after losing heart

Chapter 210 [236] You are happy

Chapter 210 [236] You are happy

On the bed, Qiancheng was half leaning on the soft pillow, with a pale face and slightly panting.

I don't know if it's because I'm not acclimatized, or if I've eaten too much, but I didn't eat much, but I vomited up.

Su Mofeng sat on the edge of the bed, his slender fingers lightly landed on her wrist, and focused on feeling her pulse.

She stared at him.

After this period of time, she knew that she must have lost a memory, as if she didn't remember anyone in this world, only the man in front of her.

This handsome man.

This man was so good to her.

She thought, the relationship between him and her should be unusual, otherwise, why did she forget a lot of things, but knew that he was the third prince and her brother Feng, and they still lived together.

The hand on her wrist trembled suddenly, and she saw Su Mofeng's eyes narrowed, with a slightly startled expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked suspiciously.

Shouldn't there be some serious illness?

Su Mofeng didn't answer, and probed again intently. After exploring for a long time, he finally raised his eyes to look at her with complicated eyes.

Qiancheng was shocked by his solemn expression, "What's wrong? Don't scare me!"

Su Mofeng looked at her blankly, and said in a trance, "You are happy!"

Like thunder on the ground, it exploded in my ears.

Qiancheng was startled, thinking that he had heard wrong.

Dong'er on the side jumped up for joy, and kept congratulating, "Congratulations to the third master, congratulations to the madam!"



Qiancheng didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and suddenly thought of a question in the confusion of his mind, and asked Su Mofeng directly, "By the way, are we married?"

How can you live together if you are not married?
If you are married, why don't you sleep in the same bed?

How can there be children if there is no bed to sleep in?
Well, her world is completely messed up.

"Brother Feng, are we married? What did I forget?" Seeing Su Mofeng's silence, Qiancheng was going crazy.

Su Mofeng lowered his eyes and smiled, his long eyelashes concealed the loneliness in his eyes, and after a moment of silence, Fang raised his head, his black eyes staring deeply at her, wrapping her small hands with his warm and dry palms, "Qiancheng, forget about it!" They are all unimportant, the important thing is that we are together, you should have a good rest first, I will prescribe a prescription to prevent miscarriage, and ask Donger to grab some medicine and come back."

While speaking, she stood up, raised her hand to tuck the quilt on her body, and then turned to leave. In a direction that Qiancheng and Dong'er couldn't see, her eyes were full of pain.

Hearing that they were going to fetch medicine, Dong'er also went out together.

Leaving Qiancheng sitting there alone is a bit dazed, what is forgotten is not important, the important thing is that we are together?
Then when did the two of them do those things, when did they have a child, she also forgot, isn't that important?

Depressed and tangled in my heart, but there was nothing I could do.

Raising his hand to touch his flat belly, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, some of which were shock, fear, worry, and of course, joy.

Child, she actually has a child.

However, looking at Su Mofeng's reaction just now, it seems that he is not so happy...

Dong'er stood beside the desk.

Su Mofeng splashed ink and swiped the pen, blindly writing down the name of the medicine.

As the black words fluttered across the paper, he only felt a heart that was pulled together in pain.

She had a child, and had a child again, but it was still not his.

To be honest, it happened so suddenly that he felt caught off guard.

He knew that if he had a child with that man, he would inevitably be involved with that man, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

However, he also knew that he would never hurt the child.

Because the child is hers, the woman he loves.

Even if the child's father is not himself, but he loves her, he must love her child, no?

Dong'er on the side looked at the man suspiciously, and watched the man standing there with a brush in his hand, with a serious face and misty eyes, and stood quietly for a long time.

It wasn't until she called softly, "Third Master", that Su Mofeng came back to his senses, put the brush on the inkstone, gently folded up the prescription, and handed it to her.

The two carriages drove out slowly from the gate of the palace, and the guards at the gate interrogated him. Eunuch Li showed his face and waved the token of Emperor Wen in his hand, and the guards retreated respectfully one by one.

Inside the carriage, Emperor Wen slightly closed his eyes, resting his mind while Mei Ping sat on the side, raising his eyes to secretly look at the man.

I don't know if beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She feels that the years don't seem to have left too many traces on this man. Compared with the glance more than 20 years ago, it seems that there are more calm and introverted things.

