after losing heart

Chapter 208 [234] Almost Sure

Chapter 208 [234] Almost Sure

When Concubine Liang stepped into Yunxuan Pavilion with a dark face, Yang Hen had just cleaned up the room and lit the stove, and the man was still meditating there.

Yang Hen thought, this woman has many eyes and ears, she must have known about the chief rudder, otherwise, she would not show up in broad daylight.

Frowning, he bowed to the woman and backed out.

There were only mother and son left in the room, and it became quiet all of a sudden.

Concubine Liang stepped forward without any explanation, raised her hand and slapped Su Mochen hard on the face, but Su Mochen did not hide, and even raised his face slightly to accept her slap.

Originally, he was weak, but Concubine Liang used brute force again to slap her down. Su Mochen was almost unable to sit still. He insisted on restraining himself. A fishy sweetness escaped from the corner of his lips. He raised his hand and ignored it. .

"Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied now?" Concubine Liang shook his body, her eyes were scarlet, and roared, she was so excited that she couldn't hold back, "Years of hard work were ruined, are you satisfied now?"

Su Mochen didn't say a word, and let her shake. The wound that had just been bandaged was torn, and he didn't know the pain, so he just sat there numbly, expressionless.

Perhaps it was because she was really angry and hated, and perhaps Su Mochen's behavior aroused Concubine Liang's anger even more. Concubine Liang suddenly raised her foot and kicked Su Mochen's heart, "You unworthy thing !"

Su Mochen finally couldn't hold on any longer, fell off the low couch with a muffled groan, and fell to the ground, a fishy sweetness rushed from his stomach to his throat, the itching in his throat was unbearable, he opened his mouth, a gust of blood flowed It spewed out and splashed on the rich futon on the ground, bright red.

He raised his hand again to wipe the blood foam from the corner of his lips, slowly sat up from the ground, closed his eyes, and adjusted his internal breath.

Concubine Liang's eyes flickered slightly, her lips were tightly pursed, her chest rose and fell rapidly.

"I said that that woman would only harm you, but you didn't listen! What happened? In the end, thousands of people died at her hands. How can you be worthy of those dead brothers? How can you..."

"It's not her!" Concubine Liang hadn't finished speaking, but Su Mo interrupted in a deep voice, "It's not Qiancheng!"

He opened his eyes and looked at her with determination.

"It wasn't her?" Concubine Liang was furious, trembling violently, "You are still obsessed with your obsession, and you are still arguing for her! Don't think I don't know, you brought her into the main helm, didn't you? The chief rudder was wiped out, who else was she? She must have reached an agreement with your father when she was in the prison. Staring covetously, helplessly, afraid of the power of the Black Shamen, and dare not act rashly, now that you have a new type of weapon, and you are led the way by that woman of yours, it is easy and effortless to destroy your main rudder. Say it's not her!"

Su Mo's thin lips pursed into a sneer, "She's not the only one who entered the helm, isn't Yun Kou also at the helm? Why didn't the concubine say it was her?"

Concubine Liang was shocked, and looked at him in disbelief, as if she didn't know him.

what did he say?He said Yunkou?

That Yun Kou whom he kept at the top of his heart, who was reluctant to let her suffer even a grievance?
"You know that Yun Kou will not betray you!"

Su Mochen smiled indifferently, "This child knows it, but I also know that Qiancheng is not that kind of person. The reason why I said this is that I hope that the mother and concubine will not be prejudiced against Qiancheng, favoring one over another."

Favor one over the other?

Concubine Liang sneered, when could that woman be compared with Yun Kou in this man's heart?Even for that woman, he didn't hesitate to say that about Yun Kou?

"Then if it's not her, then who is it?"

Concubine Liang asked sharply.

Su Mo was silent for a moment, his thin lips parted slightly, and two words escaped, "Third!"

"Su Mofeng?" Concubine Liang was shocked again. In her impression, Su Mofeng didn't look like that kind of person. "How does he know the position of the chief rudder?"

Su Mo didn't make a sound, his thin lips were tightly pressed into a cold straight line, and his big hands in his wide sleeves were clenched into fists. After a long time, he said: "He used Qiancheng."

It was he who was careless.

