after losing heart

Chapter 207 [232] Besieged

Chapter 207 [232] Besieged

At this time, the night suddenly boiled up, and he was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, and listened quietly, it seemed to be the sound of fighting.


how come?
No one knows the position of the main rudder, and it is also impossible for ordinary people to enter?
Quickly got up, broke through the door, and the voice outside became clearer.

He narrowed his eyes, and wanted to follow the sound away, but suddenly remembered that he was still Su Mo's face, and turned back again.

Yun Kou was walking out of the room holding a mask, when she saw him, she came up to meet him, her brows and eyes were full of worry, "Shen, I was just about to find you, it seems that someone raided the Heisha Gate."

Su Mo's face was condensed, his thin lips were tightly pressed, he did not speak, took the mask from her hand and put it on his face.

"This location has always been hidden, why is there someone..."

Yun Kou's words stopped there, Su Mo glanced at her, raised his hand and quickly tied the string of the mask behind his head.

What she meant, he understood that someone must be causing trouble.

who can that be?

Definitely not Qiancheng, he believed.

Suddenly a figure jumped into my mind, and an answer surfaced.

He narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, turned his head, and said to Yun Kou: "I'll go ahead and have a look, you leave here first."

"No, I want to be with you!" Yun Kou followed closely.

Su Mo frowned deeply, sighed and stopped in his tracks, "Your status is not suitable for showing up now, be obedient, get out of here quickly!"

obedient?Get out of here soon?

No one knew Yun Kou's mood at this time, the mood filled with ecstasy.

She stared blankly at Su Mochen, her eyes a little wet, "Shen, are you worried about me? You..."

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly lightened up, and the world spun for a while. Su Mochen rolled her up into the air, and then, there was a loud noise, dust and sand filled the sky, and gravel flew...

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Su Mochen led her down lightly.

The place where the two were standing just now was already a mess.

Su Mochen's face became more and more ugly, but he also confirmed his thoughts even more.

Yun Kou looked at the crushed stones and trees, and was a little shocked. What kind of weapon is this powerful?

At this time, the right envoy of Heisha clutched his chest, staggered, and came in a hurry. The bright red blood flowed from his fingers and meandered all over the ground, "Master, we...we are besieged..."

Su Mo frowned slightly, but asked another question, "Did you send it out?"

"It was sent out. But not long after it was sent out, many people rushed into the main rudder, could it be..."

Before the right envoy finished speaking, Su Mo interrupted in a deep voice, "I'll go ahead and take a look, you take her away first."

He pointed to Yun Kou.

"No, I'm not leaving!" Yun Kou said firmly.

Su Mochen suddenly reached out to touch her shoulder, Yun Kou was startled, and before she had time to avoid it, she couldn't move anymore.

He even tapped her acupoint.

"Shen..." She frowned, helplessly worrying in her heart, but she couldn't move at all, she could only look at Su Mochen with her eyes open.

"Take her away!"

After Su Mo finished speaking in a deep voice, he tiptoed and flew up. After a while, he disappeared.

The sound of cannons raged, and the houses were left in ruins in an instant.

Bunches of torches seem to be igniting this side of the sky.

On the small hill in the distance, someone seems to be directing, and the rain of swords wrapped in flames roars.

It was a massacre, the eyes were full of blood, and only bright colors could be seen.

No one knew what happened that night, only heard that the blood stained most of the sky red, and the screams could be heard several miles away.

It was also heard that there was a man wearing an iron mask, like Shura from hell, holding a silver sword, who became mad and turned into a demon in the midst of the artillery fire, his eyes were red from killing.

These are all rumors in the rivers and lakes, and it is unknown exactly what happened.

However, the next day, someone discovered that there was a valley in the oasis, which was razed to the ground overnight. What was even more shocking was that there was blood everywhere on the ground, and the blood flowed into a river.

It's just that there is no corpse, which has obviously been disposed of.

Judging from the wreckage and ruins at the scene, this valley should be the legendary Heishamen main rudder.

