after losing heart

Chapter 212 [239] Killing

Chapter 212 [239] Killing
"Third brother is going to see the emperor?" Bai Bi picked up the tea bowl on the table with his slender fingers and took a sip. Su Mo raised his eyebrows lightly and asked Yang Hen who was sitting opposite.

"Yeah!" Yang Hen nodded, "Our people said that the emperor made an appointment, and we will meet at Shuangqiao in an hour's time!"

Double bridge?

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly put down the tea bowl in his hand. He only heard from the people below that he saw Su Mofeng and Qiancheng in the south of the Yangtze River, but he didn't know the exact location. In the past few days, he also searched for many places and searched everywhere. Can't find it.

Now, Su Mofeng is going to see Emperor Wen?
An emperor who was playing around, and a prince who was exiled, the two met?

Su Mo's eyes as dark as stones slowly narrowed, and a cold light flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes.

"Is the news reliable?" He asked in a deep voice.

Yang Hen thought for a while and said, "It should be reliable!"

Su Mo remained silent, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were deep and distant, as if he was in deep thought.

"What is fourth master going to do?" Following this man for so many years, Yang Hen knew very well that he must have a plan in his heart.

Su Mo smiled coldly, and a word escaped from his thin lips, "Kill!"


Yang Hen was startled, and on second thought, it was actually expected.

It was because of Su Mofeng that the chief rudder of the Heisha Gate was destroyed, and this man suffered such a serious setback!
Thousands of human lives, blood debts.

Su Mo Shen this person.

He understands that even though he is tolerant in normal times, it is because of his meticulous and cautious mind, but he is actually an extremely ruthless person who will take revenge.


After all, Su Mofeng is his elder brother.

"Let the subordinates complete this task!" Yang Hen raised his eyes and looked at him firmly.

Since this man rescued him from robbers more than ten years ago, he has made up his mind to follow this man to the death.

Since there are some things that are inconvenient for him, and some people that he can't help, then he will do it for him.

Seeing that the man was silent, he added, "This subordinate must complete the task!"

"No!" Su Mochen looked up at him with a stern expression, "I want to kill Su Mofeng with my own hands, I want to kill him as Sikong Wei, and I want to kill him in front of Emperor Wen!"

He killed thousands of his brothers and took advantage of his women. This revenge must be avenged.

Isn't it collusion between father and son?Didn't the father and son reach an agreement?
Since father and son are of the same heart, I want to see how the father reacts when he sees the son paying the price for everything he has done.
"Then... what is this subordinate going to do?" Knowing that he is a man of one word, Yang Hen didn't say much.

"You don't have to do anything, just wait for me!"

"Hey, girl, hello, why did you leave? After looking at it for a long time, you didn't even buy anything. You did it on purpose, didn't you? Hey... who is it? Don't look at it if you don't have money, and don't buy anything after looking at it for a long time. Is it funny?"

The dissatisfied complaints of the peddlers next to him suddenly sounded.

Su Mochen followed the sound and looked sideways indifferently, taking a normal glance, but after only one glance, he completely forgot to breathe.

I saw a woman leaving in a hurry from a nearby cloth stall. The woman was wearing a double-breasted skirt and a pink jacket. Her head was full of black silk coiled into a loose bun, and only a double butterfly was inserted obliquely in the bun. The nobile hair accessories, under the sun, glowed with a dazzling metallic luster.

The woman's footsteps are in a hurry, her skirt is slightly swaying, that slender back, that graceful figure, so familiar!

If it's not his Thousand Cities, then who else?

"Qiancheng!" His heart was beating wildly, he jumped up suddenly, and strode after him.

Yang Hen next to him didn't recover for a long time.

There were many pedestrians on the road, bustling and bustling. The woman had already walked a long distance, but she walked extremely fast. She shuttled through the crowd a few times, turned a few corners, and disappeared.

Su Mochen still didn't give up, calling her name while eagerly looking for her.

Women in pink walked by from time to time, Su Mochen didn't care, stretched out his hand to grab them one by one, and turned them over to look.

No, no, neither!
Could it be that I was dazzled by my own eyes?

Do not!It must be her!

It's just that she doesn't want to see him!

He hurt her so deeply, and walked so resolutely that day, even took away the only piece of jade that was given to him cruelly, how could he come out to see him now?
Yang Hen saw Su Mochen standing in the middle of the street, looking around blankly like a man who had lost his soul, with his brows folded together, he got up and walked over.