In fact, that day, after Emperor Wen had a secret conversation with Su Mofeng, he suddenly changed Concubine Li's death to a cold palace, and Su Mofeng's prison to exile, so he should have known.

Even Yang Hen thought of whether there would be any exchange terms between Su Mofeng and Emperor Wen, but he didn't take it to heart.

After all, he was the one who killed Heishamen, and he was the one who killed the good brothers who swore to follow him to the death.

What made him even more distressed was that Su Mofeng took advantage of Qiancheng, but he actually sent Qiancheng back to Su Mofeng's side.

As soon as he thought of this, he wished he could find Su Mofeng immediately and tear him into pieces.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Concubine Liang said in a deep voice.

Although the sub-rudders of the Heishamen are still there, the destruction of the main helm has directly hurt their power, because the backbone is on the main helm, and if they want to rebuild, it will not happen overnight.

Su Mochen narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a long silence, he firmly escaped, "Reverse!"

Concubine Liang was startled, and soon, she was overjoyed again, she had waited for this day for too long, before she made him turn against him, he always had such and such reasons, now hearing him say it himself, how could she not be excited?
It's just that now their strength has lost the capital to compete with the imperial court.

"How sure is Shen'er?"

Su Mochen smiled slightly, because of her "Shen'er" voice, it was the first time she used these two words since she entered the door, after hearing him contradict.

"Not at all."

"Is everything complete?" Concubine Liang frowned, a little annoyed, "Then you're going against it?"

A complicated gleam flashed across the bottom of his eyes, and the smile on Su Mochen's lips remained undiminished, "I'm waiting for an opportunity!"

*************Even the tangled dividing line************
Dragon Palace

Emperor Wen slowly closed the memorial in his hand, lifted the corners of his eyes slightly, and looked at the person kneeling in front of the hall, a gleam of light flashed across his dark eyes.

"Ranfei, this round of encirclement and suppression of Heisha Gate chief rudder, you did a good job!"

Ran Fei was dressed in armor, and he was dusty, he nodded slightly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment!"

Emperor Wen smiled, stood up from the dragon seat, walked slowly in front of Ranfei, and helped him up, "Do you know? For so many years, the Heisha Gate has always been a heart problem for me, although they didn't follow them openly. The imperial court is an enemy, but they are getting bigger and bigger, which is always a threat to the imperial court. Moreover, some time ago, they openly came to the palace to steal my relics. Let it go, this time, you helped me vent my anger, and I will reward you! Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Ran Fei clasped his fists, bowed slightly, and frowned slightly in a direction that Emperor Wen couldn't see, "It is the duty of a subject to share the emperor's worries! Besides, if the third prince hadn't been exploring the way in front of this encirclement, the subject would have It won’t be so smooth, I dare not take credit for it alone.”

Emperor Wen's eyes flickered slightly, "The third prince didn't notice that you were following him, did he?"

Ranfei shook his head, "No!"

Emperor Wen let out a sigh of relief, "That's good!"

"I have a request!" Ran Feifu knelt on the ground again.

Emperor Wen was taken aback, "Say!"

"I don't want any rewards, and I ask the emperor not to let people know that this encirclement was done by the minister."

"Why?" Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes, and his sharp gaze hit him on the face probing, "Afraid that the remnants of the black evil sect will seek revenge?"

Ranfei lowered his head slightly, noncommittal.

Afraid of seeking revenge?
Thinking that he spent half his life as a soldier and injured more than tens of millions of people, and the thousands of people in Heishamen are nothing at all. How often is he worried about people seeking revenge?
What he is afraid of is a person, the person he holds in the palm of his hand.

He also followed Su Mofeng to know that Su Mofeng followed his daughter Qiancheng, and it was Qiancheng who entered the helm of Heishamen.

In other words, he didn't use Su Mofeng, but Qiancheng.

If one day, Qiancheng knew that his father did all of this, he dared not think about how he would react.

Seeing that he was silent, Emperor Wen sneered, "When did our General Ran become so timid?"

Ranfei was slightly startled, thought for a while and said: "Because today is different from the past, now that the Ran family army is gone, and the minister is alone, it is inevitable to have this worry."

"You want to regain your military power?" Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes.

"I dare not!"

I'm so sorry, today there are only two birds, and they have become legendary plain birds, o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Qiqinglei] for the monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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