Qiancheng slowly opened his heavy eyelids, and found himself lying in a small space with his body shaking slightly.

Her consciousness was a little chaotic, and it took her a long time to react before she realized that she was in a carriage.

"woke up?"

She was taken aback, and when she turned her eyes, she saw Su Mofeng's handsome face, he was smiling like the spring breeze in April, or the morning light in May.

Qiancheng was stunned, she remembered that when she came out from the main rudder of Heishamen, Su Mofeng had been waiting outside.

Strange to say, when she went in, she felt that the eighteen-bend and nine-linked self must not know the way, but she did not expect to let her out.

At that time, she only held on with one breath, but when she saw Su Mofeng anxiously wandering outside, she couldn't hold on any longer, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

"Where are we going?" She frowned, sat up with her body propped up, her head hurt a little.

Su Mofeng pulled up the cloak and covered her, "Go back to the palace and send the warm alkaline water to the emperor!"

Warm alkaline water?
Qiancheng was startled, and raised his eyes in astonishment.

She remembered that Su Mochen gave her a bag of warm alkaline water which she put in the wing room, but she didn't bring it out when she left.

"Where did you get the warm alkaline water?"

Su Mofeng was taken aback, "The man who came out after you gave it to me!"

Follow her?
"What man?" Is it Su Mochen?

"I don't know! Anyway, he's from Heishamen."

"Oh," Qiancheng was a little dazed, Su Mochen sent someone to follow her?Why?Are you worried about her?Worried about her?
"What's wrong?" Seeing her pale face and misty eyes, Su Mofeng couldn't help asking.

In fact, he was even more curious about what the head of the Heisha sect did to this woman. He passed out immediately after letting her come out, and now he looked like he had been robbed of his soul and was in a daze.

Qiancheng remained silent, immersed in his own emotions.

Su Mofeng yelled twice more, "Qiancheng." She regained consciousness in a trance, looked at him, and tried to smile, "It's nothing."

This man must not be allowed to know that Su Mochen is the head of the Heisha Sect.

"By the way, we won't be able to take a carriage when we cross the desert later, right?" She quietly avoided the topic.

Su Mofeng smiled lightly, "We have already crossed the desert."

"Passing the desert?" Qiancheng was shocked, unbelievable, and raised his hand to lift the window curtain of the carriage. Sure enough, there was a lot of traffic and people outside, which was clearly a bustling city.

Slightly raising her eyebrows, she asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days!" Su Mo replied calmly, took the water bag behind him, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her, "Drink some water, and find a restaurant to eat later, you haven't eaten for three days gone."

three days?

No sickness or pain, just sleep for three days after some stimulation?
When did you become so squeamish?

However, she didn't think too much, because Su Mofeng asked another very realistic question.

"Back to the capital, shall I send you directly to the General's Mansion, or to the Fourth Prince's Mansion?"

General's mansion?Four Palaces?
She thought about it and smiled wryly.

She discovered that the world is so big that there is no room for her.

She definitely won't go back to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, but she doesn't want to go back to the General's Mansion either. She has already implicated the General's Mansion too much. Besides, she has a feeling that Su Mochen will not let her go so easily, absolutely not. meeting.

So, she wanted to go, far away.

"Can you not return to any house?" She raised her eyes in a daze and asked quietly.

Su Mofeng was startled, and looked at her suspiciously. Although she didn't know what happened between her and Su Mochen, and although she had disguised herself well, who was she? She was his Qiancheng. How could he not see her suffering and her pain.

Even if she doesn't tell and he doesn't ask, he still knows.

For a moment, he felt a great pain in his heart. He couldn't help stretching out his hand and pulled her into his arms. He pressed his warm lips to her ear and murmured: "Qiancheng, I'll take you away, I'll take you away, I'll take you away!" To see Yanyu Jiangnan, I will take you to see Yinxue Tianshan, okay?"

Thank you [717 Xiaoyu] for your purse~~Thank you [qxdlj-008277] for your Huahua~~~ Are you group, are you crazy~~~
(End of this chapter)

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