"Grandpa... the time is coming!"

Mei Ping looked at the blue stone bridge in front of her and was completely shocked, she couldn't move any more.

Double bridge?

Today Emperor Wen said to take her to a place, but she never thought it would be here.

On this bluestone bridge, she has her best memories.

Her encounter with him.

That glance of ten thousand years starts from here.

With her heart beating uncontrollably, she turned her eyes to look at the man next to her in a daze.

"What? Ping'er is not feeling well?" Emperor Wen slightly turned his head and asked softly.

It took a long time before she found her voice, "No."

"Then let's go to the bridge and have a look!" Emperor Wen curled his lips, and his black eyes were full of brilliance.

She heard herself say, "Good!"

She and Emperor Wen walked in front, and Eunuch Li and Xiang Cao followed closely behind.

They climb up the stairs.

People come and go on the bridge.

The bridge is still the same bridge, and the bluestone is also the bluestone of that year, but today the sun is shining brightly, without the thin ice and snow of that year.

Mei Ping bent her lips. Actually, so what?People are no longer!

Emperor Wen stood still on the bridge, with his hands behind his back, his black eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the distant scenery, motionless, as if he was remembering something, or paying tribute to something.

Mei Ping looked at him from behind him, seeing his black hair being blown by the river wind and his white clothes fluttering.

It was like turning back time and returning to the afternoon of that day.

He is still him, and she is still her.

At this moment, she suddenly had an impulse, an impulse to ask him to understand.

"Your Majesty!" She stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

Emperor Wen slowly withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at her, and his eyes met. She was about to speak, but was interrupted softly by Eunuch Li, "Your Majesty, the third prince is here."

Mei Ping was startled, and together with Emperor Wen, followed Eunuch Li's gaze, and saw Su Mofeng coming from afar.

He is also dressed in white clothes that are more snowy, and he walks lightly, walking under the warm golden sun, as graceful as a fairy.

Seemingly seeing them too, he bent his lips slightly, lifted the corner of his robe lightly, and quickly walked up the steps.

On the other side of the bridge, a black figure stood quietly, looking at this side from a distance, for a moment, there was an endless stream of people coming and going around him.

The black figure held a long sword at his waist, with an iron face like ice, and a pair of cold eyes under the iron face were as cold as frost in the twelfth lunar month, without a trace of warmth.

This person is Su Mochen.

He squinted his eyes, looked at Emperor Wen, and then at the white-clothed figure climbing up the steps. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he grabbed the scabbard at his waist with his big hand. The long sword flew out. He tiptoed and jumped up. , firmly connected the hilt of the long sword in his hand, and flew across the wide river, like an agile swallow, the long sword in his hand had a dazzling cold light, and stabbed straight at Su Mofeng.

Emperor Wen, the others and Su Mofeng were all focused on each other, and there were so many noises on the street, no one noticed Su Mochen at all, and his movements were so fast, it seemed that it was only for a split second, and no one had time to react .

Seeing that the tip of the long sword was about to pierce Su Mofeng's chest fiercely, suddenly, a female voice sounded anxiously: "Brother Feng——"

So familiar!

Then, a woman in a pink hairpin skirt appeared in sight, panting and grabbing the corner of Su Mofeng's robe.

Thousand cities!

Su Mo's heart trembled, and his face changed drastically. It was too late to stop, so he had to use all his strength, turned his wrist suddenly, temporarily changed the direction of the long sword, and stabbed at the gap beside Su Mofeng.

"Brother Feng, someone wants to kill you!"

As soon as the woman's anxious words fell, Su Mochen had already landed on the bridge following inertia, and everyone also reacted at the same time.

All of them changed their faces.

Two Ouchi imperial guards hidden in the crowd flew up with weapons in their hands, and attacked Su Mochen directly.

"A Thousand Cities..."

Before Su Mochen had time to speak, two guards were already in front of him, so he had no choice but to resist with his sword.

Suddenly, there was chaos on the bridge, passers-by fled in a panic, screams, the sound of weapons being handed over, and various sounds...

Thank you [雨点儿jesuis], [fcmwyf] for the monthly pass~~~ Suzi burst into tears, what~~
(End of this chapter)

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