Today, he is wearing a soft crescent robe, his black hair is tied high with a headband of the same color, and the rest hangs lightly behind his head. Compared with the majesty and indifference of his bright yellow clothes on weekdays, he is much more elegant and elegant, and as gentle as jade A lot, it gave her the illusion that he was just an ordinary man at this time, the husband of an ordinary family, taking his wife out to play.

To be honest, for so many years, she has built a strong heart, but it's just her own knot, and he is also indifferent, and rarely takes the initiative to find her, so the two of them get along like plain water.

In fact, at this moment, only she knows how happy and satisfied she is.

Until the moment she got into the carriage, she even wondered if it was true?
Did he really abandon Jiangshan Sheji and take her to Jiangnan just because of her homesickness?

Or is Jiangnan the hometown of the woman in his heart, and there are people and things he misses there?

Thinking of Concubine Liang, she felt a little bitter, she thought, how strong is this man's hatred for so many years, how strong was his love back then?

Her heart throbbed with pain, she frowned slightly, and the moment she lowered her eyes, the man just opened his eyes, looked at her, looked at her dejection, she raised her eyes again, and the two met each other.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she quickly looked away.

There was a man's low laughter next to his ears, as if he was pleased by her appearance, the man grabbed her with a big hand, pulled her into his arms, and jokingly said, "Ping'er is peeking at me?"

She is clearly middle-aged, she has already passed the romantic age, but Mei Ping still blushes like a girl who sympathizes with Dou Chukai.

Falling into his arms, the familiar ambergris entered her nostrils, she suddenly remembered that on the bridge that day, she was embraced by him like this, he couldn't see her eyes, but could feel her looking at him, he asked, "Does it look good?"


I thought that the people of these years are as pale as chrysanthemums, and these things have already gone with the wind. It turns out that they are just dusty somewhere in my heart. Once they are opened, they will be out of control, so clear.

"Where does Ping'er want to go in the south of the Yangtze River?" The man asked softly with his warm lips against her ear.

His breath was scorching hot, gushing in his ears, a little itchy, Mei Ping shrank her neck lightly, and said with a smile: "Zhouzhuang."

She clearly felt the man's body stiffen, and after a moment of silence, she heard his voice: "Are you from her hometown?"

Mei Ping was startled, she knew who she was referring to, and her heart was suffocated again.

It's not Concubine Liang, but her.

Only those who have been lingering in their hearts will blurt out this word, right?

All the warmth disappeared in an instant. She smiled bitterly and said "um".

Because they are traveling in micro-clothes, they are very low-key and keep everything simple. They brought Li Gao, Eunuch Li, Concubine Mei's attendant, Xiangcao, and two inner guards. There are six people in total, and there is no one in the court. Knowing this, I only heard that the emperor occasionally felt cold and was recuperating, and he will not go to court for a few days.

Four Princes' Mansion

When Yang Hen stepped into the Yunxuan Pavilion, Su Mochen was watching a portrait motionless on the edge of the desk, and he didn't even notice when he came close.

Yang Hen took a bold look, and it turned out to be a portrait of this man and Qiancheng, because he didn't see it clearly, he only saw that they seemed to be under some kind of flower, and the two were acting intimately.

He wanted to look again, but Su Mochen suddenly raised his hand and folded it.

"Is there something wrong?" Su Mo slowly folded up the portrait and put it in the skirt, and looked at him calmly.

Yang Hen was a little embarrassed, thought for a while and said: "The girl brought a letter saying that Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei went to Jiangnan secretly, and our people also saw the Third Prince and Qian... Master Qian in Jiangnan."

Su Mo's eyes narrowed, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Get ready, follow me to Jiangnan tomorrow!"

"But, Grandpa's injury..."

"No problem!"

As all the smart parents said, Qiancheng is pregnant, but there is a baby. Many parents say that they can't keep it, but Suzi wants to say, Suzi has always been her real mother, Yuanfang, what do you think?
Thank you [mali8008] dear Huahua~~Thank you [Spiritual Paradise] dear, [Princess Baby] dear, [guaiwusa] dear monthly pass~~~ I love you so much, ouch
(End of this chapter)

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