has to admit it, so as not to cause unnecessary conflicts between the two.

Yun Kou was slightly taken aback.

Su Mo pursed his lips.

Qiancheng lowered his eyes, looked at his hands, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I made this one later, and it's exactly the same as yours, but Fourth Master said, some things can never be replaced, even if No matter how similar it looks, it is not the original one after all, so... I took back this fake, and I have to trouble you to send another one to Fourth Master, I'm sorry!"

Yun Kou looked at Su Mochen in a daze.

Su Mo's thin lips were pursed tighter and tighter, and anger gradually rose in his black eyes.

Qian Cheng ignored them, put the jade into his sleeve, and bowed slightly to the two, "Farewell!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

In a direction that the two of them couldn't see, they closed their eyes heavily, and tears welled up again.

Yun Kou thought that Su Mochen would chase after him, but unexpectedly, he didn't, and stood there motionless, his black eyes fixed on the direction in which the woman staggered away.

The wind brought his white clothes and black hair, hovering lonely, under the dim night, he looked so desolate.

She felt a pain in her heart, and walked over, "Master..."

For a long time, the man didn't respond. It wasn't until the woman was out of their sight that he turned his head and glanced at her lightly. The cold clothes gently brushed the back of her hand, and strode towards the other room.

Yun Kou suddenly felt her heart beating wildly, what kind of look was that in his eyes?
Disdain, or warning?

For so many years, he has never looked at her with that kind of eyes, never, but tonight, he looked at her twice.

Is it because he discovered her selfishness?
In order not to attract attention, she came to the Heisha Gate when it was too dark. She was actually not sure if he was there, but when she was about to knock on the door but he opened it at the same time, no one knew how ecstatic she was .

She thought, what is tacit understanding and what is fate, that's probably it!
I push the door, you open the door, our eyes collide all of a sudden!

When he saw her, he wrapped her in the door without any explanation. She couldn't wait so much, and she felt like a deer was bumping in her heart. The moment the door was closed with a "bang", she even shyly thought, what will happen tonight? what happened?

As a result, nothing happened.

Oh no, it happened, her cloak was hooked on the door and a chunk tore off.

As soon as he got to the house, he let her go and asked why she came here, where is Fourteen?Let her rest in the room, don't go out without authorization, he has something to do, and he has something to tell her when he comes back.

At that time, she didn't understand, since this book hugged her into the house so anxiously, how could he let her go so restlessly?

Later, when she opened the door and saw Qiancheng, she understood.

He was afraid, he was afraid that Qiancheng would see her, he was afraid that Qiancheng would know that Sikong Wei was Su Mochen, he was afraid...

When had he ever cared so much about a woman's thoughts?

He has changed, whether she admits it or not, he has indeed changed, and seems to be getting farther and farther away from her.

So, with that poor, humble selfishness in mind, she came out, wearing his cloak.

But in the end, was she wrong?

There was no lamp, and the room was very dark.

Su Mochen sat alone by the table, trapped himself in the darkness, motionless.

Fate really can make jokes. Not long ago, they were happily having dinner at this table, and it was only two hours ago.

She said it was dark because someone blindfolded her.

He didn't dare to think about her mood when she said this, he only remembered her smiling like a flower at that time.

He knew she was in pain.

The moment he swung his mask off with all his strength, how much hatred she felt in her heart, he thought, how much pain she felt when she said that she was the shameful third party.

In fact, the two of them went around and quarreled, and had countless times of unhappiness and separation and reunion, but this time it was different, he knew.

He had a feeling that this time, he really lost her.

He was afraid, that kind of fear came out from the bottom of his heart, making him helpless and desperate.

He didn't want to let go, but he had to let go because she threatened to die.

He knows better than anyone else how strong her temper is. He knows that she can definitely do what she says.

How dare he bet on her life and death?

How dare you?

Leaning heavily on the back of the chair behind him, Su Mo closed his eyes, his heart hurting beyond measure.

At this time, the night suddenly boiled up, and he was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, and listened quietly, it seemed to be the sound of fighting.

Suzi has something to do today, just change it, but it’s only four thousand, okay~~
Thank you [xiaoyudiangood], [suzhouzlj] dear Huahua~~Suziji froze to death, I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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