after losing heart

Chapter 211 [238] Who is he

Chapter 211 [238] Who is he
Fire, fire everywhere, blazing fire.

With the power to destroy everything, the red flames dyed most of the sky.

There is no way out.

Taking a step forward, a beam like a fire dragon fell down and hit her feet, igniting her trousers.

Taking a step back, a crackling and burning door panel fell down and hit her back, causing her back to be excruciatingly painful.

Can't move, can't escape!
Everywhere is fire, all-consuming fire
"Ah—help—" A shrill cry pierced the quiet night, and Mei Ping suddenly sat up, sweating profusely.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Emperor Wen put down the cinnabar pen in his hand, got up from the table, walked to the side of the bed, and hugged her into his arms.

Mei Ping opened her eyes, startled and frightened, her body trembling non-stop, staring at Emperor Wen in a daze, it took her a long time to recover, her nose soured, and she buried her face in his generous chest, "Your Majesty!"

In the eyes of Emperor Wen, she has always been indifferent and cold. Sometimes even if he takes the initiative, she is neither salty nor light, neither resisting nor resisting. , stroking her back with big palms, comforting her softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Mei Ping nodded meekly, her heart slowly settled down.

"Why do you still have nightmares when you return to your hometown? It should be a good dream!" Emperor Wen joked.


Mei Ping smiled wryly, this is the nightmare of her whole life.

Here, her child was taken away, and here, she almost died in the sea of ​​fire. How could she have a sweet dream?
Seeing that she was silent, Emperor Wen thought she was still in shock, bent his lips and said, "Why don't I sleep with you!"

With a pale face, Mei Ping looked at the mountain of memorials on the table and muttered, "Have you finished approving the emperor's memorial?"

I have to admit that this man is indeed a good emperor. When he was away from home, he asked the imperial guards to send the memorials to him for review every day, and he approved a batch very late, sometimes at dawn.

"Not yet!" Emperor Wen also glanced at the memorial on the table.

"Then please continue, Your Majesty! This concubine knows that His Majesty never keeps overnight performances..."

"But I want to make an exception for Ping'er!" Emperor Wen said with a light smile on his lips, taking off his outer robe, throwing off the quilt, lying down, wrapping her body in his arms.

"Sleep!" He pressed his warm lips against her ear, and he whispered softly, "I'm here!"

Familiar temperature, familiar breath, familiar posture, at that moment, Mei Ping wanted to cry.

She remembered that night, the first winter night between the two of them, it was also so cold, he also got into her bed like this, held her in his arms, and said in his ear, wait for me, I Will marry you to be the most honorable woman in the world.

"Your Majesty, why are you so kind to my concubine?" Mei Ping gently raised her head in his arms, looking at him quietly with watery eyes.

In fact, what she wants to ask is, why is she being treated so well now?

After more than 20 years of being calm, she has long been used to it. The pampering these days gave her the illusion that she was dreaming.

Emperor Wen sighed softly, raised his hand to gently hold her face, "Because, because I don't have much to lose..."

Mei Ping was slightly taken aback, but quickly understood what he meant.

First there was Concubine Liang's betrayal, and then there was Concubine Li's frame-up. The former was already dead, and the latter was almost dead.

Although there are still many women in the harem, his two favorites are gone, right?

She lowered her eyelids and suppressed the emotions in her eyes. Concubine Mei couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, but felt her heart hurt and astringent.

The painful thing is that she saw the loneliness from this emperor who owns the whole world, that kind of strong loneliness of one person, it was for herself, she thought that all the recent things were because he loved her from the bottom of his heart, It turned out that it was just a bit of solace he sought in the years when he was at a high place.

If they were still there, she must not be the one standing beside him, right?

Just as he was thinking about something on his mind, suddenly his lips pressed hard, and the aura belonging to this man swept over him overwhelmingly.

Mei Ping opened her eyes, a little at a loss.

For this man's kiss, she was eager, but also resisted, because there were too many high walls in her heart that had been frozen for too long, with love and hatred.

As if aware of her sway, the man rolls over and pins her under him, deepening the kiss.

A night of bliss.

For the first time, she didn't take the child-avoiding medicine afterwards, and she didn't think about taking it.

Medicine, in fact, she brought it.

Ever since they had fourteen, the two of them didn't have much love at first. After each love, she would let herself take medicine to prevent her from getting pregnant.

Of course, this man will not know about these.

The man seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but she was actually very tired, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

The two faced each other sincerely, and she nestled in his arms. Except for that winter night more than 20 years ago, she felt that he was so close to her for the first time, whether it was in body or heart.

He raised his hand to gently caress the man's eyebrows, which were thick and dense, heroic, as beautiful as when they first met.

I still remember that the man left the next morning after that winter night, and he asked her to wait for him.

She waited.

She has a child, and she waits with the child in her womb.

Day after day, he didn't come, but someone who wanted to kill her came.

If it wasn't for her neighbor, her good friend Chen Zhu'er to save her, she would have died long ago, how could there be today's Concubine Mei and today's Fourth Prince Su Mochen?

Your majesty, even if you don't love me, even if you can't let me into the palace, you shouldn't kill me. How can you be so cruel to a woman who gave her body and mind to you?
After the snow, it was sunny and the sun was just right.

Qiancheng walks boredly on the streets of Jiangnan town, looking east and west, and the warm winter sun lazily hits his body, making him feel comfortable and comfortable.

Waking up early in the morning, Su Mofeng said that there was something urgent to do, so he went out in a hurry and didn't come back for a long time.

She was so bored by herself, and seeing that the weather was very good, she thought of going to the town for a stroll.

The town is very lively, full of traffic and people coming and going.

There are small stalls on both sides of the road, and there are a variety of things for sale, including everything you need to eat and use, and the cries of small vendors are endless.

Her eyes were attracted by a stall selling baby shoes and clothing.

The stalls are surrounded by all kinds of children's clothes, boys and girls, colorful, and in the middle are all kinds of embroidered shoes, with tiger heads, cat heads, and various animal heads, which are really cute.

She bent her lips, and raised her hand to caress her still flat belly, thinking to herself, she didn't know if it was a man or a woman, so she might as well buy a few sets of each.

Seeing a customer, the hawker smiled and asked her what she wanted.

She looked around for a long time, her eyes were dazzled, and finally, she pointed at a set of bright red jacket and trousers, and was about to say that, but her face suddenly changed.

Through the gap between the clothes hanging on the hanger, you can see a tea stand not far away. At a wooden table outside the tea stand, two men are sitting opposite each other, drinking tea while holding a bowl. Talking in a low voice.

This is not surprising.

Strangely, the back of one of them was inexplicably familiar to her who had no memory.

He is tall and straight, dressed in a purple dress, with white jade hair on the top of his head, and black hair hanging down at the back of his head.

Her pupils shrank.

It's him!

That night when she and Su Mofeng, the person who looked at them coldly appeared in her mind!

Who is he?
Her heart beat wildly for no reason, she was so curious, she pursed her lips and thought for a while, she walked over quietly, stood at a cloth stall next to the tea stall, pretending to choose cloth.

Thank you [Linghu Girl], [wangke-aiko], [angie2000], [Moonlight Kitten], [zhengyajing], [Lin Mumu 1], [Worry-free Me], [andrew -anning】Dear,【Tiffany-lai】Dear monthly pass~~
Thank you [Watermelon Granny], [mali8008] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Moonlight Kitten] for your purse~~ Dear friends, come here~~
(End of this chapter)

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